v1.10.2 Patch

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Aug 2, 2023.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi Galactic Survivalists!

    We have just released a new build with some changes & fixes that we have ready.
    Please update your dedicated server & client asap.
    More to come soon!

    - For bug reports and errors, please post in this forum:

    For feedback on specific points, please share your thoughts in the pinned or new threads here:
    - https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

    - Increased Light blocks maximum ranges. Now 5m, 10m, 20m, 40m ranges are available.
    - Increased distance light from spotlight blocks are visible from (doubled the distance)
    - Added: Audio Options effects volume slider and "Reset to Defaults" button
    - Added sensor option: "Detect non-piloted vehicles", useful for motion sensor controlled doors
    - DroneBay: Speed up launch / landing process added in file BlocksConfig with the parameter "ADBDockingSpeedFac" + increased detection range to 1000m
    - Added stationary hoverbike variants as pickup/for transportation use on some starter playfields mission hubs (Ningues, Masperon, Skillon and Ashon Moon; Note: applies to not-yet-visited playfields & new savegames only); Also available at some traders (Bertrams, Interweap, Servant Corp & Aunt Marys )
    - Changed: due to popular demand, removed all Omicron locks and limitations ;) (Only applies to new savegames).
    - Changed: removed Abyssal drones from Masperon to avoid ruining REP and reduce confusion. ( note: the free roaming drones are kept, but they are in the ALIEN faction anyways) (Only applies to new savegames)
    - Changed: Rebalanced FarrBlaster (now equal to ZiraxLaser)
    - Changed: Added dedicated, rebalanced weapons for UCH, Prenn, Arkenian and Legacy(infected) Shotgun and Assault soldiers (equals Zirax Shotgun & Minigun).
    - Changed: Treaders UI lables "Buy > Sells" and "Sell > Buys" to better indicate what the TRADER sells and buys (currently it is from the view of the player, which seems to be confusing)
    - Changed: ZiraxCommander and ZiraxGuard can now be "picked up" via SHIFT-F from OWN structures for easier relocating them (without having to shoot at them with a multitool/disassemble); Both NPCs are also now individual 'blocks' and not grouped anymore. (Immersion test)
    - Bad Wolf (Masperon): added Marker for where to find Commander Ezzren after talking to Ikkenz (Only applies to new savegames)
    - Deserted Powers (Skillon): adde guidance after having spoken to the Guard to better find the captain and oltimer for starting the mission (Only applies to new savegames)
    - Clear Skies (Akua): improved guidance (markers) assistance to start the mission (Only applies to new savegames)
    - Updated some Homeworlds to the new decoration system. (HomeworldARC, HomeworldFarr, HomeworldPolaris, HomeworldTesch, HomeworldTrader, HomeworldZirax)
    - Very slight biome tweaks: Arid, Barren

    Guided Tutorial:
    Space: Ship interior:
    - Starting tasks: Wording tweak for clarity
    - Fix: Missing trigger for eating cereals
    - Oxygen leak: Slightly better triggers & text clarity
    - POI tweaks for lighting if player uses best shadow setting

    Planet: First island:
    - Teleporter box: Fix for swim help message playing prematurely. Added trigger for message when carrying tool and sinking into water; box is now SI stable when deconstructed
    - Added info message for Hoverbike controls
    - Fix for not getting enough steel plates when salvaging broken blocks
    - Possible fix for player wrongly getting redirected back to starting beach

    Planet: Second island:
    - Farm: Increased despawn times for critical drop items: Core, BA Small fuel tank, BA Small generator, Solar capacitor, BA CPU Extender T2, Concrete farming plot, Large constructor
    - HV Workshop: Allow player to spawn in starter HV again (Set unlock cost to zero for Spotlight, Cargo box)

    Planet: Challenge island:
    - Increased despawn times for critical drop items: Clone chamber, BA starter, Artillery turret
    - Reminder message for Tank third person camera / turret access
    - Added info of broken armor losing all protection, to keep EVA boost off for fighting
    - Better message cascade after closing armor locker
    - Epsilon Spaceport: Invisible commander spawn now visible; POI difficulty tweak

    Planet: Dronebase:
    - Switched an invisible repeating spawner to static
    - Fix hint marker for switch to open Core Access
    - Fix for core door not opening
    - Fix for Patrol Vessels not spawning when fleeing the planet

