Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I really noticed last evening that reloading >seemed< to be taking even longer than with small arms and any minimal level of training reloading is a matter of seconds...especially if kitted for a fight. (longer if runnin into a fight wearing nothing but your underwear and a bad attitude). It really ground my gears when reloading a drill or chainsaw that after the animation I just kinda sat there like..."Is my character taking a pee? Whats he doing...get going already..." over and over again...
  2. Beasthammer

    Beasthammer Commander

    May 4, 2018
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    1: NPC ships cannot be hijacked/piloted/owned

    2: Stupid trigger mechanism for base attacks

    3: Missing character development and endgame content, customization, armor equipment variety.

    bonus: game performance
  3. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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  4. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    OK I dont "dislike" anything about the game so much as I take it as I find it and play on but there are some things I want to change about it.

    1. is the motorbike which seems engineered to be annoying which IMHO is a mistake and it should be engineered to be great fun. You dont make players happy by annoying them.

    2. the mission system pacing at the start of hard survival does not feel right. If you start with hard settings and high oxygen use you have a couple of minutes to sort out your kit or your avatar is toast. What you get is about a minutes worth of scripts trying to run dialogue you cannot possibly read. It is OK that you can dismiss it but you shouldnt have to, the game should recognise a hard start as a different beast and not treat it the same way as an easy start on a world with breathable atmosphere. You should simply get ADA producing a pointer to the supplies wreck and shutting up until you have full health.

    3. there is no low oxygen warning. I would like a ping when it goes into the red. On high oxygen use this is a nuisance. I play like that because I like getting supplies to be a challenge, but that doesnt mean I want to be punished for losing track. I think there is a balance to be struck and a warning should be optional at all difficulties and configurable in game not only at the start of the game as it should be a suit setting.
  5. Rawd

    Rawd Ensign

    Apr 29, 2019
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    • Cannot permanently remove empty PoIs from the radar
    • Very slow meteorite mining
    • Very high combat steel CPU requirements
  6. Whyuhaftobemad

    Whyuhaftobemad Ensign

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Love the game but my 3 would be,

    1 No Interactions between any of the AI. Faction v Faction, Animal v Animal, Animal v NPC or anything in space. The player should feel small and not the center the universe (until we can make our own factions ;))

    2 Foot combat should really be worked on. I really hope you plan to do something with it.

    3 CVs cant use most of its weaponry on planets. Broke my heart when I found out I can only use 2 types basically.
  7. JayStrider

    JayStrider Lieutenant

    Jul 15, 2020
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    1. Wish there was better documentation. Currently, the wiki for the game is often useless. It's really hard to determine what is working as intended and what is a bug.

    2. Offline fuel consumption in multiplayer. If I play 10 hours a week, I shouldn't need to maintain 168 hours of fuel per week just to keep crops from dying and food from spoiling. This makes it all but impossible to have any fridges or farms on vessels (CVs especially). Bases are ok because they can be supplemented with the max solar panel count. If fuel isn't supposed to continue to be consumed while offline (as in no one on the server or in a playfield) or if there's some workaround, refer to #1.

    3. Game mechanic decisions based around PVP. I'm a big PVPer in other games. For me, the strength and draw of this game is in the survival, exploration, and creative aspects. Anything that waters that experience down just because a small group of folks are perceived to be cheesing a mechanic to gain an advantage in PVP does more harm for the overall game than good. Games that focus 100% on PVP still have a terrible time balancing things out. It's a battle that can only hurt this game in my opinion. Probably the best way to handle it is to give server admins the ability to customize options/rules as much as possible, then step away and let them sort it out for themselves. This also leads to my final thing...

    4. Many of the ideas on the forums. I've seen a lot of really bad ideas pushed by some players. There was one thread discussing the balance of usefulness between bases and CV. Most of the ideas there were terrible and convoluted. This game will probably live or die based on whether you follow the opinions of several vocal players or follow your own compass. (This seems obvious to me but... The former is bad, the latter is good -- follow your own compass!) I suppose this is identifying a personal concern, not a dislike...
    Addy likes this.
  8. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    1. Lack of support for a dedicated server on Linux.

    2. Poor balance in CPU and power usage for devices.

    3. Inability to "take cover" and lean/peak around or hide behind blocks when raiding POI's.
  9. Dragonmede

    Dragonmede Ensign

    Jun 12, 2019
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    I had high hopes for this game, but...
    1) The small cross hair that is difficult to see for the color blind (me).
    2) The incredibly stupid balancing of the tiered CPU system, why should inanimate structure blocks cost CPU?
    3) Capitol Ship weapons no working planet side. Seriously?
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  10. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    1) Community-made POIs that maliciously troll players by destroying loot with explosive blocks when they destroy the core. There are no puzzles, gameplay features, or artistic intentions associated with these loot destruction mechanisms to justify them. They exist only to anger players against the game and its creators. These POIs must be either corrected or purged altogether.

