Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
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    Yep. All was well when I walked out after the conversation with Marcos.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Assuming I finish in time with no bugs, there should be another 3 missions for Markos' band of thieves in 1.5, alongside the 3 story missions for the Talon.
  3. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    Really great work on this scenario/rebalancing! Can't even express how much I already miss the changes while having dropped back to vanilla for the 1.5 experimental phase.

    The thruster balancing however somewhat puzzles me from a building perspective. When building with CPU, it currently occurs to me that I am basically doing it wrong if I don't use the biggest thruster available for my thrust needs. As those will just provide more thrust for less CPU, less need for Space and they are much more resilient to enemy fire. So why would I ever use the smaller thrusters? Is there a benefit to them I just dont see?

    As an extreme case I currently cannot think of a situation where I would want to use a small CV thruster - other than for purely aesthetic reasons.

    Design reasons is also why I am somewhat struggling with this situation. Vanilla gives me the option to resort to a battery of smaller thrusters without losing CPU efficiency. It still comes with the price of beeing more vulnerable and a need for more space on the hull, but it is a valid option if it fits the overall design better. Even more so since thrusters are much more potent there anyways and you just dont need the power of the big ones in many cases. With the Reforged Eden balancing where you basically fight for every point of CPU and need more thrusters for the same weight anyways, it feels just like I cant afford to use them at all.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Those Small Thrusters for CVs are more use on smaller, utility and starting CVs or to provide torque through compact positioning. They aren't viable for main propulsion on larger ships when you get more thrust for power and CPU for using larger ones. Which is how it should be.
    As a ship gets larger, it requires larger thrusters requiring higher building and operation costs. Not like vanilla where it's more efficient to just use hundreds of smaller thrusters over one big thruster, which devalues the entire function of having those large thrusters in the game.
    As is always the case with Reforged: It's a case of The right tool for the right job.
    Sup, malrose1 and Space Ghost like this.
  5. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    No arguing with that premise, that is indeed how it should be. From a building perspective it would often still be nice if mixing some smaller ones in there for the looks felt less wasteful.

    But the right job for the small thrusters seems to be somewhat micro-niche? I find myself using the mediums already when building small starter and utility CVs. Depending on my level/resource/CPU targets I might even directly go for the large (1,3,1) ones. When building for "T4" I mostly even ignore those and directly go for the second largest ones. That also applies to relatively small CVs (e.g. size class 1.6 somewhat around 5kt, iirc).
    Somewhat simplified I would try to use a bigger thruster as soon as two or three of the smaller category ones are insufficient. That is a pretty low bar to end with pretty big thrusters, even on small ships.

    Above applies not only for main propulsion but also for strafing/hovering/torque (Speaking of which, I also struggle to see a reason to use RCS at all, it seems just to weak for the CPU investment - but that seems to be even worse on vanilla).

    Now that is interesting. Might have to look a little bit into that topic.
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I've reduced the amount of CPU the CV S-Thrusters take in the next update by 750 so the cost difference isn't so much.
    Ente and ravien_ff like this.
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Update to Empyrion 1.5

    This one was a pain in the ass to do. It's still not working 100% correctly (due to bugs with entity spawning and localization breaks) and because I needed to make new POIs for the pirate missions, only one of the new ones were added with the next two missions coming somewhere in the next few weeks in a hotfix/minor update.

