Fixed HV - Shaking when starting up [6897]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Atom, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Atom

    Atom Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2019
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    V: A10.6.0 2689
    Mode: Survival.
    Mode: Singleplayer.
    SERVER NAME: no.
    SEED-ID: global seed 342699, playfield seed 622214.
    If applicable:
    MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Yes (only modify config for solar panels count).
    Reproducibility: Always.
    Severity: Medium.

    Summary: Shaking when starting up

    I can't take a screenshot for this one so i will put the savegame inside the
    incriminate hover, basically, each time i powered it on and start to get off the ground, the all hover is shaking, the camera too, until i put a decent space between me and the ground. (not sure, but since the hover kind of looks drunk and start to hit the ground, at some point, i should be able to take damage).

    ps: yes its huggly, i just wanted a basic hauler :).

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    Kassonnade likes this.
  2. Atom

    Atom Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2019
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    As a side note, this issue dissapear when i load 10T into the hauler.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Same here. Yesterday when testing minimalistic HV builds, it would shake the moment I get in the pilot seat until I get it moving a bit. Felt like it was trying to stabilize itself (on a flat concrete platform).
  4. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Mode: (Survival)
    Mode: (Singleplayer)

    SERVER NAME: (If the issue happened on a public server, please add the name here)
    SEED-ID: (pick any one)

    If applicable:
    Reproducibility: (Always)
    Severity: (Major to my way of thinking)

    Type: (Global)

    Summary: (torque must still be powered when off)

    Description:I have a starter CV that I had made from scratch in 10.5 survival game. I know it goes a tad bit over spec but not much. With it sitting flat on ground, a sandy stretch of land. Without the thrusters on or the rcs. Sitting in the pilot seat. With just power on the CV jitters. If you hold down the O key to level yourself out. It will try to do this and the speed starts dancing up and down. using the arrow keys you can slowly turn the ship. If you goto 3rd person you will see a puffs of dust at each corner of the CV

    Steps to Reproduce: (steps to reproduce the issue. This is ESSENTIAL for a bugfix!)
    Start new survival game
    Spawn in supplied cv on flat sandy area
    add power cells
    Be sure the Engine switch is off in the control panel. That shuts down the thrusters and rcs
    turn power on
    hit the O key to level out

    I don't thing the torque component of the thrusters are being turned off.
    Anyways play with it.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:

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  5. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks for the blueprint I can see what you mean I'll check it more tomorrow.

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