v1.5.5 Patch

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Aug 4, 2021.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    Here is the changelog for v1.5.5 with some more fixes & changes we have been working on. Have fun and please report bugs and problems as usual - thanks a lot!

    Bugs fixed in the latest experimental version can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/


    Patch: 2021-08-06 v1.5.5 (Build 3444) Please make sure to update the server & client to this build!

    - The Player core can now be placed back on AI vessels that have been stopped

    - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full


    Hotfix: 2021-08-05 v1.5.5 (Build 3443) Please make sure to update the server & client to this build!

    - Blast damage is not working in MP


    Patch: 2021-08-04 v1.5.5 (Build 3442)

    - Updated to unity 2021.1.14
    - Added possibility to mod StackSize
    - Dialogue system: Added "PlayfieldName" to "Player" infos
    - Added Dialogue LocF() function to output variables in loca keys
    - Added information about @p0 parameter to Dialogues-config-and-examples.txt
    - Updated: Arid Starter, Lava, Desert, DesertBurnt (Fixes on POI spawns and some refinements)
    - Updated: Sanctuary (Starter Planet) now has a second exit option when entering the station using the secret entry (and not wanting to kill anyone/damage your reputation)
    - Updated story-related POI: Mining Operations (fixed shortcut issue)
    - Updated story-related POI: Sigma Fulcrum > destroying the core is not necessary anymore for completing the story. The Salurian (Warlord faction) are now a lot more present in all the 'Restricted Access" areas!
    - Updated: Sigma Fulcrum set to COLONIST faction
    - Updated: Waystation in Gas Giant starter orbits set to COLONIST faction
    - Updated some of the loading screen texts
    - Updated: Added info to the "Distraction" Tasks on 'Wins and Losses' mission that only cores destroyed by the player (not by signals or sensors or secondary destruction) does count (technically limitation at the moment)
    - Change: Killing a Pirate now gains +10 reputation with Colonists (before: +5)
    - Change: (accidentally) attacking an NPC does not lead to an instant set-back to Neutral or below anymore. Reputation-loss has slightly increased for that action.
    - Change: Water Purification and Satellite Uplink(2) moved to Colonists spawn group
    - Changed: For balancing/lore reasons, players now start at 0 RP with Kriel and all Zirax Houses (except Abyssal)
    - Updated: UCHHidout playfield now got added the new bp groups and vessels (There is not interaction with UCH yet possible; internal update for later use)
    - Changed: Planet Remnant now Polaris property to avoid "free resources" from the asteroid (Spawns have been adjusted to Alien/Legacy)
    - Changed: Using 'retrieve blocks' on trader NPC now returns Alien NPC Crew instead of Alien Blocks
    - Updated: Civil Main Trading Hub (BAO) adding a subtle "attention" sign in front of the loot container door
    - The "Copy to Selection" option is now changed to "Set Selection to BP Part"
    - TerrainEditor ('te'): preview icons of texture now also show Saturation changes
    - Added possibility to mod tracers
    Added Wastelanders (Warlord): OPVs and Stations ( theScriptHD, Don2k7, Na_Palm)
    - Added ARC (Warlord): OPVs and Stations (Heckendiver, Gogs, Don2k7, Semp__)
    - Added UCH: Trade Station Bravo, Orbital Production (Don2k7)
    - Added Zirax: OPV Xanthidae (light corvette; -AKEVA-BANSHEE- )
    - Added Warlord: BAO Lurak Station (Robot Shark)
    - Added Tresari (Warlord): Last Resort (Escarli)
    - Added Zirax: New set of orbital POI (and replacing old ones) for XENU, GHYST and ZIRAX (vermillion, fractalite)
    - Added Traders Guild: New Trading Station >> Aeon Club (Kaeser)
    - Added/updated Kriel: OPV Overseer T1/2, Beholder T2 (Escarli)
    - Added/Updated Traders Guild: OPV Light, Medium, Heavy, Dreadnought filbertfarmer)
    - Updated: Gas Refineries, Trading Stations, Epsilon Radar Station ( -AKEVA-BANSHEE- )
    - Updated: Tugboats & Colonist Escort Series (Robot Shark)
    - Updated: Tresari Eternal Torment (Escarli), Horizon Outpost (sulusdacor), Sanctuary (ravien_ff), Legacy Matter Converter (Escarli), Trading Stations (Kaeser)
    - Added: New set of UCH orbital structures and vessels (Stellar Titan)
    - Added: New POI for ARC faction (Don2k7)
    - Added: Warlord 'Satidere' OPV (Funog)
    - Added: Zirax Solar Array BAO (Vermillion)
    - Fixed: BoF 'Hand of Farr' (-AKEVA-BANSHEE-)
    - Fixed: Freighters 'Albatross' and SMR Expedition (Escarli)
    - Public Note on POI and Stations:
    - REPORT ISSUES WITH ANY POI OVER HERE: https://empyriononline.com/threads/space-pois-update-megathread.98237/
    - For details about the POI and stations added, please visit write give feedback/bug reports over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/showroom-submissions.108/

