v1.7.1.1 Patch

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi Galactic Survivalists!

    In addition to yesterdays patch we have been working on some more changes & fixes here is the changelog for v1.7.1.1. Have fun & also have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

    v1.7.1.1 B3639

    - Ship 3rd person view rotation camera reverted to a smooth rotation
    - Update: Added new model for player backpack


    - Fixed: ToTP Mission: Inscription plates were not mentioned in the SKIP dialogue with the Talon Chief.
    - Fixed: ToTP Cryo Prisoner dialogue did not trigger self destruction when not entering room (Prisoner now deeper in the room)
    - Fixed: No ore trader in Firebase (Tutorial; Now has one MA Corp in the Hangar in front of the crates)
    - Fixed: Ancient Revelation markers in Ilmarinen were broken
    - Fixed: Uncertain Outcome: made sure all large containers and alien containers are lootable without risking reputation drop (asteroid is actually polaris 'mining' property due to the rich elements of pentaxid and erestrum = not all things are lootable is intentional!)
    - Fixed: S4N-TA Station settings
  2. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    When you guys get back from the holidays, can you look into the TP bug? Whenever I tp to Polaris/UCH stations from my CV, I get stuck in the loading screen and have to exit Empyrion. Many other ppl on the mp servers seem to be experiencing the same thing.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    But, but, the loot...

    <sniff> ;)

    *** Edit ***

    It took me a while to find my old post about it.

    I guess that's what I get for gloating about all the loot I got from it.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2021
    Kassonnade likes this.
  5. Luna3009_CN

    Luna3009_CN Ensign

    Jun 22, 2017
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    And still no jetpack available in gm ic mode :(
    Or an answer if the change is a bug or a feature...
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    IIRC... in Creative - logging in - you hit 'g' once and you are in GM.
    What fore you see a necessity to have a Jetpack eludes me..:NewRollingEyes:
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    gm ic is not creative mode. It should have jetpack functionality.
    Luna3009_CN likes this.
  8. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Question, I noticed that there are no ripples in the water when a CV is hovering over it.
    Known issue or should I submit a bug report?

  9. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    It seems to have the water interaction working you need to set the quality to high then restart the client for it to work.
    Will be looked into no need to report.
    Robot Shark and Germanicus like this.
  10. Luna3009_CN

    Luna3009_CN Ensign

    Jun 22, 2017
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    I know how to move in Creative, but I never said anything about Creative.
    When I'm done with POI and/or scenario building (or I think I'm done ;) ) I like testing my own stuff in Survival. gm ic is the closest option to the real gameplay but without the risk to die at every corner - I just want to test my stuff, not play Survival at that time, that's why I use the gm invincible mode. But without jetpack it's completely useless :(
    And by the way the gm ic always had jetpack functinality since it was included into the game, they just cut the jetpack off with 1.7...
    ravien_ff likes this.
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You can use a workaround : mod some armor.

    Here I modded the ArmorLight from the ItemsConfig.ecf to have godlike attributes, but you can fine tune this to your liking, I also extended the jetpack duration which is quite fun. I just use the Itemmenu command to get the armor.

    Around line 10280 :

    { +Item Id: 600, Name: ArmorLight
    Class: Armor
    RecipeName: LightArmor
    MarketPrice: 4397, display: true
    Meshfile: Entities/Misc/DummyPrefab
    DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallChristmasPrefab #Revert after Christmas to: BagSmallNewPrefab
    Material: metal
    Mass: 25, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
    Volume: 24, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
    VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
    HoldType: 0
    StackSize: 1
    Canhold: false
    Category: Weapons/Items
    Info: bkiPlayerArmor, display: true

    Durability: 40000, display: true

    DegradationFac: 0.0, type: float, display: false # do not display anymore
    Oxygen: 375, type: int, display: true # OxygenConsumptionPerMinute = 12.5f; => consume 500 units of oxygen in 40 min
    Armor: 1000000, type: int, display: true

    Heat: 1000, type: int, display: true
    Cold: 1000, type: int, display: true
    Radiation: 200, type: int, display: true
    FallDamageFac: 0.0, type: float, display: true
    PowerFac: 0.01, type: float, display: true # better: 0.5
    SpeedFac: 0.01, type: float, display: true # better: 0.5
    JumpFac: 0.67, type: float, display: true
    JetpackFac: -10.0, type: float, display: true # no armor : 2.5 units removed per tick. armor : 5* JetpackFac per tick

    FoodFac: 0.01, type: float, display: true # calculations are based on 70 minutes
    StaminaFac: 0.01, type: float, display: true # calculations are based on 20 stamina per second while running
    NrSlots: 2, type: int, display: true
    SlotItems: "InsulationBoost, ArmorBoost, JetpackBoost, MultiBoost, OxygenBoost, MobilityBoost, RadiationBoost, EVABoost, TransportationBoost,EVABoostEpic,InsulationBoostEpic,RadiationBoostEpic"

    UnlockCost: 2, display: true
    UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
    TechTreeNames: Weapons


    I can shoot right under myself with the debug rocket launcher and it doesn't make a dent in the armor. You're as good as with godmode like this, and jetpack allows you to fly forever (it never discharges).

