Fixed Dynamic Loading failing to load parts of bases [6418]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by MrBalll, May 17, 2019.

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  1. MrBalll

    MrBalll Ensign

    May 17, 2019
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Single player

    Reproducibility: Unable (Seems Random)

    Severity: Minor

    Type: Devices

    Summary: Devices disappear from base, but are still usable.

    Description: In my garden room I had five fridges and two food processors disappear when I came back from my base. I opened the P menu and all devises are still listed and still usable. The space the devices occupied is now empty(can walk around in it), yet devices are still usable.

    Steps to Reproduce: I really can't as it has randomly happened twice. Once when coming back from the moon and once after collecting ores a few map 'squares' away from my base.
  2. robchatc35

    robchatc35 Commander

    May 30, 2016
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    Exactly same is happening to me. Went about 2 kilometre from base. 20190517124450_1.jpg 20190517124348_1.jpg
  3. CHAR

    CHAR Lieutenant

    Jul 22, 2018
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    This bug exists from 9.6, usually returning after a restart.
  4. MrBalll

    MrBalll Ensign

    May 17, 2019
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    Interesting. I've never had that bug before 10, but good to know.
  5. Evolvei

    Evolvei Commander

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Same, came back to SV parts of SV invisible, went back to base parts of base invisible.
    After restart everything back to normal.

    Single Player randomly happens.
  6. Zaflis

    Zaflis Commander

    Sep 15, 2017
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    I too had that in exp 10, 1 cargo container and door disappeared when i flew back to base. I could access the container from control panel though. I reloaded the save and everything looked normal again. After that it hasn't bugged since, i have flown back lots of times.

    There was one unnormal thing i had done with that base before though:
    Since it wasn't a base created with my core, it was the SP starting wreck that could be used as home. But it had an invisible player spawner that i wanted to remove, and i did... not sure if right way. I had to know where the spawner was so i toggled its hud name on. Then when i digged a block under the spawner away, it crashed down and got destroyed i think, except the hud name didn't. After reload it was gone though, and i'm in this "fake?" belief that base was still ok. But the spawner itself was unsalvageable so i had no option but to crash it.

    Edit: Another incident today when i came back to CV that was waiting me at the orbit. It was missing 1 cannon turret, 1 fuel tank and 1 oxygen tank. At that time this bug didn't even come to mind, i thought maybe i had some combat with it before. But now after longer time of playing and that CV docked at my home it has all the parts back. (And no, i don't have a repair platform.)
    Last edited: May 19, 2019
  7. CHAR

    CHAR Lieutenant

    Jul 22, 2018
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    9.7.1 Possible problem in the transition between playfields, or warp
  8. Zaflis

    Zaflis Commander

    Sep 15, 2017
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    Here is another case. I have HV and SV docked on CV. I was on a planet and took CV to scout nearby ore veins, just 10 minutes flight. When i came back that's how the HV looked like:


    Cockpit etc. exists in the menus but i can literally walk through the HV, the parts collision presence is not there.

    I do not believe i crossed any playfield boundary, the vertical barrier is on other side of planet, but this is actually close to south pole. Not 100% sure if i visited other side of that a little moment because it's quite seemless now.
  9. ylosarg

    ylosarg Ensign

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Mode: Dedicated, Survival
    Server Name: Ainult Test
    Modified playfields: made bigger solarsystem, not edited playfields
    Mods: modified config.ecf

    Summary: quite often are missing graphical parts on gameplay, restarting game fixes.. not need restart server

    Description: have i7 4770k, gtx 1070, running on hi settings. its not happening all times.. but changing playfield or logging in.. it happens some time.
    link to video :
    Fenra369 likes this.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    This issue seems fairly consistent for me, every time I travel away from my base. Recreating this will take a little time of the tester involved.

    If someone can load this saved game, jump in the SV and circumnavigate the planet before returning to the Base, they should see the issue quite clearly. I do.

    I just did the above in my game and, when I returned to my base, the following devices had vanished:

    Large Solar Panels (some of them at least)
    Solar Capacitor
    Food Processor
    Small Generator
    Small Fuel Tank
    Wifi Block
    Large Ammo Box
    O2 Tank (Medium)
    O2 Station

    There may have been more, but these were the obvious ones. Things like Doors, Windows, general blocks, Large Constructors, Cargo Controllers and Extensions are not effected that I can see.

    As an FYI on what to look out for, this is a screen shot of me approaching my Base. You'll note the area on the left (East) has one Large Solar Panel visible. However, there are actually several solar panels that should be in front of it.

