[TOOL] EAH | Empyrion Admin Helper v1.61.x

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by RexXxuS, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    A12 full version and the last version that is on your download center.
    I tried lot of things like replace all files on EAH, restarted everything without success.

    I have an other EAH working on different ports on the same machines with A11 working well.
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
  2. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    hm... strange. So the main problem is that Playfields and structures are empty right?
    Do you see online Player and chat?
    Is your Game path set right in the config and does it show you the right savegame? It sounds like he has no access/or does not know the game path.
    Could you send me the eah logs in a pm?
  3. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thank's for your answer. I say that it was working with previous EAH version But working not well. There was not all playfields.
    I use gui port 23456, but was working well before A12 testings. (A11 for example)
    Admin warp is not possible on dynamic playfields also in game with tt command.
    Is there a DB problem ? Is there a way to repair DB or other thing broken ?
    My EAH logs in PM.

    PS : I see something on "Deposit check".
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
  4. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Thanks. Some Versions ago, you had to wipe the savegame. MAybe thats needed.
    I checked the structures and teh look good according to the logs. You should see some in EAH.
    Playfields: hm yes he does not load any. Are there any sector files in "..Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Saves\Games\*****\Sectors" folder?
    If so, what "Changed" date do they have. If no new, then please just open one sector file, change it slightly and save it to update it. Then soon he should have those playfields in EAH. If not, then maybe there is still an issue. Would have to check that.

    About Warping: Ok, but then this is only a game bug, not EAH.
    You speak about GUI-Port. You did not mention anything about Master /Slave,. So you are using a slave to check Playfields/Structures and don't see any?
  5. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oh my god ! Thank's !
    I edited different Sector.yaml save them again and it solved the problem !

    Yes, i think the problem is that i wiped but used again the DB and one playfield. I didn't think about sectors's file date.
    I don't use Master/slave.

    Thank's again !
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
  6. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Ah ok. Not sure yet why he missed the dates. Maybe due to an incomplete wipe. If you wipe your safe, its best also to do "Fresh Start" in EAH (see config). Then he will read all Playfields again. Otherwise he will only read those that were changed But maybe there is a bug in it.

    So all problems solved (besides the warp problems)?
  7. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    OK, if i understand, "fresh start don't wipe but initialize EAH. So i don't loose anything ?

    Yes i think now all is right.

    Thank's again !
    ravien_ff likes this.
  8. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    It just wipes the EAH data. but not the save game.
  9. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thank you ! It do that i make manually :p It will be quicker now with this information !
  10. iYRe

    iYRe Ensign

    Jul 12, 2017
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    Hi Jascha
    I've been trying to run A12 on my server. I initially started trying to run it on different ports to A11, but I couldnt get it to work. The players decided they wanted to try A12 so I am just running it alone now default. I've manually updated EAH to .02. When I start it the first time and configure it everything seems ok. I can config the tool, the server, and game options through EAH. Then when I try and start the game, it only starts the dedicated exe, and loads no playfields. EAH wont connect (although I can kill the exe with it). When I go back into the tool it tells me it cant find the gameoptions yaml, but it is there, and configured. I've checked permissions, etc but that seems ok, as it initially creates and edits the file then saves it.
    I've been running a server for about a year now, and had EXP servers running fine at various times, and fixed quite a few weird issues like this, but I am at a loss at the moment.
  11. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    hm did you check the server logs for Exceptions. It should tell you what is wrong. I could only guess that maybe something in the dedicated.yaml is broken or in one of the other yamls.
  12. iYRe

    iYRe Ensign

    Jul 12, 2017
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    I'll have a look. I've reinstalled it about 4 times though, completely deleted the folder and installed fresh, so it seems unlikely that it would be something broken every time.
  13. iYRe

    iYRe Ensign

    Jul 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Fresh install, started the server. I cant see any errors or exceptions. EAH cant connect to server, and cant find game options yaml again.

