Fixed alien insect 1 attacked and stunned me through the wall of my base. [6080]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by stanley bourdon, Feb 18, 2019.

  1. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Dedicated Server
    SERVER NAME: Shattered Realm

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: unknown
    Severity: Minor
    Type: alien insect 1

    Summary: alien insect 1 attacked and stunned me through the wall of my base.

    Description: I was standing inside my base The wall is a full concrete block. I was attacked by alien insect 1 some health removed and I was stunned. I then went outside the base saw the insect at the wall shot it salvaged the meat cooked it into steak and ate it.

    Steps to Reproduce: stand inside a base with an alien insect 1 outside that decides you have given it cause to attack you.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: ( Note: for more complex reproduction usecases that require quite some "setup", please create a savegame and upload it to a service. Add the download link right here. Thanks in advance for saving us time to adress your issue! :)

    it is my opinion that the changes to alien insect 1's behaviour are not a welcome addition to the game, just a constant irritant that adds no fun or challenge.
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    We need a save game for this
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  3. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    ask Spanj Shattered Realm is "his" multiplayer and it happened about 1/2 hour before the post was uploaded
  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Try to reproduce it in SP, we rather have an SP save then a MP save.

    Easyer to debug for us
  5. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    What block shape is it this happened at ?
    Full cube block or thin wall ?

    Have other NPC's apart from AlienInsect01 done this also ?
  6. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    This was a full cube of regular concrete block. The only experience I have had similar was nightmares attacking me through blocks from 2 blocks away, but have not been in the position to see if that still happens after the changes to their range. Then there is the spikey tail dinosaur that is quite often clipping through the blocks of the base, but we have not given him cause to attack so it just causes amusement when his head comes through the wall.

    currently, I do not have the time for a single player in addition to the multiplayer. I understand that this will be difficult to impossible to track down and fix based on the limited information.
  7. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I have experienced this same problem. I was using the "Advanced Start" and the POI was the "Old Farm". Alien bugs like to spawn outside.

    I've had bugs crawl up to the window that is next to the bed (so the bug is by the broken pipe). They can attack and stun me through that window.

    I've also had alien bugs spawn underneath the solar panels (I extended the single panel with some adjacent ones). I don't know that this is actually a bug, but I think when you build somewhere, that zone should be excluded from the places where critters can spawn. The bugs spawn on the ground, not on top of my base - but there is a solar panel above it, and I think that should prevent the spawn.
  8. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    this happened to me again 9.5 2294 this happened again I got a screenshot after I went outside to look. this time the insect was stuck in the block.
    the difference is that this time the insect was in the block and last time it was standing next to it when I went outside after the stunning whore off

    Attached Files:

  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Fixed in A10 EXP. Please Try it out
    Pach likes this.

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