    - Light source from the Portable Work Light block was turning off at a short distance
    - Boarding Ramps LOD were very short on the underside
    - 01011: CV multitool turret cannot be moved
    - BP Factory gives wrong message when BP is restricted by Spawn Limit
    - Invader vs Defender: The Epic Gift mission keeps triggering
    - Fixed an exception with Blueprints when loading in playfields
    - 01005: Cannot pick up a half-submerged hoverbike
    - 00478: LCD projector block distance of text the projector displays was very short
    - 01016: Underwater reflections are missing
    - O2 and Fuel tanks do not have interaction prompts
    - 01033: Preview model for blocks and devices are missing underwater
    - 00895: Signal triggering with no player in the detection area
    - 00954: Exiting from vessel in the signal detection area breaks the signal
    Fixes for exceptions found in logs sent in to us
    - Fixed: Some messaged did not display correct on Akua gamestart (with RP active) (Only applies to new savegames)
    - Fixed: Team mission 'Gas station' could not be completed (fixed item reference)
    - Fixed: Updated main Dialogues (EN) typos & grammar (thx to imlarry)
    - Fixed: In some cases of an old 1.9 savegame, the mission 'Wins & Losses' could not be started. (note: this might not fix all cases; please write to [email protected] in case of running into an issue with any mission or quest)
    - Fixed: Loca reference Golems > Hishkal updated to match changed lore naming
    - Fixed: Alien Soldiers using the growl of Zirax
    - Fixed: Bad Wolf > dead ripperdogs despawned on cage 3
    - Fixed: CutCornerB did not color correctly when mirrored. Note: A dedicated left/right variant was added for the fix to work. PLEASE RETEST!
    - Fixed: ZiraxCommander was available in two groups.
    - Fixed: Picking up Zirax Commander and Zirax Guard returned the wrong crew blocks group.
    - Fixed: Drone Bay Spawner did not return correct materials / device when picked up. PLEASE RETEST!
    - Fixed mismatched edge issues in new shape blocks; Updated device texture asset to include warm orange material.
    - Minor adjustments to geometry and UVs of new shapes.
    - Fixed some of the new shapes to fix gaps at the edges/corners.

    - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full
  2. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Note the fix for cut corner b - woot!!! :)
    Myrmidon likes this.
  3. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    Finally I will be able to properly light my Hangars! Nice Patch!
    Germanicus and Myrmidon like this.
  4. CrazyZ

    CrazyZ Captain

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Thank you very much for the light range change and boarding ramp LOD fix! Much appreciated! :)
    Germanicus and Myrmidon like this.
  5. Insopor

    Insopor Commander

    Oct 17, 2021
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    Looks good.

    I like it.
  6. Stan2112

    Stan2112 Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2020
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    THANK YOU for the Cut Corner B mirror block.

    I've seen some improvements in the new 2-radius rounded block set but there are still some issues which I'll do a bug report on
  7. Noob42

    Noob42 Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Love all the little things. Lighting and sensors. What's this mean though??
    "- Changed: due to popular demand, removed all Omicron locks and limitations ;)"
  8. orb

    orb Ensign

    Oct 5, 2017
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    It would be great if the same was done to the light source of Portable Heater/Cooler.
  9. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    There were restrictions on using the blueprint factory to construct vehicles on the planet or taking your own vessel down from space- previously the only way down was to use a code locked teleporter in the space station (code available from an NPC on the station) or making a HALO jump to the surface- free fall from space and jazz the jetpack right before you hit the ground.
  10. Noob42

    Noob42 Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Ohhh lol k thanks for the clarification
  11. LyfeForse

    LyfeForse Lieutenant

    Nov 10, 2021
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    The LCD fix was a must. Thanks
    Blue Dane, ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yeah that one was bugging me like crazy!
    LyfeForse likes this.
  13. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Just some clarity for those who like me were/are wondering (this is from my testing, I don't know if this was as intended).

    What I've tried: (motion sensor is mounted on a CV)
    • Flew CV into sensor area, no response. Got out of cockpit, sensor triggered. Left sensor area, sensor stopped. CV was still in sensor zone. The setting made no change to the sensor's operation.
    • While in a SV/HV, if the above setting wasn't set the vehicle would trip the sensor, but if the player left the area the sensor would reset. When the setting was enabled the sensor would stay tripped when the player left the sensor field.
    I guess the issue I have is how/when would this be useful? I'm just not "getting it"...
    (and I'd rather see sensors trigger on CVs like SV/HV so large hanger doors could be used without jumping through control panel hoops)
  14. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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  15. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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