A6.3 Feedback: New Coop Mode

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. EleonGameStudios

    EleonGameStudios Developer Staff Member

    • Developer
    Oct 20, 2014
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    We are currently working on a full replacement of the old P2P multiplayer mode. As you all know, this mode is still in the game and works to some extent, but also has several limitations and issues. That’s where the new Coop mode comes into play.

    To make things easier for all of you that want to quickly hop into a new game with a few friends and do not want to bother with lots of dedicated server settings, the new “Coop mode” is the way to go!

    In Alpha 6.3, we now add the first step towards this goal. You still need to start and configure the dedicated server by hand, but this is only temporary. When this feature is completed, you’ll just pick the most important presets in a menu like you do for single player and start your Coop session from within the game right away. Your friends then only need to find your server in the “Friends” tab of the Multiplayer Server Browser and join you. No fiddling around with port forwarding or IP connect anymore!

    How does this sound to you? Send us your feedback! ;-)

    How to setup your local coop server that can be joined by your friends without port forwarding:
    1. Go into the folder where the dedicated server is installed, e.g. D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server
    2. Open steam_appid.txt and replace the number there with "383120" (this is the app ID of Empyrion)
    3. Configure the dedicated.yaml as you like
    4. Start the dedicated server via EmpyrionDedicated.cmd (important: you must not start the dedi via the Steam client - otherwise, the changed steam_appid is not taken into account)
    5. Start the Client (you can start it normally via Steam client) and connect to (ie you connect locally to your server)
    6. Your local server will be visible to your Steam friends in the Server Browser under the "Friends" tab

    Known Issues:
    - you cannot yet use the Coop server with a password (we will fix this in the next update)
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
  2. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Sounds brilliant, if all the options available in yaml configuration are accessible from the in game menu I'll use it.;)
    ButtonPusher, GTv and Exacute like this.
  3. Dr. O

    Dr. O Ensign

    Mar 23, 2017
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    I hope you will nethertheless keep and improve the dedicated server? I always prefer a dedicated server, otherwise if the host's game crashes, everybody loses connection.
    Exacute likes this.
  4. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    The DS isn't going away... thats still needed for big... well... dedicated servers! LOL.
  5. dustinduse

    dustinduse Commander

    May 18, 2016
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    I am still praying someday the server will be able to run on one of my linux machines. Windows is so pesky
    Frigidman likes this.
  6. MessyCan Farmer

    MessyCan Farmer Ensign

    Jul 2, 2017
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    How do i set up my own coop server?
  7. Menos

    Menos Commander

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Sounds like something that should have been in the game since beginning. ;)

    Also a "spawn near friends" option would be appreciated.
    ButtonPusher likes this.
  8. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    far off into the distance.... i can hear the console players.... they are crying sweet salty tears...

    all joking aside, amazing work here devs, there are many players not wishing to mess with setting up a dedi just to play with their friends in co-op. They will be very happy to have this... great addition that was needed badly. I run a small friends server, I know how difficult it is for people that are not very experienced with server-hosting to set this game up and get things to work properly.... especially with scenarios. The vanilla players will thank you dearly for this.
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I think you have to edit the "dedicated.yaml" file in the root directory of Empyrion - dedicated server" first, but I am still reading around what lines need to be modified and such... After this step I guess you simply start the server which opens a tiny window with a blank field beside a "say" square button. I don't even know how to use this, so I downloaded a small tool from a link that was in a FAQ here :


    It is the 1st file on top of that page. Once the server is started I guess you only have to start the game from Steam as usual and... I also guess it should be like described in the message from Eleon up here (Start client and connect to (ie you connect locally to your server). In fact I don't really know myself of a simple way to do this, and I did not try it yet. I know that you have to give the server the command "saveandexit" to save progression, but anyway there is the wikia page I found, I don't even know if this info is still relevant:


    From what Eleon wrote up here there seems to be no need for "telnet" commands, but here I'm lost too... Help someone !!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2017
  10. Hawky

    Hawky Ensign

    Jul 2, 2017
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    How about you just fix the server browser instead. It's absolute ****.
    It takes ages and ages to refresh the servers and if i stop and restart the refresh it'll choke my 120 Mbit connection.

