What in the windows registry does this program change? I was running a server perfectly fine with EAH for days and decided an auto updater would be nice. Now I have a completely broken mess. I have cleaned out everything i could find empyrion, EAH and this updater. Now i can no longer set up or get any server running again for empyrion even after a fresh install (removed appdata). I'm also running a conan exiles server, 5 instances of ark in a cluster, and 7 days to die server all on the same machine. I don't think I'm making many mistakes here. Please help me remove all traces of this program so i can get EAH running again.
afaik HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater But i honestly doubt its the reason. You might want to check the EAH logs first to see why it doesn't connect
I already got rid of them in the process if trying to get a fresh install. (I did see them briefly, something was making EAH hang.) Something caused a memory leak and crashed the server machine (64gb ram). I connect to the machine via logmein. (2 friends running game servers for more friends) he's attempting to rebuild it again now sense i have failed twice. will let you know what happens. sorry I don't have as much info as probably desired.
Registry : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater And (If run with Windows enabled) : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run File : Windir\logs\EmpyrionOnline
Well After long hours and less hair we seem to have it running again. I don't know how to properly say what went wrong but everything was fine until we added the Update tool. Right after adding the tool to the machine, the admin helper program screen went white and black, about a minute later the machine crashed. from there we tried setting up the tool but continued to have issues with connecting to steam and working with EAH. after a few attempts, we decided updating it our selfs would be better after all. after removing every trace of the auto update tool, dedi server, and EAH, we did a fresh install of only the dedi server with EAH exactly the way we did the 1st time we got it working. the issue was we still had the same problem. strange enough you could connect to the server and select a starting planet, but you just wouldn't load in. in the task manager a normal playfield seemed to use only about 1.2gb of ram at the start of a game, in this case it jumped to 2.9gb almost as it was trying to build the playfield twice. I'm not really sure how or why this keeped happening. Eventually After Using all the .exe commands in the files and removing everything from the firewall settings and allowing new rules to be set, the server finally started a playfield that loads and can be connected to.
can you send me the logfile of Updater ? in "Windir\logs\EmpyrionOnline" I do not think the updater is involved. But everything is possible Have you enabled the DataProvider ? If enabled an windows service existe "EOSatellite" you can disable it and file located here : Windir\EOSdataProvider.exe
26-22:28:24.317 18_28 -EXC- System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. Your server didnt shut down correctly. Some process kept running thats why. This happens from time to time
I wont Be able to send logs as the info has been wiped. apologies for that but as is I'm not the only one working on it. I'm sure we didn't set it up in the right order. We got the server back online last night the way we had it before we added the update tool (EAH only). I think after that experience we will just update the normal way. (in my opinion if the EAH and update tool was 1 tool, the set up would be better for gamers) Side note: I was very frustrated yesterday with the ordeal so apologies if i came of brash. Just happy i get to play A10 with the bros now.
When we installed it we made a folder on the main drive. when we opened it, it re populated some files from the dedi server folder, thus marking some of the files in the dedi folder "old". when this happened is when everything broke. from this point it didn't matter what we did, it always loaded 2 playfields at 2.9gb. After failed attempts at making it work, we decided to just go back to what we had. EAH only. We deleted everything empy, update tool, and EAH. Although I don't know if EAH makes registry edits. we didn't clear those as we didn't know/find the keys. After a clean install of everything (we removed appdata as well) we still had the same problem. 2 playfields 2.9gb. after a wipe though, we could connect to the starting screen and select a planet, but from there, permanent loading screen. after many wipes, after triggering all the .exe files in the dedi folders manually along with steam cmd. we restarted EAH 4 times and on the 4th time it just worked.
Sounds abit that something went horrible wrong Hard to say what caused it without haveing the log files sadly
The server owner plans on building another server tower. A thread ripper system. when this happens, the current will become a secondary server. I'm going to see if we can set up a VM on it for better testing and or itself. if this happens, I may revisit this and see if i can figure out what happened, gain logs. I'll update the thread in the future. I can't guarantee that though as I'm not the guy who gets to make the final calls.
