What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    They must drink their fill just before they leave the drop ships, as ive found Co2 on those along with water after they've been shot down :(
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Seems the "Final Days" of this Towers have come? Looks realistic in my eyes!

    @ravien_ff : WE NEED THIS for the Dead Planet:D
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Guess, who's coming to Diner?:rolleyes:

    The Last Days_2019-08-08_21-04-44.png
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That looks awesome!
    Are you going to put it on the workshop? I'd love to use it on my dead planets. :D
    Tyrax Lightning and Jenniphurr like this.
  5. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Ever start doing something maybe designing a ship or a base, then a few hours later it looks so terrible you delete the lot :( :( lol, well ive done a few of those not sure about this one I was trying to make a ship looking like the eagle off space 1999 (showing my age) spoiler lol.

    Here's the eagle for those that don't remember the show.

    And here's what I ended up doing :( :(
    Space 1999 wth.jpg

    The concept works having a docking pad on the end of the SV works well, sadly I am not to sure who hired the crane operator as there have been quite a few fatalities, we need to start testing some of the operators before they start shift.. but the SV units are far too big to look anything like the units the Eagle used to carry underneath. I still need to spend a little time on the CV unless its given a few mods and just turned into a sky crane and leave the Eagles and such to the professionals, there should be a tab for posting epic failure images of ships before they get nuked.
  6. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Looks real nice I cant quite grasp the copy paste yet just for blocks, so making a whole world is pretty cool, keep up the great work, I will try and improve my painting by numbers :(
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I know the feeling, many of my builds do not turn out how I originally envisioned them.

    I find that I can sometimes get past a block by looking at other builders work, take a look at how Isaac Dark did his version of the Eagle.

    I like how you were shooting for a CV version with a companion SV for the cargo pod.
  8. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Thanks for the link, just subscribed and taken a look at it, Ive a feeling this might take some time and be completely out of proportion, but will try and give it a whirl when I am able, I can see already where I can add quite a lot of detail, my first attempt I ended up with a lifepod :( empty box lol,

    No doubt a number of the other SV.s that came off of the 3d printer will end up with a lot more names lol, had a few ideas for those, accommodation blocks for part built space stations along with scrapping old wrecks easily add a door / access point to any part of the CV that you feel like, when its time for a break head off to the safe zone, for some toilet time to catch up on the the Empyrion gazette I think its available in all sectors now :( :)

    easy access.jpg
    Alternately make a small prison cell and capture the entities chasing you lol.

    So loving the scenario so far, after dying a few times, it dawned on me I need bigger firepower and med kits lol, took me awhile and more scavenging, but was able to remove the hold they had on this once great ship, the pod looks part of the structure maybe with a little tlc it has a future. Restarted and tried dead planet :) keep up the good work ravien_ff :) its appreciated I am sure by all.
  9. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    They aren’t failures, they are ‘practice’!!

    I have kept all of my ‘practice’ builds to show the evolution of my skills. I’ve only been playing for less than 6 months and the quality of my builds has changed drastically.

    As others have said, spawn in a few similar builds from the workshop and see how things are done. Then build your own from scratch.

    Also my advice is don’t be too rigid on trying to create something exactly how you want it for now. The blocks only get you so far and textures are where you stuff will really start to work. Try to avoid too many flat surfaces to give it character and make if feel more real.
    Something as simple as three cubes in line can be made to look interesting by replacing the middle one with a slight cutout cube and then one of the sheet metal textures. Just to break up the surface.
  10. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I finished the interior of the FA-036 / UCH-002 Titan today.
    Despite being roughly the same size (technically it's not as long or tall) as the current MS Titan it has vastly more interior space.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-57-54.png
    From this angle the FA-036 looks smaller. They're actually pretty much even in length if you include the front antenna into the total length of the ship.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-59-03.png
    Here's the shiny new interior:
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-00-07.png
    HV/SV bay. Looked over by the control room.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-00-55.png
    Engineering Section. Some big turbines to power stuff. Space needs filling. There's a similar room on the other side of the ship. The generator room is at the end of the corridor over the back.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-02-46.png
    The Engineering section's break room and fuel storage. The stairs go up into the main section of the ship below the bridge.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-54-56.png
    Central briefing room. This room is below the bridge and houses the cargo bay, manufacturing, armory, server room, cryosleep pods, medbay, flight control and the captain's and first officer's quarters.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-03-46.png
    The Bridge. It's smaller than the original MS Titan's. Then again, having a big empty cube on a stick is just asking to be shot off.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-04-29.png
    Mess Hall. This is on the forward section of the ship, overlooking the HV/SV Bay; between the two residential sections.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-04-45.png
    Port side, lower residence deck. There are two decks on each side of the ship for crew quarters. The total capacity is for 170 crewmembers (not including beds in the medbay).
    13 Chrono_2019-08-10_00-05-22.png
    Front Section. This part houses the warp drive, forward weapons and some of the vertical thrusters.

