Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Plain and simple. What do you do NOT LIKE about Empyrion - can be three things and more.

    NO discussions!
    (For discussions we have more than enough threads on ALL topics ;)

    For things you LIKE, please engage here:

    Disclaimer: This is not a representative survey. Never the less we are curious which features and elements of the game YOU consider the most liked/disliked, or are the most liked/disliked with regards to your PERSONAL playstyle ! :)
    KRanKO5 and ravien_ff like this.
  2. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    3 things I absolutely dislike about Empyrion:
    1. The lack of NPC variety.
    2. The sameness of the randomly generated worlds at the moment (I know it's being worked on) with what I believe is a low planet pool that the galaxy can pick from (Project Eden helps address this).
    3. Of course our annoying friend the CoQ and his gal bugs.
    dichebach, QRP, Nerd01 and 10 others like this.
  3. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I've only been playing since A12 on single player and love the game.

    My dislikes are:
    1. The minuscule cross-hair that is impossible to see in the heat of battle.
    2. Not being able to change the size and colour of the cross-hair
    3. When mining ores from asteroids. Wish it was like the ores on the planet, where it tells you how much is left and removes the marker on the map once you have taken all the ores.
    GDuke, TheLyric27, dichebach and 18 others like this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Now these apply to just how I play the game. I play with my brother on a private dedicated server. I also know for many of these there are workarounds and solutions but it is frustrating having to use a workaround for a game mechanic that just doesn't feel fun.

    1: The mass speed penalty. It's frustrating to have your ship's max speed in space slow down because you've mined some ore. Acceleration and turning, absolutely, but not max speed in space.

    2: Some of the restrictions on device placement (no furnaces on CV, no gravity generator, drills, or turrets on SV, etc). I think some of these could be relaxed a bit and balanced via mass and CPU instead while still keeping each ship type useful.

    3: Only one person able to access inventories or the control panel at any one time. I play with my brother and it just creates a clunky experience sometimes when we play together.

    4: Lack of mid to end game goals and rewards. Things like a research system, more rare weapons to find, etc, could help here.

    5: Passive power draw of devices that can't be turned off. Things like CPU extenders and the CV detector draw a lot of power. I can mod them with a custom config but for new players who might not know how this could be very frustrating.

    6: Servers calculating fuel use while no one is on the server. This is a good thing, but I wish there was a way to turn it off on dedicated servers so nothing is calculated while no one is online. This would be perfect for small private servers with only a few friends who play together. This also ties in to point number 5 since we need days of real life fuel time for our farms and fridges if we want to keep them turned on.
    Being able to turn off out of playfield calculations would be helpful for situations like ours, allowing us to run a dedicated server but only use fuel when we're actually on it.
  5. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    • The neglect of CVs (torque still too high, turrets not effective against SVs, lack of multi player crew perks, need special weapons (warp jammer, EM warfare, etc).
    • I also think exposed thrusters should be a required setting from a realism standpoint (I know you already have this implemented as an optional setting)
    • No advanced logistics (ability to run jobs, auto make fuel/pentax/ammo and send it straight to your CV, etc)
    • No Epic Turret loot in POIs (I want to improve my BA/CV/SV/HV beyond stock)
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
    Nerd01, Gamer, dichebach and 6 others like this.
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I dislike that Auto-miners and water generators/o2 condensers operate time does not match game time day night cycle, but real time.

    The drop of FPS when there are many polygons in the scene.

    The texture look of the game makes it feel like it is more than 10 years old.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
    QRP and Gamer like this.
  7. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    1) I absolutely don’t like the approach of developers to some things - for example, such as a logical signal system, this system has to provide more freedom in constructing the logic of equipment operation

    2) ABSOLUTELY DO NOT LIKE the introduction of the admin core. This is just a continuously annoying factor and how these cores are used already. They should protect only some quest buildings and structures.

    3) I absolutely don’t like the speed of fixing bugs in the game and the approach to some things like - THIS IS NOT A BUG! For example: It's just because it works like this ... for example, my topic is about folding turrets. This attitude is very repulsive!

    4) I do not like the size of the engines on the SV.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
  8. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Way points showing on screen from different systems, waypoint "a system" if in way range would be great (But love the planets & moon surface way points showing in the surrounding space playfield).

    Of course the leveling and tech tree systems. Hate the artificial grind (not too bad the initial few play through's though) and the ability to pick berries to research interstellar warp drives. Let's steal,buy,trade,research blueprint files for technology.
    TheLyric27, malrose1, Nerd01 and 6 others like this.
  9. Arguro

    Arguro Lieutenant

    Feb 8, 2017
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    I've been jumping into A12 after a break since A9. I have played since A5. I mostly played Multiplayer, which these dislikes concern. The game has seen a lot of progression, but here some dislikes :

    1) Disconnecting / timeouts in multiplayer. While not as bad as in A5 to A9, it's still there. So better networking!

    2) Often these DC and Timeouts also lead to : not ending up where you wanted to. Teleporters teleporting you to space, or a massive rubber banding back to a point where the first timeout occured, sometimes with dire or impossible consequences.

