For more information see here Bug Report Template Build: 1.8.2 3846242354 Mode: survival Mode: na. SERVER NAME: singl player SEED-ID: i dont know If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Reproducibility: yes, is alwasy active even after restart Severity: high because inside base is no safe place regarding radiation and thiner wall protecs you bigger walls dont, it doesn't make sence Type: radiation Summary: radiation inside bases do not disappear, even if you have 2 layer concrete roof. only below thin concrete wall radiation disappears, see screen shots inside base high radiation and not below the thin concrete wall and 2nd picture below the thin concrete with 0.0 radiation wall which you see on first picture with 5.0 radiation and check the radiation Description:radiation inside bases do not disappear, even if you have 2 layer concrete roof. only below thin wall radiation disappears, see screen shots Steps to Reproduce: start new singel player surviaval on barren planet build base and try 1) 2) 3) Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
Did you check if your base is airtight? (check holes in the ground or non-airtight blocks there as well) (Hit N > use the debug menu > show airtight blocks )
Are you referring to a selfmade Base? If so, do you have a Ventilator and an O² Tank to fill the Base? You also need Doors with Forcefields. In addition - no picturs with your post
Hello, thanks for your respons, i checked it acc. your instructions, i have inside the base a door with stairway down into the ground for mining etc. there is no direkt connection between the cave i made and the surface of the planet. I closed this stairway with airtight blocks and this did solve the issue, the radiation disappeared inside my base. it seams there was somewhere an untight block. it would be nice if caves which are insulated and without direct connection to the surface had no radiation. thanks for your help and your suport great game
Stairs are not airtight so that could have been the issue potentially. Not all of the doors are airtight either such as the glass doors (can see with them theres no blue energy field keeping the air in.
You do not need an airtight base to protect you from radiation. You just need the ceiling (and maybe walls but I think just the roof) to block out line of site with the outside. IF this is not the case then it's either a bug or it needs to be added to the update notes. However the cave itself is not airtight and stairs aren't either so they'll provide no protection from radiation most likely, as mentioned above.
Huh? All the tooltips for the 3 stair types and both ramp types say they're not airtight. To which variant are you referring?