    Date Time Status Message
    03.06.2020 22:48:20.487 I Version:
    03.06.2020 22:48:20.487 I -----------------START-----------------
    03.06.2020 22:48:20.503 I Init_Tool - Check Path
    03.06.2020 22:48:20.519 I Init_Tool - Save Config
    03.06.2020 22:48:20.862 I Init_Tool - Init DB
    03.06.2020 22:48:21.003 I Init_Tool - First Start
    03.06.2020 22:48:45.487 I Init_Tool - Init EPM
    03.06.2020 22:48:45.503 I Init_Tool - Init Backup
    03.06.2020 22:48:45.519 I Init_Tool - Init CPU
    03.06.2020 22:48:46.472 I Init_Tool - Connection
    03.06.2020 22:48:46.488 I MainWorkerThread Start
    03.06.2020 22:48:46.519 I MTH: StartThread: ModThread-L-25
    03.06.2020 22:48:46.519 I MTH: StartThread: Thread started: ModThread-L-25; Current threads running: 1
    03.06.2020 22:48:46.519 I MTH: ThreadInvoke: Thread ModThread-L-25 invoked
    03.06.2020 22:48:48.534 I Init_Tool - Init CSW
    03.06.2020 22:48:48.831 I Init_Tool - Init Timetable
    03.06.2020 22:48:48.847 I Init_Tool - Init chatbot
    03.06.2020 22:48:48.847 I Init_Tool - Init Discord
    03.06.2020 22:48:48.863 I Discord - Connect Start
    03.06.2020 22:48:48.863 I Discord - Token empty. No Connection needed
    03.06.2020 22:48:48.878 I Init_Tool - Done
    03.06.2020 22:49:57.988 I Telnet Connect: API SetStatus
    03.06.2020 22:49:59.394 I Start End
    03.06.2020 22:49:59.410 I Discord - DeInit: Start
    03.06.2020 22:49:59.410 I Discord - DeInit: End
    03.06.2020 22:49:59.426 I MainWorkerthread DeInit
    03.06.2020 22:50:01.582 I Saving Player data
    03.06.2020 22:50:01.769 I Player Changes: False; Amount: 0
    03.06.2020 22:50:01.769 I Player data saved
    03.06.2020 22:50:01.785 I Save Playerdata: Compare DB to Player
    03.06.2020 22:50:01.972 I Save Playerdata: Compare DB to Player finished
    03.06.2020 22:50:02.004 I -----------------ENDE-----------------
    03.06.2020 22:50:06.161 I -----------------START-----------------
    03.06.2020 22:50:06.176 I Init_Tool - Check Path
    03.06.2020 22:50:06.192 I Init_Tool - Save Config
    03.06.2020 22:50:06.536 I Init_Tool - Init DB
    03.06.2020 22:50:07.786 I Init_Tool - Load Config
    03.06.2020 22:50:10.551 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: Start
    03.06.2020 22:50:11.504 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: End
    03.06.2020 22:50:11.801 I Saving Player data
    03.06.2020 22:50:11.801 I Player Changes: False; Amount: 0
    03.06.2020 22:50:11.801 I Player data saved
    03.06.2020 22:50:11.817 I Save Playerdata: Compare DB to Player
    03.06.2020 22:50:11.848 I Save Playerdata: Compare DB to Player finished
    03.06.2020 22:50:12.879 I Init_Tool - Init EPM
    03.06.2020 22:50:12.895 I Init_Tool - Init Backup
    03.06.2020 22:50:12.895 I Init_Tool - Init CPU
    03.06.2020 22:50:13.364 I Init_Tool - Connection
    03.06.2020 22:50:13.379 I ChatBotWorkerThread Start
    03.06.2020 22:50:13.411 I MTH: StartThread: ModThread-L-31
    03.06.2020 22:50:13.411 I MTH: StartThread: Thread started: ModThread-L-31; Current threads running: 1
    03.06.2020 22:50:13.426 I MTH: ThreadInvoke: Thread ModThread-L-31 invoked
    03.06.2020 22:50:15.442 I Init_Tool - Init CSW
    03.06.2020 22:50:15.489 I Init_Tool - Init Timetable
    03.06.2020 22:50:15.489 I Init_Tool - Init chatbot
    03.06.2020 22:50:15.489 I Init_Tool - Init Discord
    03.06.2020 22:50:15.504 I Discord - Connect Start
    03.06.2020 22:50:15.504 I Discord - Token empty. No Connection needed
    03.06.2020 22:50:15.520 I Init_Tool - Done
    03.06.2020 22:50:15.598 I Telnet Connect: API SetStatus
    03.06.2020 22:51:27.567 I Start End
    03.06.2020 22:51:27.598 I Discord - DeInit: Start
    03.06.2020 22:51:27.598 I Discord - DeInit: End
    03.06.2020 22:51:27.614 I MainWorkerthread DeInit
    03.06.2020 22:51:29.708 I Saving Player data
    03.06.2020 22:51:29.723 I Player Changes: False; Amount: 0
    03.06.2020 22:51:29.723 I Player data saved
    03.06.2020 22:51:29.739 I Save Playerdata: Compare DB to Player
    03.06.2020 22:51:29.739 I Save Playerdata: Compare DB to Player finished
    03.06.2020 22:51:29.754 I -----------------ENDE-----------------
    03.06.2020 22:51:34.404 I -----------------START-----------------
    03.06.2020 22:51:34.419 I Init_Tool - Check Path
    03.06.2020 22:51:34.419 I Init_Tool - Save Config
    03.06.2020 22:51:34.763 I Init_Tool - Init DB
    03.06.2020 22:51:36.294 I Init_Tool - Load Config
    03.06.2020 22:51:38.919 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: Start
    03.06.2020 22:51:39.810 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: End
    03.06.2020 22:51:40.107 I Saving Player data
    03.06.2020 22:51:40.107 I Player Changes: False; Amount: 0
    03.06.2020 22:51:40.122 I Player data saved
    03.06.2020 22:51:40.122 I Save Playerdata: Compare DB to Player
    03.06.2020 22:51:40.154 I Save Playerdata: Compare DB to Player finished
    03.06.2020 22:51:41.185 I Init_Tool - Init EPM
    03.06.2020 22:51:41.201 I Init_Tool - Init Backup
    03.06.2020 22:51:41.201 I Init_Tool - Init CPU
    03.06.2020 22:51:41.669 I Init_Tool - Connection
    03.06.2020 22:51:41.685 I MainWorkerThread Start
    03.06.2020 22:51:41.701 I MTH: StartThread: ModThread-L-73
    03.06.2020 22:51:41.716 I MTH: StartThread: Thread started: ModThread-L-73; Current threads running: 1
    03.06.2020 22:51:41.716 I MTH: ThreadInvoke: Thread ModThread-L-73 invoked
    03.06.2020 22:51:43.732 I Init_Tool - Init CSW
    03.06.2020 22:51:43.779 I Init_Tool - Init Timetable
    03.06.2020 22:51:43.779 I Init_Tool - Init chatbot
    03.06.2020 22:51:43.794 I Init_Tool - Init Discord
    03.06.2020 22:51:43.794 I Discord - Connect Start
    03.06.2020 22:51:43.810 I Discord - Token empty. No Connection needed
    03.06.2020 22:51:43.810 I Init_Tool - Done
    03.06.2020 22:51:43.888 I Telnet Connect: API SetStatus
    03.06.2020 22:52:04.247 I Start_Game
    03.06.2020 22:52:04.263 I Init_Tool - Init EPM
    03.06.2020 22:52:04.279 I Start_Game: C:\steamcmd\empyrionexperimentalservera12\EmpyrionLauncher -startDedi -dedicated dedicated_EAH.yaml
    03.06.2020 22:52:04.388 I Start_Game: Done
    03.06.2020 22:52:12.964 I Telnet Connect: API SetStatus
  14. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
    Likes Received:

