[script] ActiveRadar - Savegamescript

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by ASTIC, Mar 21, 2020.

  1. arcanadeis

    arcanadeis Ensign

    Sep 9, 2020
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    Hello Astics ! ... all this stuff is Awesome thank you so much ...it leads the game deeper !
    Got problems with radar script (ActiveRadar.hbs).my game version is 1.1.x , single player. I DL the latest version of empyrion scripting mod.
    I set up this system in my CV (sbp imported) wich had a radar antenna yet.
    Ive also the demo scripting CV from your mod right aside.
    Given the good radar coordinates and named my LCD in my CV cockpit, around 50 block further away from the deco radar antenna. named it as you says : Scan=0,145,-22=50%=15 but the LCD indicates that : Asteroid scan : no Radar at 0,145,-22 (i verified a lot of times its the good coordinates)...

    I started from this page : https://empyriononline.com/threads/script-activeradar-savegamescript.92449/ ...but it seem to send to different scripts wth the same goal/names ... this one : https://github.com/GitHub-TC/Empyri...mmit/fb1bd207f8b40a4838671bde040863009e28da80 and this one : https://github.com/GitHub-TC/Empyri...mmit/bf6c8e2136957f0459df7c969773340b6eb23923
    (nothing happens on LCD)
    which one is good ? shall i just copy ALL the scripts of the page or just "ActiveRadar.hbs" ?

    Also, Im not really shure with the method to copy the script into the EGS save directory...as you dont describe it... i simply did a notepad+ sheet named it "ActiveRadar.hbs" and copied it into my EGS directory.. is it correct ?
    In game the LCD returns info meaning theres a connection with this script, but shows "no radar found" ...I tried a lot of things but can't figure it out...would you help me please ?
    i remarked the LCD in the script demo CV has the correct "radar position name" but shows exactly the same text as my LCD : no radar found....is it normal ? why is the EnemyScans is working good in demo script CV as i even not copied its script into EGS directory ?
    is it possible the radar antenna dishes changed of refID ?
    thanks a lot for help, anyone.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
  2. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    The script seems working, otherwise there would not display the "no radar found" message.
    But =0,145,-22 is a strange position and I guess it is wrong. Are these the coordinates it displays for the radar dish in the "di" display. Maybe post a screenshot from this.
    Ephoie likes this.
  3. arcanadeis

    arcanadeis Ensign

    Sep 9, 2020
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    yes, here we go

    Attached Files:

    Ephoie likes this.
  4. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Very strange ?!?! can you send me the BP via PM or Workshop?
  5. arcanadeis

    arcanadeis Ensign

    Sep 9, 2020
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    Yes of course. Its one of fabulous JRandall creations : "The Nemesis Battle Cruiser"

    note I had another dish antenna on my base just a few meters away...maybe it s interfering ?
    for info I tried to setup the screens in the secure bridge of the ship.
    I also tried to setup the enemy scan with a detector i ve mounted in the ship hangar between main lifter and front out on ceiling. This time i copied the script the same way , named correctly the LCD (EnemyScan=0,133,7=50%=12) but nothing appeared on screen... I ve seen you did the same set on your scripts examples CV and it is working on your CV !... (unlike the asteroid scann wich seems to be broken on your CV too...)
    In fact theres only a poor number of script i tried that do work , but as i dont know coding I surely miss smg...
    they were coming from main script page in the forum :
    "Ship Stat Script" is working in my CV
    "Universal container display " in BA doesn't work (black screen)
    "Ammo counter" in BA doesn't work (sends an error msg on screen ; uses common scripts with "universal container display"...)
    Item overview is working good in BA....
    I know a few scripts are not yours....maybe the exit of Alpha of this game caused problems ?

    Thanks a lot anyway.
  6. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    @arcanadeis Strange, so it works for me ...

