UPDATE v1.12 Experimental II

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, Feb 6, 2025.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    We’re back with Experimental Update 1.12 - Part II with some more additions to the game.

    This update introduces Field Repair, allowing players to repair their structures on-site. We’re also rolling out a Structure Ownership Transfer feature, making it easier than ever to hand off bases and vessels to other players.

    For content creators, we’ve added the powerful PDA PlayfieldOp "ReplaceCcStandingOn", enabling POIs to dynamically transform into different blueprints during runtime.

    New shield generator models, a shield extender block, and updates to POIs across multiple factions (UCH, Zirax, Arkenian Republic, and Prenn Federation) add more depth to the universe. Speaking of missions, we’ve refined encounters like Deserted Powers (Skillon) for a better gameplay experience, and added in-game feedback surveys so you can share your thoughts directly from the PDA!

    For racers, the HeKaTon Cup has received new enhancements, including updated start/finish signals and additional dialogues. And for builders, there’s new CV Jet Thrusters with upgrade options, new crafting templates, and various blueprint refinements across key factions.

    As always, please use the following forums for this
    - For bugs in the EXP version:

    - For feedback on the content of the EXP version:

    The Empyrion Dev Team

    Changelog: v1.12 B4730 2025-02-06

    Field repair block:
    When activated on the CV/BA the block is placed on it will repair damaged blocks & devices up to their full HP.
    The player has to go to the device to use it; it's not accessible via the control panel.
    It won’t work when:
    - The structure/vessel is under attack (similar to shields do not recharge when being fired at)
    - When the shields are active
    - When turrets are active & firing
    - Not enough resources

    Structure ownership transfer feature:
    Players can now transfer the ownership of a structure (BA, CV, etc.) to another player. When online with another player open the Control panel & on the “Main” window on the info column the button should be visible.
    - Private and Faction Structures: Players can transfer ownership of their private structures or faction structures. For faction structures, the transferring player must have the role of "Admin" or higher.
    - Online Requirement: The player receiving the structure must be online to accept the transfer & in the same playfield.
    - Acceptance or Rejection: The receiving player has the option to accept or reject the transfer to ensure no potentially harmful transfers occur.

    Replace a Structure/Blueprint at runtime:
    Content Creators can now replace a given structure with a different blueprint at runtime. This allows, for example, time travel scenarios or a POI that changes over time with different devices or loot inside. Technically, this can be done in PDA missions by using the PlayfieldOp “ReplaceStructureStandingIn” element.

    - Added new models for the shield generator blocks which can be colored in multiple parts
    - Added a shield extender block


    - Updated Main Localization for supported Languages
    - Added new CV Jet Thrusters (variants can be up/downgraded between each other)
    - Added new Templates for CV Jet Thrusters including new crafting items
    - Changed final encounter of Deserted Powers (Skillon): removed spawning vessel (was not reliable); added task to destroy a nearby com array instead.
    - Added POI: New Prenn Federation design set (thanks to Don2k7, sulusdacor, and StellarTitan).
    - Prenn Homeworld: Replaced POIs with new theme set.
    - Zirax Homeworld: Replaced ZiraxDroneBase with new Xenu Fortress (ZiraxDroneBaseT2; thanks to Don2k7).
    - Zirax Homeworld: Added Serdu POIs (Full update).
    - Added POI: Abyssal Command (temporary for playtesting; thanks to Don2k7, Vermillon, and teakeycee).
    - Added POI: Ravagers Mining HQ (thanks to Don2k7).
    - Replaced references to DroneBaseT3 (Old Xenu Fortress) with ZiraxDroneBase (actual Zirax Dronebases) on non-Homeworld playfields.
    - Merged individual “new material found” messages for basic materials (iron, copper, silicon, carbon) into one message that is sent when the player has activated RP on Akua.
    - Added improved Start/Finish POI signals for Hekaton Cup (Thx to Stellar_Titan)
    - Added Arkenian Cities (Pol, ARC, Helios) to Arkenia Prime (thx to Stellar Titan)
    - Updated Hyperion (CV), XenuFortress P1 (thx to Don2k7)
    - Added additional Info Dialogue to Hekaton Game Master about Hekaton Race
    - Added a 'Send us your feedback' chapter, including feedback forms for the new UCH missions. We also introduced in-game surveys (F1 > Send Us Your Feedback), which cover the General 1.12 survey, the UCH faction mission (available only upon completion), and the HeKaTon HV Racing event. Additionally, a Survey Feedback form for the HeKaTon HV Racing Cup is now accessible via PDA (F1 > Solo Missions > activate: Send us your feedback).
    - Updated Hekaton Hover Raceways on moon and in instance. (Thx to Stellar_Titan)
    - Added new POI to Zirax-Epsilon BP groups (thx to vermillion)
    - adjusted Epsilon BP groups (set old BPs to "outdated" groups)
    - Removed Epsilon POI from non-Zirax Homeworlds
    - Updated / Added POIs: Eggpile (floating, ARC Weapon Factory, Lava Caves, AsteroidVoxel (Empty) (Thx to ravien,fractalite & Escarli)
    - Improved the contextual 'Next: ' chapters logic in the faction groups of the PDA to show more often what to do next when a primary story mission is not active. (Arkenian Repulic, UCH)
    - Removed mentioning of GIN and Explorer token on other new-material-found messages and replaced with brief ‘field of application’ info.
    - Added Pistol + Ammo to Akua Start (Player Inventory).
    - Added Survival Constructor to Akua Start (Player Inventory).
    - Added ‘Next:’ chapter for Tales of Tash to indicate what the task/mission is about, including a small hint about the number of logs and overall locations.

