Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. eLLe

    eLLe Captain

    Jun 17, 2017
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    1. Underwater base and vehicles
    2. More solar systems
    3. Desert planet, snow-capped mountains and valleys with forests, canyons and caves, underwater caves and all sorts of different life-threatening or dangerous worlds and all on one planet.
  2. Omegahsc

    Omegahsc Ensign

    May 30, 2019
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    Hello...! for me the most wanted requires are:
    -More Resorces Fields, and more amount output
    -The automatic extractor, should extract 2 or 3 times faster in single player, in the comparation at multiplayer
    BECAUSE in multiplayer, when we shutdown the computer, the extractor keep working, and in singleplayer not!
    -Ships should be more fast! Example: I dont understand why the same ship whit 5 engines and the another with 8 engines have the same speed!
  3. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019
    Mikiy, Arkudo, TK85 and 3 others like this.
  4. EightyEighty

    EightyEighty Lieutenant

    Apr 26, 2017
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    1) Walking around on moving large grids.

    This would expand gameplay in a number of ways. Hostile boarding actions. Stowaways. Multiple players fighting/repairing/panicking-up-and-down-the-halls-in a single battleship. Cooking burgers for all your buddies while you approach the planet. I think everybody pretty much gets this one already.

    2) Large hover grids.

    This would also expand the gameplay in new and fun directions. I detailed my ideas for this in the thread here:

    Basically this would make for movable bases and POIs. Hover pads would support more weight, more efficiently, than CV thrusters, with the tradeoff that they're not nearly as maneuverable and cannot reach orbit. This would allow for movable home bases, of course. But it would also allow for bases in more locations, such as above the crush zone of a gas giant or above the radiated fog of a hostile world.

    This would only really work if we could already walk around on moving large grids.

    3) Indirect-fire weapons

    I want to be able to park my vehicle behind a hill, sneak up to a base, paint a block/turret/best-friend with a laser designator, and then have my vehicle launch artillery. I detailed the idea here:

    All kinds of gameplay! I can take out turrets again, but I risk leaving my vehicle (and myself, while I'm painting) to hostile troops and drones. Or maybe in multiplayer, one guy can stay with the artillery and the other can sneak the target. Only maybe he has to land the hovertank when the turret fires or it flips the tank over.

    Also, what makes artillery? A cannon on a hovertank? A battery of pop-up missiles? A giant doomsday turret on a base that can fire over the horizon? A capital-ship-sized spinal laser that you can park in orbit and rain laser hellfire from above?

    This kind of stuff would provide for greater things than just more content for the sake of more content. It would give us new and different reasons to build new and different grids. It would open up new and different styles of play, both in single player and multiplayer, while building and integrating with all the great stuff that's already there. And it would be fun.
    Rogovolod, Arkudo, StyleBBQ and 2 others like this.
  5. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    Some smaller improvements that are easy to implement, but are very common actions:

    #1 Less inertia in drone movement. Its handling really wonky. The same goes for the 3rd person camera

    #2 Seperate the vehicles 3rd person view, from the character 3rd person view mode . Eg, when setting the ships to 3rd person, dont also overwrite the characters view mode

    #3 A standard quickloot-key as other games do it. When in a container inventory, press R or F to loot all of its content. The quickloot option is there already as a button, just link a key to it when inside a container menu.
    sulferon, Addy, yataro79 and 5 others like this.
  6. JinM

    JinM Lieutenant

    Jul 12, 2016
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    1. Cities connected by streets, like actually huge not just settlements

    2. Quests that connect unique (not generated) characters with stories, or even with a campaign.

    3. A place to set up camps in NPC buildings/cities (e.g. rent a hangar, or even hangar with apartment), using their facilities for crafting, repairing and so on against a fee. With different levels of expense and luxury (early game garage, mid game apartment, late game house).
    Addy, yataro79 and michaelhartman89 like this.
  7. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    This made me lose my composure and gave me quite a laugh
    TK85, EightyEighty and Kassonnade like this.
  8. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Thinking back to all the good times on the forums arguing with Bollen and the other 2 guys I won't mention. Good times! Time sure flys after nearly 4 years playing this game.