    3) Battles in MP are still a mixed affair, some things have improved, but its still not on a level you would want, which kind a brings me back to point 1

    So yes, there is progression (say playfield loading has massively improved since A5-A9 period) but there is also a lot of work to be done! I hope to see that in future versions. I wouldn't mind if a whole Alpha was dedicated to optimizing the game and feedbacking with the community.
  10. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I don't like the fact that my HV turret is now targeting golems etc when prey and predator are switched off. Having to keep turret turned off now.

    I don't like the fact that after taking over one or two planets that I get bored because to me it is just going from planet to planet and doing same thing over and over again. Very repetative. need more variety. I like starting new game but after you have most stuff is when it gets boring.

    Don't like the fact that i have become addicted to this game over the years. well over 5000 hrs.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    1: The current handling of the CPU system. This could've been a great system, but unfairly biased balancing of both the tier system and the distribution of points created an unintuitive monstrosity that gives players a stick instead of a carrot. Except where it shouldn't.

    2: The current handling of the flight model. The mass-enforced top speed penalty was another of the unfathomably bad ideas to grace Empyrion and unlike the CPU system which divided the community, the Mass-speed limit is universally hated without exception.
    The other part of the flight model handling is not the new A11 flight model, but the still terrible-and-getting-worse distribution of thrust that's resulted in massive torque on some ships, not enough on others and design not impacting performance in the way it should.

    3: The Base Attack system. On the surface, it seems like a fairly logical system but when you look beneath the surface you can see that everything has been done wrongly. Base attack chances aren't fairly determined and the base attacks themselves neither escalate over time or even change deployment. That's not including the thoughtless settings of the base attack drones that without anyone even noticing, completely devalued entire aspects of the game.

    4: Bad English. I cannot begin to describe how much I hate the engrish in the game. The phrasing, the quest timing, the naming in english is just so unbelievably terrible that I have to just skip all of the dialogue because i'll get a headache trying to make sense of what it's trying and failing to say.
    This also extends to the game's localization and the naming of items, devices and tools where things are either terribly named, have no description at all or once again: more bad english. There's no lore, no flair and no style.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
    GDuke, TheLyric27, Balthazod and 20 others like this.
  12. Cluascorp

    Cluascorp Commander

    Oct 5, 2018
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    1. Multiplayer
  13. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    My top 3:

    Arbitrary restrictions and solutions to game issues. Whether it's block limitations such as no turrets on SVs or no deconstructors on CVs, there is no logic or consistency. Especially with the new galaxy, the idea of being forced into a fixed base on one end of the galaxy when you want to explore the other makes little sense. Likewise the idea that turrets on SVs somehow unbalance the game. EGS is supposed to be a sandbox- let the player choose how they want to play, then manage it with a logical and consistent approach to CPU and mass (see below)

    As far as the second half of the point, the H2/O2 generators are the best example of many. For new players, there used to be a device that worked like the Emergency O2 Generator. When placed in water and powered, it ran an alternating cycle where it would output an O2 tank, then the next an H2 tank, like the EOG does with O2 and water. This logically mimicked splitting H2O.

    The issue that some complained about was that the limited slots in the device filled up too fast with O2 and the device would stop producing, wasting fuel. At the time, O2 only stacked to 50, while H2 stacked to 999. You'd wind up with 6 slots of 50 each O2 and 1 slot of 300 H2

    Instead of addressing the actual issue, stack size, the function was first split into 2 different generators, then they complained there were too many deployed items and it caused a performance hit. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that if the number of deployed items required to do a job is doubled, the number of deployed items will double

    The solution for this, then, was to have only water generators, and the cracking would happen in a constructor. Of course, since a recipe can only have one output, you now need to collect twice as much water... so the number of deployed water generators has gone up, and more time is spent grinding- or more constructors are placed to speed things up

    The H2O2 generator should have never been removed; the issue should have been addressed simply by adjusting the stack sizes. The worst part is, the stacks have now been adjusted, and the device wouldn't have a problem today...

    Mass/Volume affecting top speed. This just can't be categorized as anything but ridiculous. Increasing mass against a fixed amount of thrust reduces acceleration, not speed. It just takes you longer to get to any given speed, assuming you have enough fuel. That the engine may require a top speed for performance purposes, I get. That speed should be uniform by environment for all vehicles, with mass dictating how long it takes to achieve. a = f/m. It's just that simple

    CPU: While I like the idea, it's only half-implemented. CPU costs themselves are a balance issue, playing with those can go to beta. The foundation itself is incomplete as long as there is no way to manage it. As I've said repeatedly, at the very minimum, powered off devices should not count towards total used. At best, there would be a way to increase/decrease the amount of CPU allowed to device groups, to allow efficiency to be buffed/reduced in one at the sacrifice of another. Preferably, this utilizes a graphical interface, such as sliders
  14. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    CPU Management
    - As already stated, make it manageable.
    - If a device is off, it should NOT use CPU, becaue it doesnt even use power.

    Furnaces & Solar Panels on CV
    - I was always playing Nomad, with the new Galaxy this is even more required.
    - This said, Furnaces dont give ANY benefit other than melting ores faster, I can see NO logical reason why they should not be able to be placed on CVs.
    - Likewise for solar panels, allthough they might only be 'enabled' if the CV does not move (thrusters off) -> for balancing reasons.

