What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    The "60 Seconds" is just for the final assembly. All the bits that an Emergency Ration takes all have their own crafting times.

    So the protein bars each take (I think) 12 seconds, 3 each, so that's 36 seconds. Plus the Fruit Juice, Hot Beverage, Salami, etc.
    While I haven't had time to play lately, I did last night. Warped around a bit, gathered some Cob & Neo, decided to temp settle on a, so called, Temperate Planet.
    Unfotunately _this_ "Temperate Planet" doesn't have -any- Fruit. < @ravien_ff !! >< :mad::p:D >
    Does have Buds, Veggies and Spice, so I set up the farm to make Hot Beverages, Protein Bars & Salami.
    That way, once I can find or buy some Fruit trees I'll just have to make the Fruit Juice and can then craft EmerRations.

    Question; other than searching the individual ' playfield.yaml ' files for each world, is there any way to find out where to find X ?

    For things like Ores & wild plants.
    Could make for a very useful future PDA tab. As you 'discover' things have the Orbit/Moon/Planet added under a heading. I know that star map has the info, but man, it ain't easy tracking even the rare ores using it...
    Tyrax Lightning and ravien_ff like this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I want to eventually have a planet "codex" of sorts that fills in as you visit more planet types. The problem is it will make for a very cluttered PDA because each planet would have to be its own complete chapter. :(
  3. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Yes I had thought about the fact it has to craft each and every part first. But to my way of thinking if your going to have a system that make the end product from all the raw ingredients without you having to make them yourself. The time giving should be for the total time to make the whole thing. Then if your lucky to have the separate parts like the salami's, protein bars etc then the time to make the item should be less.
    Back before the system was making all the components it made sense to have the separate times. But now all you have to do is drop in all the raw stuff and it does all the work.
    In many ways it should work the same way the factory works for making the ships and bases. Total time for ship with the ingots and then when you start dropping in components that are already made the time starts dropping. You can make a ship that would take say take 15 minutes to make to 1 second to make.
    As to fruit it's really odd we have different things that are veggies but only one fruit. Even the orange isn't classified as fruit it's a bloody berry.

    As to your question, mate I wish there was a way to know. Maybe we need a hand held bio scanner to help us find them like we have for poi's and ore.
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  4. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    That would be cool @ravien_ff , but honestly I'd find a 'list' more useful :)


    It would still be looong, what will alllllll (how many ell now? ha!) the planets in your scenario (which is great!), :) , but... hey, doh! A Matrix!!

    Columns with an X indicate Yes, that resource is there, and use Rows for Planets.

    Able: X ... X
    Beta: X .. X

    Anyway :)
    @RazzleWin , ah, I got ya now :) yeah, I've wanted a double value for crafting for a while now; Time from Raw materials and Time from pre-crafted components.

    I'd guess Eleon either hasn't thought of it, thinks its 'clutter', likes it but way low on the Priority list, or doesn't like it, heh :)
    (did I cover everything? :D )

    Edit: to @RazzleWin "Don't Care :eek: ", ha! ;)
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning and RazzleWin like this.
  5. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    You forgot "Don't Care :eek:"
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  6. AlbaN

    AlbaN Commander

    Sep 28, 2017
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    Today I ... drop something :)

    Nice feature Eleon! ;)
  7. jmtc

    jmtc Captain

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Today I tested 10.6 EXP for a while, and then uninstalled Empyrion for good. It's been fun, and I've definitely got my money's worth from the game, but it's clear to me that the game is being moved in a direction which I don't find fun or interesting at all. You guys, the community, are the best part of the game and it's been a privilege.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I'm hoping that someday the Devs find a way to enable everything to Dock to everything else all it wants. If this could get pulled off, your Suggestions could well be the Tip of the Iceberg for possibilities... :D

    *Imagines a HV that looked like a pseudo Mech Body with a SV docked to its 'neck' that looked like a Head for the Body that one could get into & fly away with if the HV was on the verge of defeat... the Mental Imagery of it...* :p

    Before we can possibly get this, the Devs have to figure out how they're gonna go about Implementing the Galaxy itself...

    *Wonders if Quiet's pancaked corpse is underneath that Container... +Internetz for those who get the joke!* :D

    Maybe ya just need a Hiatus...? :(
  9. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Sad to see you go! I'm hoping that there will be a 180° turn around from the direction we are headed in right now. I really want to see a lot of things added and less things changed. I've grown tired of the balancing act, so hopefully Empyrion will see some Singleplayer and Cooperative features that enrich gameplay and some environmental updates soon. Hope to see you back here someday.

