CURRENTLY not reproducible Excessive Memory Use - Low Memory Warnings

Discussion in 'Currently not reproducible' started by The Android, May 1, 2023.

  1. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: 1.9.13 4137
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Single player

    SEED-ID: N/A

    If applicable:
    MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Yes and No. (see below)

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: High

    Type: Global

    Summary: Excessive Memory use - Low Memory Warnings

    Since 1.9.10 the low memory warnings are increasing. Restarting the game will resolve the issue for a short while, but entering any populated POI will usually result in a "Low memory warning" popping up. This problem has gotten to the point of almost making the game unplayable in 1.9.13.

    I have gone through the troubleshooting guide and everything is as it should be. My system has 16G of ram and a 32G static page file. Swap is not filling, RAM is being swallowed up and not released by Empyrion.exe.

    This is happening in Vanilla, but is happens faster and more frequently with Reforged Eden.

    Before starting empyrion.exe over 14G of RAM is free. At start ~2G of RAM is in use, and when a save is loaded the game jumps to around 9G, but quickly climbs to consume all memory. Even while just sitting still on a planet or in space.

    The game is not crashing, but assets will often fail to load and stutter spikes are frequent. This is not related just to POIs, flying across a jungle planet often will cause the low memory message as well.

    To fix, restart the game. Memory will be fine for a while, but it will return if any populated POI /complex terrain is entered (eg: Omicron). Even just system hopping will eventually cause the memory to run out.

    I do not have evidence that this is a memory leak, but it sure acts like one.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Start empyrion.exe. Load a save/start a game.
    2) Go to a populated POI/jungle planet. Fly around.
    3) Watch memory use climb and climb and climb until low memory warning and assets stop displaying. Frequent stutters and frame rate drops.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    -AKEVA-BANSHEE- likes this.

    -AKEVA-BANSHEE- Commander

    Oct 9, 2020
    Likes Received:
    I can confirm this. There is more shuttering for some reason.
  3. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Currently not reproducible? Start the game, load a save ANY save and check the task manager. Watch the memory climb and climb and climb. The longer you wait, the more the memory use climbs. Travel around, load some POIs and watch it climb faster.

    There's not a specific pattern, but it looks to me you have an issue with your memory allocation. Most certainly the garbage collection routines aren't doing what they are supposed to do.

    Come on...
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Ok, I tried to recreate your Steps. I started the game with 9% RAM usage. Loaded a Save, rose to 19%. Flew around in my CV, discovered and visited several POI's - RAM Usage rose to 30%. Mined two Deposits - RAM Usage slowly climbed to 32% - time in game about 1 hour.



    The only noticable change happened when I saved the game - the Usage DROPPED from 33% to 20,4%.
    Last edited: May 3, 2023
  5. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Then there must be something bad happening on the Windows 7 side. Currently my memory use grows like this: Start with 6% of 16G in use. Start game, empyrion.exe using less than 2G of RAM. Start a game. Not even load a save, start a new game - memory jumps to 9+G. Play for less than an hour and then "low memory detected".

    Here's a snippit from the latest logs: (this was in Reforged Eden, but memory usage isn't their issue....)

    02-08:20:42.499 02_20 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    02-08:21:25.713 02_21 -LOG- BA attack: checking for attack now, last check was 10 game hours ago
    02-08:21:32.535 02_21 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:21:38.237 02_21 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    Fallback handler could not load library D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Client/Empyrion_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000000048C641090.dll
    02-08:22:02.841 02_22 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:22:20.998 02_22 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    Fallback handler could not load library D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Client/Empyrion_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000000071BF36480.dll
    02-08:22:22.896 02_22 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:22:42.977 02_22 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:23:03.035 02_23 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:23:23.119 02_23 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:23:43.460 02_23 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    Fallback handler could not load library D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Client/Empyrion_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000000048C635240.dll
    02-08:24:03.521 02_24 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:24:23.585 02_24 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:24:31.300 02_24 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    02-08:24:43.682 02_24 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:25:03.853 02_25 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:25:23.947 02_25 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:25:43.958 02_25 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:26:04.047 02_26 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:26:05.317 02_26 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    Fallback handler could not load library D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Client/Empyrion_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000000071C445C60.dll
    02-08:26:24.439 02_26 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:26:44.617 02_26 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:27:04.742 02_27 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:27:24.809 02_27 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:27:44.866 02_27 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:28:04.939 02_28 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:28:25.429 02_28 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:28:45.507 02_28 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:29:05.559 02_29 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:29:25.668 02_29 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:29:26.819 02_29 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    02-08:29:45.802 02_29 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:30:06.322 02_30 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:30:26.815 02_30 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:30:46.893 02_30 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:31:06.969 02_31 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:31:27.039 02_31 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:31:47.102 02_31 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:32:07.178 02_32 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:32:27.296 02_32 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:32:47.386 02_32 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:33:07.483 02_33 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:33:27.556 02_33 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:33:47.630 02_33 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:34:04.125 02_34 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    02-08:34:07.796 02_34 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:34:28.006 02_34 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:34:48.079 02_34 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:35:08.159 02_35 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:35:29.082 02_35 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:35:29.848 02_35 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    Fallback handler could not load library D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Client/Empyrion_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000000048C5F7E80.dll
    02-08:35:49.175 02_35 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:36:09.264 02_36 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:36:29.467 02_36 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:36:32.912 02_36 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    02-08:36:49.544 02_36 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:37:09.982 02_37 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    02-08:37:16.217 02_37 -LOG- MinDistanceEvent for bookmark id = 14, isBelow: True
    02-08:37:30.084 02_37 -ERR- Low memory detected.
    Fallback handler could not load library D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Client/Empyrion_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000000071C4A38B0.dll
    Fallback handler could not load library D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Client/Empyrion_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000000071BDDEA20.dll
    02-08:40:21.021 02_40 -ERR- Low memory detected.

