v1.7.5 Patch

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Feb 22, 2022.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi Galactic Survivalists!

    With today's update 1.7.5 we are fixing more problems that were found and repaired thanks to you in the past experimental phase.

    Also some changes and additions that didn't fit in 1.7.3 are included this time.

    Among other things, the Empyriopedia has been updated with all the important information about each status effect, medical equipment and items! All information can now be found again in the groups Afflictions, Benefits and Medical Items / Devices. In addition, minor adjustments have been made here. For more details, see the list below.

    We are also trying out a new feature for you by adding a 'REPORT' button to the top right of the player inventory (TAB). This will allow you to access the forum from within the game. Let us know how you like such a shortcut or what you would like to see there instead.

    Many more changes and adjustments can be found in the full list below.

    Important: Please note that all our Official Server will be wiped with this release.

    As always please note:
    Report bugs and issues for the public release right over here:

    v1.7.5 B3715

    Changes/Additions: Gameplay
    - Added:: PDA Descriptions can now contain images within the description text (insert with {imagename.ext})
    - Updated PoisonFood & Indigestion values for ItemsConfig.ecf
    - Updated: Registry and teleporter windows now sort the playfield entries (left content) alphabetically
    - Added: Information about BuffMod to head area of ItemsConfig.ecf
    - Added: Information about currently available INSTANCE settings added to example playfield
    - Renamed folder 'InstanceTaipane' into 'ExampleInstance' ( ../content/playfields/ )
    - Added: Medical Station Type 1 now cures PoisonBit (Stage 2)
    - Added: Medical Station Type 4 now cures EndoParasite Stage 2 and 3, RadiationOverload
    - Added a wearoff margin for RadiationOverload, as well as a cleansing effect on it for Scanner3
    - Updated Localization: Main loca, Dialogues, PDA (as of 08 02 2022)
    - Changed: Removed Intoxication chance from AkuaWine
    - Changed: Necrosis does not create Mutilation when healed anymore
    - Changed: Mineral Synth Lab and Bunker admin cores are now pre-damaged (2)
    - Changed: Underground Bunker: added ladder at entry ara so players without jetpack do not get trapped (2)
    - Changed: Prisoner (Dr. Mandor) on Heidelberg now drops report also when killed (unintentionally! ;) ) (2)
    - Changed: TOP: Root Beer Formular now removed after delivery (1)
    - Fixed: A Glacial Grave: task on entering snow planet was not set up in correct order (1)
    - NOTE: There is a known issue of the Zirax troops NOT spawning on TOP Distillery when playing the Non-English version.
    - NOTE: There is a known issue of chapter-activated missions not re-activating when they were deactivated manually (Fix > (1) )
    - (1) = requires manual PDA.yaml update to work: Exit all missions > Open console > type in 'pda rd' to reload PDA.yaml definitions.
    - (2) = change only works for new savegames AND on playfields that have not been visited before the update in ongoing savegames.
    - Updated: Polaris Trading Station Variant 11 (thx to Kaeser)
    - Removed turret from core room in underground bunker

    Changes/Additions: Configs and Technical
    - Added display of allowed boosts per armor type in hover info

    - Map Info Panel: Fixed "Habitable Zone MIN/MAX" distance display (distance was shown too big before)
    - Instances: added "NoVolumeWeightForPlayer" to "InstanceData" to allow switching off the V&W checks for players in instances (f.e. to get more loot)
    - DialogueSystem: added new function AddItemsFromContainer(int containerId, int maxItemCount) to allow giving a player reward items that are specified in Containers.ecf
    - DialogueSystem: added new function OpenHtmlWindow(string title, string url, float widthPerc, float heightPerc); Please note: Please note: The function OpenHtmlWindow does not support H.264 / mp4 decoder. Other codecs like 'webm' can be used, though.
    - Added gameoptions.yaml parameter 'CustomPlayerTab' that allows to add a button in the players window that opens a HTML page.
    - Respawn at medic station: the search for a medic station is limited now to the local solar system as on big servers the DB query takes too long (which could lead to timeouts.)
    - Dynamic code support change (for dialogues features + Mod.XXX): Updated compiler that works with all current Dialogue features & especially Mod.XXX
    - DialogueSystem: first implementation of supporting a RESET parameter to allow restarting a
    state with a reset of the dialogue:
    - Console command reloaddata/rd: added reload of items, blocks and materials. Attention: this will work only for changing existing entities!
    - Instances: added yaml property 'EnterWithEmptyInventory' that will block any player that has items in his inventory/toolbelt
    - Modded player props head can now specify a bundle name starting with @ f.e. PropHead=@bundle/hat
    - ModApi: better log of execution exception- DB optimization: not writing ground AI, items and drones to DB any more as the DB table with entities gets too big in MP games
    - Sqlite DB: added possibility for parallel read queries. This will decrease the waiting times for long lasting queries for other clients esp. in MP.
    - Enhanced ecf file format to accept multi-line <CDATA> sections of raw content
    - allows, for example, to use naturally written C# code in dialogues
    - note: as with block comments no other content is allowed after the closing tag

