What are your main issues with CPU Extenders at the moment?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Nov 26, 2019.


What are your main issues with CPU Extenders at the moment?

  1. Bridge and Matrix collectibles POI loot drop is too low

    33 vote(s)
  2. Bridge and Matrix collectibles are too costly at traders

    21 vote(s)
  3. Not enough traders around to sell Bridge and Matrix collectibles

    21 vote(s)
  4. Bridge and Matrix collectibles should be craftable (costly, time consuming,...)

    49 vote(s)
  5. No issues. Perfectly fine as it is.

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I wonder why Players such as @jrandall are not continuously rambling around about CPU and still building supreme looking (and sized) Vessels.;)
    Ephoie likes this.
  2. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    i have to agree with most of the people about the optronic. As i had report me too, at the moment the spawn of them is quite ridiculus...plus they are possible to be crafted.

    At this point we are gone from a to hard game mechanic to another one who is to easy and de facto make the game features irrilevant...

    Possible action:

    Drop the spawn ratio on chest/container on the POI of the optronic piece. Or much better limit to max on piece the loot of the same per POI..that should keep the people raiding the POI.

    Raise the cost of the optronic for the bigger structures like base and cv.....and keep it down for sv and hv to don`t make to hard the live to newcomer.

    I remember when i was on alston....and i`m telling the truth.....when i make some very cheap and smaller vehicle to easy raid the POI i start to gift them cause i was plenty....i remember to have give away one day 6 optronic bridge to a newplayer :D
  3. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    extenders exist, that is the main issue i have. i still feel the bridges and matrixes should be entered directly into the core. i see no need to add 4 extras ship crippling blocks. this wonderful mechanic has added 4 2x1 linchpins to armor. so far i have surrounded the core with them turning the 1x1 core into a 3x3 block of fail just waiting to happen. great idea btw...
    stanley bourdon and xerxes86 like this.
  4. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    Bugs? When they came out with clearly unworkable CPU limits that anyone who actually plays knew were unworkable, you think that is a bug? A bug that got past play testing? No, there was zero testing, or the developers don't listen to the testers. Either way it's bush league.
    stanley bourdon and Bob [OG] like this.
  5. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    What missions specifically?
    If you saw an issue, why don't you report EXACTLY what happened?
    I hear you but I don't see any specifics, which are the exact details needed to address any bugs, or oversight. All you have demonstrated thus far is that you have failed yourself, and the community by not helping to find a solution.... There are more productive avenues to resolutions aside from you venting your frustrations without specificity.

    If you see a problem in the experimental branch, there is a process to follow here:

    I hope that helps direct you to a more productive outcome.

    Happy holidays!
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    It's almost like they take time to understand, gain knowledge of the development process, game mechanics, and report issues in an appropriate fashion to the appropriate threads. Hmmmm ;)
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    lol, More like the developers got "feed back," got a clue about how the CPU system actually works in a "real" game, and made changes. I watch Mr. Randall's videos, and when the CPU system came out, he knew he couldn't make anything but a brick with it the way it was. So "issues," yeah, like the developers not knowing anything about how there own game works. It's plain a day and night.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  8. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    Your are barking up the wrong tree. Reporting bugs is something for someone of your stature to do. That has been demonstrated so clearly in past, so you can now dismount you high horse.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  9. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Yeah, thats the point of providing feedback. Again, expecting a finished polished product without refinement is a poor expectation. and will undoubtedly lead to frustrations. I believe the original point of the highlighted comment you are referring to was that the user, known as @jrandall, does not obnoxiously post complaints that go nowhere and nor do they attack other players of the game for differing opinions in a derogatory fashion.

    ..... How so? This is a platform for discussion. I am engaged in said discussion.

    Reporting bugs is great thing for anyone to do, regardless of an assumed stature by others.
    Its how we improve/optimize game play.

    In regard to your ad hominem; Reasoning, logic and facts are not "pompous or self-righteous". They are objective, and outside of a moral scope. My opinions are mine alone, whether they are shared or not. Feel free to disagree, but please present a sound logic for yours, aside from trying to attack my character.

    At this point, I don't see any details to specific problems, even after multiple requests for more definition, and have only observed an attempt to criticize me as a person for having a differing opinion, rather than addressing the actual issue with facts.

    I would hope that there was some middle ground for us to have a civil conversation, like adults, who enjoy a game, and its development process.

