v1.10.5 Experimental I

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, Nov 22, 2023.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    The year is about to come to its end - but not yet! In order to improve multiple areas of the game, we will release version 1.10.5 around mid-December.

    Today, we will start the Experimental phase for you to have a look and review the changes and fixes.

    On the content side, we would like you to enjoy the all-new models for constructors, deconstructors, and other crafting devices, the new deco indoor trees, a slew of new and updated POIs (some with the new Brotherhood of Farr NPC model added), a few new building shapes, improvements to the blueprint collection toolset, and more.

    Of course, 1.10.5 also contains a list of bug fixes.
    Please find all the details in the changelog below.

    As always - please report each bug over here for this experimental release phase:

    We wish you a lot of fun! :)

    Changelog v1.10.5 B4247 2023-11-22

    - For now only the client is available on the Experimental branch & we have an Experimental server which will be online today shortly after this release for anyone to make use of. The Dedi server files for v1.10.5 will be available from next week on the experimental branch.
    - With the public release, we will wipe our Official Servers.

    - Updated Unity version to 2022.3.8f1
    - MP: We have implemented some Playfield server optimizations which you should see result in less overall RAM being used (around 1GB less per playfield server)
    - Added: New models for constructors, deconstructor, portables (constructor, water/o2 condenser, heater/cooler, Autominers) these new models have multiple parts that can be colored independently (constructor & deconstructor) & come with some new animations when they are running a task.


    - Added: DecoIndoorTrees block group with new selection of 20 trees (also added to stock scenarios IvD & DF MP)
    - Changed: Multitool T1 now using EnergyCellSmall for ammo
    - Added: EnergyCellSmall (Craftable in all constructors; 5 Steel Plates, 2 Electronics; 15 fuel value)
    - Updated FARR POIs: Replacement of Soldiers and Guards with Farr NPCs (HumanSoldiers/Elites/AlienSoldiers/Cyborg/CyborgSentinels/Shotgun/AssaultRifle); Please visit and check for issues.
    - Updated Talon Main Settlement (Omicron) (only works with new savegames / pf not visited)
    - Updated CIV/DESC POIs (Orbital Defence, Distillery, Waystation, Omicron Command)
    - Added: CornerHalfD(Left/Right), NotchedE(left/right), RampConnectorF2(left/right)
    - DialogueSystem: added variable type 'dbglobalpoi_string' and function 'SetGlobalPoiVar(name, val)'

    Blueprint Collection editor:
    - Added ":tag=XXX" search possibility for tags and changed ":group=XXX" to "part word search"
    - Added decals in preview
    - Added "E" and "R" buttons for properties
    - Added statistics information for Blueprints
    - Now you can select a device by clicking on it (if the devices panel is open). Flare lights now also show up in the device list.
    - Device tab improvements (better handling of multi select editing)
    - Console command 'destroy': if no id is specified, the entity the player is looking at is destroyed
    - Added first draft of new device tab


    - Added the Temperate Fungus Planet in Invader vs Defender
    - Replaced Void by a new playfield that is more interesting in Invader vs Defender
    - Allow ATMs to be placed on CVs in Default Multiplayer & Invader vs Defender scenarios

    - 00896: The player can get hit & take damage when an NPC is behind a block
    - 01009: Possible fix for Visible holes seen in terrain when arriving to a location
    - 01111: Ghost blocks remain in place after a thruster has been removed
    - 01039: Water/Lava shader need offset to support child shapes
    - 00997: ScifiTableV2 exploit + 00926: ScifiTableV2 glitches player in table when standing up from it.
    -01105: Moving a weapon\tool from connected toolbar can cause an exception
    - 00983: Close window X-button not in place for galaxy map and autominer
    - 00448: When using logistics, ammo disappears when the Fill All button is pressed
    - 00515: Logistics - when connected to a cargo container turrets couldn't fire
    - 01075: After opening & closing a GUI then reloading a weapon a lag spike can be seen
    - 01087: CoQ at game start "-ERR- Exception while serializing playfield to file"
    - 01034: Water surface block the access to the underwater devices or vessel cockpit
    - 00797: Weapon movement glitch while moving in God mode
    - 01096: Placing some parts via SP tool broke the color palette for entire BP
    - 01100: Shift+LMB blocks replace feature not working with symmetry
    - Fixed CoQ with looting some dead NPCs in Invader vs Defender & Default Multiplayer scenarios
    - Fixed Trader Abbrev in Default Multiplayer
    - Fix: some factions (wastelanders, karana, tresari) were not attacked by other NPC factions (legacy, warlords etc)
    - Fixed Players getting stuck in the ventilator after teleporting on the BA_TradersTradersShuttleHub & BA_TradersFrontierHub
    - Fixed Gambling Table empty dialogue in Kenex Station
    Tales, mr_road, imlarry425 and 8 others like this.
  2. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    very, very keen on this.
  3. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Can we get some clarification regarding this section? Like is this referring to functions in the game client, the Steam Workshop, or some other thing?
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    This is a tool that was added back in v1.10 which is accessed in the client

    The Big Brzezinski likes this.
  5. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    New block shapes look like they will be useful. I like seeing these different corner transitions being filled.

    Small request though: Those exposed faces get colored together, but it would be nice to be able to color and texture them separately so that top and sides can be painted differently to blend with their adjacent blocks. There is already a texture mis-alignment across the faces with the CornerHalfD blocks anyway so this needs to be addressed anyway:

    Also it appears that CornerHalfDLeft is missing its emissive layer:
    Maverick241, ChiefSgtBradley and Ente like this.
  6. zaemar

    zaemar Ensign

    Nov 24, 2021
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    You've just increased the difficulty of the Ashon II start exponentially because multitool energy cells require electronics. Was it intentional or an oversight?
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    All those upcoming goodies are jaw-dropping. It might take some time for some players to adjust their familiarity with the new constructors' and auto-miners' models, but man they look awesome (though a little bulky I think). The fact that you can apply 4 different colors is a plus.

    Saw a video by Lyforce and it seems there are changes in the overall scene illumination (Unity changes with Global Illumination maybe?), Textured surfaces look much better now. We are still waiting to see the vanishing of external reflections, of surface or sky on the shower model, the one with the tempered glass! Also there are changes in how planet surface looks. Seems grass dirt, foliage and rock/surface ores, all look different now, more pleasant to the eye. I did not see that coming.

    Winter is here, Christmas Holidays:ChristmasTree: are around the corner and you guys @Eleon :SantaClaus:bring us again more gifts and goodies. :):NewThumbsUp: Thank you guys. You work on a game I am still in love since 2016...

    PS What is going on with the thumbnail change on steam client? The new tablet look alike PDA with the blueprint? First couple of times I saw it I thought something was going on with my steam client files. :p Is there a kind of indicator of future changes regarding Empyrion?
    AlterDraconis likes this.
  8. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Can we assume planets like temperate: prairie will be added to the random mix?
  9. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Is DESC faction new? I do not recall encountering them in the past...
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