
Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by MorpheusZero, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Real life comes first, always. Give an internet hug of support to your GF, and take your time. :)
  2. Osskey

    Osskey Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2016
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    I am jazzed about checking this out.
  3. Calabris

    Calabris Lieutenant

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Hope the GF is ok. Waiting with anticipation for this!
  4. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Hey guys, yes the GF is fine and got the car in the shop getting worked on now! 2015 Dodge Challenger R/T 5.7L v8!

    Anyway, I'm still a little behind schedule, due to a few bugs I encountered along the way. I may have set an unrealistic date but I am still working on it. Below is a screenshot of how it looks now for adding, editing, or cloning user created sectors. The first version will be very basic text and data entry. After I get further into it, I will change some of the controls to be drop down lists where applicable for stuff like color pickers, or icons, etc. Currently the NEW, DELETE, and CLONE buttons work. I need to add some fields for the actual playfields and then a SAVE button, then the version 1 of this screen will be done for now. You will notice there are a few extra fields here that are largely unused for now, but will come into play when I eventually get far enough where you can share your work with others using this tool. The OWNER, Contributors, URL, etc will be more usable then when sharing your work with others and loading items from the in-app marketplace. Also, within the details section instead of manually editing in coordinates, I plan to have a minimap button that will expand open a another window to choose coordinates from a minimap that will update that for you.


    On a side note, a picture of the cars. She drives a purple 2015 Dodge Challenger R/T 5.7L V8 with flowmasters. This is the car that was wrecked, BEFORE it was wrecked. It's in the shop right now. I drive the Black 2013 Dodge Charger R/T 5.7 V8 blacktop edition with SLP Loudmouth 2 exhausts and the new AirRaid DryMax cold air intake installed last week. They fly!!!

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
  5. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Finished the basic Sectors layout today. I just need to add in the code for the save button and Im done for now on here. Obviously I plan to go out and make the data entry much easier, but for now I'm working on functionality and a workflow. After the workflow is solidified, I can go back and make the playfields data entry easier to work with. For now though, you will have to enter each playfield info on a separate line in the box below. Once the saving is complete, I am going to work on the publish screen and then I will release a BETA for testing.

    oojimaflip likes this.
  6. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Woo, progress!
  7. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    The save functionality was finished yesterday and I started on the publish screen. The SAVE button causes an error to pop up for some reason, but the data does save successfully, so I'm putting it to the side for now and haven't really investigated it yet.

    The publish screen is in the works, and will only be applicable for applying to a single world--and not generate the server files in this version, but will come with a patch in the next version most likely.
  8. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    I might have some playfield.yaml model code that you could merge into your project. I started working on it, but paused a while back.
  9. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Yes! I can take a look! Shoot me a PM! I have Playfields.yaml mapped out very basic already, but I skipped over all of the stuff that needs to be normalized. Biomes, etc.

    Check it out here, and if you think it would be useful to me, I would surely have a look at it!


    Update on my progress. I have done some work on the publish screen today, mostly layout and UI stuff--not much code written yet for functionality.
  10. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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  11. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Another small update--created an official Discord server for this development effort. Hopefully we can get more peopel interested in combining efforts on this project. Join up on the server here if you're interested in joining the dev team, proposing some new features, or just chatting. I'm usually online all day lol.


    Update on development progress:

    I'm at a point where I need an active installation of the game itself to finish the publish screen. I am currently at my desk at work in my office, and I don't have the game installed on my work laptop lol. So most of my development away from home is limited. So I have begun working on the API and database schema for the online portions of the application. The very first feature being a global ban list. A server owner will be able to sync their ban list in the cloud, and other server owners can "subscribe" to it, effectively adding that same banlist to their server. It's more of an opt-in and opt-out feature for a global ban list. Still needs some work. But the banlist will show the banned users, the server they were banned from, the reason for the ban, and their steamID, etc.