    Short of any actual discussion relative to topic; I will not be responding to further dialogue outside the scope of the topic.
    wrenchinator likes this.
  10. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    This thread needs to come to an end.
    The main issue I had with CPU Extenders has since been remedied - the components to create them have been craftable now for a while.
    They're incredibly slow and expensive to make, and this could use just a little tweaking, but is tolerable.

    A new thread, with a new poll can take the place of this one.

    Right now, as I see it, the biggest problems with CPU are:

    1. The Old Ways Don't Work Any More
    Using 96 RCS and 28 Generators as "turret deocys" just doesn't work. RCS are too expensive, as they should be. Of course, since this doesn't work for you, it also doesn't work for your opponents. It's time to flush the old way of thinking and start thinking again.

    2. Many Popular Workshop blueprints are far outside of CPU spec. This isn't an Eleon problem. The authors of these ships simply need to dedicate time to updating their blueprints, keeping #1 in mind.

    3. The Effect of Over CPU should be reconsidered. The biggest effect noted is the diminished thrust available. I propose handing CPU Overage in a manner similar to Power Management - each device is tracked individually. Devices that are Powered Off do not utilize any CPU, because they're powered off. A Device that is powered on that pushes CPU over limit should be affected this way:

    a. Turret - a turret that is over CPU should track slower, and have its rate of fire reduced, 10% per percent of overage.
    b. Thruster - should be likewise reduced in output.
    c. RCS - has its torque reduced, as above
    d. Constructors - have their outputs times reduced, as above.
    e. Inert Devices - can flicker on and off (this would include things like LCD displays, Consoles, and other CPU Consuming devices that have no other functions.
    f. Warp Drive - Should have its range reduced 10% per percentage of overage
    g. Shield Generators - should have their capacity reduced 10% per percent of overage.
    h. Generators - reduce output by 10% per percent of overage.
    i. Fuel Consumption can continue to be increased as a result of overage

    4. Inert Blocks - This is a big one for just about everyone. Structural blocks (aka armor), should not have a CPU cost associated with them. It just doesn't make sense. People have come up with some downright ingenious excuses (maybe there are power lines running through the blocks), but this still should not account for any CPU usage by a block of metal, carbon or wood. Other devices that do nothing - have no interactions, provide no function (decorations, potted plants, antennae, tables and chairs, etc) should not have any CPU cost associated with them either. It also makes no sense.

    5. Progressive CPU system - the tiered CPU system is absolute, with no intermediate levels. Tier 1 is a core, with a base amount of CPU. Tier 2 required one Extender. Tier 3 requires 2 Extenders. There is no "Tier 3.5" with a Core and just one of two CPU extenders. I find the Extender system itself to be somewhat backwards as well, and think it would make more sense for each individual Extender to add an additional amount of CPU, with higher tiers requiring fewer, but larger Extenders. Additionally, I have been told that lower tier extenders are not required when moving up to the next tier - that is, you can remove your Tier 2 Extender when adding your Tier 3 Extenders, without a drop in performance.
    While this may save some space, it also doesn't make sense (at least to me).

    6. CPU Costs for some devices are too high to make those devices worthwhile. The best example of this is the Tier 2 RCS. At 1.2 million CPU, the cost of this device, combines with the new flight mechanics, makes this device rather worthless.

    7. People

    This is the biggest problem with CPU. The system itself works, surprisingly well for a "first draft" of a new system. But there are too many people who simply fight adapting. They claim things like "it limits our creativity", when the opposite it true. It demands creativity, that is lacking. Too few people build their own ships, either because they lack the aptitude, the patience or the creativity, so they do not really grasp the system or how it works. They just download other peoples' designs, load them into the Factory, and churn out complaints.
    Supay, xerxes86 and Ephoie like this.
  11. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Indigo. It is amazing that you blame the customers for something the devs did.
    Maybe you should rethink the argument that the badly thought out "system" is great and the customers are the problem.
    It is simply a gating mechanism to increase grind. Whether or not cpu units are buildable or not.
    It does not give an additive bonus to gameplay, It is restrictive and solely set up to increase grind and MAYBE help PVP by making
    CPU shots deadly. No bridge No move.
    Creativity is best with lots of options. The argument you put forward would mean we would be best off with only 6 block shapes.
    Do you see that doesn't make any sense? A restriction is not a plus for creativity. I know that you and others continue to say it does,
    But if that is true do you only use the basic blocks?
  12. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I blame the customers for what they did, do, continue to do, and throw little fits about not being able to do.

