Fixed CPU usage and mass increasing while taking damage [MP] [7831]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by kukiric, Feb 22, 2021.

  1. kukiric

    kukiric Ensign

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Build: v1.4.2 3266
    Mode: Default Multiplayer Survival
    Mode: Dedicated Server

    SEED-ID: 1011345 (not sure if relevant)


    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Possibly high

    Type: Gameplay/Combat

    Summary: Vessel CPU usage and mass increases while taking damage

    Description: Noticed that while taking damage from drones in some vessels, the generator would quickly overload and cause it to explode, taking out the entire vessel, even when the generator is not exposed to direct damage. Additionally, if a vessel takes damage while there is no player in it, the overload only happens after a player enters the cockpit, after it has stopped taking damage.

    After a few more tests, I've noticed the overloads are caused by the CPU usage increasing while the ship takes damage, persisting for a few seconds, and stacking with each damage instance, making minigun drones deadly even when they can't destroy the ship's armor. Also of note is that the mass also goes up while taking damage. Both stats can be seen increasing in the P menu.

    This can happen to any SV or HV, and is not related to shields (all testes vessels are shield-less). Taking damage (from Zirax drones, at least) simply increases CPU allocation, possibly overruning limits, overloading the generator, and ending combat early even when an armored vessel should not be critically damaged at all.

    The issue happens in a private dedicated server but does not happen in singleplayer.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    - Start and join a singleplayer server using the default multiplayer survival scenario with CPU and Mass & Volume enabled (important!)

    - Spawn and fuel up an HV or SV without a shield, in the starting planet (Tested blueprint: CORE Thanatos)

    - Find and approach a Zirax minigun drone (over an ore deposit or near a Zirax POI) and do not engage it, instead, allow it to shoot the vessel. Notice the CPU goes up by 5 every time damage is taken, and mass goes up by 0.1 every few seconds while being shot

    - Press P and watch the Mass and CPU Usage fields increase when damage is taken

    - Look at the CPU Statistics tab, notice there isn't anything being added to the ship while it takes damage, only the CPU usage increases

    Additional info: EAC is disabled in the server

    Logs: attached client and server logs from a quick test run

    Attached Files:

  2. kukiric

    kukiric Ensign

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Recorded a video in case there are any interesting repro steps I forgot to mention. Again, in a dedicated server running the default multiplayer scenario with CPU and M/V enabled

  3. ScubaSteve117

    ScubaSteve117 Ensign

    Dec 19, 2020
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    This also happens to me as well. Same way but also from POI turrets as well. On the Anvil MP server ran by Xcal. Tried reproducing it in SP mode but nothing happened just normal damage. So I’m assuming it’s only related to MP servers somehow. Glad you posted the bug was going to tonight. This bug affects all combat to include space based combat as well. Eleon please fix!
    ravien_ff likes this.
  4. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Build: 3266

    I have a repro case, but it does require a dedicated server setup. I downloaded the current version of the Empyrion dedicated server and installed it on my laptop. I created a new single player vanilla survival game on my desktop (CPU on, M/V on), spawned a Core Patron V (adding a T1 shield gen to it) and a landing pad next to a Zirax base, then saved the game and configured the dedicated server to run it. The attached zip file has all of the changed files I applied to the server, including a pristine zip of the TestGame save in its current state.

    1) Start the dedicated server with the config in the zip file
    2) Connect to the server from a different machine and navigate to (5726 1874) on the Sudryetyn planet (this is the only generated playfield)
    3) Enter the cockpit seat of the Patron V, lift off, and fly forward until you are in range of the Zirax POI
    4) Open the control panel and observe the CPU and mass of the ship as you are attacked. The CPU will go up into the red, and the mass of the ship will increase as damage is taken.

    Here is a video of my runthrough of this scenario. In the video I start with the shield on to see if that had the same effect, as others have noticed this issue occurring while shields are active. In this case I could not reproduce it. However, you can observe the effect with both the POI attacking and with the minigun drone attacking toward the end of the video.

    Note that if you load the attached save into a single player game the bug does not manifest. In that case the CPU properly decreases as blocks are destroyed by the POI.

    Other note: The reason I had to spawn a landing pad here is that without it the Patron V would glitch into the ground and get stuck, requiring the O key to free it. Not sure what that's about...

    Attached Files:

  5. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Huh...just realized from my video that CPU was off on my scenario so apparently I had something mis-configured on the dedi. So apparently that's not a factor.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  6. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks for the report this will be looked into asap.
    ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.
  7. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    We have observed that when this bug manifests, accessing the CPU Statistics page in your ship's control panel seems to bring the ship back to working order, at least temporarily.

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