INFO & FEEDBACK [Alpha 11] CPU Points and Tiers - How does it work?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 26, 2019.


Did you understand the EXPLANATION on how the CPU and CPU Tier system works?

  1. Got it!

  2. Not really

  3. Do not care / do not see why we need CPU

  1. SifVerT

    SifVerT Commander

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Hey, I didn't say I dictate what other server owners what CPU ceiling they should have, I only stated mine, and I have done like Vermillion with his config changes and made stuff provide CPU as bonuses to the ship. I don't look at CPU as negatively as you do, and many others do.

    It is customizable, if you have other visions you can let a server provide 20M CPU if you feel the server can handle that for multiple people. I didn't mainly because of performance but because I want to regulate the player vs. content and control progression and I've tailored the experience based on expectations of resistance from the AI.

    I consider it congestive enough to provide a base CV CPU at 5M and that is before any acquired crew blocks, I must be prepared that multiple people may be online and combat simultaneously.

    I agree that more focus should be made to add distinctive features and abilities for different ship classes, that would be a pretty good addition. It doesn't necessarily rule out that things can't have CPU though.

    I perceive CPU more like Performance Units and that based on the addition on the crew providing CPU, i.e. that based on multiple parameters the ship's performance is enhanced. That helps immersion.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    In order for the ship to survive the loss of the shield and not fall apart at the first massive salvo, you need to have at least 3 layers of armor, spaced generators and engines, and do not forget that in the ship we need at least two storages of 320k each , hangar and landing site, place for a garden,
    and all this in turn means a significant increase in the size of the ship to a minimum of 6.50 sizes. And this is only in the case of complete absence of light on the ship and design equal or close to the box, i.e. without many peaks .... And this is only a PVE ship !!!, and you say, "PVP" ships and 10kk CPU points ...... lol.

    The so-called “battleship” of ziraxes can be easily destroyed by a simple aircraft carrier PVE from the same aircraft, not to mention heavier ships and even below the class of corvettes whose weight starts at 40 kilotons. A ship of the line, a true linear PVP ship in this game weighs 100 kilotons+.

    This all applies to the game PVE-PVP for multiplayer. Of course, if you play a solo game with stupid bots, then there is naturally enough even a T2 level on a CV of the form "I build the seats on the warp engine, 1 layer of armor, add the shield generator and pasted the turrets on top" ...
    Tyrax Lightning and zztong like this.
  3. SifVerT

    SifVerT Commander

    Nov 23, 2018
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    I'm speaking of a custom ship I use for my scenario for Zirax.

    And a reason for the CPU is to force a lighter version than your three layers of armor. It isn't realistic that you have "three layers of armor". One block is 2.5 meters thick.

    For PvP you're meant to be able to be taken out, to lose, not have endless fights. With a weaker ship you need more skill in order not to be disabled other than relying on layer after layer of armor. No ship in real life has "layer after layer" of armor, especially when a block is equal to 2.5 meters. Probably a reason why the developer added their CPU cost also to the armor blocks, although I find that they should have made it disadvantageous with loads of armor blocks in some other way, but I guess it was easy to implement quickly. Personally I made it cumbersome with loads of armor and regulate it via thruster output to make it difficult to have an disproportionate amount of armor on your vessel. I've worked for months combating ships where you slap on a lot of blocks.

    Don't you think I play? I'm a game leader by hosting a server. I reflect on how I want to control the game. I chose 5M, but someone else might want 10M for their server. In my world a 5M ship is enough for combat.
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
    Tyrax Lightning and Sofianinho like this.
  4. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Heh, I play solo and this is true, but even overstates the capabilities you need in a CV. You neither need a shield, nor any anti-ship turrets since you crack POIs with an SV, then go back and bring up the CV.

    Garden? Wasted mass. You don't even really need a hull, beyond what it takes to land.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Doc 447

    Doc 447 Ensign

    Sep 11, 2019
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    zztong ???, I use a CV as a base. That means I want a garden to feed myself and a shield & turrets to protect it. even if it just from those pesky drones that seem to be everywhere. You don't need really need a hull? Come on man who's paying to say such crazy things?
  6. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I use it as a base too. I usually park it at a trader. They've got food, medicine, free healing, ammo, everything. There's animal life everywhere. POI's have food. Zirax soldiers drop food. I'm usually overflowing with food.

    As for a hull, enough to have some atmosphere is convenient. Enough to land on is convenient. If you never attack with it, a couple of sentinal guns to kill roaming hostiles is convenient.

    Drones? Base attack don't trigger against CVs. I park outside the POI radius. Take the POI's anit-ship defenses off with an SV, then Starship-Trooper myself to the POI to assault on foot -- killing the patrols along the way with a sniper rifle. The CV never saw a drone.

    It is crazy. But I was curious if it would work during the last playthrough, and it worked fine. :) You only bring the CV to the POI once you've removed the core and the drones quit coming back. You store all the dropsy loot in the POI's containers. You don't even really need to take food. The Zirax patrols will load you up.
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    In the default scenario, a capital vessel will pretty much never be in any danger of losing shields.

    If you're talking about PvP, then you need to speak with the admins of the server you play on.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    That's it, "in your world." Spawning multiple servers "with their own worlds" and a bunch of different rules excludes unity and introduces confusion, which ultimately will be bad for the game, because when the same ship will work differently on different servers or not work at all, which will make many of its useless copies.
    When there is no unity of general rules and laws, there is always a place for chaos and confusion.