    So fuck that. How about you throw in a couple k to setup a decent master server (you know, like any other multiplayer game). It's not like you haven't earned the money with just the alpha stage.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm happy with the progress, but something as simple as a serverbrowser/masterserver should just work. The one in the game is just ****!
  11. icky

    icky Lieutenant

    May 15, 2016
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    works fine for me. solid first post btw :rolleyes:
  12. MessyCan Farmer

    MessyCan Farmer Ensign

    Jul 2, 2017
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    Still can't figure it out
  13. MessyCan Farmer

    MessyCan Farmer Ensign

    Jul 2, 2017
    Likes Received:
    How do i even use the empyrion dedicated server app? Just a box that says "say", and "save & exit"
  14. MessyCan Farmer

    MessyCan Farmer Ensign

    Jul 2, 2017
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    upload_2017-7-2_16-49-55.png What the hell do i do here?
  15. Gobarg

    Gobarg Commander

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Step 1 stumps me.
    I'm pretty sure some one must have posted detailed instructions on how to set up and configure a dedicated server but I just can't seem to find one that doesn't go into port forwarding, telnet etc.
    anyone able to point me in the right direction?
  16. Hawky

    Hawky Ensign

    Jul 2, 2017
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    You know what, you're right. This was not the place for that, my apologies. I'm just really frustrated with it at the moment. Like i said, it takes ages to refresh, and if i interrupt it (by going to the history tab for example) it just freezes and won't work at all untill i restart the game. If at that point i dont restart the game it just chokes my connection.

    What i don't understand is how a coop mode is a solution for the pvp problems? "Co-op" is something entirely different than PvP...
    JRS⁸⁶ and icky like this.
  17. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Honestly its not that hard after you have done it a few times there is a few things to set then you are ready basically. I know this looks like alot but should only take a few minutes to do.
    For now this is what I do to setup my dedicated.yaml. One of the important things to do is to remove the# & the 1 space in between the # & the Entry

    Click on the spoiler below for some instructions.

    So to enable a entry for example change this:

    # Entry

    Then to disable do the opposite

    # Entry

    Open the dedicated.yaml in notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.4.2.html
    in this directory:
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server

    In a new & fresh file unedited you will see this first part:

    Srv_Port: 30000
    Srv_Name: My Server
    # Srv_Password: Abc
    # Srv_MaxPlayers: 8
    # Srv_ReservePlayfields: 1 # Idle playfield servers held in reserve. For busy public servers, we recommend at least 2 (default = 1)"

    First on your router you need to port forward & set a rule for ports 30000 to 30004 TCP & UDP. Every router is different so I cannot tell you exactly where to go.

    Although now there is a new option so I'm not 100% sure if you need to do this port forward step.

    "* Start client and connect to (ie you connect locally to your server)"
    When you have the dedicated.yaml setup first try in the server browser in game where it says direct ip click on the box & paste this in & click on connect then a box should appear for the password. Enter the password you have set & click enter & it should connect if everything is right.

    Once that is setup & saved/enabled set a name the server for example

    Srv_Name: Gobargs server

    Then set a password. Remove the # infront & add a password example:

    Srv_Password: PasswordGoesHere

    Obviously don't choose that one ;)

    Then you can set the max number of players you are expecting so if its just you & maybe 1 or 2 other friends
    The reserve playfields option is really for busy public servers like its description says.

