PLZ Retest and Re-Report Resource node Failed to acknowledge depletion

Discussion in 'Archive (Read Only)' started by Murkalael, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. Murkalael

    Murkalael Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: 1.8.2 3846
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Solo

    SERVER NAME: none

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: not sure
    Severity: not sure

    Type: bug

    Summary: cleaning a resource node does not trigger % of depletion

    Description: Spawned a base on planet Sienna following the story about 200m of a Neodymiun node. Landed almost over the node with my SV on for auto turrets and started mining. Regardless of the ammount of ore left there were no countdown on % neither cleaning the node once depleted

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    zaphodikus and roma.berendeev like this.
  2. roma.berendeev

    roma.berendeev Ensign

    Jun 17, 2022
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    I had the same issue with very small gold deposit. But I got nothing from this deposit
  3. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Based on how many people see this, it's been an issue for a while. Would be great to just log this as a duplicate along with other reports of the same issue, just very hard to reproduce. But by combining reports, we might get more pointers to good repro steps. It so far appeas to be cache related (also happens in SP and MP servers)
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Faythe

    Faythe Ensign

    Aug 3, 2022
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    I also find deposits that are there when I start to mine, even drone mining and not with a ship, get none of the resource. Then the resource shows up somewhere else. Usually happens with gold deposits on planets, either they aren't there, or they are behind some un-minable terrain. Used all types of drills with that one, was on a lava planet dug down to the deposit, get stopped with un-minable terrain on a SV, go back with a hover vehicle, got it down to the spot and still couldn't mine it. The gold deposit claimed to have been lower. This was in a vanilla MP server.
  5. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    My version of this bug is a game-breaker, and has been going on since the introduction of SV drilling. Only when mining with an SV and Laser Drills, and only with common ore deposits, not Promethium and gold (Where you see the individual nuggets in blue outline). The amount left updates until it says "Less than 10% left" then it gets stuck. This prevents meteorites from falling.
  6. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    I thought I had this consistently reproduceable, but no. This is a weird one. It only happens with SV drilling but not every time.

    I noticed that drilling with the hand drill deforms the terrain differently than the SV Laser Drills. Hand drilling seems smoother, and with less jagged pieces of terrain left over. Before hand drilling was reworked a while back, there were little shards of terrain and ore left behind, leading to a game of "Find the Pixel" to clear out the deposit and update the HUD Tag.

    The rework of hand drilling fixed that nicely, but it seems that SV drilling still leaves some jagged terrain behind. It's different than the old find the pixel thing. I went back into the bugged mine to look for tiny bits of ore. There is none. I swept the area from 6 directions with both hand and SV drills.

    I feel that the bug is related to the way that the SV drills remove the ore. The % amount updates correctly until 10%. It seems to happen less often if I try to remove the ore cleanly from one side of the deposit to the other side, not jumping around with the drills...

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