    I have decided to open source the API project as well. These features will be useful to anyone who takes over the project one day in my absence. The API will be open and available for any other tools to integrate with FOR NOW. This may be subject to change depending on how badly it gets abused. But I will try it out and see how it goes, and if it turns out to be a "I told you so" moment, then oh well, I will make it closed again unless I turn the project over to someone. I've never done a whoel lot with API security before, so this can get interesting...
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
  12. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    So I got ALOT done today besides the above. I created a new Unit Testing project within the solution project so I can write unit tests to help with development so I don't break things as I write new things. I"m pretty excited about where this project is heading guys!
    oojimaflip likes this.
  13. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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  14. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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  15. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Dev Update:


    I have moved the Sectors work to testing, which will be completed with the beta release soon. I have done a LOT of work behind the scenes over the past few days. A Unit Testing project was added and I have begun writing Unit Tests for all of my code as its growing into a rather large solution of code AKA "clusterf*&#". So to better organize myself and know that when I make changes somewhere its not breaking something else in the process, Unit Testing is the way to go for the lifespan of the application, it will really help in the long run however it may slow me down some in the beginning while I am writing test cases.

    I also added the API project, although it won't be published in this beta version. It i just a step forward with the MS-SQL Database integration that the application will have for using the global banlist among other things that server owners and players can access, share, and subscribe to different configurations from other players such as custom Sectors, Playfields, and Dedicated.yaml configs. This will probably come as a big update in version 2 or 3, after Sectors and Playfields are completely done. There is a lot of legwork and security that has to be considered in these features an I want the core app to work first. The only reason I even started on it is because I was at work and had some free time and I didn't have an active installation of Empyrion on my work computer to test normal features with.

    I made a few changes to the optimization of the code "that I discovered during some unit testing"! This is for things including dynamic loading of app settings, Localization resources, and the custom sectors cache.

    I also added an EMS.Setup project which will be responsible for publishing releases. It is an automated system built from XAML and powershell scripts that will run and create a new MSI Installer package when I am ready for a release and upload it to the web for others to download. It will also trigger a change to the update.json which will allow users with the app already installed to receive automatic updates in the process. The automation isn't 100% complete yet but the MSI Installer package process is working awesomely so far!

    And lastly, today I spent a few hours on the publish screen. This is my bottleneck at the moment. Once the publish screen is ironed out pretty good, I can actually make a beta release. But it's a little more complex than I originally anticipated. I could pump it out quickly, but the fact is I want to do it as dynamic and QUALITY as possible the first time so in my next update I won't have to make any changes, but only enhancements to what's there already as I add new features. I am impressed with where its going and I think you will find the interface to be very smart and intuitive and easy to use.

    As always, if there are any other programmers out there who want to look over some code and or contribute, hit me up in a PM or go form the project on Github and shoot me some Pull Requests and let's talk about it! I am doing this for the community as a 100% free and open source project that hopefully will grow into a standard tooling solution with a maximum amount of features in every area eventually. My ultimate plans are to have what I call the basic and "core" functions nailed out first: Sectors and Playfields management and ability to publish those configs to new single player worlds or existing servers, etc. Then move on to the marketplace where you can share your work and configurations with the tool with others. Then I will move into server management and plugins for actually running and admining a server--and publishing your configs directly to the server from this tool as well as manage your dedicated servers. All of this can only happen with the support of the community. So if you have ideas or anything, just let me know!
  16. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    What you choose here at the beginning of the publish screen, what will effect what appears in the Details Section about where to save to, name of existing worlds, or name of new world, etc. There will be a third tab to choose what ITEMS to publish, sectors, etc. Then a 4th tab to overview everything before you finalize by pressing the PUBLISH button at the end.

  17. MorpheusZero

    MorpheusZero Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Just wanted everyone to know Im still around. Just a little behind. Starting my new job next week and trying to tie up some loose ends with my current job this week.
  18. Phoenyx333

    Phoenyx333 Lieutenant

    Nov 21, 2016
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    I just thought you'd like to know that BitDefender doesn't like your suite for some reason. It didn't really tell me what was wrong with it. o_O
  19. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    This looks like it's coming along nicely! Thanks for the hard work man, keep it up when you can. :cool:
  20. Zeerog1

    Zeerog1 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2016
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    No news since begin november . . . . is this project stil running?

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