Fixed Unable to enter new playfields

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Redgum, Oct 24, 2019.

  1. Redgum

    Redgum Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2016
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    Mode: Survival, Dedicated server multiplayer
    Modified playfield: Yes, Project Eden
    Reproducibility: Always - critical game play issue
    Severity: Major - affects all players
    Type: Playfield
    My Client ver: Alpha 10.5.0 2656
    Hosted Dedicated Server: Currently on BETA branch

    Summary: Unable to enter new playfields (space or planets)
    Description: All players are stuck on current playfield. Any attempt to go to space or warp to a different location results in a disconnect.

    STEPS taken to remedy:

    1. Verified game files - check
    2. Cleared game cache - check
    3. Stopped & updated server via Steam Update

    Web console shows the following exception when I attempt to teleport to another playfield:

    24-20:35:08.075 13_35 -ERR- Error in reader id={QaD}Lurch, ch=2:
    24-20:35:08.075 13_35 -EXC- System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Attempted to read past the end of the stream.
    at Assembly-CSharp.ToolboxAttribute.FillBuffer (System.Int32 _numBytes) [0x00035] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ToolboxAttribute.ReadInt32 () [0x00000] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.FormTree.TestView (System.IO.BinaryReader ) [0x00000] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ConditionDictionary.DisconnectAssistant (System.IO.BinaryReader ) [0x00043] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ToolboxStack.DetachBuilder (System.IO.BinaryReader , Assembly-CSharp.TreeNodeSerializer ) [0x00028] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.BookmarkScope.AddPane (Assembly-CSharp.AspectEventArgs+DriveToken ) [0x00208] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    24-20:35:22.238 13_35 -LOG- Uptime=00h26m heap= 317MB fps= 20 players= 3 pfs=r0/i2/a1 nwqueue=0 Net:0/3
    24-20:35:22.288 13_35 -LOG- GameOptions: Using dataset 'MP, Survival' for condition 'Survival, MP'

    This is reproducible by other players on the server (non-admins):

    24-21:30:47.276 14_30 -ERR- Error in reader id=siledre, ch=2:
    24-21:30:47.277 14_30 -EXC- System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Attempted to read past the end of the stream.
    at Assembly-CSharp.ToolboxAttribute.FillBuffer (System.Int32 _numBytes) [0x00035] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ToolboxAttribute.ReadUInt16 () [0x00000] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.FormTree.TestView (System.IO.BinaryReader ) [0x00024] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ConditionDictionary.DisconnectAssistant (System.IO.BinaryReader ) [0x00073] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.ToolboxStack.DetachBuilder (System.IO.BinaryReader , Assembly-CSharp.TreeNodeSerializer ) [0x00028] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.BookmarkScope.AddPane (Assembly-CSharp.AspectEventArgs+DriveToken ) [0x00208] in <3afb620608be474782d8c9bba8c1e6fc>:0
    24-21:31:23.258 14_31 -LOG- Uptime=01h22m heap= 353MB fps= 20 players= 5 pfs=r0/i1/a2 nwqueue=0 Net:0/5
    24-21:31:23.309 14_31 -LOG- GameOptions: Using dataset 'MP, Survival' for condition 'Survival, MP'
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi Redgum can you supply the save game that is being used ?

    For MP:
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Saves\Games <- Default steam installation location may be different on a host installation.

    right click on the save folder & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it then drag & drop a copy in your reply box or use the upload a file option on the forum.
    If the folder is too large use a file hosting site like mediafire, dropbox or google drive then add a share link to it.


    Also to examine those errors I would need the logs they are from. Open the logs folder for your server & right click on the highest numbered folder (Public branch is on B2656 & the Experimental branch is currently on B2659) & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it then drag & drop a copy in your reply box here on the forum or use the upload a file option in the bottom right of the reply box.

    Are there any errors appearing in the client logs also from when this issue occurs ?
    Go to your steam installation of EGS (or if other players at the time have any erros please ask them for copys of their logs also to supply here):
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Logs

    Open the folder named by the highest number in the logs folder & right click on the client log from when this happened & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it then drag & drop a copy in your reply box.

  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I hope we can figure this out for you! I haven't tested the scenario on the experimental branch yet but I hope nothing broke. :eek:
  4. Redgum

    Redgum Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi Pantera,

    Yes, it is on a hosted provider and there's no direct access to the folder described. If you could provide some of the file names, that would help as they may be placed in a different folder. Knowing the file names I can search.
  5. Redgum

    Redgum Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2016
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    I'm going to _assume_ this file is important, it is originally "game.dat" and is 2.2MB uncompressed. I found it in the <serverIPaddress>/Saves/DediGame folder on the server.

    Attached Files:

  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They need the whole folder that you found that file in. Zip the DediGame folder up and upload it here or onto a known file sharing website like dropbox or google drive.
  7. Redgum

    Redgum Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Ok, no worries. Its downloading now... 345 MB worth, so not so sure I can upload it here and my Dropbox account will only let me specify individual users, I can't make a public access folder (they changed it deliberately so you cant) so does anyone have a storage place that's better?
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I use Mediafire:
  9. Redgum

    Redgum Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Ok, uploaded the entire directory zipped up. I'm sharing this link to my dropbox in hopes that you'll be able to access it, otherwise I will need to find another location.

    If you are unable to access, I will need an email address to specify in the dropbox share. It won't do public. I shared it with another email address of mine, so hopefully this works as I live in the boonies and my connections are all limited.

    Posting logs next.
  10. Redgum

    Redgum Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2016
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    Attached are the server logs. None of these look very useful as none of them show the exceptions.

    Attached Files:

  11. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    I have downloaded this you can remove it from your dropbox now if you like thanks.
    Can you say which playfield players are getting stuck in ?
  12. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    These aren't the logs for Dedicated server of playfield servers can you find the logs folder called B2656 & send that ?

    Possibly here: <serverIPaddress>/Logs/B2656


    Seeing that B2659 is now out on the public branch can you update to that & check if that resolves what you have reported ?
  13. iYRe

    iYRe Ensign

    Jul 12, 2017
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    Last edited: Oct 26, 2019
  14. Draynor

    Draynor Ensign

    Oct 26, 2019
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    its happening to me no matter what server i try to play on.. I can pick a random server and go.. first time i try to change playfields i get dropped to start screen. sometime it even shows "cannot send to dedicated server anymore" error. all this since todays patch... i think we need a re-do
  15. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Can confirm this bug is also active in ZeroG Server in Stable. Unable to load any playfields after the first one since hotfix (so we only have Akua). Any attempt to teleport or warp or travel to a playfield outside results in disconnect. We tried to restart the server several times, still doesn't work. Will attempt a server cache wipe at some point.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2019
  16. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Error isnt a game issue. Either the client or the server isnt updated to the latest build.

    This error happens when there is a version missmatch (error only happens to players with a missmatch)

    We changed something in the connections and if you try to connected with 2 different versions you get this CoQ

    Will be fixed soon with an update where we change the build numbers and you will be forced to update to the latest build to be able to connect to the server
    ravien_ff likes this.

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