    There's no way to sugar coat it, and I don't sugar coat anything.

    But I'll turn this back around in a different sort of way and maybe you can see where I'm coming from:

    Pulse vs. Touch-Tone Telephones

    Long, long ago, all there were were pulse-dialing "rotory" telephones. These persisted for quite a long while, especially in the US.
    Touch-Tone dialing was moving to replace this outdated technology, but there were hold-outs. In part, because Touch-Tone dialing was, initially, something of an extravagance, and the telephone companies charged a bit more for this service. There were enough people who said "No, I won't pay an additional $0.89 per month for Touch-Tone dialing."
    Then, sometimes in the 1980's the telephone companies had had enough. They began sending out notices: "On this day, of this month, of this year, your precious rotory-dial phone will no longer be capable of making phone calls, including 9-1-1 (emergency service) calls. We will be sending you a replacement Touch-Tone phone."

    Plain and simple, that's what it took - the phone company to take the choice away from their customers, who were making bad decisions, holding up progress, simply because they were either too stubborn or too cheap to adopt the new standard.

    How do we relate this to Empyrion?

    It's actually simple - your precious Death Machine, with it's 64 turrets, 32 generators, 128 RCS's all designed to game the play as Turret Fire decoys are clogging up the server bandwidth, making the game suck for everyone, and you refuse to do anything but continue to contribute to the problem. Enter a solution: by making these kinds of builds no longer viable, you are forced to adapt, change to a lower-latency model, find newer, better ways to decoy enemy fire, and improve the overall performance of the game for everyone else, yourself included.

    So, yes, I will absolutely blame the customer for what the customer does, when the problem is the customer.

    Let's do another Reality Check:

    Windows XP

    It's reigned as the security hole and exploit champion of Operating Systems since the early 2000's, yet this was the time so many people and businesses were buying PC's that it flooded the market. Newer options did come along - Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8... and yet people continued to cling to their insecure, unstable, ugly as ish Windows XP long after its lifecycle. It took Microsoft saying "We're so done with this, there will never be another update for this, oh, and we released the source code to 3rd world countries so if you're still running this it's not our fault if the 3rd worlders steal your banking information, we warned you."

    Again, people continue to make bad decisions until the decision is taken away from them completely. See above for how this relates.

    Yes, I'm calling those "I have to have 84 redundant decoy systems in every ship I build to be Pew-Pew King" bad designs, because they are bad designs. There's no skill involved here, next to no kind of tactics, and they put a drain on resources that impact more than just you and the guy you're flying around in clockwise circle shooting at (manually every time you cross tangents).

    It's garbage design work, garbage play style, and should have been killed off circa alpha 1.2, before it infected the community like a bad disease.
  13. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    I am glad that you have decided that you are the arbiter of game play.
    Why don't you run over to PVE Palace and tell the owner he can't have huge ships?
    Exactly what makes you think that your opinion is anywhere near correct?
    In your elitist world, are you allowed to label people their designs and their play style garbage?
    You just posted a pure and shining example of how poisonous this community has become.
    But once again, because of your friends you will get away with calling people's play style garbage.

    And once again we have the lie that people keep telling about CPU---"it reduces server usage".
    Not only is this not said by the devs But they intentionally said it would have little or no effect.
    So two points. Your opinion does not give you the ability to tell someone how to play a sandbox game. And stop lying about the purpose of CPU--according to the very first line in the introduction---it was to encourage specialization, as funny as that line is--that specialization comes from restrictions---Do you use more than 6 blocks?
  14. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Pretty bad that you have to resort to name-calling, but I'm from the last generation that can take it, so do your worst. I promise I've been called far worse by far better.

    Now let's talk about "specialization", because this one of the key points. It's this mysterious word that seems to be largely misunderstood. So let's have you go first, and tell us what "specialization" means, in terms of Empyrion. For full credit, not only define "Specialization" but also, give us a functional example of something that is "Specialized". Don't worry, I'll do the same when it's my turn.

    For extra credit, let's leave the 2nd rate personal attacks out of this, eh?

    I've played more than my share of combat games, especially space-based combat games. Big fan of Elite: Dangerous, and am just a few percent shy of holding Elite combat rank (long since held Elite Trade and Elite Exploration). I can say, without a doubt, the biggest, bested, CPU-unlimited ships here would be torn to shreds by a well-piloted Imperial Courier. Against an actual combat ship, it would be over before anything we could build could even react.