    M/V does NOT effect Top speed.
    - However, this is an issue existing at least since A7.
    - Long overdue to be fixed
    dichebach, Rhylock, BDAKiwi and 12 others like this.
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    1.) PVP as a whole is in EGS a Contradiction of what the Story Line of Empyrion is build upon. Earth is Dying, we desperate search for another home and Salvation. But what does Humanity do? What it does best - killing each other over Resources or just because of Fun...

    2.) Enable Modding of a not yet finished Game (or at least have reached Beta)

    3.) The Learning Type within the Tech Tree
    By finding Items, study and disassemble them and after several attempts learning how to produce the component. After that learning in what kind of Devices other Races including them, learning schematics with each successful disassemble attempt. and so on. Taking Characters to level 40 but at the same time widening the Tech Tree by finding AND learning Schematics.

    I like to add here that the lack of Peaceful Solutions in Relationships with Factions is currently really a sad issue.
    QRP, Nerd01, Buck Zbuny and 7 others like this.
  16. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Mid- game Play.

    There needs to be a reason to explore the Galaxy
    There needs to be a reason to Land on Planets and Build Bases and Experience survival
    There needs to be much more tech to learn to enable Galactic Survival (as opposed to planetary and solar system phases - which is covered now)
    One Ship CV should not be enough for the entire game -- Like High-G worlds there should be Enviroments which require new / unique builds
    (I loved the high -G design challenge) - maybe specific requirements for ocean worlds?

    -- Bases on planets or next to stars could supply you with power (ie solar/geothermal power fills up batteries)
    -- you need to replenish basics only found on planets .... (maybe radiation degrades plants you have on board CVs? - so need bio-matter)
    -- ie you can't just live in a CV forever

    -- <The Rebel> -- once your zirax bounty is high enough you are hounded out of systems by bigger and bigger 'bounty fleets' (so mixed faction)
    -- < User storyline> -- you allow planets and storylines/quests from steam workshop to be subscribed to - to fill out the galaxy quickly with
    content and a reason to explore 'strange new worlds'.
    -- <empire builder> -- there is a user empire/faction building stage -- carving out humanities foothold in the galaxy (building cities and orbitals
    - and defenses for them)
    TheLyric27, xerxes86, Gamer and 5 others like this.
  17. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    1. CPU
    The Current System destroys more than it adds.

    2. Water generators
    To service all the water generators my faction has ingame (and we need those) a single player needs 2 hours!
    This comes from the old, not M/V system conform UI of these devices. It forces you to pull all the water container stacks into your connected toolbar. This takes way more time than in former days where you could do it with shift + lm as you do it in the logistics menu. (Actually you can do this but then you just put a fractional part into your backpack.)

    3. The easiest way to destroy POIs is a big CV with 12 projectile turrets
    Why do we have other weapons than gatling guns for SVs and HVs again?
    Rhylock, Thor'sHammer, Israel and 5 others like this.
  18. RhodeKill

    RhodeKill Commander

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Current CPU balancing. With player levels and weight/volume already limiting what blueprints you can use; CPU is just too restrictive.

    The mass enforced top speed. Again, with weight/volume and CPU this makes mining in HV's or CV's very tedious. All my miners quickly get slowed down and aren't carrying much anyway.

    End game rewards and incentives. After raiding the POI's of two or three planets, there's little reason to keep going and explore the rest of the galaxy. Maybe adding more end game items, research, or some way to track how much of the galaxy you've defeated? I'd love to build my own empire in game and see my own bases and drones take over planets :D
    xerxes86, Nerd01, BDAKiwi and 11 others like this.
  19. Don't Panic

    Don't Panic Commander

    Jul 5, 2019
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    1. Single player because you can cheat so nicely.

    2. The current CPU and flight system, because the current system completely killed my enthusiasm for Empyrion.

    3. The crosshair is a pain in the ass, please adjustable color and size.

    4. The volume system, simple remedy suit volume staggered to suit types, light = 1500, medium = 2500, heavy = 5000, epic = 10000, containers and extensions, for example expand to double the volume. I have no desire to build a ship from container extensions.

    5. No respawn of the character to the pilot seat or passenger seat after a disconnect from the multiplayer server.

    6. You cannot take offline friends with you, the Mod EmpyrionPassenger from ASTIC does what Vanilla should be in the game to take friends with you on the trip.

    7. The PDA missions are not written in German, although some developers can do that better than English.

    8. End Game, there are no challenges, unless you play PvP, there are enough challenges.
    Gamer, Thor'sHammer, Israel and 7 others like this.
  20. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    1 - Lack of NPC races , i mean about characters skin model , not the ship and base
    2- when the playfields not loaded all of your structures, but only half of it and you need to relog 2-3 times
    3- the volume for some ressource .. 320k storage and can only put 3 stacks of pentaxyd ....
    4- there is no reset for planet ore ... now we lack of ore in a space ...
    5- the currents trusters and mass working.
    6- IA are not IA
    Israel, Sephrajin and tony hug like this.

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