    - BA for ARC and Wastelanders might not be found in the game yet (planned to be integrated as new, interacive standalone factions for version 1.6/1.7!); All vessels and BAO can be encountered as part of the WARLORDS faction (for now)!
    - Added: New space wreckages from June POI Building Challenge: https://empyriononline.com/threads/june-poi-building-challenge-space-wreckage.97911 (Thx to all contributors!)
    - Updated: BoF: Gold Refinery, Castle of Farr (spanj & contributors)
    - Updated: SV Prefab - Merc MX5E (Escarli)
    - Updated SPACE ORBITs (default planetary orbits) to use GroupName for POI spawns. PLEASE check planetary orbits in various faction and non-faction locations if there are any issues with POI
    - Updated: Tutorial Swamp Planet (Tutorial Scenario) : Starter Area has now higher density of Plant protein and rocks & Removed faulty grass prefabs
    - Fixed: Swamp Tutorial Planet (Tutorial Scenario): Dronebase not spawning, Removed the drone directly at the Crashsite, POI ‚Wreckage‘ had broken SpawnPOINear, did not get placed & others
    - Added a log output for bad lines in the locaisation.csv. Please use "\n" to create line wraps and not use real newlines.
    - Changed: Set PvPProb to 0 for MP Default Scenario
    - Increased number of active instances for a player from 3 to 5
    - Modding explosion: this can now be done using 'BlastParticleName: @bundle/name' and 'BlastParticleIndex: 0'. The explosions are removed after 4s, they are internally cached.
    - Added error message if an asset bundle was not loaded/found correctly
    - Added Despawn and Respawn Options to Orbital Patrol Vessel:
    DelayBetweenRespawnMinMax: [300, 600]  #[Min time before respawn, Max time before respawn] defines the boundaries of a randomly drawn delay of time in second before the vessel respawns after destruction.
    DelayBeforeSelfDestructionMinMax: [200, 250]  #[Min time before self destruction, Max time before self destruction] defines the boundaries of a randromly drawn delay of time. It represents the time in second before the vessel will self destroy itself after beeing immobilized; Default time value is 300 second
    IsRespawnAfterDestruction: True #{True , False} defines if a vessel will respawn after beeing destroyed.

