Fixed Unlootable bodies [8281]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Leosky, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. Leosky

    Leosky Ensign

    Nov 28, 2021
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: 1.7 3602
    Mode: Survival

    SERVER NAME: 1.7 Madness

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Save

    Type: Unlootable container

    Every now and then, some containers are inaccessible and HUD name/live plate don't appear.

    Every thing is in the summary. I just need to precise it seem to happen more frequently in the swamp and i never been able to loot my backpack.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Save provided, if you kill infected around you should be able to reproduce it easily

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:

    Attached Files:

  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    I'm afraid when loading in to your save I have no issue killing any NPC's in the location you left your character in.
    If you load into the same save after a client restart does the issue trigger immediately or some time after ? roughly how long until you start to see it ?
    Pach likes this.
  3. Just to clarify, the issue is not with killing them, but looting them afterwards.
    No issues killing them.

    It happens more often with the player backpack though for me.

    To reproduce -
    Let something kill you and then respawn and try to loot your drop container afterwards.

    That's all I had to do to reproduce the issue, might take multiple tries though.
    Pach likes this.
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    We have a fix in the works for this already but cannot trigger anything regarding killing an NPC & having an issue with the drop containers being inaccessible from NPC's. That's how I was reading some of the above & elsewhere form others.

    A release tomorrow should resolve this if not try starting a new game (it's possible new saves started in v1.7 in the first exp phase have an issue with this).
    Pach and krazzykid2006 like this.
  5. I'll work on seeing if I can reproduce just the dead bodies tonight.
    Pach likes this.
  6. Melnmarn

    Melnmarn Ensign

    Dec 2, 2021
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    I am having a similar problem. once i was killed by a legacy npc, i can no longer interact with the dead bodies, or vendors in the village. I never get the "Type 'F' to loot" or whatever. Although, in the village i can interact with the boxes behind the vendors. ( i try to get the interactive with the vendor and only get the interactive menu for the boxes behind him. ) I have checked the file integrity, all good there. I am running a fresh start with 1.7-2 on the swamp planet.
  7. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Not sure that this didn't get squashed by the latest update. I reported this last week and it seemed to have vanished now, at least in the small time I've played on the latest version.

    I was having it all over the place and definitely on looting the bodies (and ship) from a Zirax Transport, but just did one and it was fine.
  8. Sir Chocobo

    Sir Chocobo Ensign

    Dec 5, 2021
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    I am having the same problems, it happens often, like 65% of the time.
    These are the things that are happening; all using the F key, reloading save does not work.

    1. Cant pick up my items after I died
    2. Cant pick up my motorcycle after getting off.
    3. Cant pick up loots from NPC or drones.
    4. Cant loot animals to hunt for meat.
    5. Cant talk to traitors.
    6. Cant kill NPC even when right in front of them, sniper or shotgun ive tried.

    Base Turrets dont target Drones or Dropships. After I try to target them manually, the ammo passes right through them. For Example the missile flies right through them. After an attack later the turrets targeted the drop ship and drones, wich happens very randomly. NPC can destroy my base and turrets just sit there doing nothing, and manually using the turrets passes right through them, so I use my sniper to kill them off,

    I did notice that I can walk through objects in which I cant interact with. Reloading save game does not work, quit and restart does not work. In Unity al units are passable unless you add a collider, to me it seems the collider is missing or not in sync (somewhere else positioned). The game just does not register there is something in front of me.

    Other bugs are;
    1. Getting off your ship in space you fall into eternity, unless you a jetpack enabled.
    2. Getting off a starbase you also fall into eternity unless your jetpack enabled
    3. You cant walk around space station with jetpack enalbed thou.
    4. In your underground base, suddenly a new dirt grass field has appeared and cant be destroyed, reload saved game fixed it.
    5. Getting off your ship on a planet will hurtle you to a distance, 5% chance of happening.
    6. I have drone attack setting to hard and I still have 1 dropship coming and other times 3 drones. When I started a new game I had 2 dropships with 3 drones coming, but not anymore, happend only once, after new game.
    7. Bug message appears when travelling around the world at this specific place. On the map you can see this is where it happens, it like a line that divides the world, in which the map reloads the landscape after this line.