    sorry I meant the Server logs (from Empyrion). They are the ones that should show you the errors.
    ...SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Logs\[latest version number]
  15. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Next A12 Update

    Hey guys,

    fixed the sector file not been read and Playfield list Max Structures. Now you can set your own default, and its defaulted to 1000.
    Also included a change in the player file.

    Patch notes - (Alpha 12 only)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time.
    Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave! This Version will be available over steam over the next EXP-Branch and via manual download .

    Please switch the Version in the Config to Alpha 12 Please deactivate "Detailed logs" and "Connection logs" in the Config\Debug section. These are only needed in case you have problems and need to send logs to us. Otherwise they will slow down EAH!
    • Added: Player file changes
    • Added: Read default Secotrs.yaml on every Server start
    • Added: Config: Default Max Structure limit for Playfields (Default = 1000)
    • Added: Playfield list: Button to set all Max structure limits at once
    • Added: Playfields: Changed default Max Structures from 300 to 1000
    RexXxuS, ravien_ff and Taelyn like this.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Awesome update! Thank you!
  17. iYRe

    iYRe Ensign

    Jul 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Yeah sorry I missed those logs (to be fair, I am off work sick). It was the VC_redist problem, installed that and it came right. Server is up and running now
    Jascha likes this.
  18. Hawkie

    Hawkie Commander

    Dec 7, 2018
    Likes Received:
    And another small bug in the items lists. The item 2315 Aluminium Powder triggers cheat ban.
    Hope you will incorporate a item exclusion list, so urgency of EAH updates will be lower for such things.
    The item is referred to in the config of the game, so strange it triggers. Should maybe the EAH load the games items list instead of its own?
  19. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    its included in the next update.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
    Hawkie likes this.
  20. Hawkie

    Hawkie Commander

    Dec 7, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Thanks @Jascha , kudos on your great work

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