
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Monkworks

    Monkworks Lieutenant

    May 1, 2019
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    can someone judge my specs?
    everything cranked i get 33-40 FPS

    OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home
    Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763
    Other OS Description Not Available
    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
    System Model MS-7641
    System Type x64-based PC
    Processor AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor, 3500 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. V25.0, 2013-05-28
    SMBIOS Version 2.6
    Embedded Controller Version 255.255
    BIOS Mode Legacy
    BaseBoard Manufacturer MSI
    BaseBoard Product 760GMA-P34(FX) (MS-7641)
    BaseBoard Version 5.0
    Platform Role Desktop
    Secure Boot State Unsupported
    PCR7 Configuration Binding Not Possible
    Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
    System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
    Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "10.0.17763.503"
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 16.0 GB
    Total Physical Memory 16.0 GB
    Available Physical Memory 12.1 GB
    Total Virtual Memory 20.5 GB
    Available Virtual Memory 14.1 GB
    Page File Space 4.50 GB
    Page File C:\pagefile.sys

    Name AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
    PNP Device ID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_6939&SUBSYS_2359148C&REV_F1\4&D378CAC&0&0010
    Adapter Type AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x6939), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compatible
    Adapter Description AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
    Adapter RAM (1,048,576) bytes
  2. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Seems about right to me.

    I get about:
    35 to 48 fps on medium to good settings. But can drop down to 15 fps as well depending on deco and AI.

    My default video settings:

    20190527183109_1.jpg 20190527183107_1.jpg

    45-55, when everything is on lowest settings.

    My specs for comparison:
    Intel Core i7 2600K (quad core, 8 threads) overclocked @4,5GHz
    24GB DDR3 RAM
    Nvidia Geforce GTX1070, 8GB VRAM
    512GB SSD for OS (Windows 10 Pro, x64)
    512GB SSD only for games

    Ephoie likes this.
  3. Monkworks

    Monkworks Lieutenant

    May 1, 2019
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    Thanks jmburn
  4. freellancer

    freellancer Ensign

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Laughter is reserved for oneself, it is still up to growing up to these words.
    1. Dynamic arrangement of asteroids and deposits, triggering after each server restart. The radius is set in the config. Generation at the entrance of the first player to playfield. Of the minuses, the first player will take longer to ship the territory, who is the first dad)). Interest in what to look for on the new and deposits and asteroids.
    2. Make 10-20 minutes to restart the warp engine, after the warp, this is for the interest and duration of travel and a chance to get into the story on the road. (I will not remind you of the warp room between points A and B, you will still make a more adequate and beautiful journey in the future).
    Enough for today, keep the criticism for yourself, comments are not interested, after a year or two you’re ripe for these tips (although they were usually like a shaft and many of those that were offered two years ago). Good luck

    Смех оставляем для себя, всё равно до растете и до этих слов.
    1. Динамическое расположение астеройдов и депозитов, срабатывание после каждого перезапуска сервера. Радиус задается в конфиге. Генерация при входе первого игрока на плейфилд. Из минусов первый игрок будет дольше грузить территорию, кто первый тот папа)). Интерес в том что искать по новой и депозиты и астеройды.
    2. Сделать 10- 20 минут на перезапуск варп двигателя, после варпа, это для интереса и длительности путешествий и шанс попасть в историю в пути. (не буду напоминать о варп комнате между точками А и Б, все равно сделаете в будущем более адекватное и красивое путишествие).
    На сегодня хватит, критику оставьте себе, комментарии не интересуют, через год- второй созреете и до этих советов ( хотя их как обычно валом и многие из тех что предлагал два года назад). Удачи
  5. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    should be fun, i've trying a 3.86 gravity planet in a solo game ..... took me 5 XL truster under the ship and 5 at te rear... for my cv to quit the panet xD ...

    btw, they should make 1 or 2 more pve planet or at last turn on to pve breathable, meldo, plys and the other are now full since the last week and most of all new player dont want to join a pvp planet or a planet without oxygen.
  6. Skavn

    Skavn Lieutenant

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Just started on the EU server again and spawned on the Trader start.

    Tried to open a "table" -> shows a popup that my reputation would drop if I did that. Cancelled it. Went down to the constructors, realized that none of the containers seem to be connected to it. Open one of the containers -> it was empty. (no warning popup this time)
    Looked in the other containers, accessed the other constructor and checked if I could use that one -> nop.

    And suddenly my reputation with Polaris dropped to hostile. Why? 0O I didn't do anything to them.

    Anyway. That's a great start. :d
  7. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Similar thing happened to me with trader start, seemed to happen when I checked inventory! Then couldn't do the first trade and this quest is now refusing to complete even when I do trade (I even got myself killed to have a bash at the first trader again, to no avail!)
  8. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    Is it possible to turn off the anti grief zones around resources on planet for building in pvp areas? Void is a mess because there are so many deposits that there is almost nowhere that you can build on. The anti grief zones make no sense whatsoever on pvp planets. I understand the need to keep resources rather open in space for those that may not want to play in pvp but on planet is a different story.
  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Well I havent built a scenario for a while now, but it should still be possible via the yamls fa_q2.

    Or do you mean for just PvP planets and not PvE, because I think the setting will set ALL planets to that anti grief distance.

    If Ravien see's this thread, he might know more as he has done recent work in the yamls for scenario's.
    If its possible to separate the planet sets, PvP and PvE for that setting.
  10. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Yes it's possible, it's done in the gameoptions.yaml. but I take it your asking to turn it off on the official server and no we wont do that. To many players abuse it then
  11. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    if you turn of the anti grief/build zone around the Ore field, any pvper will spam pvp towers on it and lock the ressource ....
    Minelaus likes this.
  12. Jebblue

    Jebblue Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2016
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    The vanilla server has too many PVP zones and the starting out planet has almost no resources which is odd for such a large planet. Why is there PVP space around a PVE planet? Makes no sense. Makes starting a space base a useless concept.
  13. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    As I stated - orbital makes sense. On the planet really does not. The vast majority of resource is in space - if you need some in pvp areas and they have been claimed on the planet then go in space and get it there.

    I don't think many people will build on surface ores other than to defend auto miners
  14. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    That is the "power" of "Randomness".
    Vanilla = Vanilla = Default.

    I do not customize or control the Universe on that server. It's plain out from the Solar System Generator tool.
    Please do not expect carefully planned and designed logic in it, as on the other Official Servers.

    With some work there might be some options to declare outer playfields PvE and inner PvP in the SSG. But that wouldn't be vanilla either anymore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Ephoie likes this.
  15. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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  16. freellancer

    freellancer Ensign

    Sep 11, 2015
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    70 000 для ховера это слишком мало. Остальное не стал смотреть, игра не пригодна для продолжения использования
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    As this is and English - Language - Forum I suggest you try to translate your messages. It must not be perfect but at least your point is understood! ->

    70,000 for a hover is too little. I didn’t watch the rest, the game is not suitable for continued use
    DASHEDM, RexXxuS and Minelaus like this.

    DASHEDM Lieutenant

    Jul 6, 2019
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    With new CPU system and the way game engine works (10 SVs lag more than 1 super carrier) I suggest that Size Class limits should be removed on official servers.
  19. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    agree, since the cpu system is here, there is no more big size class cv , so the size limit can be removed :D
    DASHEDM likes this.
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I have a class 88 T4 CV that would crash a server if it was ever spawned in multiplayer. Full weapons, combat steel, 200+ fully detailed and furnished rooms and reaches the maximum build dimensions of the game.
    The only thing preventing you from building big size class CVs is greed. Stop trying to make CVs that move like SVs and you'll be fine.

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