    Now you don't have to wait for a fix. This setup was not tested extensively, it's just a working example. If you also want to have some immunity from various diseases (from bites or attacks) you can also mod some foodbars to have all debuffs:

    { +Item Id: 375, Name: PowerBar, Ref: FoodTemplate
    Info: bkiConsumable, display: true
    FoodDecayTime: 90, display: true, type: int
    Category: Food
    MarketPrice: 4, display: true
    FoodDecayedItem: RottenFood
    ShowUser: Yes
    { Child 0
    Class: Eat
    ROF: 1, type: float
    AddHealth: 0
    AddStamina: 20
    AddFood: 45, display: FoodValue
    AddOxygen: 0
    # AddTemperature: -2, display: TemperatureValue
    Debuff: "OpenWound,PoisonBit,PoisonBit2,Stunned,BadTrip,DermalBurn,Indigestion,Hangover,BrokenLeg,FractureClosed,FractureOpen,Mutilation,FeverAttack,Frostbite,Necrosis,DermalParasite,PoisonFood,OrganFailure,EndoParasite,EndoParasite2,EndoParasite3,InfectedWound,Intoxication,Sepsis,AlienParasite,RadiationPoisoning,RadiationBurn,RadiationSickness,Fire", display: EffectiveAgainst

    SfxBegin: UseActions/playerEatingSoft

    You will still get the bites/ diseases but you will be able to carry a stack of miracle bars to test your stuff... :)

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2021
  12. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Thank you for the clarification, I did check that setting before asking.

    The new water effects work for HV's & SV's for me, just not CV's.

    Kassonnade likes this.
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    This intrigued me, so I made a few quick checks. It looks like your CV in the picture here is just a bit too high for it to disturb water, and of course since it is not moving water does not have to move either... right ? And if you look at the scale of the disturbances caused by your SV you can extrapolate that similar disturbances for the bigger fellow would be almost outside the picture's frame. But there is also rendering range that seems to come into play. Also, your SV being right under your CV might simply be the reason why we don't see any CV - related effect, because they are overidden by the SV effects which is closer.

    Here I lowered my CV just above water, and it did not cause "waves" because the motion was vertical, but it did cause little water splashes where I suppose the game thinks some thrusters are pushing - this is on "medium quality" setting :


    I changed the setting to "high" and nothing changed, but just tilting the camera view a bit made the splashes appear/ disappear due to getting out of render range I guess. Then I simply lowered the CV into the water and came back up few meters over water :


    This is not the exact moment I came out of the water, so there were a variety of effects and this is the one that faded until no more effects, at what point the little "thruster splashes" came back (now I see one at the back I could not see before):


    I also flew close to the water surface and it caused other disturbances, mostly lots of "thruster" splashed and some ripples along their path.

    Also something I noticed that I did not notice before : large and very smooth/ low waves, under the superficial tiny ripples, much like real water. But to see these I had to put the 3rd person cam real close to the water. It looked very realistic but goes unnoticed at short distance.

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2021
    Robot Shark likes this.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I tried a few experiments as well, I maxed my video settings then lowered the CV so low that the bottom gun turrets were touching the water.

    When I moved vertically, (forward and reverse), I could see ripples in the water in the wake of the ship.
    However, I think the water was reacting to the gun turrets on the underside of the ship.


    But, when the ship was stationary, there was no disturbance noted in the water.
    I also tried removing the shutter window blocks that were over the M thrusters but I saw no reaction in the water when the CV was hovering over it.


    I noticed that your build uses a number of L thrusters, but mine only uses M thrusters.
    Also, all of them are behind shutter window blocks.

    As an experiment I mounted two L thrusters on the build and I saw the effects you noted.
    The water was rippling directly underneath the thruster, but the splash was a distance away from it.

    Kassonnade and krazzykid2006 like this.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes gm ic is very useful for testing poi functionality and mechanics. Hopefully it will be fixed when the elevator jetpack bug is fixed as well.
    Maybe submit a bug report on it so they can properly look into it?
    Robot Shark likes this.
  16. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Sometimes it is useful to test if you can/cannot jetpack between levels / gaps etc.
    Luna3009_CN likes this.
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