    Not shown are the various bathrooms, locker rooms and the stuff on the command deck because it's all pretty standard stuff. The design is more or less the same as the interiors of the FA-033 Millenium or the FA-037 Oppressor a few pages back (yeah, I skipped a number with that one).

    Tomorrow, i'll do a quick recolor of a copy in FORGE colors.
    Then, i'll take the UCH one and smash it to pieces, strip/burn out the interior and devices then artfully arrange them as 3 bases in several pieces.
    I think i'll be a bit more inventive than just sticking the wrecked ship as is. I'm thinking of putting at least one section upside down, so that you need to traverse the ceiling; and maybe another on it's end. Those engine pods definitely aren't going to sit the way they are as a base, so they're coming off too. There's 4 of them so I can be inventive with how they're smashed.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2019
  12. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The first time I found the titan I was like wow, great vessel, I used to enjoy stripping it down for the Combat cubes found a few easter eggs there :) :) :0 looks so cool I always wanted to put it back together and fly it. Love the images of it with some life in more of the same please maybe externally ive never seen it in one piece flying :(
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The original ship is on the steam workshop. It's called the Talos cruiser.
    Here's the post on the forum with the links and more screenshots: https://empyriononline.com/threads/capital-vessel.1500/#post-16897
    It's so old the game doesn't even look like that anymore.
  14. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Guys congratulate me ive just done my first copy paste :) for real, and ive had a great idea for a poi, the other day I must of spent about 2-3 days with my hangar sobs.

    My first stumbling block is size of structure to max it out. is it limited to blocks or dimensions, I tried the link to a help desk (zendesk) but its a dead link.

    ive spawned in bigger bases but they've less blocks,

    my first.jpg

    Any help advice appreciated.

    Now after me learning how to do things much quicker :) let me know if this idea is doable for a poi.

    You awake from cryo sleep unsure how you got there or even who you are, could possibly be in a lifepod possibly not, could be a cell, do a few puzzles and get the door open.

    You find yourself in a huge hangar... (where have I seen that before) there is part of a crane sticking out of rebar you have to run around a bit like the crystal maze finding different pieces to get the "crane" to work engines etc, if theyre in the wrong place the crane wont be able to circumnavigate its way through the maze/broken parts of the rebar to eventually find your escape.. this could be just part of a zone kill a few zirax, get an engine attach to crane SV located on crane but unable to access it, another door opens, figuring out the whys and where's as you journey through zones could be multiple cranes that need to move maybe swap sv to diff cranes as you traverse through the hellish rebar...

    is this idea doable and daft should I save my time or waste it.
  15. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Some re-work of a cockpit
    bit of a squeeze inside...
    think i actually prefer the original..
  16. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The first puzzle / test to overcome is quite simple I think might be harder to achieve, your being fried by radiation. dotted around the maze you notice a number of armor lockers however they're on the walls ceiling etc, in a poi is it possible for the admin to turn off godmode etc ? there are 6 generators all of which turn you down a different path.. One of which could be a quick way back to earth :(
    6 grav generators.jpg
    on each plane there could be a different puzzle or you bounce around the cube to get to your destination a fresh building through to circumnavigate around, just floating a few ideas.... it could be a number of buildings on a planet connected by tubes that you can pass through to each one via a transportation tube.... where there wouldn't or couldn't be size limitations....

    Some time back on one of the ships I was working on I thought I would save space by putting the grav unit on the ceiling to save space... soon placed it back in its rightful place. :)

    See yall in about ten years lol either way don't get sucked into space its all downhill...
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That is one absolutely beautiful ship! I hope you post it here or on the workshop so we can all take a look!
    Tyrax Lightning, Na_Palm and dpburke2 like this.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Frantically searching for crashed Vessels on the Arid Planet..pretty close to my Start World(1,2AU)... hope to find those flying bricks that have one Large Truster attached. 4 Wrecks so far no luck. Only small stacks of Erestrum and Zascosium from the POI's on the Arid Planet. Like to replace half of the M-Thruster against 2 L-Truster:rolleyes:.

    CV gets more pieces...

    The Last Days_2019-08-09_23-10-25.png The Last Days_2019-08-09_06-20-58.png
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Made a new hacking mega-POI. No screenshots because it'll be a surprise. :D

    You'll have to hack into 4 POIs spread out among the outer rim to get the codes needed for the 5th POI. I'm using things like math problems for these, some are even in binary. Should make an interesting optional challenge for those who want to take it up. Rewards about 300k worth of holoscreens and some good alien containers so hopefully it's worth it. :D
  20. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Today, I finished updating my Red Hawker SV on the workshop. Now it includes a cavity for installing a shield in addition to the warp drive. The thrusters were switched out with M thrusters so I could preserve the core shape I like so much without blocking any thrusters. Also upgraded for m/v including allowing for 10 tons of pentaxid in the tank. And optimized so all this works in 2.0 g.


    A10 DI_2019-08-09_23-47-20.jpg A10 DI_2019-08-09_23-49-08.png A10 DI_2019-08-09_23-50-10.jpg A10 DI_2019-08-09_23-50-57.jpg

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