
Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Dec 20, 2022.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi Galactic Survivalists!
    Welcome to the public release of update 1.9!

    What could be more natural than to check your wardrobe and bring it up to scratch, while days are getting colder outside - not only on Ningues. ;) How you do it in the real world is up to you. For Empyrion, we've done it for you.

    For version 1.9, we've not only visually reworked the basic customizable armor models for male and female (including the underwear), but also the models of the associated jetpack versions. We have even gone one step further: Not only have the variants for your avatars that you can select from the start screen been reworked, but new ones have been added as well! Along with that, we also made minor adjustments to the motion controller and the use of the jetpack.

    As a second important point, there are some important changes in the area of handguns, where there was a lot of overlap: it wasn't clear what the difference was between a "Rifle T1", "Rifle T2", "Pulse Rifles T1 and T2" and a "Laser Rifle", apart from the pure damage. For this reason, the previous model of Tiers, where there was a "T1" and a "T2" version for multiple weapons, was discarded. With 1.9, each weapon gets its own behavior that sets it apart from the others.

    As an addition, we added entirely new weapons (SMG, Laser SMG and Laser Carbine) to the list of available weapons and took the opportunity to improve some of their sound effects.

    Apart from the balancing work on weapon values, we also reworked various graphical effects: the energy beam of the survival tool, muzzle flashes and propulsion beams, e.g. on the jetpack, but also on the Vessels' drives.

    Last, but not least, we have adjusted the AI in two areas. First, AI factions can now fight other AI factions directly when they clash on a field. Second, as a first technical measure, we created that AI fighters can now actively call their comrades for help. We will continue to expand this in the future.

    You can try out the changes directly in a fresh environment: in addition to a slew of new buildings for the different NPC factions, we added a completely new, but very challenging game start: Ashon. We are curious to see how you like it.

    Please check out our feedback forums and use the pinned threads:

    Any bug reports please post directly to our bug forum:

    We hope you have fun!
    Empyrion Dev Team

    PS: .Please note that all our official servers will be wiped today!

    2022-20-12 v1.9 B4012


    Character Controller & Model:
    - The way how gravity affects the player has been changed to make it feel snappier
    - The player now jumps slightly higher when the jetpack is activated
    - Now only possible to sprint in forward directions
    - Suit lights & night vision are now only available when the Helmet is on.
    - Added new models for player suits: Interior suit, Light, Medium, Heavy & Heavy Epic
    - New jetpack model for the following suits Medium, Heavy & Heavy Epic
    - Some changes have been made for player avatar & some new body types were added: Average, Short, Tall, Curvy, Heroic.

    Gunplay / Rebalancings:
    - Added bullet spread to zirax troops & Cyborg NPC's
    - Added Procedural Weapon movements to weapons & tools in 1st person view. Models can now recoil, sway & move down when sprinting.
    We have also added some new settings in the ItemsConfig.ecf for control over PWM to allow players or content creators to make adjustments & console command to use in game.
    How to use:
    Add these new settings to any weapon or tool in the ItemsConfig.ecf to override the default settings for PWM:
      { Child 6
        Class: Movements
        StandingLocation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        StandingRotation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        AimingLocation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        AimingRotation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        RunningLocation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        RunningRotation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        CrouchingLocation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        CrouchingRotation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        RecoilLocation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        RecoilRotation: "0.0, 0.0, 0.0"
        WalkMovement: "0.0"
        RunMovement: "0.0"
    Then when in a save game, equip the weapons or tools you have set this up for and use this command "lpf movements" to activate the GUI to modify settings.
    When you have found the values you think work for the weapon/tool, manually place the values for each setting into the ItemsConfig.ecf then save the file when done (use the command in game again when you are finished before exiting the save).
    See { +Item Id: 16, Name: LaserRifle in the ItemsConfig.ecf for example.

    New Weapon models:

    - New weapon models added & current weapons changes (f.ex full auto shotgun):
    Projectile Pistol, Laser Pistol, SMG, LaserSMG, LaserCarbine, Laser Rifle , Rocket Launcher & FlameThrower

    Game World & POIs:
    - Added new game start: Ashon II Orbit

    - Added 'ForceAttack' enumeration to Factions.ecf to allow specific factions to attack other factions. F.e. ForceAttack: "Kriel, Predator" added to the Zirax faction will trigger Zirax to attack members of Kriel and Predator factions (WIP).
    - Replaced old POIs on Akua: Scientist Camp, Digsite, Supply Depot (thx to Stellar Titan)
    - Replaced Crown sector orbital 'Destroyed Station' with new variant (thx to Stellar Titan)
    - Updated Akua Supply Depot (now fully testable/playable)
    - Adjusted some loca PDA elements (note: issues fixed in 1.8.10 might reappear for ES, RU and IT)
    - Updated Digsite (Akua); can now be tested ingame
    - Updated Console Location Tracker preview pics (Akua)
    - Added new Talon POI lineup, replacing old POI (Stone, Snow, Wood; Thx to Vermillion)
    - Changed some POI to belong to Karana (not yet used)
    - Added new TESCH dronebase (Thx to Escarli)
    - Added more Progenitor POIs (Thx to Fractalite)
    - Added Talon airships (not yet used)
    - Added external door now opening when entering Sanctuary (Omicron) with secret teleporter (Escape Route)