    - CV pulse laser wrong collision model.
    - AI space vessels self destruct after ramming into any static object
    - Exception spam when AlienBug01V2 is used in a POI
    - Fixed blood particles not showing up any more (because of caching)
    - Network communication: small fix to not hold a reference to a chunk object too long
    - Symmetry plane position not saved when using multiple symmetry planes
    - Selection tools not cutting correctly
    - Jetpack doesn't turn ON after leaving the elevator in space.
    - Signals changed by dialogue and used by logic circuits don't work in MP
    - Downgraded console IdMapping error log to normal logs
    - Continuous NPC sounds can be heard by the client in Co-op mode
    - Color/Texture issues on Lava, LavaNascent & MoonDesert playfields
    - Certain letters in BP Group menu leads to letter not typed
    - Epic suit boosts vanish when dropped into a suit slot
    - Tier 2 CPU Icon missing
    - NPC spawners are not switched on by PDA PlayfieldOps (fix can only work in new games - sorry)
    - Decreased EggPlant movement in strong wind.
    - Polaris homeworld orbit spawned wrong model for Orbital Control (should be the DERPACs model)
    - ModAPI Entity.DockedTo throws NullReferenceException when used with entities that are not docked to anything
    - ModAPI Spawning a structure with Request_Entity_Spawn sets the ships rotation sensitivity to 0

    Updated IvD scenario:
    - Added CustomPlayerTab where you can report bugs inside the scenario
    - Update PDA & added some new pictures
    - Disabled Christmas Event
    - Added Galaxy Territories
    - Added icon for Explorer Token
    - Added icons for Credibility Tokens (Farr, Kriel, Pirates, Polaris, Traders Guild, UCH and Zirax)
    - Updated Config Files

    - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full
    Tales, KRanKO5, Wellingtoon and 7 others like this.
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Ahhh...cool. Let me test this version also. :thumpUp:

  3. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    nice work guys !!!!! I am really enjoying the single player of this game !!!!
    KRanKO5 and Myrmidon like this.
  4. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Tested with B3715: The ModAPI and C# compiler errors are still current.

    Please do the community that uses them directly or via mods a favor and spend a few days of development time on fixing these things.
  5. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Thank you for the new Empyriopedia re-addons, they will be very useful :)
    I notice that these reports that you gather from satellites, their icons are blank without image as well as explorer tokens.
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    KRanKO5 and Germanicus like this.
  7. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    This is one development that I have been waiting for a long time. There are so many creative possibilities for instance/server/senario designers, if you can control what a player brings into the instance. Much finer design, tailored enemies,weapons challenges etc. (At least that is how I hope it will work out...):)
    RexXxuS and ravien_ff like this.
  8. dionis

    dionis Ensign

    Apr 27, 2016
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    After the update, an error appears when approaching the portal. What did you do there and how to fix it?
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Known, will be fixed soon
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Am I the only one, or did mining and multitool suddenly starting causing severe bobbing and juking while in use? I don't recall this problem while playing just days before this patch. First noticed it when using my multitool to repair a few blocks, just standing there. Then when I was mining with the player drill whether standing still or moving. Sometimes it was happening just walking across a level floor. Finally, I tried mining with my HV. It is one thing for me to get turned around drilling underground and flip my HV over. Another thing when parked and firing the mining lasers to find my HV jumping around like crazy and flipping over. I realize my mining HV is a bit sensitive in its handling when I am not mining with it and the HV is unladen, but I have never had it jump about and flip simply from firing up the lasers before.
  11. Wild.Raven

    Wild.Raven Ensign

    Feb 23, 2022
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    I can't find the Ramps with force fields. Were they removed?

    EDIT: Apparently the images are missing but they are still in the menu after the basic ramps.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2022
  12. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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  13. Wayson

    Wayson Commander

    Aug 3, 2016
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    W H E E L S ? ! ?
    Sofianinho likes this.
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Wheels has been said a couple of time already, we wont add those

    We have a hover concept
    RbR and Myrmidon like this.
  15. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Did you fix the Bug with C# not working in Playfield Server?

    Wheels are over-rated, but some other Stuff in SE is better than in EGS, like the programable block (if the bug is fixyed Empyrion Scripting fills this point) and the piston/rotor stuff (maybe also the gravity-generator, massblock system). (other than those things they got nothing like the Universe, Planets and POIs EGS has, also everything explodes there and landing takes forever with 100m/s for 40km).
  16. Luna3009_CN

    Luna3009_CN Ensign

    Jun 22, 2017
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    Yesterday I tried for the first time in 1.7.5 to enter a planet's atmosphere with my CV. But I didn't manage. It was like the CV is bouncing of the atmosphere back into space and then it started to rotate uncontrollable. Only way to get it under control again was to log off the server and login again. The planet has no restriction for any kind of vehicles so I should be able to enter the atmosphere without any problems. With the SV it works, just tried half an hour ago...
    Has anyone experienced something similar? Usually it doesn't matter because I park the CV in space and visit the planet with the SV, but still it's annoying and I want to know what's going wrong.
  17. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    This is fixed with 1.7.6
    RbR, Germanicus and Luna3009_CN like this.
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