    - Fixed multiple exceptions found in logs sent in
    - Incorrect HUD position on cockpits not facing forward
    - PDA error message (Console) at end of Uncertain Outcomes missions (Blueprints not handled correctly. Please retest!)
    - Destroying containers did not contribute to 'Counter Strike II' (Please retest!)
    - Symmetry placement issues on SV Wings blocks.
    - Symmetry placement issue on Armored Windows S & L 'Side 1x2' & 'Side 2 1x2'
    - Procyon Lab was not turned on.
    - Ancient Tower explosive charge was set off by Player Drone
    - Connected toolbar items lost when loading into a "Backup" save game (SP)
    - Item loss from connected toolbar when client is disconnected from a server
    - Wrecked vessels get "Discovered" again after changing playfield & reloading the save
    - Players can take damage from weather when coming down in an escape pod
    - HV without mounted weapons shows obscure characters in weapon bar
    - Docked vessels next to the planet "Border" can get positioned wrong when returning to them
    - HV turrets throw off center of mass
    - Farr Homeworld had no breathable atmosphere
    - Carg Lift Available translated to SystemLocal instead of GameLocal
    - HV tool turrets CPU usage described and real is not match
    - CoQ triggering when enabling "Show Oxygen" in the Debug menu
    - Landing gear texture moving
    - Client can get stuck in the "Loading" screen when trying to join a server

    - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full
  2. Wayson

    Wayson Commander

    Aug 3, 2016
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    Updates, Fixes and Optimizations! Awesome!
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. nautilus-avalon

    nautilus-avalon Ensign

    Aug 4, 2021
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    cool to fix and add content but when will the explosion bugs be fixed?
  4. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    What explosion bugs?
    Wayson and Germanicus like this.
  5. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Can you give more detail ?

    We are aware of an issue only affecting MP currently with blast damage not working correctly which will be addressed asap.
    Kassonnade and Germanicus like this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    What? Nothing about Wheels? Are you sick?;):D
    Sofianinho and Wayson like this.
  7. Luna3009_CN

    Luna3009_CN Ensign

    Jun 22, 2017
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    How does it work? Or is it the way that is in the game since several build numbers via the ItemsConfig.ecf?
    Kassonnade likes this.
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Good question, because we could already modify stack size in the previous versions, so I'm curious to know what this means. @Pantera does this mean that we can now freely add the "stacksize" parameter to custom items even if the class/ category did not allow it previously ? In other words, can we no w stack everything if we want by just adding that parameter to items or blocks ?
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    This is about using the dialog to mod it via player skills (or API mods perhaps).

    So now you can give players a skill that changes the max stack size of specific items.
  10. AchiILLIiez

    AchiILLIiez Ensign

    Aug 5, 2021
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    The new patch has decreased the damage of the blast from artillery cannons and other guns for cv's, when firing a full set of cannons you only dish out a little amount of damage destroying 1 block instead of around 5 - 10. Hope this was helpful to resolve this problem.
  11. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    In MP right ?
    We currently looking at it & will have a hotfix ready very soon for this.
    Kassonnade and ravien_ff like this.
  12. AchiILLIiez

    AchiILLIiez Ensign

    Aug 5, 2021
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    yes in MP and thank you for responding so fast :)
    electriclimbo83 and Pantera like this.
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    K. Thanks ravien, makes sense now.
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  14. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hotfix: 2021-08-05 v1.5.5 (Build 3443) Please make sure to update the server & client to this build!

    - Blast damage is not working in MP
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you!
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  16. Trinity Voyager

    Trinity Voyager Ensign

    Jul 27, 2021
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    I am getting the following error when I try to connect to my server: Empyrion - Galactic Survival - Unity 2021.1.14f1_e9ada7b7f1b7 (see attached image) after which my client crashes. Please send help!!!

    Attached Files:

  17. JA_

    JA_ Ensign

    Apr 11, 2019
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    The most important thing is not added. An AI !
  18. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Wellingtoon, Kassonnade, Sup and 2 others like this.
  19. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Thank you for reverting that behavior. If it is intended to change this in the future from a game-balance perspective please give us a little more head's-up to prepare for it.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  20. Hawkie

    Hawkie Commander

    Dec 7, 2018
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    Here is a funny little thing. We play RE and after yesterdays patch something happened to the ITEM ID table, and ships that had a RE specific weapon, suddenly had something else there after server restart. So the item IDs have changed for the non vanilla items.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
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