    2) Control lag makes decent fixed weapon marksmanship basically impossible. Crisp, responsive controls just aren't a thing. Those rotational limits in the control panel should be changed to limit maximum rotation speed, not torque.

    3) There is total lack of useful positional audio. Shots always sounds like they are coming from between your ears. You can't tell where threats are in the field.
  11. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    1. Clumsy attempts to recreate a feature a game has done 10 years ago (reputation, levels, PDA)
    2. Most new features being broken or not clearly communicated on how they work, especially as it regards to playfield/scenario editing
    3. Extremely stubborn administration and management of the forums/discord, is one of the most restrictive discords I have misfortune of being in
  12. IMtz

    IMtz Lieutenant

    Sep 24, 2018
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    The only things that I dislike of this game are related with the patrol vessels combat:

    1. The way the alien vessels attack the player is very slow, and shows lack of interest of the vessels to engage the player. I would like to see the same type of drones agresivity on alien vessels. If the developers fears this behavior can overwhelm the player, maybe can confine the alien vessels to certain areas of the playfield like clusters of alien bases.

    2. Currently, when the back thrusters are destroyed, the alien vessels does not stop. Actually it seems the movement of the vessel is not related with the position or lack of thrusters anymore. Now, to stop an alien vessel, I need to set my turrets to destroy the generators, destroying a big part of the assets of the vessel.

    3. On the alien vessels that spawn alien troops when the vessel stops (which is a great feature by the way), if the hull is very damaged, the alien troops just disappear showing a warning message on the command console that certain entity got out of playfield and was removed. Usually I see like 30 of this messages when I disable an alien vessel. I think is better alien troops floating around and shooting the player from their fixed position instead of get deleted. Would be great if the game can gives the same type of experience when the player raids an alien space base, on disabled alien vessels.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
    Deadalready and stanley bourdon like this.
  13. Tragedy

    Tragedy Ensign

    May 7, 2020
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    1) There's no real end-game. Once you get a full set of epic equipment, armour mods, and an expensive CV- you're pretty much done. And no, I don't think degrading armour and weapons is a good solution.

    2) The unviability of excessively large ships. They are prohibitively expensive to fly around, they have poor weapons coverage, and now with CPU in many cases you can't even build them how you'd like. Any of these would be fine on their own, but altogether not so much.

    3) Navigating the new Star Map. Maybe I'm still inexperienced- or missing some crucial controls, but exploring the Universe, and especially backtracking is unnecessarily tedious. (To be clear, this is in regards to the controls for the Star Map.)
  14. hislordship

    hislordship Ensign

    May 10, 2018
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    1. Everything is 90% done. Maybe it's due to the (silly) long EA that developers have gotten into the habit of "We'll finish it later". Example: The mini-radar in the HUD. In space you can't even tell if something is in front or behind you by looking at it. It's basically useless and you'd probably only need to fix the graphics to make it functional and yet it's been like this forever.

    2. No coherency/logic to features. Seems like you just slap in features as people request it without really thinking it through. Example: You add shields. Then it gets too easy so you up the weapon damage. Now, if you fly unshielded you'll be ripped to pieces in seconds. So you have to have shields now. But shields are expensive and will push your design to at least tier 3. Meaning exotic materials. Meaning almost unplayable.

    3. Code quality...and yeah you'll be offended by this. But I'm a programmer and I know what it means when someone adding one feature results in bugs in 20 unrelated features. It's the old spaghetti monster again and it's what happen every time you add/change something.

    4. Once you have build a CV there's really very little to do in the game.

    5. Cheat mode. If you need to have it then there's something wrong with the game design.
  15. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Mass limiting Top Speed.
    -- Not meaning to be a drama queen but I simply wasn't able to come to terms with this change, so I uninstalled EGS back in April.

    New Flight Model / Thruster-torque
    -- I know some have had good luck making 'plane' like ships, and that's great. But it caused so many issues, which seem to still be around based on others lists here, that it seems like the far lesser of two evils would have been to roll back to the earlier flight model prior to that experimental going Stable. Same applies to CPU.

    No Capital Hover Vessels.
    -- Was suprised to see you're finally allowing Minigun Turrets and Mining tech on SVs.
    -- I really hope you all get together, have lots of beer and imagine how much fun CHVs would be.