    A10.0.0 2446_2019-05-19_20-57-22.png

    So, tester, load this save, jump in the SV docked at the base and fly around the planet to reproduce the bug. Or pop into orbit, which is much quicker, but when I experienced the bug after doing that I'd spent ages faffing around in space, so just popping into orbit may not be reliable. The exact distance you need to travel away is likely (I expect) linked to the distance at which things are unloaded. So, that may well be a good way to test too, if you know the value.

    To be clear, this appears to be a new bug in A10, being somewhat different to the already known disappearing devices bug. With that prior bug it was just the model not being loaded, the device was still there in that the Multi-Tool would "see" it, and be able to recover it. It was also substantial in that it could not be walked through. With this new bug the device simple isn't there, except in the Control Panel.

    Edit: I just did a little more testing, travelling 5k from my Base - not enough to trigger the bug it appears.

    Edit 2: I did some more testing and going into orbit doesn't reliably re-create the issue. I was only in orbit for a few minutes, so perhaps there's a time element here too? Regardless, circumnavigating the planet appears to remain the most reliable method.

    Good luck!

    Last edited: May 20, 2019
  11. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer, Dedicated MP

    SEED-ID: 897406

    If applicable:
    MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Yes (for MP only)

    Reproducibility: Sometimes
    Severity: Major

    Type: Bases, Dynamic Loading

    Summary: Dynamic Loading failing to load parts of bases

    Description: This issue that has persisted in stable is also occurring in single player as well. The issue seems to be issues with loading a playfield's entities (like a base or CV) where parts of it will be completely missing. It seems that the missing pieces are based on the time one built it. For example. I built a BA in SP for a while, adding a basic concrete room and a larger one for constructor. The room is still there, but the devices are not. Blocks are also affected by this well, such as CV/BA cubes. Same for bases in MP, where entire sections I have built in orbit disappear when I use a teleporter (the teleporter itself will still work, even if not visible).

    Steps to Reproduce: Build a base or CV entity, play the game for some time, leave an area or playfield, then return to it.

    Workarounds: In every single case of this bug, reloading or reconnecting to a playfield resolves it.

    Logs attached. 20190524152218_1.jpg 20190524152235_1.jpg

    Attached Files:

  12. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I think your issue is similar to mine... Note that the issue seems to be dynamic loading of a playfield. Is it just bases, or PVs as well?
  13. rebuilthk47

    rebuilthk47 Commander

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Having that happen in A9.7 in default random with my server. I've made no modifications. Sometimes when I load in, half of one or all of every base is gone. But I don't have to restart the game, just leave and reenter the server. And if those parts of the base that are fuel, core, and generator are gone, the base has no power and the fridge says everything is spoiled. But then when I reenter and it's all back, what was spoiled is no longer spoiled. That leads me to think that not all the data is loading/being sent to the client from the server.
    Fenra369 likes this.
  14. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Just had this one happen in single player as well- each of the solar panel arrays has 3 panels and a capacitor. I've seen similar behavior on both HV and SVs as well.
  15. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Easy way I can reproduce this is have two large bases with teleporters, use them a couple of times to travel between playfields... It occurs more frequently this way. At this point I'm betting on dynamic loading being a key point of failure.
  16. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Sounds right .. it not only happens on game start but also on returning to the place where the entity is hanging out. I just had it happen again in the same place and the funny part is that it is the same two (of three) solar arrays that didn't initialize.
    I also noticed pieces missing on an HV in the same area (missing on the rendered vehicle but still showed up in the devices list- in this case a hover thruster and the harvest controller.
    Jumping in and out fixed it. More weirdness ... the power on texture is in the ON state when the model only came in partially but it's in the correct OFF state after.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I did report this in another thread, along with re-creation steps that worked for me and a save to action them from. For me, it happens most times I'm away from my base for any length of time. However, I've been into orbit and back, and to another POI on the same planet and back and it both has, and hasn't, occurred on separate occasions. What did reliably re-create it for me was flying around the planet. Literally fly East until you're back at the base. Time consuming, but worked for Cruise helps.

    Note: SV's parked at my base while I've been away have exhibited the missing devices issue too, upon my return. Seems less common though.

  18. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    Do you have a save game setup with this already where it happens sometimes for you ? can you send it to me please ?
  19. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I do not have access to a save file which would illustrate it. Right now it's occurring in single player, provided you follow the reproduction steps listed. Moving around a playfield that's busy tends to cause it more often.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I do still feel that time away from the affected BA seems to have an impact. I.e. a short trip away - even into orbit - sees everything just fine on my return fairly reliably. Go off on a major excursion though - if only 5km or so away (I was investigating a POI) - and the bug occurs upon my return far more often.

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