    • Added Empyriopedia entries for Flora and Fauna (unlocked when you kill the creature)
    • Added Herobrine back after much debate
    • Renamed multiple wildlife creatures so as to not match their model name from the Unity Store.
    • Trial version of Space Base Attacks.
    • Moved MainStory variable in Xenu Mainframe to the start of timed dialogue exchanges to prevent missing variables when players reach the end (Please don't click the X or press ESC while the dialogue is ongoing)
    • Updated the Ilmarinen again, made it easier on the lower decks.
      I WILL write the mission for this POI in the near future. I mean, you've seen the thruster pods and the lost cargo container from it floating in the starter orbit, so you can probably piece together the the gist of the story.
    • Re-added POI shield damage modifier to Disruptor Cannons for Eden Combat Site Integration so that Decimators vs Toveras actually have a chance (Disruptors at present are set to deal no damage to Dreadnought Shield Generators so legacy don't accidentally shoot themselves).
    • Increased shield damage for CV Laser Turrets and Heavy Laser Turrets vs Legacy and Dreadnought-class Shields.
    • Renamed Markos' last name (not that anyone cared) and adjusted the activation range for meeting him in the pirate story mission "Unlawful Possession".
    • Minor Changes to status effects.
      Broken Leg now deals less damage and slower to the player.
      Open and Closed Fracture may be incurred after falling really far, like broken legs.
      Radiation Burn deals less damage.
    • Loot-only devices and devices using loot-only components cannot be replaced with station services anymore to prevent duplication (Zirax turrets, Disruptor Cannons, Quantum CPU, Advanced Core, CV Heavy Turrets).
    • Reduced Reload times for handheld Drills by 2 seconds.
    • Added two new Crossbows for the Talon, that are obtainable by the player.
      Repeating Crossbow - Can be bought from Tal'on Traders or dropped by killing Tal'on Hunters. Ammunition can be bought from Tal'on Traders.
      Plasma Crossbow - Uses Plasma Cartridges as ammo. Unleash your inner Chewbacca.
    • Added two new Zirax Weapons that can be found in loot containers or dropped by their respective Zirax. Zirax Sniper Rifle and the Zirax Portable Rocket Launcher.
    • Increased the Durability and buffed the stats of the Zirax Combat Rifle and Zirax Heavy Shotgun (the ones the player can loot from zirax).
    • Disabled the Portable Hoverbike until Eleon adds prefab spawning support. Too many people ignore the tooltip warning and spawn it in MP, which crashes them and deletes the bike.
    • Increased the output of Large Solar Panels by 5%.
    • Reduced Blast Radii of Flak Turrets, increase blast damage to compensate (To prevent explosion buffering issues).
    • Reduced Blast Radii of Artillery, increased damage to compensate (Performance Improvements. STOP BREAKING THE EXPLOSION MECHANICS!)
    • Fixed exploit with selling crew to mining and factory traders.
    • Increase AU warp distance for the SV Jumpdrive from 15 AU to 24 AU.
    • Reduced the number of ground enemies spawned for the final stage of Offworld Grave.
    • Renamed Tal'ohn to Tal'on to prevent confusion between Vanilla naming vs Reforged naming.
    • Reduced curve of Disruptors from 10% to 1% due to a typo.
    • You no longer lose Rep with Polaris for having a ship in their territory.
    • Added missing maxcount to HV/SV Laser turrets and enemy weapons.
    • Constructing a CV on the starter planets triggers a base attack.
    • Increased Normal Range of SV Long-Range Radar by 1000m and increased the detection range of POIs from 1000m to 2500m.
    • Many Icons added and Updated - Includes Advanced Armor Boosts (now red instead of purple), Fire stick, Structural Ramps and Upgrade Kits.
    • Reduced CPU consumption of CV S-Thrusters by 750. (Subject to change)
    • Increased drop rate of Advanced Heavy Armor and Advanced Laser Drill from Ultra Rare containers by 10%.
    • Reduced movement speed of Raptors and Leafcutters.
    • And of course: Updated many POIs and Added some new ones.
    • Added the first three missions of the Tal'on Story Mission chain.
    • Added the second mission of the Pirate Story Mission chain (two more planned).
    • Changed the Base Attack System (Important)
      Rocket Drones are back to their old vanilla behavior and the quantity has been reduced slightly. However, there are several new types of base attacks that use a variety of random unit setups. You could get minigun drones, rocket drones, gunships, light bombers, a heavy bomber or dropships.
    • Zirax will perform pre-emptive strikes on Capital Vessels that appear on the starter planet.
    • Chainsaw deals 25% more damage to entities.

    Known Bugs:
    > The localization for items, creatures and blocks breaks at completely random times and for no reason. The names could be Reforged, Vanilla or Unlocalized at any point. This seems to be a bug with the game and has been reported to Eleon.
    > Spawns in some missions will fail to produce the full amount of units, or none at all. This is most prominent on Relay 451 when the Pirates attack the relay (Only one pirate will spawn instead of 4; followed by 2-3 instead of 5).
    > Talon will not fire at zirax during the Crisis of Faith part of the Talon missions. They're set to attack NPCs, but don't. I've had to reduce the number of enemies that spawn there to 1/4 of their intended number until the talon can actually fight to defend themselves. This actually makes it harder for the player since you have a group of wandering idiots getting in the way. Try not to shoot them.

    There is currently a temporary dialogue attached to the Ilmarinen's final console in lieu of a full mission so that you can remove the core. It uses a trigger in the PDA to relay signals to the ship and initiate the final stretch of the mission.
    You can use this trigger three times in MP before it stops working so other players have a chance at the ilmarinen.

    I'll add a display of the new icons.

    Manual Download
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  8. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Hey, thanks for the update!

    Looking at the Industrial Multitools (HOLY CRAP THANK YOU!!) that you can mount on SV's, is there a way to make them hit where the crosshairs are like the other guns/lasers do? Currently it looks like the just fire and hit in a straight line from where they are mounted making salvaging small parts with them a bit of a challenge.