    Anyways the most annoying bug is not being able to pick up stuff.
    On the positive, when the game freezes, it always finds a way the save after the freeze. So you did not lose 4 hours of gaming. Freezes happens like 2x a day, And never lost some game time, cause the game was saved.
  9. Sir Chocobo

    Sir Chocobo Ensign

    Dec 5, 2021
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    To my post above

    I found some in some games you cant pick up items when the server is disconnected or having problems or lagging, I am playing in single player mode thou.

    I found some games picking up items is the problem of 4k resolution, even for the mouse pointer is off like 1 hand off, fixing resolution to 1080 or 720 fixed it for those game, I tried reducing the resolution for this game did not solve it.

    I also use a New Gaming PC - Gigabyte Z490Vision D, Windows 11 Pro (Fresh install), Intel i9 10900k, AMD 5700 XT, SSD, 16GB Ram, 4K Resolution Monitor.
  10. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I've had all of these as well, I also had it with shooting animals for food. I'll have to see if running at a lower Rez helps, I'm also @ 4K Rez.
    Haven't seen this one.
    Yep, seen this.
    Now this one has been around a while, I don't recall EVER having been able to step off a ship or base in space and not falling if jetpack was off. Not to say it's RIGHT, just has always happened and drives me crazy. Right up there with Jetpack disables when ending a conversation. Broke my leg twice (I'm a slow learner, LOL) floating in front of the Brewmaster and when he stops talking you drop and break a leg.
    The BAD part is fixing that is ANOTHER new bug, bandages don't work and it tell you the
    WRONG type of Med device to use as well. Only a Trama kit works or the RIGHT Med device.
    Now THIS one I don't remember seeing and it just happened to me yesterday (just got to space).
    Haven't seen this, but all of this stuff seems somewhat random. You kill 3 animals no problem then two ignore your closeup shotgun!
    This is also something I just figured out and didn't get to report back on. That's sometimes called "No Mans Land" and is the divider where the ends of the 2D map intersect to create a globe. It has ALWAYS been an area where you can't interact with things; no drilling rocks, no mining, etc. It used to be a larger area in early versions of the game but they managed to make it very much smaller. That said, this points DIRECTLY at Collision Detection of some sort.
    Thanks for the resolution tip, I'll switch lower and see what happens. Great post with lots of detail for the Devs to chew on.

    EDIT: Was this on a new game after the recent (last week) update the 3612 one? As I reported above, my inability to loot bodies has diminished or vanished, along with not being able to retrieve my backpack after dying. That now works. The Devs pointed out you may need to start a new game (see above posts).
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
    Germanicus likes this.
  11. Sir Chocobo

    Sir Chocobo Ensign

    Dec 5, 2021
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    Its a new game, for each new version I started a new game, exp 1 new game and exp 2 new game. I resorted back to regular version new game so I can at least pick up stuff.

    Yeah with the jetpack enabled in space while in a space station, you cannot walk through doors, and there was this one window on the floor which was not a window I fell to eternity. Suppose to be weighless in space. Also when jet pack is on in a station or ship your are sideways, so you need to turn your jet pack off, and make sure you are really stepping on a glass window.
    Thor'sHammer and Germanicus like this.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Just on those points : these are not bugs, it's just because the radius of the gravity generator typically extends outside bases and vessels, so when we walk where there is no floor the gravity throws us down. We need the jetpack on as soon as we step where there is no floor if inside a gravity field.
    Thor'sHammer and Germanicus like this.
  13. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I recently went to 1080p (4K doesn't really do much for this game anyways, I find it to be very minor to switch) and 90% of the 1.7 "Bugs" vanished.

    Telling that ... Graphics issue?

    Also - @Kassonnade
    makes a great point on the Gravity Gens.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  14. Sir Chocobo

    Sir Chocobo Ensign

    Dec 5, 2021
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    This has been marked Fixed, was it really fixed? I was thinking starting out a new game. The question is who marked it fixed? The person who started the thread or the admin who fixed the code so your able to loot bodies. If someone markes it fixed there should at least be a short text message what has been done for the fix.
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Only we can mark things fixed

    In the patch notes its also listed as fixed
    Germanicus likes this.
  16. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I'll jump in here and note this is definitely fixed, and without having to start a new game. I was going NUTS with this (early game, needed the loot) and it was handled before 1.7 full release hit.

    If you still have an issue with this, you need to immediately file a bug report rather than just chatting about it here. :)

    Germanicus and Taelyn like this.

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