    PDA updates:
    - Added: PDA: new PlayfieldOp "SignalStructure: poi-name;signal-name;signal-state"
    - Added: GameEvent and PDA Check "ViewSelected" and events for BP window views BP_Library, BP_Factory, BP_Save
    - Added GameEvent "StructureProduced" with file and group name
    - Added: raising GameEvent "ViewSelected" for all Control Panel views (selectable via the tabs on top)

    Other Changes:
    - Updated Unity to 2022.2.0f1
    - AI-AI warfare options added to factions.ecf ( currently primarily affects Drones, Vessels, Bases)
    - New VFX added: New Player jetpack & vessel thruster flames, New beams currently visible on the survival tool for each mode & New muzzle flashes added for weapons


    - Added ‘Help’ buttons to GUI, see the Logistics window in the top right !
    - Small optimization made to lights that can see a small increase in FPS depending on the scene (ymmv)
    - Added animations to the Console Map block which activates when close to it. The displayed map is of the terrain of the playfield you are in or if you are in orbit of a planet you have just left it will display the last planet's terrain.

    - Dialogue Cone is not rendered after structure is coming out of DSL
    - Personal Cargo box missing at FoK Camp on Akua (Tales of Tash story item)
    - Incorrect collision model of the clone chamber
    - Folder LavaNascentDeepMine missing from repository
    - Fixed SaN scenario playfield files and EGroups config
    - Texture editor does not save the saturation of the ClusterID tex
    - Plants can "sink" under terrain when returning to them after loading back into a save
    - LCD projector block is turning invisible & the distance of text the projector displays is now very short
    - Selecting any SYMBOL in the Color & Texture Tool results in exceptions
    - Exception spam in Atlon Sector of the custom scenario "Invader vs defender" when near an asteroid ring
    - Deco console computer table can not be painted
    - SV Jet Thruster 3x10x3 flame can not be colored
    - Suit light doesn't get removed after a player takes off their armor suit
    - Mounted weapons collision with terrain and structures was missing
    - Dialogue Cone / collider is moving after some time.
    - Warps effect screen glitch when warping rapidly to other playfields
    - Block shapes for different materials are not correct when using CTRL+RMB copying
    - Block preview model is missing underwater
    - The Player can get stuck on ramps when crouch walking up
    - Player can run underwater with weapon in hands
    - Pilot HUD elements are not switched off when leaving game with them on -> they are visible in next game even if player is not a pilot there
    - Solar power calculation isn't taking the day-night time cycle in to consideration
    - Logistics will open a cargobox instead of pentaxid tank
    - Cryo chamber can not be accessed

    - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full

    - Vessels can be found to lose all fuel when returning to them (a fix for this is being worked on which will be available very soon)
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Took me some time to post because I was playing. Seems Santa came early this year also. Thank you for this update Eleon and I wish you guys my best for the upcoming holidays. :ChristmasTree::SantaClaus::Pressent:

    Love this update specially the performance and controller related improvements. :thumpUp:

    PS @Taelyn get some extra rest :TaelynBot::NewStuckoutTongue:
  3. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Ok, but not good for people playing on modded servers. As is not possible for us to keep playing on the server till the mod is not update to the last version. The combination of steam autoupdate ( not avoidable ) and empyrion developer refusing to make downloadable the previus version of the game is always bring me to disappointing. You guys should learn from games like minecraft, where the whole library of version is always downloadable and you can play with the version you like. Ofc no one is asking for that, just for the last versions of the game, so we can revert is someting go wrong or our server is not updated. I have spend hours to check online to previus version and empyrion last time and i have find nothing. So my last chance is just to stress here as this problem get solved.

    Merry Christmas
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Holding on, desperatly, to old stuff represents stagnation and not progress. The Devs continue to develope their game and do not have to bother themselves with upholding older versions for players or modders.
    This is STILL Version ONE (V1.x).
    Alpha 10 is the last Version.
    Nobody keeps increments alive.
    Not even Game Companies which are a thousand times bigger then ELEON.

    Merry Christmas (too):NewRollingEyes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2022
    bold_montman likes this.
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    We want that players play the current version of the game, and not the older versions.
    If a particular server is not updating you need to take that up with the Server Owner and tell him to update.

    Regarding Custom Scenarios, EXP lasted for a couple of weeks we gave Custom Content Creators more then enough time to make the required changes on time.