    Not sure it's possible, but thought I'd ask.
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Cannot be changed, but that's not really be a bad thing.
    They basically salvage instantly, aiming straight ahead allows them to cover a wider area instead of focusing on a single block.
    Sup likes this.
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Here's most of the new and modified icons (not including variants)
    Left Side:
    At the top you have the Old vs New "Epic"/Advanced Armors (Heavy, Medium, Light in descending order).
    The new "Epic" icons are due to the complains of players being unable to discern between normal armors and epics when opening containers. The new armors use a mix of steel and carbon fiber plates on the outside to make them more identifiable.

    Row 4: Below the armors is the Old vs New Advanced Boosters. The previous icons are the default ones that are part of the game, but they were really badly recolors of the normal armor boosts that turned the whole icon magenta (as seen above). The new ones have the same metal frame color but a red display instead of magenta to match the equal-leveled "Epic weapons".

    Row 5: Next is a relatively unknown change. The Flamethrower Tank (old vs new) for the HV Flamethrower. It's closer in color and design as the handheld tank.

    Row 6: And for the last of comparisons on this side is the Old vs New Health Pack. The change was voted for on discord 40:2. It's the same item, but displayed so as to take up more of the icon's space and put it on the same display angle as the other medkits.

    Bottom row are Hacking Item icons, related to the satellite hacking added by vanilla in 1.5 (which is overcomplicated btw). Displayed here are one of the colored Reports items, the Red Fire Stick and Military Keycard. Other related item variants are color-coded accordingly.
    The last on the line is the Decryption Device used in the second Pirate Story Mission: Cloak and Dagger.

    Right Side:
    Row 1
    : At the top right side you have the Old vs New Mk.122 Bombs used by SVs. They're now a closer match to their model.

    Row 2: is the Old vs New Sledgehammer Torpedo used by SVs.

    Row 3: The Old vs New Texture and Color Tool. This got a new model in 1.5, but didn't get a matching icon. This is a temporary icon I made of the model until there's an official one. I could've done better.

    Row 4: No more comparisons. These are the new Zirax Sniper Rifle and Zirax Rocket Launcher. They are dropped by their respective zirax trooper; and the Rocket Launcher can be obtained as part of the third Talon Story Mission: Freedom Fighter when you encounter a Drone Gunship.

    Row 5: These are the new Small and Large Upgrade Kits used for upgrading turrets and fixed weapons to their "Heavy" version.

    Row 6: Advanced Upgrade Kit used for upgrading radar, sensor and targeting equipment to their Heavy version; And an icon for the Illegal Goods mission item for the first Pirate Mission: Unlawful Possession.

    There were a number of other minor icon changes, but nothing notable. RG/RE will use the old T1 Weapon Icons and Models until the new ones are refined, the new upgradable weapon system is added or the remaining weapons have matching models.
    imo, I don't like the new ones. They're too bright and look like unrealistic children's toys.
    Myrmidon, Stampy, Sup and 2 others like this.
  11. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
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    I agree the new base weapon color is too "sterile" And the poor color tool. Absolutely zero character like the old one had. It's a paint gun for pete sake, it SHOULD have paint all over it. "Character" I say!

    "This post is not meant to offend anyone it is not directed at anyone or any group. The authors opinions expressed
    here are valid only at the point in time he is writing it. The Author reserves the right to withdraw any comment or
    change his opinions entirely."
    Have a good day!!! :) -(C) 1998, R.Hunter Inc. All Rights Reserved. :rolleyes:
    Vermillion and stanley bourdon like this.
  12. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    They do tend to miss the small blocks like lights, and small pointy ramps and triangles.
  13. bad coffee

    bad coffee Ensign

    May 6, 2020
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    Thanks very much for the update. Small issue to contribute, I'm unsure if it's the game itself with 1.5 or something SI related in the mod. I'm starting on a specific seed so I have the right terrain to move my base over. On this seed (864395) the antenna near the crash site consistently spawns with a significant portion of it missing.

    The only thing this could be is the structure is generated, then the bottom of it breaks off and falls into the abyss despite the fact this shouldn't happen.

    Not serious by itself, since the objective to use the departed device on the POI can just be bypassed, but it suggests other POIs could spawn and immediately lose sections.

    Attached Files:

  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Are you sure? Because that looks like the old Antenna which is no longer part of the scenario. The new one is larger and has rustier textures on the upper section.
  15. bad coffee

    bad coffee Ensign

    May 6, 2020
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    Think I've fixed the problem. I made very sure the scenario was installed properly before I made that post, but that's not where the issue was. The old version of the antenna was still in the Empyrion/Content/Prefabs folder from a much earlier installation of Reforged, last year. At the time I wanted to continue a game in progress and the mod had changed from manually installed config files and a prefabs folder to the scenario it is now.