    I mean the length in meters in "quotation marks"
    And in any case, if you make 3 layers of armor on a ship with several decks, then this automatically = weight exceeding a minimum of 20 kt.


    In order to play Empyrion with only 1 layer of armor on servers where there is PVE-PVP, we need shields divided into sectors (nose-warh, nose-bottom, nose-sides, etc.). Then it’s already possible to say that the game no longer needs many layers of armor, so as not to be destroyed immediately.
    As well as different degrees of shield capacity and reloading, to ensure the difference between a civilian and a military vessel with many guns. But not earlier than that.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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    Why are people derailing this thread? This is about CPU and how it does or does not accomplish Specialization which was the main stated goal Eleon put for this feature. We don't want to hear your meaningless blabbering about your control-freak desires and fantasy's about how big you think "someone else's" Capital Ship should be. Move on and grow up, and take this to another proper thread that says How Big Should Capital Vessels Be?

    This is all i'm hearing.. xD

    Anci: No it shouldn't be that big..

    Bobby: No it should be this big..

    Cat: No thats too big it should be this big..

    Easter: No thats too small it should be this big..

    Franki: No thats not the right size..

    Gullover: Yes thats how big it should be but smaller.

    Hans: Thats not the right size it should be bigger..

    And on and on and on...

    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  10. Senti

    Senti Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2017
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    I don't talk here much, I mostly just build and play. But I feel the need to say something about CPU(and mass/volume fall right into this as well), and I hope I'm using the feedback forum correctly. I enjoy these things as a builder as it gives some fresh boundaries with which to express myself. This is almost certainly at the cost of expansion of the playerbase, because CPU and the mass/volume system(i.e. only being able to hold a few BA sized blocks at a time when building a base from a portable constructor) are downright hostile to new players. A lot of people aren't going to understand why they can't just do things or why their ship doesn't work. They just want to play. These systems aren't intuitive at all. Some people aren't going to know that these are settings that can be disabled and that some multiplayer servers will run without them. They're just going to quit playing. I think a sacrifice in a widening playerbase is not worth CPU or mass/volume gameplay limitations that force the use of this alien logistics system onto a new player being the default settings of the game, even though it's something that I have fun with personally. I think that it's better for the learning curve to remain as is and not get steeper. I like active multiplayer PvP servers and the more people that play the more people I can run into. I guess what I'm saying is coming from someone that likes the idea of CPU and mass/volume and enjoys building with them, I think game access for new players far outweighs this, and to be blunt I personally strongly believe that they should be removed as default settings.
  11. @Hummel-o-War
    Soooo..... Is this ever going to happen? Or no?
    I mean, it's nearly a year later and still no workshop filters......
    They would be REALLY useful is all I'm saying.
    stanley bourdon and Khazul like this.
  12. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    And version tag them as well.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  13. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    Unless they are going to wipe the workshop and start over, version tag would be the most important.
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Its a waste of time entirely, version is the most important one, the ''search by Tier and Efficiency'' is pretty pointless.

    Imagine searching by actual CLASS of ship, lol.

    You know.

    SV atmo scout
    SV atmo fighter
    SV atmo utility

    SV space scout
    SV space fighter
    SV space drop ship
    SV space Explorer
    SV space utility

    CV scout
    CV short range explorer
    CV deep space explorer
    CV corvette
    CV frigate
    CV destroyer
    CV battleship
    CV carrier
    CV Supercarrier

    Imagine all the new workshop categories people would be encouraged to fill with new ships an all the new starter cores, imagine all of those different flight control sets in this game rather than the 3 we have now all limited by CPU.....

    It only takes but a little imagination to truly see the huge amount of creativity lost not doing it this way.....The stick is never better than the carrot.
    Bollen and Kassonnade like this.
  15. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Having just started Reforged Eden it forced to me to try to build things on my own in survival. This really made me see how borked vanilla CPU is currently implemented. I haven't chimed in on this at all up to now because I really like the idea of CPU, and still do, but I have to get on board with those saying the execution was sloppy.
    I personally think Vermillion's version is a lot of more fun and much more intuitive. At this point the workshop is already a confusing disorganized cluster and beyond saving (I'm assuming devs can't really do anything to clean it up) so I would personally vote to completely re-do CPU system.
    Bollen and Vermillion like this.
  16. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    There is actually a fix for workshop, but I doubt it will happen.
    It involves making the games vanilla version, non CPU, and making it so people have to physically turn CPU on, and in creative, it needs to be off, and same deal, people need to physically made to turn it on if they want it, rather than it being just the vanilla setting, the game steers people heavily towards CPU, it needs to do the opposite and let CPU be a true choice.

    Then it falls away to the wayside just like W/V did, and does not effect the rest of the game in a detrimental way, like CPU does.

    Workshop, becomes dominated by non CPU builds again, a CPU section still exists for CPU ships, but its the allowing of CPU built ships to dominate workshops main front pages thats humped this all up and made it so messy.

    Its the way the game steers players at CPU thats done this, ruined workshop entirely.
    Its now dominated by just a few same people, and some have multiple accounts.....
    Almost always on front page.
    CPU is nothing short of a disaster as a vanilla setting.

    Its anti competitive.
    Its build by our rules, stat !
    And its forced on everyone being the vanilla side.
    And it effects flight controls in a very non intuitive way.

    Vermillions version is a miles better version yes, but the core of the problem is CPU itself.
    Bollen and stanley bourdon like this.

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