    We are not responsible for it if they dont do this. But non of the updates since Alpha 12 are Save Game Breaking. So it should work fine on a older SaveGame
    bold_montman, malrose1 and Germanicus like this.
  6. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Actually, you are wrong for many reason. First at all, if you pay attention on the server list, everyone used modded server, expecially Reforged Eden. Almost no one with an huge client base use vanilla anymore. And this is one of the reason becouse i have started to play again at this game. Actually is not stagnation, just try to understand. If you are a server admin, before you upload a new version of the client, probably you want to test it, that`s becouse if any problem arise you want to make sure your server is ok. And if the developer of the mod is running on your server is late, you want probably to keep the updating in hold to avoid disappoint your players, who actually are the ones who pay for your server.
    Another reason becouse they don`t use the autoupload option of the server, can be just becouse you don`t fully trust the new version and want to take some time before you implementing it. Regading your last sentence you are absolutely wrong, company much bigger that Eleon, they actually did it. As for Minecraft, and other games. Rimworld, is a massive game compared to Empyrion with a much huger customer base and they did it. They have a lot more support that eleon did with their modders, they actually do the experimental verision like eleon do, but plus they still permit the player to downloads their previus versions. Actually for rimworld i have spend more than 100 pound between basic game and expansions. I have played it for 7.500 hours, and i never get disappointed. Actually with empyrion i have spend just 12 or 17 pound i don`t rimember, and i get disappointed many times. They have a valid game, but some time i don`t understand their approch with their own customer base. This is a costrutictive critic.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I was looking at the new jetpack when I had a thought.

    It looks like it's designed for use in a gravity field. (atmospheric use)

    I can see 3 thrusters, all are pointing down with 2 diagonal for lateral movement.

    In a 0-g environment it would need at least 6.
    It is missing thrusters to move forward, backward and to stop vertical movement in a 0-g environment.
    bold_montman and Germanicus like this.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Ok, my Serverlist shows 1265 Games of which 825 are running the same Game Version that I have (V1.9)... So about 3/5th seem to have updated their games... one is even running A6.7...:NewGrinning:

    Bigger means companies who created games like this -> SWTOR, WoW, SWG, TESO, GW2
  9. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Is not my intention to start a flame, the admins have already spoken. Let the discussion follow the purpuse of is own creation. Every further discussion on the matter is childish.
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Ronewird likes this.
  11. Baiganx

    Baiganx Ensign

    Dec 7, 2022
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    Please get the Fuel Fix out ASAP. My CV repeatedly loses 30,000 fuel randomly.
  12. Necroz

    Necroz Lieutenant

    May 21, 2020
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    the terrain display on the console its a cool addition , it could include info about the planet like : Temperature , ships that fly around , Time , type of planet , etc.

    love the game so far , keep it up !
    Foofaspoon and Myrmidon like this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    This 'randomness' makes it almost impossible for Devs to squash the bug that you are reporting here.
    I suggest you write a Bug report (if this is a Vanilla-Issue) and how to repeat it so the Devs can do it themselves.
    But if you say its random happening the chances are slim to solve it.
  14. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    The 3D map console that triggers when you go near it was an excellent surprise
  15. Baiganx

    Baiganx Ensign

    Dec 7, 2022
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    Eleon Devs have already said they are aware of this issue.

    - Vessels can be found to lose all fuel when returning to them (a fix for this is being worked on which will be available very soon)
    Germanicus likes this.
  16. bcbarnes

    bcbarnes Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I'm having a problem with the light armor suits built in light not working. I press the 'l' key, and can hear the click, but there is no light. Anyone else see this?
  17. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Is your helmet on?
    bcbarnes and Germanicus like this.
  18. bcbarnes

    bcbarnes Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Escarli, No. Did this change? I don't remember it being a requirement before. Silly of me not to try it. Thanks.
  19. Fossil

    Fossil Lieutenant

    Jan 21, 2019
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    I don't think the fuel bug is restricted to just vessels. I have a space station that is sufficient on just solar, but when I teleport back after logging on a bit ago the station kept "reseting" the power because the shield was trying to turn back on, but there was no fuel in the tanks (the fuel is backup and never gets used) and the solar power wasn't strong enough to sustain the shield power-on time for 10 seconds despite the fact I have a massive reserve of capacitors. Once I put some fuel in my one tank the station was fine again. I'm confused on why that was happening.
  20. Necroz

    Necroz Lieutenant

    May 21, 2020
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    again the 3D map console was a cool addition , this could lead to other improvements on the lcds suchs as ; show recordings of your trip , fuel , o2 , pentaxid on real time , the amount of cargo on an specific crate , ships docked and the name of them , also your character stats oxigen , food , etc also on real time . this could improve the flow of the game makin it more immersive . the possibilities are infinite with only that 3D console .

    love the game so far , keep it up !.
    ps : also , faction fighting each other? excelent addition.
    Myrmidon likes this.
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