v1.3.X Patches

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Dec 16, 2020.

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  1. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    See post #100.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  2. Act

    Act Lieutenant

    May 24, 2020
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    Hi all,

    Thank you again to the Devs for the hours of fun spent on this awesome and exciting game ... and happy xmas to you and the whole community!

    Can we hope an update that would correct the missing faction / reputation issue?
    This without having to go "discover" a new POI of the factions with which we are already in contact?
    What is the interest and meaning of this process for the games in progress?
    Was there technical reason why not taking active players into account and not wipe out known factions data in the UI, especially when it's not a major update that involves restarting a game?

    I guess the Devs know where they are going, but for some time now seems hard figuring out the goals and priorities. We have more beautiful planetary rings, the possibility of integrating images or video (decal), etc ... but still no possibility of kneeling for example, ultra known and annoying bugs remain present ...
    I understand that Devs follow their agenda, less when they seem to ignore certain feature requests or bug fixes that have been so clearly popular with the majority of players for a long time.

    By exemple, it is possible that one or more players asked for this strange idea of having to manually send a radar ping every x seconds (which represents a regression, in the game and in absolute terms, imagine the face of the current fighter pilots if you explained to them that they will now have to "reactivate" their radar every x seconds, also imagine the results;)). But if this demand existed, it was certainly not among the most recurring.

    Lately I have felt that the new game mechanics are more about slowing down the rate of progress than making the game deeper, which, despite appearances, is generally very different. This is only my opinion but since I love this game and play it regularly, these points may be useful.
    Not regullary on forum, better play, but seems this time many threads brings similar points.

    Have nice games!
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
    runlykhel, bcbarnes and Marty like this.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Have base attacks become broken again for anyone with v1.3? I'm getting the issue again where the log says:

    "BA attack: not attacking as there is an ongoing attack (allowed=1, ongoing=1)"

    This is the FIRST base attack my recent fresh start (v1.3.2) so there were no attacks prior to this. I find this issue occurs seemingly randomly every few game starts. It can sometimes be fixed using console commands - essentially cancelling the attack - and hoping the next one works as normal.

    I suspect this issue remains a purely random one, rather than related to a specific update, though things were working fine in the last game I started with v1.2.

    Anyway, Christmas Eve today, so Happy Christmas too all for tomorrow :)

  5. Act

    Act Lieutenant

    May 24, 2020
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    Forgot to mention : not 100% sure it's linked to last update but now, when in a space base and looking true windows (or metal structure), can't see the system star/sun anymore. You can see the "ligth" of the star ligthing the interior of the base true windows but you can't see the sun/star itself.
  6. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Its been like that for ages.
    Ephoie and Germanicus like this.
  7. Act

    Act Lieutenant

    May 24, 2020
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    Hi again,

    Still about the factions/reputation IU issue : went to unexplored systems to find "new" POI of faction I'm already in contact with (this is pathetic as most are in my home system!), was ok about PoL and zirax BUT when di "re-meet/discover" pirates, my reputation to pirate is now "neutral" when I was honored.
    And when i did "discover" a space station of the "Civilians" nothing changed in my faction window...the civilian name/word didn't even appear

    Had almost succeded in my recent objective that was to be honored to all factions exept zirax, then came the faction/reputation "update" (*who*asked for this?!) and my game was again messed up by an unwanted update, which I can't cancel

    This is the thrird time that my game is broken or messed up with "updates" , I know that some players don't care to restart and restart again, some even love that, I don't (at all) . This is why I was so happy to learn that we were now in 1.x version because I belived that Eleon would now care about games in progress.

    And I'm only playing alone survival, those "update" must be real nightmare for shared server...What is it happening? How is it possible such amazing game and genious Dev team can go so wrong? new and bad boss? not enoegh hollydays? bad pay?

    @Khazul: thanks for info but are you 100% sure, I'm quiet sure it was possible to see the sun/star, it was much less bright/luminous but it was there ... now nothing . could someone else confirm? thanks in advance
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The FOW - View for not jet discovered Factions is neither game Breaking nor a 'Brain-Fart' of some Devs. Its a feature that can be found everywhere. Btw., nobody prevents you from starting a new Game;).
    Also, if you think you encountered a Bug for some Faction get the discovered Message but the Faction Screen does not show it - feel free to file a Bug Report:).

