Experimental: Autumn Update V1.6 - I

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, Sep 7, 2021.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi Galactic Survivalists!

    Before we will start developing the big Christmas update (v1.7) we have put our ideas together and filled the v1.6 with a lot of goodies big and small.

    With the 1.6 Experimental starting today, you can again contribute your playtime to improving the public version planned to be released in about 2 weeks from now!

    Main feature overview
    • Reworked loading screens
    • New visual / graphical post-processing
    • Reactivated terrain deco destruction (trees, plants)
    • New weapon models for Sniper Rifle, Minigun, Warp Drive (Epic)
    • Explorers Guild micro missions including update of Epic Boosters (rebalancing) and Epic devices as rewards (Epic Autominer, Detector HV/CV, Warp Drive CV)Addition of ARC and WASTELANDERS as new interactive factions (first iteration)
    • Colonists got their first Reputation Mission “Pirate Hunt” (more to come)

    Find all the details below!

    If the experimental branch is not visible for you in the drop down list in steam > properties > betas please restart your steam client.

    As always please note:

    Report bugs and issues right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/
    Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
    Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

    For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the Experimental Feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/experimental-features-discussion.35/


    Terrain Deco Destruction:


    & a toggle for deco destruction which can be added to the gameoptions.yaml:
    EnableDecoKnockDown: True/False # (Default True) to Activate or Deactivate the Terrain Decoration Destruction
    - The ability to knock down a deco depends on the speed, mass & thrust power of the ship (don't expect a tiny HV to be able to knock down every deco at once).
    When a vessel hits f.ex a tree and is not able to knock it down some damage is done to the tree. So after a few hits the tree could go down.

    Loading screen rework:


    See here for more info:

    New sniper rifle & Minigun models:



    New warp drive (CV) model added to Warp Drive (Epic):



    - Added: Initial implementation of WASTELANDERS as an interactive NPC faction (own Territory etc)
    - Added: Initial implementation of ARC as an interactive NPC faction (own Territory etc)
    - Added reputation mission "Pirate Hunt" for Colonists faction
    - Added Explorers Guild micro-missions (self-activating, based on certain activities: discovering resources and playfield types and sun classes the first time will gain you Exploration Token which can be redeemed for rewards in a new GIN Console entry 'Explorers Guild' )
    - Added new 'EPIC' items for the exploration missions (Can only be acquired through exploration guild missions for now)
    - Changed: reduced drone presence on Brotherhood of Farr POI (planets)
    - Changed: Staying outside of a territory does not give +RP anymore (Note: Regain standing to neutral can be achieved by the NPC factions Credibility Missions!)
    - Changed: Improved values of Epic boosts


    - Added: New bases and vessels for ARC and WASTELANDERS npc faction (HeckenDiver, theScriptHD, Don2k7)
    - Updated Zirax-Epsilon POI: Drone Factory, Military Spaceport, Advanced Spaceport (Vermillion)
    - Updated Stock Blueprints: Far Point Station, MSS Waypoint Station (-AKEVA-BANSHEE-)
    - Updated Traders Guild Trading Station (Kaeser)
    - Check our forums for details on newly added and updated POI and Blueprints: https://empyriononline.com/forums/showroom-submissions.108/

    New settings and parameters:
    - GalaxyConfig.ecf: added optional parameter SolarSystemConfigSuffix that can be used to override the solar system config file. Use it f.e. like that: SolarSystemConfigSuffix: K
    - Dialogues-config-and-examples.txt: added description for IsBlockActive()
    - Reward chapters on skip - use new chapter parameter RewardedChaptersOnSkip (same format as RewardedChapters)

    Other technical updates:

    - Updated unity to 2021.1.17f1
    - Updated PostProcessing
    - Added ability to mod shield effects: add a 'ParticleName' with your asset reference to the shield generator block in BlocksConfig.ecf
    - Improved DB query GetStarDiscovered by 30%- Better error message when a property within a config file has the wrong type
    - Optimized some queries for the ranking information in the player overview screen. With this change, the "travelled AU/LY" will get reset.
    - Optimized query for requesting player name in chat window
    - Chunk .area files are now locked exclusively by SP games and playfield servers to avoid any other process erroneously reading the data before it is ready.
    - Added disabled logs for "which chunk is currently written"
    - Set distance for shield particle effect from 150m to 700m to allow seeing shield particles in higher distances

    Updated Invader vs Defender scenario:

    - Add 15 Random Generated Stars
    - Add Eleon Game Studios Faction
    - Implemented Credibility Mission in the PDA
    - Add Path of Righteous Wrath POI. Thanks to Escarli!!
    - Add new Instance "Maze Instance" with PDA and Reward. (Entrance at the Galactic Trading Station)

    - Changed Origin Trader to Merchant
    - Removed Credibility Seals as loot drop
    - Attacking a faction no longer results in instant Neutral
    - Slightly increased reputation los when attacking a faction
    - Killing a Pirate now gives +10 with Colonists (before +5)
    - Lowered trader stock (buy/sell)
    - Changed Void deposits to random meteorites
    - Removed reputation Gain from being outside the faction territory
    - Changed nebula colors and slightly increased count
    - Add custom loading screens

    - Fixed starting reputation due to origin numbers not correct set
    - Fixed localization.csv faction colors
    - Fixed Empyrionpedia entry about technical max speed
    - Fixed missing factions starting reputation