    Edit: But screw it bc Gawain and Xenophon quit playing a couple years ago, thank God the forums are finally free of bull$hit.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019
    Kassonnade and Sofianinho like this.
  9. Docsprock

    Docsprock Ensign

    Aug 26, 2019
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    1. NPC-animal/animal-animal interactions. Talon hunters actually hunt. Aggressive dinosaurs hunt parasaurs, etc.

    2. Multi Function Display, (MFD), for all vehicles. This allows the character to display what they need to see.

    3. Base turning into a settlement. Place infrastructure, transportation, manufacturing, housing, etc.
    3ndM4n, sulferon, Addy and 5 others like this.
  10. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I would say make it more of a trade off.... more armor, less manverablty and maybe demisting returns after adding More then a certain number of RCS's
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Wait, Total Annihilation? From 1997? One of the most successful real-time strategy games ever made?
    I love that game. I still play it. Most of my ships are named after TA units. But I don't think it's gonna crush Empyrion almost 20 years after the company that made it went bust.
    TK85 likes this.
  12. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    1- Open and close the cashier window with "F".
    2- Open and close the repair bay window with "F".
    3- The previous two.
    Sephrajin, Addy, TK85 and 2 others like this.
  13. Addy

    Addy Lieutenant

    Apr 12, 2017
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    1/ Walking on moving ships
    2/ Underwater weapons and critters to shoot
    3/ More to invent, more complex tech tree
    Rogovolod, Arkudo and TK85 like this.
  14. MaxiThunder

    MaxiThunder Ensign

    May 27, 2018
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    1) Disable warping out of the system if an enemy is 3km or closer (PVP). That should be an option in the config file.
    2) Collision damage
    3) Ability to filter what is displayed on the radar (show red dot for aggressive wildlife on the planet) and get a better radar in space to scan further.
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    How about this idea,

    A new starter block with special attributes for a base to become a CV.

    Crashed ships on planets, countless posts about salvaging them and making them fly again, seems to be a challenge lots of people get into, but in Empyrion the BA block is forever a BA block, so no core change can make a base fly again, ever.

    So here it is.

    A new core that when spawned via yaml is a BA core, but if that core is replaced by a player core it auto converts to a CV core. !

    Im not sure if its possible not being a coder, but if it is possible, this would also open up players freedoms to do more of what ''they'' want to do.
  16. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I'm 100% on-board with folks being able to bring a crashed ship back to life and being able to convert BAs to CVs and CVs to BAs in any way the Devs could make it happen. I don't know if new types of Cores is a viable or the best option, but if that works then great.

    EDIT: Maybe there's only one BA-CV core and you just change the mode in the Control Panel. If its in BA mode, then your solar panels deploy and your engines won't run. I could see problems with parts of a BA that are detached from one another. I don't think you can do that with any of the ships.
    vscuorzo and Xzanron like this.
  17. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Please remember the rules:
    TK85, Supay, eLLe and 2 others like this.
  18. dazkaz

    dazkaz Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2019
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    1. Ability to build a construction drone console, in a base structure, while playing in a survival game, MP or single player.
      This would be an end game item and extremely expensive.
      It would spawn a controllable drone that has extended range within the construction console area.
      It would allow the user to build just as if they had used the GM command in creative, allowing the construction drone to pass though components and be handled with precision, not like the existing drone.
      This would make building in Survival MP a lot more fun.

    2. I would like to be able to see better whilst driving in first person.
      Reduce the durations and opacity of fogs, especially the light specular effect from spotlights. Make looking through multiple layers of armoured glass clearer.

    3. Introduce more and more varied types of critters, both aquatic and terrestrial, and the ability to build submersible vehicles to admire or kill them.
  19. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    1. Space Combat against AI ships and fleets using blueprints (means they can be destroyed partially or even taken over, which means they should of course have AI troops on board which will result in an FPS assault - not sure if vehicles has to stop then because of "reasons").
    2. Faction combat in Space with AI factions involved (that means also AI vs AI fleet battles can occur over a planet you just launching into space!! ;-)
    3. As multiple Solar systems get installed, make Faction combat solar system wide to get a bit strategical/RTS feel included too. This can even get into some "faction income" feature (when you (your faction) control a Star system, you get "x" ressources every "y" time click, which means there is an incentive to fight over strategical valuable systems!)
  20. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    1) collision damage
    2) space radar (multiple tiers/costs)
    3) NPC hv/Sv patrols and interaction with the wildlife
    Silverlight, 3ndM4n, sulferon and 6 others like this.

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