    Playfield adjustments:
    - Updated BarrenTemperate: Adjusted biomes, resources, stamps and terrain textures. Now is more likely a large planet.
    - New terrain stamps: DunesErg, VolcanoStratoLarge, Rift_FissureSmall_SM, Mtn_MonumentGroup_sp, Mtn_Monument_sp
    - MoonDesertCanyon: Slight decoration tweak

    - 01186: Placing blocks with symmetry replace blocks\devices from another side <- Another fix
    - Fixed SV Turret icon was stretched
    - Set OnWater placed POI to SI-off
    - Fixed block references in some POIs
    - 01525: Sprinting & Picking up items not working on gamepads
    - 01526: Toggle run keybind doesn't work

    Dark Faction DLC:
    - Added more explosives for Uta Outpost
    - Added fallback for Arena & added 1 more boss each
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    This sounds awesome!
    Is there any documentation on this? I saw it used in the dark faction like so:
    - 'ReplaceStructureStandingIn: DF_Vanguard_Past;true;true;'
    What are the two "true" parameters referencing?
    I'm sure Rexxxus will add it to eWPDA once it's released but I wanted to play around with it now.
  3. malrose1

    malrose1 Commander

    Jun 9, 2016
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    ETA on its arrival in the base game...?
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    We don't have a date set 100% in stone yet we will see towards the end of this month & decide.
  5. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hello Ravien,
    yes, I'll update eWPDA asap.
    Regarding the parameter:
    The first sets the structure to a POI or not.
    The second sets the structure to a player or not. That way loot inside containers are auto filled or not for example.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Great! Thanks for the info! Can't wait to start playing around with this.
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Dont use it yet, Properties will be renamed soon. This will break your PDA
    Pantera likes this.
  8. Quickshot

    Quickshot Ensign

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Hi there,

    my name is Quickshot and i play on the official EU server. I was on the Zirax Homeworld. There is no Serdu Faction. You may know where i can find them? Its the last Faction i need to find.
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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  10. Quickshot

    Quickshot Ensign

    Jan 12, 2018
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  11. LyfeForse

    LyfeForse Commander

    Nov 10, 2021
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    Hello, Some feedback on a few of the experimental devices;

    Shields - I like the new models for the shields but I also like the old ones. Would love to keep them both. I think they both have their own time and place for when placing them within builds.. the old ones are great as a stand alone device, and the new ones would be great set inside a wall for example.

    Energy barriers - A cool device, though the energy requirement would prohibit players really from using them. A blast door combo with forcefield provides better protection for far less energy cost. If their power in needed isn't reduced for players, im sure they'd get a lot of use in POIs though.

    Energy Walkways - A nice new option for building. Would love to see the option to color them along with the Energy Barriers as well.

    Drone Bay - The device itself is still too big to be practical for two reasons;
    1. The process of placing the Drone Bay is cumbersome, as the camera doesn't zoom back enough for bigger device placement causing the placement to "flash out".

    2. The scale of the device means that it is restricted to a rarity of builds.

    Maybe cut the scale of the device in half, and double the number of placeable Bays? Would also like to see a tier 2 version of Drone Bays, with faster drones that shoot an energy weapon such as lasers, and contribute to a fight against shielded targets.

    Great to see new content,

  12. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    One clarification please : "Set OnWater placed POI to SI-off"

    Does that mean that when the player,while in survival mode, spawns BA over water does not need to turn SI off first to avoid collapse of it right after?
  13. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Its for POIs that are spawned on the water, not for player spawned structures
    Its done in the playfield files and not something a player can use
    Myrmidon likes this.
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    We are discussing options. atm we lean to provide both models but not set in stone yet

    They will not be made colorable. Same reason why non of the forcefields cant be colored
    LyfeForse and Robot Shark like this.
  15. ChiefSgtBradley

    ChiefSgtBradley Lieutenant

    Dec 13, 2021
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    I say: Get the chisel and the tablet, because that is what the people want! And the best option imho.
    Peter Conway likes this.
  16. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    That is good to read. Thank you.
  17. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Is it me or we have jet thrusters for CVs now? :eek:

    Is this a new era to bring SV blocks and their size to CVs? :p
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2025
  18. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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  19. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I did read the release notes. I am just wondering what the future might bring regarding vessel building blocks for CVs. In the mean time the size of those jet thrusters are big enough for CVs but give more options for builders to create small sized CV with a more aesthetic results.
  20. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    We will not bring SV sized blocks to CVs
    Myrmidon likes this.
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