    - Fixed: DesertBurnt Sathium/Erestrum deposit texture was missing
    - Fixed: POI placer: AuxPOI may get placed at 0,y,0 and overlap there
    - Fixed: Space POIs set to spawn a compound sometimes don't spawn their compounds
    - Fixed: Sanctuary on Swamp Starter was not set to Polaris
    - Fixed: Wastelanders [WST] Captured Relay Station placed in space
    - Fixed: New space junkyard SV and CV did not spawn or not spawn correct
    - Fixed RockResourcePromethium model is stretched
    - Fix for game.dat corruption on servers when a lot of players discover a lot of NPC factions
    - Fix for CoQ when opening the map while the DB is very slow and closing the map before the DB results (active map markers) got received
    - MP: Fix for missing chunks in ships when changing playfields
    - Fix for CoQ when a modded shield particle effect was spawned

    - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full

    - Backup game feature is currently not working
  2. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    (chuckle) it's nice to see that a shrub will not stop a hover tank in it's tracks again. :)
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    If that is the 1.6 oh boy what is coming with 1.7? I melted in my chair reading release notes. Thumbs up Eleon.:)

    PS : Someone add a "thumbs up" smiley/emoticon please.
    Kyodai, byo13 and elmo like this.
  4. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Thanks for the update, back playing after taking short break.
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Excellent, guys. Thank you.
    But could you please elaborate on this? What does it change?
    If it makes the game looks cooler it could be the most important news item from that list.

    I tried it now and think I saw some difference but I'm not sure. :)
    SacredGlade, Myrmidon and Germanicus like this.
  6. Thorwine

    Thorwine Commander

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Nice Patch Notes! Will come back for my quarterly visit at EGS when it goes live for another SP playthrough :)
    Myrmidon likes this.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    save this one on your PC ;)
    bashfullsson, byo13, elmo and 2 others like this.
  8. KnowItAllDM

    KnowItAllDM Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
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    With all these changes, a total re-work of my Star Salvage scenaruo may be in order. Ive done it twice already. So i think I have the hang of it. It will take a while, so I'll probably update my current version with the additional new junk vehicles I'm working on at the moment, then work on re-designing things from 1.6 configs and playfields.
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    ravien_ff, Wellingtoon, byo13 and 4 others like this.
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Wellingtoon, elmo and Taelyn like this.
  11. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
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    1.7 seems destined to be more robust based on the "big Christmas update" comment. As much as I relish playing your fantastic scenario, I worry about seeing you spending a lot of time on a 1.6 refresh of Star Salvage with that "elephant in the room" looming before the end of the year. Just my 2¢...
  12. [BB]Drifter

    [BB]Drifter Commander

    Jul 30, 2017
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    ravien_ff likes this.
  13. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    New stuffs and bug fixes are always welcomed but, personally I would say:
    Stop adding new stuffs and redoing models and visuals. The fps gameplay (especially animation) needs some love.
    The crafting side of the game is mature enough for now. New crafting items, new POIs and new factions are only aesthetic.
    Personally, I don't bother keeping any epic item at all, because I never use them. In the end, the game has ton of loots I don't even bother to pick up because it just adds useless mass to my inventory.

    You should slow down a little on that side and focus on the gameplay when we are not building or driving a vessel.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
  14. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I have a feeling you're going to want the epic warp drive and quite possibly the detector too...
    Sofianinho and Germanicus like this.
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    It's better they do those 'useless' additions now than later when they eventually start with the most complicated Parts. Because when started nothing else can be looked into until those very complex changes are finished. So, let those minor 'cosmetic' changes be done!
    Needleship likes this.
  16. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Left night picture from Cupola by Thomas Pesquet from ISS. Right night view from Temperate planet orbit from Empyrion Galactic Survival.

    ISS & Empyrion.png

    Credit Thomas Presquet ISS September 2021
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
    Stampy and Robot Shark like this.
  17. AgentMaster

    AgentMaster Lieutenant

    Sep 27, 2019
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    Eleon, do you read the player suggestions and recommends? Whu need to destroy decos by ramming?! We need propper routing computer and zoom on our ships! There is far destinations and we need to make route on galactic map...
    And what ship is that whu didnt have any zoom and ppl need to use only weapon zooms to see at distance?!
    Why we cant jump on the Sun when we are in same star system?!
    When you write "fixes" and we meet the same bugs from long time ago, we understand how much you work done. These "fixes" can make happy only newbies!
  18. Yes, they do read the suggestions.
    Trees and other deco getting destroyed by ramming isn't new. It is something that used to be in the game and they took it away due to issues.
    Players have been asking/requesting/suggesting for it to be returned for years now.
    They do in fact read player suggestions as evidenced by this.

    We asked for it, and they returned it. What's the issue?
    It took years for them to return this to us, I think you can be a little more patient..... Just saying.

    It's not a new feature they worked tirelessly over, no, but it is something us players wanted returned and they returned it. That makes me happy.
    Plus, this does wonders for immersion and such while using HV's. It is a huge issue that our HV's came to an instant stop due to tiny twigs. This resolves that.
    I call this more than a minor change in my book.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2021
  19. AgentMaster

    AgentMaster Lieutenant

    Sep 27, 2019
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    Well happy ramming... By the way i remember your avatar - you alway defend them, but that not help much to devs to improve the game. There is many other suggestions that is more important for me...
  20. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    We can jump to the star of the system, just point your ship at it (until you get it's name) in space and jump, just like you do with planets and waypoints.
    Strange thing is we can jump to the star from the star, I guess we get on the other side... or not... weird.

    My biggest complain is the third view camera, whether it is for vessel or our character. I like to play in third view, but it is not really good in Empyrion.
    Camera is too high for our character. Is it focused on the head at least?
    Concerning vessel, it is ok most of the time but there is a limit on how much we can move up and down the camera and that is problematic for "not flat ship".

    Actually, the camera placement is simply too high whether it is for vessel or our character, and the higher our vessel is, the higher the camera gets.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
    Myrmidon likes this.
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