If You run more then 1 game server on the machine you plan on running empyrion on, I recommend avoiding this tool until a unified program is built including an uninstaller. As it stand's, The machine we installed it on is having nothing but issues with the windows api now. I firmly believe the tool caused this as the machine never had issues until we added this tool in the C drive. (we had EAH running before this with 0 issues) in fact, when we added the tool, EAH blacked out and the computer crashed. "it's an override the way it was written he had to since it needs to over ride the server app but it has no uninstaller makes it a virus pretty much it registers itself and makes process tasks and because of the master slave they used windows api integration for controlling reasons the 7 days to die server is no longer able to restart itself now since that updater app and the conan server has pathing issues along with the flashing screen from windows api running a registry cleaner found massive amount of errors many labeled EOupdater"
@brad68brad Thank you for sending me your report (that I can see the problem and corrected it maybe). there will be no installer because it is not invasive. There is only one LOG file and one registry location there is nothing else. I still do not think that the program is the cause of your dysfunction. It only controls SteamCMD and checks for the presence of empyrion processes. the use of the dedicated.yaml is used for the start of empyrion, and the password for sending the SAY and SAVANDEXIT command. The program was developed for the server "EMPYRION.FR" and shared for pleasure. I am open to all evolution but in case of problem without LOG, without report I can not do anything.
Here for information the only two functions of reading and writing in the windows registry Save config Fonction : Spoiler: Fonction Code: Func _Save_Config() Local $sTmp RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ConfigVerion", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath))) If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ConfigVerion") = _StringToHex(FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath)) Then ; Vérification si la config s'enregistre bien RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamAppID", "REG_SZ", GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_AppID)) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranch", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_Branch))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDusr", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_User))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMD", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_SteamCMD))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EmpyrionLauncher", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_EmpLaunch))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "DedicasedYAML", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_EMP_DediYAML))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "smtp", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_SMTP))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_from_name", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_MailFromName))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_from", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_MailFrom))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_objet", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_MailObj))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_to", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_MailTO))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_Username", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_SMTPUsr))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_Port", "REG_SZ", GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_SMTPPort)) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AUCheck_Time", "REG_SZ", GUICtrlRead($hGui_AU_CheckT)) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ShutDown_Time", "REG_SZ", GUICtrlRead($hGui_AU_ShutDownT)) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "StopMsg", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_AU_SMsg))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBU", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_AU_ScriptBU))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBST", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_AU_ScriptBST))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBS", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_AU_ScriptBS))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ARCheck_Time", "REG_SZ", GUICtrlRead($hGui_AR_CheckT)) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "Restart_Time", "REG_SZ", GUICtrlRead($hGui_AR_RestartT)) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_Api", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_EO_ApiUrl))) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_Token", "REG_SZ", _Crypt_EncryptData(GUICtrlRead($hGui_EO_Token), [CRYPTKEYALGOJAMMED], $CALG_AES_256)) If GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_PWD) <> "" Then ; Enregistrement de PWD Steam RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDpwd", "REG_SZ", _Crypt_EncryptData(_StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_PWD)), [CRYPTKEYALGOJAMMED], $CALG_AES_256)) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDpwd", "REG_SZ", "") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_Branch_PWD) <> "" Then ; Enregistrement de PWD Steam Branch RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranchPwd", "REG_SZ", _Crypt_EncryptData(_StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_Branch_PWD)), [CRYPTKEYALGOJAMMED], $CALG_AES_256)) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranchPwd", "REG_SZ", "") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_Branch_Other) <> "" Then ; Enregistrement de SteamBranch Other RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranchOther", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_ST_Branch_Other))) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranchOther", "REG_SZ", "") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_SMTPPwd) <> "" Then ; Enregistrement des PWD SMTP RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_Password", "REG_SZ", _Crypt_EncryptData(_StringToHex(GUICtrlRead($hGui_SM_SMTPPwd)), [CRYPTKEYALGOJAMMED], $CALG_AES_256)) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_Password", "REG_SZ", "") EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_ST_anonymous) Then ; Enrigistrement de l'option "Connection Anonyme" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDAnonymous", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDAnonymous", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_ST_Validate) Then ; Enrigistrement de l'option "Steam Validate" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDValidate", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDValidate", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_SM_Enable) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Send Mail" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "MEnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "MEnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_SM_SMTPssl) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Mail Enable SSL" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_ssl", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_ssl", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_AU_Enable) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Auto Update" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AUEnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AUEnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_AU_RestartEAH) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Start EAH aprés une mise a jour" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "RestartEAH", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "RestartEAH", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_AR_Enable) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Auto Restart" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AREnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AREnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_OPT_AutoStartES) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Start server with E.O. Auto Updater" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AutoStartEmpSrv", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AutoStartEmpSrv", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_OPT_UpdateOS) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Launch initial update before starting server" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "UpdateOnFirstStart", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "UpdateOnFirstStart", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_OPT_AutoStartEAH) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Launch EAH After server going up" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AutoStartEmpSrvEAH", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AutoStartEmpSrvEAH", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_EO_Enable) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Enable Empyrion Online Satellite" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EOEnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EOEnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_EO_AU_Enable) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Enable E.O.S.Auto Update" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_AUEnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_AUEnable", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_EO_JammerEnable) Then ; Enregistrement de l'option "Password Jammer" RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EOJammer", "REG_DWORD", 0x000002) Else RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EOJammer", "REG_DWORD", 0x000001) EndIf If _IsChecked($hGui_OPT_StartOnBoot) Then ; Option Start on Boot If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "EmpUpdater") <> '"' & @ScriptFullPath & '"' Then RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "EmpUpdater", "REG_SZ", '"' & @ScriptFullPath & '"') EndIf Else If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "EmpUpdater") <> "" Then RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "EmpUpdater") EndIf EndIf ;~ Enregistrement du E.O.S. Forbiden command For $a = 0 to _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hGui_EO_FCommand) If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hGui_EO_FCommand, $a) <> "" Then $sTmp &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hGui_EO_FCommand, $a) & "|" EndIf Next If StringRight($sTmp, 1) = "|" Then $sTmp = StringTrimRight($sTmp, 1) RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_FCommand", "REG_SZ", _StringToHex($sTmp)) Else _Log('Error : Please check your admin right or "HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater" right.') MsgBox(262144 + 16, $sProgName, "An error has occurred !" & @CRLF & "Can't save configuration." & @CRLF & 'Please check your admin right or "HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater" right.') Exit EndIf EndFunc Read config fonction : Spoiler: Fonction Code: Func _ReadConfig() If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDValidate") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_EMP_SteamCMDV = False Then $sREG_EMP_SteamCMDV = True Else If $sREG_EMP_SteamCMDV = True Then $sREG_EMP_SteamCMDV = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDAnonymous") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_EMP_SteamCMD_Anonymous = False Then $sREG_EMP_SteamCMD_Anonymous = True Else If $sREG_EMP_SteamCMD_Anonymous = True Then $sREG_EMP_SteamCMD_Anonymous = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "MEnable") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_SM_Enable = False Then $sREG_SM_Enable = True Else If $sREG_SM_Enable = True Then $sREG_SM_Enable = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AUEnable") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_AU_Enable = False Then $sREG_AU_Enable = True Else If $sREG_AU_Enable = True Then $sREG_AU_Enable = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "RestartEAH") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_AU_RestartEAH = False Then $sREG_AU_RestartEAH = True Else If $sREG_AU_RestartEAH = True Then $sREG_AU_RestartEAH = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AREnable") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_AR_Enable = False Then $sREG_AR_Enable = True Else If $sREG_AR_Enable = True Then $sREG_AR_Enable = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_ssl") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_SM_SMTPssl = False Then $sREG_SM_SMTPssl = True Else If $sREG_SM_SMTPssl = True Then $sREG_SM_SMTPssl = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AutoStartEmpSrv") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_OPT_AutoStartES = False Then $sREG_OPT_AutoStartES = True Else If $sREG_OPT_AutoStartES = True Then $sREG_OPT_AutoStartES = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "UpdateOnFirstStart") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_OPT_UpdateOS = False Then $sREG_OPT_UpdateOS = True Else If $sREG_OPT_UpdateOS = True Then $sREG_OPT_UpdateOS = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AutoStartEmpSrvEAH") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_OPT_AutoStartEAH = False Then $sREG_OPT_AutoStartEAH = True Else If $sREG_OPT_AutoStartEAH = True Then $sREG_OPT_AutoStartEAH = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EOEnable") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_EO_Enable = False Then $sREG_EO_Enable = True Else If $sREG_EO_Enable = True Then $sREG_EO_Enable = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_AUEnable") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_EO_AUEnable = False Then $sREG_EO_AUEnable = True Else If $sREG_EO_AUEnable = True Then $sREG_EO_AUEnable = False EndIf If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EOJammer") = 0x000002 Then If $sREG_EO_Jammer = False Then $sREG_EO_Jammer = True Else If $sREG_EO_Jammer = True Then $sREG_EO_Jammer = False EndIf $sREG_EMP_AppID = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamAppID") $sREG_EMP_Branchpwd = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranchPwd") $sREG_EMP_SteamPWD = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDpwd") $sREG_SM_SMTPPwd = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_Password") $sREG_SM_SMTPPort = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_Port") $sREG_AU_CheckT = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AUCheck_Time") $sREG_AU_ShutDownT = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ShutDown_Time") $sREG_AR_CheckT = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ARCheck_Time") $sREG_AR_RestartT = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "Restart_Time") $sREG_AU_SMsg = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "StopMsg") $sREG_EO_Token = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_Token") $sREG_EMP_Branch = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranch")) $sREG_EMP_Branch_Other =_HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranchOther")) $sREG_EMP_SteamCMD = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMD")) $sREG_EMP_SteamUSR = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDusr")) $sREG_EMP_EmpLaunch = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EmpyrionLauncher")) $sREG_EMP_DediYAML = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "DedicasedYAML")) $sREG_SM_SMTP = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "smtp")) $sREG_SM_MailFromName = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_from_name")) $sREG_SM_MailFrom = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_from")) $sREG_SM_MailObj = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_objet")) $sREG_SM_MailTO = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_to")) $sREG_SM_SMTPUsr = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_Username")) $sREG_AU_ScriptBU = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBU")) $sREG_AU_ScriptBS = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBS")) $sREG_AU_ScriptBST = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBST")) $sREG_EO_ApiUrl = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_Api")) $sREG_EO_FCommand = _HexToString(RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_FCommand")) If StringInStr(StringLeft(_HexToString($sREG_AU_SMsg), 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_AU_SMsg = _StringToHex($sREG_AU_SMsg) If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_EMP_Branch, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_EMP_Branch = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamBranch") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_EMP_SteamCMD, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_EMP_SteamCMD = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMD") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_EMP_SteamUSR, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_EMP_SteamUSR = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDusr") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_EMP_EmpLaunch, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_EMP_EmpLaunch = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EmpyrionLauncher") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_EMP_DediYAML, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_EMP_DediYAML = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "DedicasedYAML") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_SM_SMTP, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_SM_SMTP = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "smtp") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_SM_MailFromName, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_SM_MailFromName = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_from_name") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_SM_MailFrom, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_SM_MailFrom = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_from") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_SM_MailObj, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_SM_MailObj = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_objet") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_SM_MailTO, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_SM_MailTO = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_to") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_SM_SMTPUsr, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_SM_SMTPUsr = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "mail_Username") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_AU_ScriptBU, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_AU_ScriptBU = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBU") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_AU_ScriptBS, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_AU_ScriptBS = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBS") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_AU_ScriptBST, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_AU_ScriptBST = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "ScriptBST") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_EO_ApiUrl, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_EO_ApiUrl = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_Api") If StringInStr(StringLeft($sREG_EO_FCommand, 2), "0x", 1) Then $sREG_EO_FCommand = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_FCommand") ;~ ____________________________________________________ ;~ ### Application des paramétres par default si non configurée If $sREG_EMP_Branch = "" Then $sREG_EMP_Branch = "public" If $sREG_EMP_AppID = "" Then $sREG_EMP_AppID = "530870" If $sREG_SM_SMTPPort = "" Then $sREG_SM_SMTPPort = "25" If $sREG_AR_CheckT = "" Then $sREG_AR_CheckT = "1" If $sREG_AR_RestartT = "" Then $sREG_AR_RestartT = "5" If $sREG_AU_CheckT = "" Then $sREG_AU_CheckT = "15" If $sREG_AU_ShutDownT = "" Then $sREG_AU_ShutDownT = "5" If $sREG_AU_SMsg = "" Then $sREG_AU_SMsg = _StringToHex("This server restarts for update in 5 minutes.") If $sREG_AU_ScriptBU = "" Then $sREG_AU_ScriptBU = "None" If $sREG_AU_ScriptBS = "" Then $sREG_AU_ScriptBS = "None" If $sREG_AU_ScriptBST = "" Then $sREG_AU_ScriptBST = "None" If $sREG_EO_FCommand = "" Then $sREG_EO_FCommand = "saveandexit|initadmin|changemode|setrole|wipe|stoppf" If $sREG_EO_Token = "" Then $sREG_EO_Token = _Crypt_EncryptData(_Gen_Token(), [CRYPTKEYALGOJAMMED], $CALG_AES_256) If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "SteamCMDAnonymous") = "" Then $sREG_EMP_SteamCMD_Anonymous = True If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AUEnable") = "" Then $sREG_AU_Enable = True If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AREnable") = "" Then $sREG_AR_Enable = True If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "RestartEAH") = "" Then $sREG_AU_RestartEAH = True If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "AutoStartEmpSrv") = "" Then $sREG_OPT_AutoStartES = True If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "UpdateOnFirstStart") = "" Then $sREG_OPT_UpdateOS = True If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EOEnable") = "" Then $sREG_EO_Enable = False If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EO_AUEnable") = "" Then $sREG_EO_AUEnable = True If RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater", "EOJammer") = "" Then $sREG_EO_Jammer = True If $sREG_EO_ApiUrl = "" Then If $sOnline_API_Url <> "" Then $sREG_EO_ApiUrl = $sOnline_API_Url Else $sREG_EO_ApiUrl = $sUpdateURL EndIf EndIf EndFunc For the part EAH I'm just using the API "TOOLSTOP.TXT" Stop EAH fonction : Spoiler: Fonction Code: Func _EmpEAHShutdown() Local $hTimeOut If ProcessExists("EmpAdminHelper.exe") Then $sEAH_Present = True _Log("Closing EAH") ; Log Run(@ComSpec & ' /C echo. >>"' & $sST_EmpLaunchDir & '\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionAdminHelper\Import Commands\TOOL_STOP.txt"', $sST_EmpLaunchDir & "\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionAdminHelper\Import Commands", @SW_HIDE) $hTimeOut = TimerInit() ; Initialise le Timer de TimeOut While 1 Sleep ( 1000 ) If not ProcessExists("EmpAdminHelper.exe") Then ExitLoop ; Si l'EAH c'est fermé ==> ExitLoop If TimerDiff($hTimeOut) > 300000 then ; TimeOut de 5 minute _Log("Warning - Closing EAH TimeOut 5mins Killing process ...") ; Log ProcessClose("EmpAdminHelper.exe") ; Kill des process si TimeOut FileDelete($sST_EmpLaunchDir & "\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionAdminHelper\Import Commands\TOOL_STOP.txt") ExitLoop ; ExitLoop suite au kill des process EndIf WEnd Else $sEAH_Present = False EndIf EndFunc Start EAH fonction : Spoiler: Fonction Code: Func _EmpEAHStart() _Log("Starting EAH") ; Log Sleep (15000) if FileExists($sST_EmpLaunchDir & "\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionAdminHelper\Import Commands\TOOL_STOP.txt") Then FileDelete($sST_EmpLaunchDir & "\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionAdminHelper\Import Commands\TOOL_STOP.txt") Run($sST_EmpLaunchDir & "\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionAdminHelper\EmpAdminHelper.exe", $sST_EmpLaunchDir & "\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionAdminHelper") EndFunc And the last ADD in V2.0.0.9 : Spoiler: Fonction Code: Func _EmpStartServer() Local $hTimeOut, $sEPMDLLsrc, $sEPMDLLdes, $sEPMDLLsrcVer, $sEPMDLLdesVer _Log("Starting Server...") ; Log $sEPMDLLsrc = $sST_EmpLaunchDir & "\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionAdminHelper\EPM.dll" $sEPMDLLdes = $sST_EmpLaunchDir & "\Content\Mods\EPM\EPM.dll" If FileExists($sEPMDLLsrc) and FileExists($sEPMDLLdes) Then $sEPMDLLsrcVer = FileGetVersion($sEPMDLLsrc) $sEPMDLLdesVer = FileGetVersion($sEPMDLLdes) _Log("EPM.dll source version : " & $sEPMDLLsrcVer) ; Log _Log("EPM.dll destination version : " & $sEPMDLLdesVer) ; Log If $sEPMDLLsrcVer > $sEPMDLLdesVer Then If FileCopy($sEPMDLLsrc, $sEPMDLLdes, 1) = 1 Then _Log("EPM.dll successfully updated to version : " & $sEPMDLLsrcVer) Else _Log("EPM.dll Failed update") EndIf EndIf EndIf .....
Apologies for not getting you the log. I'm not the only one working on the project. anyone else reading thru this i hope you understand the things said are he to help the program get better in the future, not to flame or cause issues. After running the registry cleaner, Windows still references the empyrion online satellite, we can't seem to remove it with anything. Before we ran the reg cleaner, even after a fresh install of empyrion and EAH only, empyrion tried referencing a folder labeled "EPM" I do not see this folder anywhere in the files before or after the cleaner was run. Lesson learned... Get the damn logs! Spoiler Spoiler We have the server running stable now without the updater, just with EAH. After the fresh install, the server would be stuck in a 90 sec reboot loop (default timeout time) the server logs posted a few above were from this loop. I fully understand this tool was made for a specific server and shared to the community, thus meaning it may not and probably will not work in every case. I just wanted to share my experience with the tool. if the server didn't have other games running with active players on it, I would do more testing, but that's not fair to the other players if something go's wrong. Thank you for taking the time to help. If i can supply any additional info feel free to ask questions on what happened.
Ha ! You have activated the Satellite service "Specific option" The satellite is a specific option enabled only if you have the use ! ^^. (in your case NO ^^) The uninstaller of the satellite and in the updater =) Spoiler: Procedure For a clean uninstall, check this process: 1) Delete registry key : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater" 2) Run Updater : 3) Uncheck This (It may not be enabled as the registry keys have been removed, but this is normal) : 4) Save and Reload : 5) Clic OK (Normal Error the Updater is not configured) : 6) Then Exit Updater : 7) If you want never use the Updater, u can clear registry : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EmpUpdater" and delete "EOupdater.exe" PS : Next time, do not enable this options =) "it's specific (WEB API)"
Seeing that you have attempted a violent deletion, it does not matter what you should do to install the sattelite before deleting (it's the same as described above) just need to check the box. But normally the program is smart enough to perform the deletion even after your attempt =)
Update. Patch note : -Add E.O.S. windows service enable confirmation window (avoid user accidental activation) -Add "Uninstall.exe" in package (in case an uninstall is wanted)
Thank you!!! The uninstall.exe successfully removed the remaining process and paths linked to the satellite. (without re-installing the updater) Very nice. This solved the remaining issues stated in above posts.