    So it will look like this:

    Srv_Port: 30000
    Srv_Name: Gobargs server
    Srv_Password: PasswordGoesHere
    Srv_MaxPlayers: 4
    # Srv_ReservePlayfields: 1 # Idle playfield servers held in reserve. For busy public servers, we recommend at least 2 (default = 1)"

    Next entry is the newest entry:

    ### Uncomment the following line if you want to hide your server in the Server Browser
    ### Default is True = your server is visible in the Server Browser. If server is not visible you must connect via IP.
    # Srv_Visible: False

    Change this to:

    ### Uncomment the following line if you want to hide your server in the Server Browser
    ### Default is True = your server is visible in the Server Browser. If server is not visible you must connect via IP.
    Srv_Visible: True

    The the EAC entry here:

    ### Activate Easy Anti Cheat (clients have to enable EAC via Options -> Misc to connect to a EAC protected server)
    # EACActive: false

    This is up to you to set it on it will look like this:

    ### Activate Easy Anti Cheat (clients have to enable EAC via Options -> Misc to connect to a EAC protected server)
    EACActive: True

    Size class restriction entry:

    ### Restrict allowed Blueprint size class: restricted types are not allowed to be produced or spawned
    # 1 = allow only small blueprints, ... , 10 = allow very large blueprints, ... , 0 = no limits
    ### Warning: large blueprints can have very strong performance impact!
    MaxAllowedSizeClass: 10

    This is upto you eally only what you want to limit when it comes to size class.
    I have it set to unlimited example below.

    ### Restrict allowed Blueprint size class: restricted types are not allowed to be produced or spawned
    # 1 = allow only small blueprints, ... , 10 = allow very large blueprints, ... , 0 = no limits
    ### Warning: large blueprints can have very strong performance impact!
    MaxAllowedSizeClass: 0

    Blueprint restriction entry again its up to you what you want to put into this:

    ### Restrict Blueprint types allowed for production in factory
    ### None = Blueprint system completely disabled
    ### StockOnly = only stock blueprints can be produced
    ### All = all types allowed (default)
    AllowedBlueprints: All

    GameConfig entry:

    GameName: NewGame_0 # Determines name of the save game
    Mode: Survival # Survival or Creative
    Seed: 2309115 # The seed determines how the world is procedurally generated - the same seed means the same world
    CustomScenario: Default Multiplayer # Enable custom scenario. Name of custom scenario from folder Content\Scenarios
    # CustomScenario: Invader vs Defender # We recommend trying out this multiplayer scenario. Use OriginDefault: Defender for this scenario

    Now this is where you name the save file & set the seed & choose the scenario you wish to use in the save file.
    MP saves are here:
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Saves\Games

    Then the entrys underneath this part I usually just leave them default but there is descriptions on what all of them do.

    The difficulties entry at the bottom:

    ### --- Difficulty settings ---
    ### Notice: Changing some of the difficulty settings require to start a new game in order to take effect
    # DiffEscapePodContent: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Determines the content of your equipment when you start a new game
    # DiffPlayerProgression: Normal # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall player progression speed by earning more or less XP
    # DiffDegradationSpeed: Normal # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the speed of degradation when using weapons and tools
    # DiffRadiationTemperature: Normal # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the impact of temperature and radiation on the player
    # DiffAmountOfOre: Normal # Rich, Normal, Poor --- Influences the average amount of ore that a deposit contains
    # DiffNumberOfDeposits: Normal # Plenty, Normal, Few --- Influences the average number of deposits per planet
    # DiffDroneBaseAttack: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard, Off --- Influences the difficulty of the drone base attacks (infinite waves, number of waves etc.)
    # DiffDronePresence: Normal # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the overall number of drones that are present on a planet
    # DiffEnemySpawnRate: Normal # Low, Normal, High --- Influences the spawn rate of enemy NPCs on a planet
    # DiffAttackStrength: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Influences the overall difficulty when attacking enemies
    # DiffConstrCraftTime: Normal # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall craft speed of constructors
    # DiffBpProdTime: Normal # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall production speed of the blueprint factory

    To apply these settings in your save file remove the space & # infront of the option. Examle:

    ### --- Difficulty settings ---
    ### Notice: Changing some of the difficulty settings require to start a new game in order to take effect
    DiffEscapePodContent: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Determines the content of your equipment when you start a new game
    DiffPlayerProgression: Normal # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall player progression speed by earning more or less XP
    DiffDegradationSpeed: Normal # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the speed of degradation when using weapons and tools
    DiffRadiationTemperature: Normal # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the impact of temperature and radiation on the player
    DiffAmountOfOre: Normal # Rich, Normal, Poor --- Influences the average amount of ore that a deposit contains
    DiffNumberOfDeposits: Normal # Plenty, Normal, Few --- Influences the average number of deposits per planet
    DiffDroneBaseAttack: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard, Off --- Influences the difficulty of the drone base attacks (infinite waves, number of waves etc.)
    DiffDronePresence: Normal # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the overall number of drones that are present on a planet
    DiffEnemySpawnRate: Normal # Low, Normal, High --- Influences the spawn rate of enemy NPCs on a planet
    DiffAttackStrength: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Influences the overall difficulty when attacking enemies
    DiffConstrCraftTime: Normal # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall craft speed of constructors
    DiffBpProdTime: Normal # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall production speed of the blueprint factory

    In the difficulty settings to change the setting for example the escape pod look at the options on the right side. Default is at medium setting
    DiffEscapePodContent: Medium # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Determines the content of your equipment when you start a new game

    to change this to easy it would look like this

    DiffEscapePodContent: Easy # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Determines the content of your equipment when you start a new game

    This applies to all the other settings.

    When you are ready make sure to save it all first then in the dedicated folder click on EmpyrionDedicated.cmd & run as admin then wait for the bluebox to appear & the save & exit option.
    Don't close this down. Now from here open the game up in steam & join the server in the server browser or at first you may need to join by direct ip ( or instead of direct IP follow this instruction "* Start client and connect to (ie you connect locally to your server) ") to make finding it easier in the browser after you join you can then choose to leave & look in the history tab & see your own server there.

    When you are finished with playing & close the game down click on save & exit to close the server down.
    What I put above should be enough for you to atleast get going.

    I have attached the dedicated.yaml, download the zip file then extract the file, with the settings I put above so you can see it better. Remember to open in notepad++
    This is just a example so I would suggest opening this then open the dedicated.yaml that is in your folder & compare them

    I hope this helps & isn't to much take your time with it & good luck!

    You could have a watch of this but its alittle old now & missing some entry's:

    To add to this you may also want to setup admin privilages for your steam ID.
    A quick way to get your steam ID is to go to your blueprints folder here:
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Blueprints

    Right click on the folder with the long group of numbers then select rename now dont delete it just highlight the number & copy & paste. Now click else where in the screen just make sure you DON'T rename that folder ;) if you do just rename it again with the series of numbers you just copy & pasted from it.

    Now you have your steam ID. Go to here:
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Saves

    & open the adminconfigexample.yaml in notepad++
    Then at this entry put in your steam ID where the 0's are & for admin permission change the number to 9 from 3 then just save & close. Then rename the adminconfigexample.yaml to adminconfig.yaml & that should be done for giving yourself admin privileges.

    - Id: 00000000000000000 # put the correct SteamID64 here
    Permission: 3 # make this user a GameMaster, for example

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
  18. Gobarg

    Gobarg Commander

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Thanks @Pantera You are a gem mate and deserve a very cold beer.
    I'll have a go and let you know how I went.
    Thanks for not treating me like the complete idiot I appear to be ;)
  19. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Feel free to PM me if you need any more explanation.
    The attached example should get you going really just change the name & password.
    You can also choose to setup different scenarios which is easily done but for now just try to get the server running & load in & make sure it atleast runs fine.

    Also I just updated the post above so make sure to refresh as I forgot a important part ;)
    & if you plan to use the example I attached you will need to remove the dedictaed.yaml in your dedicated folder & rename the file attached file. Just remove the word EXAMPLE before the dedicated.yaml part.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
  20. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Exactly. I'd be glad to use such a service if it gives the same settings for the game I create such as temp on off, rad on off, o2 on off, difficulties of all configurable entities, etc.
    If it's just a 'lite' mode, it holds no interest for me personally, but someone may use it.
    banksman45 and Furious Hellfire like this.

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