    Btw you joined the forum community 4 days before me:)
  10. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    ... Clue me in? I remember rebuilding that one initially, and I know there weren't terrain blocks or any kind of underground features to it at the time. Clearly something's been added.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    It gained an underground store room where there's a troop spawner and cargo boxes. 2 of the loot containers were moved down there.
    15 Longmarch_2019-10-26_23-13-08.png
    So you're the one who rebuilt that zirax base with SIX alien loot containers (5 outside) and no defenses.
    Tyrax Lightning and Robot Shark like this.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Just take a break then, we'll keep the place warm for you. ;)
  13. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I stuck as closely as I could to the original - four containers, I believe it was? in a central courtyard, with one of those green booger-launchers on a tower, and a couple sentry turrets inside, plus some troop spawners. I actually added some extra spawners, and moved a couple of them up to the walls to make "easy XP farming" via sniping more difficult, and turned the tower into an actual command structure. The original version was still using hull blocks for cryin' out loud. 200HP, made of cheese, and a full wall all the way around to keep Zirax penned in like cattle. Any changes made after that... eh, take it up with the management.
    Mind you, this was done back around A8 or so, it's been quite some time since I touched that base or anything else.

  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Finished the first of the main zirax desert POIs today.
    16 Desertdawn_2019-10-30_14-16-50.png
    The Solar Powerplant. It's nice and sunny with no bad weather on desert planets so it's the perfect place for solar.
    It's also got 24 panels, which is more than the player can place. So it makes a decent solar powered base after you take out the core.

    For the rest of the day, i'll be fixing bugs with the older snow POIs.
    Here's a comparison between the old Rados Power Station and the new desert one. (Note: Non-desert/Snow playfields with Rados on them will still be using the old version)
    16 Desertdawn_2019-10-30_16-15-58.png
    The generators on the old one are outside... wrapped around explosive blocks.
    The only object between a ship outside and the Core is a wall of shutter windows.

    When I got to it, there were no turrets, except a sentry gun inside the door.
    The spawners on the walls spawned Talon Crawlers and only worked if you were up on the wall inside their activation range. After you'd destroyed the core in the control room to get up there.
    4 loot containers in the courtyard, yes. But there were 2 more rarer ones as well; one inside a hole in the wall next to the main building and one inside the door of the main building next to the ventilator (1 laser zirax spawner in here).
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2019
  15. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    Started work on a HV-hauling SV today. Mostly done structurally, but has no paint or textures yet, it's around 11,600 cpu, so it just barely fits in Tier 2, however building within CPU constraints is forcing too many sacrifices and design dilemmas. Definitely not going to go over Tier 2 on this though, Tier 3 and 4 are too bulky, too expensive, to power hungry and not really appropriate for a early-mid game SV.

    For example this has no cargohold, and no constructor, and very insufficient RCS [as in, it takes a good 10+ seconds of holding arrow key to do a 180], but it does have good thruster lift capability. (no chance of ever having a warp drive or shield though-they're to expensive in cpu) I could maybe put a moderate cargohold in if I removed some lift capability, but then it may struggle to get off the ground with an HV loaded and cargo. To add a constructor I would again have to either give up RCS or thrusters, but there wouldn't be much need for a constructor without cargo space. It's just standard steel (to save on cpu costs), so if you leave it unattended for a few minutes (like while mining with the HV you haul with it) and a drone shows up it will get de-cored or suffer a considerable amount of damage pretty quickly (shield generator would be awesome, but it's cpu value is ridiculously high). All these things and more wouldn't be too much of an issue if I could just build without CPU restrictions. A moderate (maybe 5,000SU) cargohold and a constructor would make it better at it's "Specialization" of HV carrier and mining support since it could refine ore. Adding a few more RCS (it has 4 currently, needs about 8+) and changing certain areas of the hull to hardened steel would make it more durable and better to fly. Also I could build a warp drive on the area behind the flat-bed, would be nice to use a SV carrying a HV for short warps to 2nd-stage planets for mining expeditions. Ignoring CPU isn't too much of an option for this particular craft, since it's forced enabled on experimental, and HV>SV docking is only on experimental.

    So basically, CPU restrictions is causing me to make a craft worse (as a general survival ship) than it should be, and it's fairly frustrating. It's hard to see why this is so super necessary. I don't see many Pros to CPU, mostly Cons.

    Sorry bout the rant, here's some pics: (HV in pics was one of the larger/heavier 'practical' ones (50t) I had on hand, it's ~28,000 cpu so it is rendered obsolete by CPU restrictions - I have no intention of significantly nerfing it just to meet someone else's idea of what's appropriate for a mining hv)
    20191029223435_1.jpg 20191029223447_1.jpg
    (forgot stats pic, its around 22m/s lift with the HV docked)
  16. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    It's close to the one I am working on, but I am making it for HV's that have docking pads on the top. :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I can see the problem(s)
    All your thrusters are grouped together near the front. You're not taking advantage of thruster placement torque. If you seperated out the thrusters and put them on the carry platform at the front and back, you'd be able to turn MUCH faster with less RCS. Maybe even no RCS at all.
    Your carrier is also made of steel. It's not meant to see combat right? Downgrade it to Carbon Composite and it'll be half the mass and a fraction of the build cost with the same appearance.
    malrose1 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. jmtc

    jmtc Captain

    Sep 29, 2016
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    No shield and no weapons. Carbon is a death sentence for it when left on deployment if a drone or patrol ship happens by.
    Tyrax Lightning and Germanicus like this.
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    If you've left it somewhere, it doesn't matter what armor it has it will be dead long before you get back. A few shots from either a rocket drone or patrol vessel Plasma Turret on a stationary SV will put a hole through any kind of armor.

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