    Best of luck with Beta, and I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy.
  16. fastjack99

    fastjack99 Ensign

    Aug 21, 2020
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    1. Logic Problems: e.g. Blast Door not being airtight. CV Weapons not working on Planets. Max Speed being much to low.
    2. New technologies in Skill tree making older obsolete.
    3. Shields broken. Shields should reload faster after a brief period not absorbing damage.
  17. Ganelon

    Ganelon Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
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    1) Lack of CV based attacks. I would think in space, an enemy CV that you can detect should be detecting your CV... then head for you.
    2) Same as above, but with player starbase. A space area with active enemy presence should attack. I would go so far as to say enemy bases should schedule sorties, like the ground bases... until all enemy facilities are conquered... where you then have achieved space supremacy.
    3) Finally, scale space/ground base attacks to the number of enemy facilities on the ground/space. The less bases, the less frequent the attacks.
  18. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    It's interesting, because I was just thinking about this.

    I ran into what was essentially a game-killing bug for me a few days ago (new experimental build has a "container" intermittently in the way when I'm trying to dismantle a ship, which makes it a pain to salvage,) and I went back to Space Engineers for a while. I actually think Empyrion is the better game, but I usually find it less desirable to play than SE. Why?
    • Empyrion effectively has no modding scene that I can see.
      • Sure, there's a couple of config mods I see talked about, but nothing to the extent that SE has (or if it is, it's hiding somewhere that I'm not looking.) As examples of mods I'd like to see...
        • I'd dearly love a 3x3x3 CV thruster - I usually don't need an XL, but a L at 2x2x4 is hard to do symmetry with. A 1x1x6 would be fine too - something to fill that gap.
        • Something that allows for dismantling more than one block at a time (like SE's grinders) would be amazing.
        • In-game utility stuff like SE's automated sorting script would be really useful.
        • Give me a configurable gravity generator that generates in a rectangle! 4G is for cell phones, not that one spot where the generators have to meet so you don't have a 0G area in the middle of your huge ship!
      • I assume the problem here is a lack of workshop support for mods? I see that there's a modding API, though I don't know enough to say whether it could do the things I've mentioned above.
      • Note here - if workshop support for mods were to happen, the modders would do a lot of the work for you.
    • Empyrion has a lot of weird arbitrary limits and lack of easy configurability.
      • CV weapons don't work on planets.
      • SVs can't have turrets (although I guess they maybe can now? I didn't explore that with the most recent builds, but I seem to recall reading something about it.)
      • Top speed differs depending on vessel mass (I understand the reason behind a universal speed limit; my problem is that it's different for each ship.)
      • CPU. At least it's easy to turn off, as long as you're not in Creative.
      • Alien weapons getting changed to human weapons after salvage.
      • Oops, I can only have 12 solar panels on my sprawling megabase? Ditto for wireless, again for sprawling megabases or large ships. And probably more block limits that I'm forgetting at the moment.
        • See also: weapons. At least weapons are a just checkbox to fix.
      • Sure, in a lot of these cases I can fiddle with config files to bypass these limits, and I've done so in the past. I play games to relax though, and I spend most of my work day fiddling with config files.
        • Compare to SE, where I spend 5 minutes to check some boxes, click the >> button to add all my mods, and boom - I've configured most of what's configurable in the first place. Anything else, I've probably filled in the gap with mods anyway.
    • Empyrion is buggy AF.
      • I don't think I've played a new release of Empyrion where I haven't gotten a "CoQ" error of some sort. This pauses gameplay, breaks my flow, and has gotten me killed at least once because I was actively dodging at the time. Also see above the bug that stopped my most recent session.
      • Bugs happen - that's fine - but my complaint here is that there's apparently so many of them, and they're so visible. The handling for bugs seems terrible - I'm not sure if this is due to fragility of the codebase or a specific choice to force people to notice and report them.
      • Compare SE once again, where I haven't seen more than 2 or 3 game-stopping bugs - and this is with about 150 mods of various flavors loaded. Sure, I get some other bugs, but they don't break my flow and they don't stop my game. I can finish whatever I'm doing and then go troubleshoot. Or the mods are out of date and break the game as soon as I start it, which is also fine - it hasn't interrupted my gameplay in that case.
    Compare and contrast my likes.

    Edit: Point of order - I have 1572 hours in Space Engineers and 573 hours in Empyrion at the time of this writing. I bought Empyrion in late 2016, SE in late 2014. I wouldn't expect playtime to be equal, but I'd expect it to be a bit closer than a 3:1 difference given how much I like Empyrion in theory.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
    Deadalready and Love Is Flash like this.
  19. Syrus

    Syrus Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Found one today.
    Kriel faction standing is now at unfriendly, from neutral, because I shot something that attacked me!
    If I'm neutral what are they doing attacking?
    How can I have standing of 5950 and be unfriendly?
    Basically WTF?
  20. fastjack99

    fastjack99 Ensign

    Aug 21, 2020
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    1. Making polls to give played base some spot to rant
    2. Ignoring anything said in this polls
    3. Bugs. Everyday on my Server i discover some new wired bug.
    etmoonshade likes this.

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