Fixed AI and MOB Render Distance at 100m Makes Sniper Rifles Useless [7569]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Moonraker, Sep 19, 2020.


Do AI on the ground dissappear at around 100m from view? (104m to be exact)

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  2. No

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  1. Moonraker

    Moonraker Ensign

    Aug 22, 2018
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    Build: Current Stable Version No Test
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SEED-ID: Not needed - Happens on all game saves

    Reproducibility: Both modded and unmodded; Played Eden, then Eden Reforged, then Reforged, then Vanilla; all the same.
    Severity: Major - Not a game breaking bug in general but does not allow proper Sniper Rifle Use.

    Type: World based AI Not Hostile Faction however this was not tested.

    Summary: AI and MOB Render Distance at 100m Makes Sniper Rifles Useless


    Verified on Vanilla, Eden, Reforged, and Eden-Reforged; this is an Empyrion problem.

    I cannot Snipe skele's at 100+ meters; when hit they are at 100m and thus attack me; Sniper Rifles are now useless as we cannot see past 100m; also verified in the HV MOBS disappear at 104m .

    How do we fix this? Is there a Unity fix? This is a game-breaking issue for me. At least allow render distance for AI (on the ground (?) as the drones were rendered past 100m - Faction AI only rendered at 100m+?)

    I am not bothering to check this because I am already attacked at <100m by Zirax Snipers (may only be on Reforged Mod); I never had a chance to test any faction rendering; I could have tried with friendly Talon and the Kriel loafing around maybe I will try that later. Not being able to see Skele's paast 100m is enough for me.

    I realize this is a major attempt to reduce lagg and I dound you can make Sniper or zoomed scope weps to see beyond the normal render range

    Steps to Reproduce: Easy. Just look for a MOB on a world (not verified in space as only ships are in space and not verified if turrets on land based POI's are also render limited beyond 100m; this is essential for Single Player or any game for that matter. Drones render past 100m as do ships but this needs to be verified by me. MOBS like dinos, spiders, prey and predator, kited MOBS from a POI. I possibly glitched one ship so I may test that for render range.

    (As I am unable to reply let me mention hit box out of render range: I am sure this is being done by our turrets and that of other AI; US as players do not have that luxury; we need to see what we can hit; why use a turret that can hit out of render range. No immersion. This is unmodded Empyrion).

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
    Germanicus and Alhira_K like this.
  2. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    It´s not just their models disappearing, i am somehow under the impression their hitboxes don´t exist as well once their not rendered anymore.

    Like right now i am hazing a certain point with a plasma turret. I see the shots coming from there while the zirax isn´t rendered but my shots on that spot don´t seem to hit.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    The reforged mod has an increased range set for the Zirax sniper above what the default setting is as seen in the itemsconfig.ecf for the RF mod files which appears to be what you are seeing when checking this myself

    { +Item Id: 587, Name: ZiraxSniperWeapon, Ref: ZiraxMinigunWeapon
    Meshfile: Entities/Items/Weapons/Enemies/ZiraxSniperPrefab
    { Child 0
    ROF: 2.0, type: float
    Range: 150, display: false

    We'll look into some changes in this area.
    ravien_ff, Vermillion and Germanicus like this.
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    The max NPC render range is now set to 120m & the advised max range for NPC weapons is also at 120m (A warning message will appear in the console when a NPC weapon is set above this).
    Germanicus likes this.

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