Sweet!!! That strikes more as a team sort of maneuver. Not a single player sort of thing. Or an alternative game start instead of escape pods?
I think that being dropped from space in a minimal HV would make an excellent alternative start for those who'd rather skip the opening game.
hu, 700 zascosium isn't much for a whole system... I placed tiny blocks around most turrets in my CV, too. There they don't seem to hinder the turrets. All are burning through the ammo while a target is in sight.
Today I threw together a test cave POI and added it to the starter planet as a proof of concept. Cave POIs appear doable and spawnable in custom scenarios, there's just some display glitches we'll have to deal with until official support for real caves are added. Here's a video: The cutout isn't perfect as you can see: The outside takes on the texture of the local terrain to help it blend in no matter what planet or biome it spawns in: Inside I just did some random stuff to see how it looked: I don't think there's a way to get rid of this cut, though maybe you can hide it with a fence or something: Not perfect, but could still be very cool to add stuff like this to custom scenarios. Absolutely full credit for inspiration goes to @Sunshaker and their amazing rainbow caverns.
THAT seems to be most unpleasant... only one Zascosium mine... Question did you use Console Command Map in space too? Maybe there are some asteroids..?
Checked all the asteroid belts and fields around planets. Nothing. Well, lots of erestrum. Which is the same tier as zascosium. The lava planet that had the 1 zascosium vein had 6 erestrum + asteroids in orbit.
Thats Brutal I suggest to move to my Sol System...here you can bath in stuff...I was lucky to find it under the thousands of randoms.
Actually I found it yesterday but I forgot to post it...I believe THAT thing is no longer in any form useful..
Designing tiny CVs is hard. Too much embellishment and it starts getting expensive and moving away from being entry level. Too little and it's just a cramped mess that you can hardly do anything with. Anyways, I set aside the UFO I was working on. Just wasn't feelin' it so it's back to the drawing board.
in that situation, i fallback to something like deviantart to browse for inspiration... these 2 got me then to the beginning of an Mining CV:
Same for me when I run out of ideas. Though finding something that fits within the limits of the game's block shapes poses the most problems.
How true! I found so many fantastic looking "objects" while sifting through deviantart...but alas..most of them call for shapes which are not available*sigh* Besides, "to get close" is not enough.
I know the feeling, I was playing a major hypothetical game of Tetris when I made the Micro Miner & Salvage vessel. Building small CV's with high functionality is hard.
I am one of those Players who is trying out all sorts of Level 10+ CVs. Of several Models on the Workshop I look always for a bit of an all rounder who can supply my needs for food, but also has a bit of survive ability. So over the last Year I tried several Models and I found two (for me) useful AND adaptable. Here are the Ships I did chose earlier...before @XCaliber : SCOUT https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727968515&searchtext=scout by @pandorPanda -SPATHE- Early Survival https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1367088286 by @XCaliber There had been several others which Names I don't remember which needed some kind of Re Fit on the Inside