    What I found investigating this today was when using a certain seed the game would always generate the starter planet using the old version of the antenna, and when using other random seeds would use the current version of the antenna it's supposed to. Not entirely sure why the game would do that. Sorry for the false alarm... again.
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy v1.5-81
    Minor Update before RE

    This is mostly for bugfixes and adding a bit of extra content before Reforged Eden hits

    • Minor Bugfixes and Balancing
    • Fixed incorrect CPU display on Sentry Gun parentblock.
    • Added new Weapon Icons for the zirax weapons (again) since they seem to have gone missing in the last update.
    • New Icon for the UCH Keycard and Texture and Color Tool (Thanks to IG Baron)
    • New Icons for the Submachine Guns.
    • Posters can now be found in Lockers and Closets.
    • Fixed HP and XP yield from rocks on the arid planet. (XP now scales up correctly with size instead of getting 50XP for big rocks instead of 200+)
    • Fixed symmetry placement of SV wings and 2x1 angled windows.
    • Added new rare item: Starhawk Heavy Pistol. This is a powerful 50.Cal handgun that will give your wrist a workout and any offending zirax a few extra holes to breathe through.
    • Reduced Mass of SV Cargo Containers. A relic of times past. (50/100kg > 12/24kg)
    • Heidelberg is no longer Admin Cored, but comes with a trade-off.
    • Reduced the reload time of all handheld weapons and tools (will probably go back up a bit in 1.6 for the class system i'm planning to add)
    • Zirax Commanders now have their own unique droplist, which includes the new Starhawk.
    • Maximum teleport distance for Base Teleporters has been increased to 50LY.
    • Empyriopedia - Ecology of Empyrion: Unlocking creature entries give Unlock Points.
    • Mechanical Drill (handheld) can now flatten terrain.
    • Added new zirax space POIs to all zirax playfields; displacing the old Xenu and Ghyst ones.
    • Xenu Mainframe once again no longer appears on the minimap until you've teleported into it via radar station.
    • New Large Cargo Containers for HV and SV. These hold 8000L and are available as Cargo Storage (128 Slots) or Harvest Storage (64 Slots).

    Known Bugs:
    - Space Base Attacks are not working. This is an issue with the PDA not recognizing space playfield types as activation conditions. (Still works on planets though.)
    - Scenario Localization is still broken in 1.5 (Eleon plz fix)

    Manual Download
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2021
    ravien_ff, Ente, bad coffee and 3 others like this.
  17. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Is there still an override folder for private server to insert customized configs? If so, where is it located?
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Config.ecf is no longer supported by Eleon. It just doesn't work.
    The only way to apply changes is directly to the main configs.
  19. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Ok, I'll just have to do that then. Too bad...made for easy patching.
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy v1.5-83+82
    Visual Overhaul (Credit goes to Ravien)

    • Complete visual overhaul of higher level weapon firing effects.
      This is a much-needed change since now you can tell the difference between an EMP shell and a Plasma ball. Artillery turrets fire artillery shells instead of big rockets.
      Note: Just because you see big energy beams or scattershot, doesn't mean it's hitting you more than once. Purely visual... and eventually will have specialized audio to match.
      Also applies to a number of lower level weapons like the Railgun, Plasma Rifle, flak turrets, etc...
    • Swamp Starter no longer has drones spawning in the start zone; they are now 500m away. These were left in from vanilla.
    • Separated Zirax Heavy Plasma Turret from the Player's version in terms of firing. It does less damage, but fires faster and includes a fancy projectile and everything.
    • CV Flak Turrets now fire a visible projectile (was missing for a while)
    • Bugfixes
    • Added new Ghyst Shipyards to spawns. Displaces old versions.
    • Added new variants of Zirax Ships (varying weapons, armor, shields) to the existing groups to bias the chance of getting lower-level ships instead of Toveras in every playfield 1/4 of the time (New ratio is 1:12).
    • Added new Ghyst Space POIs to the playfield spawns.
    • Increased the Range and Radius of CV Mechanical Drills since there seems to be an occasional clipping issue with the model and the minimum impact range of the drill (The firing location for the "weapon" is further back than it should be)
    • Removed parent block designation for Walkway blocks to prevent unusual illegal blueprints when the game gets confused. These blocks are old and outdated and prone to being just weird.
    • Fixed Localization Problem by using an entirely new localization file and spending a very long time customizing it.
      The cause for the breakage was a section of vanilla localization (which had never been touched by me) that had somehow gotten corrupted but wasn't being detected as an issue by the game.
    • Hid the NPC drone ammo that's also visible in vanilla (c'mon guys...)
    • Updated Icons for Texture and Color Tool, as well as both Submachine Guns and the Crossbow.
    • Fixed missing factors on ore yield for Platinum and Aluminium.
    • Added Power Coils to QuantumSTAR traders.
    Manual Download
    bad coffee and malrose1 like this.

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