    ZIP contains EBP and SavegameScripts

    Attached Files:

    Ephoie likes this.
  7. arcanadeis

    arcanadeis Ensign

    Sep 9, 2020
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    ok i ll try it right away ... but errr ...what is Epb, please ?
    and do you use a dish ant. and a detector for enemyscan (i mean not a vanilla other antenna) ?
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
    Ephoie likes this.
  8. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    @arcanadeis Copy the EPB file to your Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Blueprints\[SteamId] folder and THEN start your Empyrion PROGRAM, it will automatical generate a blueprint (entry/folder)
    Ephoie likes this.
  9. arcanadeis

    arcanadeis Ensign

    Sep 9, 2020
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    Well.. just replaced both scripts in my save...
    - Asteroid scan seems to work (no more dish antenna position error) but shows none asteroid position...( ?)
    - Enemyscan doesn't work , script is well binded to screen whatsoever... tried to use another antenna (antenna 3) which is native in this BP but same result
    i m gonna try one more time with other antenna as n°3 doesn't seem to be referenced in the list that appears on screen...
    Do you confirm we can use the detector as an antenna too ?

    The point is if i change the epb i ll loose all configuration in my CV ship (filled containers and a few other things like that ... i can do change it for a fresh new nemesis battle cruiser ebp but its gonna take a while...)

    Attached Files:

  10. arcanadeis

    arcanadeis Ensign

    Sep 9, 2020
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    ok enemy scan is now working the problem was antenna n3 was not referenced in the script. ( ship is still parked at my base got to try it in space..maybe its the reason why i can t detect asteroids ?...)
    Enemy scan doesn't wants to show more than 19 lines.. is the scrolling option inside the script ..? EDIT yes it seems.
    what means delta values (yellow numbers) is it the distance between "enemy" object/POI and the antenna ? If so is there an array or range limitation as i see nothing further than 4900 m ? (so some POI on the planet are not shown on screen) ?
    Do I really have to try changing the cruiser BP ?

    EDIT: tried to go in another system (10-15 UA from my base planet) - still no results over asteroid scan screen...
    and the values over enemy scan are still the same as they were in the other system...no real time data refreshing ?
    thanks a lot, Astics !
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
    Ephoie likes this.
  11. Thodin O Gondrafn

    Thodin O Gondrafn Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2019
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    Hallo zusammen,

    … an dieser Stelle bitte einen Text denken, mit dem dieses Mod(s?) incl. Erschaffer incl. der hier Mitdenkenden gehuldigt wird ;).

    Zu meinem Problem(en):
    1. … gelöst, die Savegamescripte funktionierten nicht. Denkfehler meinerseits, ich hatte die Files mit „speichern unter…“ downloadet und hatte nicht wirklich den Code auf dem Server. Github funktioniert diesbezüglich scheinbar anders (ja, kurze Scham meinerseits :eek:) ).
    2. Serverinfo und Playfieldinfo bekomme ich nicht ans laufen. Wie bei den anderen Scripten habe ich die PlayfieldInfos.hbs und SetServerInfos.hbs ausgelesen, den Inhalt in Notepad++ kopiert und diese dann gespeichert unter PlayfieldInfos.hbs und SetServerInfos.hbs. Ebenso habe ich noch eine Textdatei mit Ger.txt und ServerInfosGer.txt erstellt. Die Displays ServerInfosGer und PlayfieldInfosGer zeigen nur EGS-Standartverhalten.
    Was übersehe ich?

    Hello everybody,
    ... at this point please think of a text with which this mod (s?) incl. creator incl. those who think along with you is paid homage ;).
    To my problem (s):
    1. ... solved, the savegame scripts did not work. Error in my thinking, I had downloaded the files with "save as ..." and didn't really have the code on the server. Github apparently works differently in this regard (yes, short shame on my part: o)).
    2. I can't get server info and playfield info to work. As with the other scripts, I read the PlayfieldInfos.hbs and SetServerInfos.hbs, copied the content into Notepad ++ and then saved them under PlayfieldInfos.hbs and SetServerInfos.hbs. I also created a text file with Ger.txt and ServerInfosGer.txt. The ServerInfosGer and PlayfieldInfosGer displays only show EGS standard behavior.
    What am I missing?

    Nachtrag: Scripte laufen (war nur zu ungeduldig?), geben jedoch nicht den Inhalt der Ger.txt und ServerInfosGer.txt wieder, sondern nur, was „else“ sagt :). Oder muss ich den Code selbst editieren?
  12. Daimonicon

    Daimonicon Lieutenant

    Nov 4, 2019
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    ich hab mir eine aktive Antenne auf das Schiff (CV) gebaut zum scannen nach Asteroiden. Vorgegangen bin ich wie in der Anleitung beschrieben.