    Now, here's my screenshots from the task manager in Window 7:



    Then start a new vanilla game. Just crash, abort the tutorial and close the video window that shows up. Immediately stop moving.


    This is after 2 minutes of game time. STILL NOT MOVING.


    Almost 200M of RAM in 2 minutes. It doesn't stop climbing, doesn't matter if you are moving or not. If you are, it climbs MUCH faster, and rarely drops. While typing this in, it's climbed another 180M of RAM.

    One thing of interest is even after quitting the session and returning to the main menu the memory is still very high.


    This behavior is not an outlier, this is every single time. How long it takes to get to the low memory warnings will vary, but they will show up. If I load up RE, go to a planet with a large Polaris or Talon trade cluster low memory warnings WILL happen.

    -AKEVA-BANSHEE- Commander

    Oct 9, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Even though this has been moved to "currently not reproduceable" More info may still allow this to be solved. Please do not be disheartened if they cannot reproduce the issue at this time.
    Germanicus likes this.

    -AKEVA-BANSHEE- Commander

    Oct 9, 2020
    Likes Received:
    @The Android Windows 7 is nologer a supported OS. Also be aware any info from RE will not be relied upon. You need to reproduce this issue in a unmodified default game. I know this is an issue because I keep getting it in a defualt save. Just waiting on my next test to add the logs here as well.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
    Likes Received:
    According to both Steam and this site Windows 7 is supported. From the FAQ posted here:
    Q: What are the system requirements for the game?
    A: Minimum System Requirements. OS: Windows (7 and 8), 64-bit system required. Processor: Dual-Core Processor 2.5 GHz or better. Memory: 8GB RAM. Graphics: AMD RX 550 / NVIDIA GTX 1050 (min. 2 GB VRAM). DirectX: 11. Hard Drive: 10 GB available space (SSD is highly recommended). Sound Card: DirectX® compatible.​

    And on Steam:


    Now I'm not a Windows developer, but I am an IT professional and I know enough about memory allocation and memory management that I would be very surprised to learn this is a Windows 7 vs Windows 10/11 issue. Now that being said, Steam is forcing my upgrade in 200 or so days, but I have no interest in dealing with Microsoft's spyware/marketing/adware/forced e-waste update/mobile on-line crap until I have to.

    Also, the image from @Germanicus above I'm guessing is some sort of debug tool being used to simulate the game? Maybe the memory issue is more to do with the render engine than the core game mechanics?
    Germanicus likes this.
  9. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
    Likes Received:
    The amount of cpu/ram required by the game has risen quite a bit over the last few year. While the game might technically be playable on a system with 10Gb ram, it won't run well and will probably only work if its the ONLY thing running. Id say a that 16 GB really should be listed as the minimum system requirements.
  10. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
    Likes Received:
    I think what he means is that it's no longer supported by Microsoft or Valve and as such probably should not be the basis for a bug report on the game.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The Screenshot shows only the Software of my GraphiCard which states that I am currently 1h15m in game.
  12. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Just an update, this to me is looking like an issue with graphics handling in the game. I have recently upgraded my video card to one with 3G of RAM. I have increased the video settings (max texture sizes, shadows enabled, more effects and AA) and not only getting a serious increase in performance (yay!) I've also noticed the RAM use by the game has dropped significantly.

    I've been bouncing around a tropical planet for over 3 hours now and I've not broken 12G of RAM use. The RAM use now sits stable and doesn't climb.

    Same video drivers(Nvidia 474.11 - lastest stable for Win7), same OS, same update level (game and OS), just new video card with more onboard memory. The card is in NO way new, just a serious upgrade from what was in the system. No patches or updates were installed, just dropped the "new" video card in.

    This system is playing many other titles with no memory or performance issues. This issue has been exclusive to Empyrion.

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