    As @Khazul said. Can't remember it was ever in any other way.
    Ephoie likes this.
  9. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    In my opinion, the 'Discovering of factions' before they show up is a great idea, for new games.
    What I would question is, who thought it would be a good idea to roll this change through to existing games, so that you have to re-discover all of them again?
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    This not a question worth to be asked nor to be answered:rolleyes:.

    How often do you have to read the Info that tells you that certain changes in the Game-programming sequence requires a fresh start?
    That there are Players who are glued to their current Game can be seen always and everywhere and can not be excluded from dropping Updates.

    So. If someone like to see the Changes in their full extend its best to start a fresh Game.
    End of Message.;)
    Ephoie likes this.
  11. Here is a better question,
    Don't you think the fact that you were able to resume your old save AT ALL is a good thing?

    Sure, it may have issues, but you weren't absolutely required to start a new game.
    It's a new feature, which means new entries into the save database you didn't have before.
    This means to get those new entries properly you have to properly "discover" the faction again for the game to register them.

    It may not have been possible to do it any other way due to database issues with existing save games.
    The fact that you can still play your old save game at all and still get the new toys is a bonus, IMO.
    Ephoie and Sofianinho like this.
  12. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    And this would have been a wonderful response to my question. That it just wasn't possible with the way the program is.....
  13. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Try different glass / cockpits etc.
  14. Leftcoast

    Leftcoast Lieutenant

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Since the latest patch I started two new single player games to check the new updates. Both have disappeared from my Resume Game area.
    Has any one else had this happen? I started a game I think Friday (12/25), it disappeared then another Saturday (12/26), it is also now gone.

    Edit: Previous creative games are still in my list. In case that is worth note.

    PYROHYDRA Lieutenant

    May 27, 2018
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    I'm sure other people have noticed it before but I keep noticing being able to fly around in my small vessel on planets with no oxygen and it doesn't matter if I have my helmet on or not or if my ship has oxygen on or not. I remember noticing this on occasion for the last few updates...

    When you keep looking at your small vessel the oxygen does slowly go down even when the oxygen is off. Which makes no sense even if its pressurized at first how is your oxygen tank still going down slowly when your oxygen is off, and also turning off your oxygen in your capital vessel that same second it says no oxygen can't breath. I've noticed this same small vessel oxygen bug for a long time maybe a year now its just a little annoying when you like to be immersed in the game it takes you out. It happens in single player and official eleon server

    HV and SV and dont even need to turn on ship just put oxygen in tank and can get inside and take off helmet without even turning the vessel on
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
  16. markoredflag

    markoredflag Commander

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Happy new year :)
    Myrmidon likes this.
  17. Act

    Act Lieutenant

    May 24, 2020
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    Best Wishes too!

    Still about new faction system, did "meet again" POL and Talon (new POI both), had the (ridiculous, as already met them from long) message "you discovered a new faction" > it worked > back in know faction window with reputation score still at honored
    did meet again (new POI + had the message "you discovered a new faction") pirates or civilians > none did appear in faction window when I had already met them before last "update" and had pirates at honored
    did meet Void faction for first time, had the message "you discovered a new faction" but it didn't appears in faction window

    Just after those two last re-meet for nothing my SV had a wierd glytch in a "waystation" landing area and got stuck in. Then decided to stop for a while or more, because this reinforces impression that Eleon forward race (who does not seem to take the demands of the players into account) that leaves so many bugs behind is counterproductive : actually this game is as good (very good) as frustrating (very frustrating and bugged).
    So many possibilities and freedom but way too much time spent in trying to understand where is a problem, to finally find out it's just another and new bug...sad.
    Have nice games.
    Myrmidon likes this.
  18. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Looks like they are looking at the crosshair for 1.4. Great news.

    Edit: Just to add, you can't change the crosshair in Single Player, it will only work in a Custom Scenario.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2021
  19. markoredflag

    markoredflag Commander

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Hello friends, this game is amazing. but, would it be possible to fix god mode? when we fly over a ship, (SV or CV) even when we are 20 or 30 meters high we still hear the sound of footsteps on the structure of the ships, it disturbs, when we want to record panoramic videos flying over the ships, it would be possible to fix this ? thanks.
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You're kidding, right ?
    Germanicus likes this.
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