[GUIDE] Color Tool: Features and Custom Color Palettes

Discussion in 'Knowledge & Info' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Available modes?
    - S = 1 Block
    - M = 4x4 Blocks
    - L* = 10x10 Blocks

    How does it work?
    The Paint is not applied "through" blocks, but only where the Raycasts of the "spray area" hit blocks.

    L is only available in Creative mode.

    * only available in Creative Mode due to extreme performance drain


    Available modes?
    Apply color to all block sides

    How does it work?
    Applies the selected color to all 6 sides of the block; visible as well as invisible sides from the player perspective!

    Does NOT work with "PAINT AREA" M and L. The checkbox does not combine with (2.) and will work like described in (1.)


    Available modes?
    Replace a selected color on all of the blocks of the targeted structure

    How does it work?
    1. Activate Checkbox
    2. Select a color from the palette (will be shown in the lower right corner!)
    3. Fire at a block with the color that you want to replace with the newly selected color
    4. All blocks that had this color will now be replaced with the Replacement-Color

    Does NOT work with other modes like (1.) or (2.). Checkbox settings will be ignored. Current mode is shown in the lower right corner of the screen.



    Click CONFIGURE on the main selection screen to open the configuration GUI.

    4.1 GUI


    Current = Working palette from which the actual painting is done
    1 = Custom color palettes (add a new one by clicking the + ; max 5)
    Hide = Hide everything except the Color Manager
    Color Manager = Allows to set colors to your liking (See below for Handling Tips)
    Preset = Swap the color palette with one of the presets
    Apply to Current = only visible when custom palette tab selected; will transfer ALL slots of the opened custom palette to the current palette and overwrite colors there!



    Custom Palettes = the "idea palettes" where you can permanently store your color ideas; You need to click CONFIGURE to see the custompalettes.
    Current Palette = The "working palette" which defines the colors that are actually applied to the structure; This is the palette you see at first glance when clicking RMB

    A. You can create up to 5 different Custom Color Palettes with 31 individual colors each (The "Delete Color" slot on the top left remains blocked for this function at all times)

    B. You can either apply one of these Custom Color Palettes to the main "CURRENT" palette or directly edit colors on the CURRENT color palette in several ways: Either by APPLY TO CURRENT (all slots are transfered) or via COPY/Shift-COPY and PASTE.

    C. The CURRENT Color Palette is ALWAYS tied to the STRUCTURE you are pointing at, what means that the colors you see there, are available for this structure. If you want to change them, use CONFIGURE and adjust them directly or apply a custom color palette to it (see D).

    - You can see the structure name your currently opened CURRENT palette ist tied to as well as if you are "in touch" (for changing the CURRENT palette for this structure) if you look below the header after having clicked CONFIGURE (see 4.1)
    - As long as you are too far away, the CURRENT tab header will be greyed out and you cannot modify it, but only the Custom color palettes!

    D. If you change a color in a slot of the CURRENT color palette, ALL the blocks with that color on the structure will change their color immediatelly, similar to the REPLACE MODE, just instant 'while-you-work'.

    - You can observe this in the background. To give you a better view, use the HIDE button on the top-right!
    - If you change colors in a slot while working on a CUSTOM color palette, the colors of the structure you are pointing at will NOT change. They WILL change no earlier than you clicking the APPLY TO CURRENT button! (This button only is visible when having opened a CUSTOM color palette tab!)

    E) You can work on your CUSTOM color palettes from any position. You do not need to be close to a structure in order to customize slots or add/modify custom palettes!

    4.3 Best Practice / Getting started
    1. Go close to a structure or vessel and hit RIGH-MOUSE-BUTTON to open the Color Selection
    2. Click CONFIGURE
    3. Create a new CUSTOM color palette
    4. Select a slot you want to replace with a custom color
    5. Use the color manager to define your color
    6. Click OK when you are done.
    7. Highlight the slot you changed
    8. Hit APPLY TO CURRENT to apply ALL slots (not only the highlighted!) of the CUSTOM palette to the CURRENT palette
    9. Click OK to close the CUSTOMIZE view
    10. Work as before.

    4.4 Shortcuts and Helpers

    A. Partial-multi-transfer via SHIFT
    This is ...
    - an alternative to the APPLY TO CURRENT button if you want to transfer more than one, but not ALL of your customized colors to the CURRENT palette
    - an alternative for moving around more than one slot at a time between any palette

    1. Hold SHIFT and select a range of color slots.
    2. Hit COPY button
    3. Select a slot where to insert the copied selection
    4. Hit PASTE

    - Works also between different palette tabs (mass-copy slots from Custom to Current, for example)
    - Insertion always starts from the top-left slot of your copied selection!

    B. Export Color and Color Palettes
    This is..
    - a workaround as long as exporting and sharing and saving color palettes between games, saves and friends is not supported
    - a workaround to save more than 5 color palettes

    Howto - EXPORT:
    1. Open a .TXT document on your PC
    2. Tab into the game
    3. Open the color palette you want to save (completely or partially)
    4. Click a slot you want to save or use SHIFT to multi-select several slots or the whole palette
    5. Click COPY button
    6. Tab out of the game
    7. Use CTRL-V to paste the clipboard content to the file
    8. Save the file.

    Howto - IMPORT:
    1. Open the textfile
    2. Mark the copied paragraph
    3. Use CTRL-C
    4. Tab into the game
    5. Open the Color palette you want to insert the clipboard content
    6. Use the PASTE button to insert the palette
    7. Click OK to save the palette
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
    zaphodikus, =3ngin3=, Kasero and 4 others like this.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Video with more handling info and techniques, provided by @Frigidman

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Known issues:
    - As of now, the CUSTOM PALETTES 1-5 are discarded/deleted when quit&resume the game. To not loose your work until this is fixed, use the EXPORT to save. CURRENT palettes are not affected, though (any change made there, will be stored)
    JinM and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  5. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
  6. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Selecting and Copying all colors works with a few caveats

    Apparently the problem is the units of measure, and by that what I mean is this:

    For some reason I could not yet clarify, the color gradient sliders for some players display decimal places and for some it only displays units

    I'm referring to the H, S and V sliders that for me shows up as 000 but for other players it shows as 0.00

    These sliders vary depending on the color selected so when selecting several colors they can't reflect all colors variations simultaneously so they should stay at half way for all sliders H, S and V

    And that's where the problem resides, to be at half way it should be 0.5 for all tree but as some players don't have decimal places it displays 1 for all tree sliders
    And that as you can see messes the colors and the Build colors it refers to

    So if this is your case all you need to do is set all sliders to 0.5 and all colors will be adjusted correctly and then you can use the button copy

    The reason the sliders don't display decimal places for some players may have something to do with the settings the player has for the Operating Systems installed but could not figure out which ones as of yet as the ones on the game itself don't seem to matter in this case

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
    ravien_ff and Jorgodan like this.
  7. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Oh wow. Many Thanks.
    How did you find out?
    I've tried it. It works for me when I set the HSV values with the sliders to 50 , after marking all fields.


    i play at WIN 10 system with german localisation.
    Thank you for looking for the bug.

  8. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
    Germanicus and Jorgodan like this.

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