    I'm also a huge fan of DCS World and, of course, FCS, though Future Combat Systems is not a consumer-grade product. Shame though, it would be amazing with a little rework to make for an amazing consumer-grade combat simulator. But Empyrion is not any of these. It is far more game, far less simulation, so for those of us who are simulation fans, this makes for a good place to relax. In terms of combat though, far too much is left to be desired. It would be the equivalent of calling No Man's Sky the Definitive Space Combat Simulation, and I'm also a big fan of NMS too.

    I have a lot of hope for Empyrion - it has the potential to be one of the best games to come out in a very long time, in a genre that does not have that many really great offerings, as long as it lives up to it. A big part of that starts right here, with all of us. PvP and PvE alike, are going to have to accept that things are going to change, sometimes radically. Sometimes in ways we don't always like, but we have to be flexible enough to really dig in to these changes, and provide positive, constructive feedback to Eleon.
    Supay and Ephoie like this.
  15. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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  16. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    That is not how it went down. My mother was one of those hold outs. I kept telling it was way more convenient with touch-tone, but she was just not going to pay more for it. Finally, the phone company started charging more for the rotary phones, and that was the end of them. No one was going to more for a rotary phone.
  17. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    It can be turned off and yet that wasn't good enough. This community got toxic with CPU and it was my favorite, now just disappointing. Mainly comes down to people who don't want to update their designs and people who don't build are mad because their favorite design doesn't get updated. I never cared for the CPU but I don't get any of the tantrums and toxic behavior that was displayed on CPU being lunched in 10.6. Flinging insults at the Devs as if that motivates them to throw out their design. Name-calling and attacking people who were in favor of CPU also. You should be able to debate things without name-calling and straight-up attacks.
    Vermillion likes this.
  18. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Once again we have a view of reality that is not true. It can not be turned off, it is always on.
    The effects can be turned off, but it is always running.
    That means there are at least three maybe four SEPARATE processes running just counting blocks.
    Repair, W and V, CPU and flight model. It is simply a gating mechanism for grinding.
    So for a "system" without a good game style plus side we got new requirements for memory, new problems with frame rates,
    new problems with progression, and 80k blueprints tossed out.
    The workshop is now unusable for every single new player, except for the last month or so. That is a mistake of unbelievable proportions.
    Any new player trying to use a Pre- CPU BP will be a failure and that is not good.
    Think about that every single new player is going to have failures using the workshop.

    And then you make statements about your OPINIONS on why people didn't like CPU, none of which I have seen either here or on Steam.
    The tantrums and toxic behaviors are listed quite well here for everyone to see, and since the release the tantrums have usually been people screaming if you don't like it you can leave.
    Supay look up this page, a CPU supporter calling people's blueprints and play style garbage.
    xerxes86 and stanley bourdon like this.
  19. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Thing is, yes, it can be turned off, allowing people to use those pre-CPU blueprints just fine.
    So, there's a thread that counts blocks, so what? If your PC is so bogged down by this thread, it's past time to upgrade.
    You also have the option to play using an earlier build of the game, prior to the block counting thread.

    Grind doesn't even apply here, and makes me suspect you don't even know what "grind" means. It's not the sound your 20 year old CPU fan is making while it struggles to keep up with a reasonably modern game.

    The Workshop is not meant to be a new player's crutch. The heart of the game is actually constructing things for yourself. Aside from just being fun to see your concepts take shape and come to life, it gives you a deeper understanding of how things work and frees you from having to rely on someone else. It also improves your ability where combat is concerned too, though I'll leave you to figure out how.

    And of course, the newest of newbies can still grab an out-of-spec blueprint from the Workshop, so long as they're willing to do what the original author has not, and update it themselves. Most of the time this just means replacing the 20 million RCS's and generators used as turret bait with, well, most of the time, just plain old nothing, or a few blocks, but most of the time nothing is more than good enough.

    Most of these over-worked, over-loaded designs perform considerably better without that dead weight in there anyways.
  20. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Perhaps in your area. In mine, that is how it went down - and "she was just not going to pay more for it." is right in keeping with what I said - people refused to pony up a little more for touch-tone and clung to their rotory phones far too long. If your particular division of The Phone Company opted to cattle-prod people by charging them more for hanging on to a dying technology, good for them. Whatever it takes.

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