    Ich hatte testweise die Distanz einmal weggelassen:

    Original - "{{#entitiesbyname '*' 50000 'Ast*'}}"
    ersetzt durch - "{{#entitiesbyname '*' 'Ast*'}}"

    Und da auf meinen Schiff leider kein Platz mehr war für die Radarschüssel hab ich einige Antennen als Alternative hinzugefügt:
    {{set 'RadarIds' '289,1362,1363,1364,1365,1366'}}

    Auf dem Planeten zeigt er mir nun alle Fahrzeuge im Umkreis an ? Da ist irgendwas schief gelaufen oder ?
    Weil im Demovideo zeigt er dann doch garnix an ?


    Im Orbit scheint er einen Asteroiden zu finden


    Obwohl mehr da sind - Oder ist nur ein Scan möglich bei allem was man bereits entdeckt hat ?


    Edit: Ich hab übersehen das das Script einen Meteoriten noch auf dem Planeten gefunden hat. Er findet also entgegen der Beschreibung garkeinen Asteroiden und der Meteorit verbleibt als einziges.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  13. SunSic

    SunSic Ensign

    Oct 29, 2021
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    hello o/ im pretty new to this mod, but im not very tech savvy, so im having a bit of a tough time getting this sorted. i have eac turned off and i have the latest version of the scriptingmod.

    for example, you wrote:

    "You can find the script here https://github.com/GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting-Collection/tree/master/Scripts/CV and simply copy it into the directory [EGS]\Saves\Games\[Savegamenane]\Mods\EmpyrionScripting\Scripts\CV"

    so i clicked the link and clicked the radar.hbs file (and antenna), and it just opens a page with the script. am i supposed to copy/paste that into a new text document in that folder? theres no link to dl anything (that i can find).

    i tried to set up a pair of lcd's, naming one script:ActiveAntenna, and another one with the
    EnemyScan=1,137,0=50%=100 format (using the proper location i found from di)

    the msg i get on the screen is

    Enemy Scan:
    "{{scroll}} error 'selectedTypes' only allowed in elevated scripts"
    (and then current position in blue text)

    dunno if this thread will ever be seen by anyone, but i sure could use a hand :/

    thank you in advance :)
  14. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    These are "SaveGame" scripts which must be located in the savegame directory e.g. (note: my savegame named DefaultRE)
  15. SunSic

    SunSic Ensign

    Oct 29, 2021
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    right, i get that. the question is ~how~ do i put these in my save game directory? what i mean is, there isnt a "file" to dl, as such. i click on it, and it just shows me the script. not sure exactly how to word this properly. i cant right click and copy the file, and there doesnt seem to be an option to dl any of them. so im asking ~how~ do i place this in my save directory? do i make a new word document, name it the same (eg "ActiveNearAtenna.hbs") and save?
  16. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Here Code->Download ZIP
  17. SunSic

    SunSic Ensign

    Oct 29, 2021
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    weird... i dont have those options. just the "go to file". clone isnt there :/
    where your screen says "code", mine says "..." and if i open it, the only option is "delete directory"
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
  18. SunSic

    SunSic Ensign

    Oct 29, 2021
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    hahaha a year ago, you helped a guy named arcanadeis and he sent you a zip of his ship with configs. so i dl'd that and it had the files in it \o/
    still doesnt sort out the issue of not being able to dl from github tho :/
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Just go to the link :


    Once there, click the name of the file (it's a link) you need to get to see the actual script. Then right-click on the "raw" button and select "save link as...".


    In the "save as" window that pops up, select "text document" in the bottom drop down :


    Leave the name as it is by default and it should save a single document with the proper extension ( .hbs or .md) that you can open/ edit with notepad/ notepad++ :


    You can save this directly in the proper directory of the game like Astic explained.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2021
  20. SunSic

    SunSic Ensign

    Oct 29, 2021
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    awesome tyvvm :) that helped \o/

    ok so i got the active antenna and radar stuff in the save folder, and it looks like it wants to work, but the screen still rests on

    Enemy Scan:
    "{{scroll}} error 'selectedTypes' only allowed in elevated scripts"
    (and then current position in blue text)

    but every 10 seconds, the actual scans do flash on screen for a split second
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2021

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