Lights Are No Longer Useful

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by xmacleod, Jun 20, 2019.

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  1. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    My son had a look at my lights on my HV tank which I use to take out base turrets etc. He changed the lights around different locations on bottom of vehicle, he even put in the sloping lights and not a bit of difference. When I am travelling along and need lights on I am still seeing a bank of fog in front of me.. All we are asking is for them to at least give us the option of being able to switch haze off.
    stanley bourdon and runlykhel like this.
  2. I have an example for you. It's not my picture, but it illustrates the issue perfectly.
    This is in clear space by the way, so what is generating the fog? Notice how far they are away from the lights, spacing the lights out doesn't help the core problem.

    It doesn't matter where you put the lights, you will still be looking through that cone of fog.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2019
  3. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    Yes they don't generate fog. They lighten up all kinds of atmospheric particels. We have now perfectly clear weather here in GE, at 36°C. I'am quite sure that if i take my car this night on the street and lighten the headlights up, there will be a good visible light cone from them. And this headlights are placed in a way on the car that their light cone don't reflect on the metal. So for me the light cones in atmosphere seem completly fine and acurate.

    Here contrarry to above you are for my taste absolutly right about to much foggyness in space, also you have an stagging light effect in that picture. Tested it just now for my self in standard space.
    Would think that this will get worked on further.
  4. Yes, you will see a light cone in real life, but yet at the same time that light cone won't give you a whitewall effect in real life.

    That same clear night in the game right now with only a single spotlight projecting a beam in front of your ship, it IS a near whitewall effect.

    I can build a small ship in game right now and put a single light on it in the exact same fashion as a headlight on a car in real life. The ship in game will have a nearly complete whitewall effect and I can't see a thing. Exact same weather and light placement in real life and I can see perfectly fine.
    stanley bourdon and runlykhel like this.
  5. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    I'am talking about this: Thats one spotlight directly in front of a cockpit.
    A10 Creative_2019-06-25_21-06-15.jpg A10 Creative_2019-06-25_21-06-26.jpg
    Is there a visible lightcone? Yes! Is it to bright? No, almost perfect!

    Please show it to me. I don't get it...
  6. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Try lighting something in front of you, not on the ground below you. You found the 1 use case where it is merely bad as opposed to terrible and horrendous for gameplay. The new lighting effect may look interesting but it is BAD for gameplay in general use.
    krazzykid2006 and elmo like this.
  7. jlego

    jlego Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I just tried it a blind test with @elmo showing 5 different lights, and bottom downward slanted lights appeared to be better (though still terrible). Trouble is, you really need the lights to point forward, so this isn't really a great compromise, and the lights are already as far apart as they can be without making the HV wider (not everyone builds large HVs, and my smallest is deliberately only 5 blocks wide - I prefer smaller vessels, as does @elmo).

    There also seems to be a lot of variation with monitors. I calibrate my monitors, and the effect is slightly reduced compared to @elmo's (which aren't), plus my main monitor wasn't that far off from it's calibration profile anyway. Also, my main monitor is an IPS display, but @elmo's is a normal TN TFT, so that also accounts for some variation - lower viewing angle, so more contrast/colour shift at more of an angle, plus blacks are not as deep at any angle. The result is, I can (just about) see where I'm going, @elmo cannot.

    In any case, I've never seen that strong a haze in a real vehicle. Granted, I live in a country which only rarely gets hot and dry weather (mostly slightly warm and rain ;) ), but I just did a Google Image search for '"desert" "night" "dash cam"', and the results showing dry desert conditions (you have to look for them, it shows a lot of unrelated images) from even the worst cameras showed little, if any haze.
  8. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Realism is not a thing for this game and the HAZE is trash and need to be removed or given an option. I don't want any kind of light that makes it so i can't see. I am not going to adjust my monitor for video game effect that can be fixed to work better for the players. I am disappointed in the fact not one Dev/mod has even said one thing about this. Why the hush hush? This isn't a crazy request like "Too many updates" or "Stop adding things to the game" this is a real request by a good amount of people having a hard time by an added effect that is totally not needed. Realism is not an excuse in a video game for a bad effect. If they are working on it, that would be an awesome response but nothing at all is not cool.

    Considering people act like total jerks on here and the devs respond to them is crazy. Simple "Hey we are working on it" or "We like it and aren't changing it" would be nice. thanks!
    empyrio and stanley bourdon like this.
  9. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Sephrajin, elmo and Supay like this.
  10. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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  11. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    No worries mate glad I could help. I too, like others had been waiting for a response. :)
    Supay likes this.
  12. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I totally agree krazzykid2006. If it would only work on a foggy day/night it would be way better. The utility spots are useless now.
    (BTW your avatar is creepy, I love it)
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  13. MontanaMike

    MontanaMike Lieutenant

    Jan 12, 2019
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    I will say the "hazy" volumetric lights cause me to use night vision goggles much more often. As I said above (and others here have said), if this "haze" could be applied in a way appropriate to current environmental conditions, that would be way cool. :) If it's foggy out, for example, the night vision goggles would become more than mere convenience...
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  14. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    If space had as many particles as @Na_Palm said, we probably couldnt call Space a vacuum.
    Get me Right, I'm not saying space hasnt got any particles at all, but for sure not as many as These Lights indicate -> specialy when compared to how they behave on the planet.

    The 'permament' haze is an Overkill (Looks good though - for screenshots - but not for gameplay).
    I'd rather see the 'haze behaviour' fixed (only on foggy conditions) than an Option.

    But we shall see how it turns out.
    Supay, xmacleod, SacredGlade and 2 others like this.
  15. MontanaMike

    MontanaMike Lieutenant

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Agreed, @Sephrajin. The only thing I'd add is that it is possible to have dust clouds in particular areas of space that contain enough particles of a size that scatter visible light. When flying through such dust clouds it might be appropriate to turn on "the haze" to some degree.
    Supay, Sephrajin and stanley bourdon like this.
  16. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Started a new game tonight....suit light makes a white out..had to turn it right back off.
    Are the devs doing anything about this?
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  17. MontanaMike

    MontanaMike Lieutenant

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Hi @hound. In the patch notes for Alpha 10.2:
    No ETA given, but sounds like it's on their list of things to do.
    stanley bourdon and Germanicus like this.
  18. Lane M Johnson III

    Lane M Johnson III Ensign

    Nov 10, 2017
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    The haze is dreadful. I'm all for the new eye candy with Unity 2018.3 or whatever it's at presently, I lost track with it going back and forth, but dang, I can barely see to mine in an HV, on foot, or in my CV Driller. Inside bases there should be no haze at all providing the room is airtight with atmosphere, The effect could be cut at least 50% regardless. In space it should react with the drifting nebula gas layer. On planet, ground fog and dust storm's. Light a match, blow it out and shine a laser pointer in the code lab a few times till they get the idea......A snack might help as well. Good luck.
    Supay and stanley bourdon like this.
  19. empyrio

    empyrio Ensign

    Jul 15, 2019
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    game is amazing. light effects sucks bad. please fix. thanks.
    Supay and stanley bourdon like this.
  20. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    I was told tonight the devs have no timeline for fixing this and then that thread was deleted.
    It was posted by Hummel.
    stanley bourdon and elmo like this.
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