Custom Playfields by Vexray

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by Vexray, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. Scuro

    Scuro Ensign

    Sep 15, 2016
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    JoeMorin had some suggested changes here.

    I think he should just post his templates for download :)
    dhara likes this.
  2. dhara

    dhara Ensign

    Oct 20, 2016
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    @Altays If you edited the files in the Content directory then the changes will not show up in your current game. You need to wipe the server and start a new game. Stop the server, delete your saved game in the Saves/Games directory and restart. But that is a game wipe so you will be starting from scratch.

    If you want to keep your saved game, then you need to be working in the saved games directory instead of the content directory, I believe. I'm at work so I can't look up specifics right now so please find and check those procedures before you do anything. But I know for sure its not in the Content directory. There's a post about this somewhere that you should be able to find fairly quickly with google. Unless of course someone else can post the link for us.
  3. Sedate

    Sedate Ensign

    Oct 31, 2016
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    Is there a way to disable planets without a complete wipe? Do you just delete them out of your sectors file or.. someone please explain.

    Currently have all planets listed by Vexray on a Dedicated machine but if the RAM useage starts to creep I think i will drop some of the planets.
  4. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I'm running just a a few of VexRay's on mine, and I had to make the NPC changes @JoeMorin mentioned - I hope he or someone else versed in finding the current NPC/name types will update the Mastersheet. Not that I know what I'm doing with it yet, but I can see if a type called for is missing!

    To get a planet out (I have done this with varying ok results for the same reasons on my current save) edit it out of Sectors.yaml, and delete the playfield from your save. The map shouldn't show it, and the data from that playfields was run in a separate process and won't be called anymore so you should be good. I just backup everything before I tinker! HEY don't forget to make a backup copy of Dedicated.yaml! I had some trouble and got the bright idea to Validate via SteamCMD; yea, it wipes your dedicated.yaml so if you don't have it memorized it can be hard to get your save running again!

    Something I just noticed last night though, is errors on Akua & Akua Orbit - I haven't touched then! @JoeMorin or another experienced planet mod, is there anything I can do to correct this? I don;t want to edit an oem planet playfield unless needed; that could surely be affected by an update, maybe hose my save!


  5. dhara

    dhara Ensign

    Oct 20, 2016
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    I have a question too. I just made all of these updates to my files too, and all looks well so far. But while I was upping the difficulty on the whole server, I think I set the resources too low. There are only two iron deposits - small ones - on Akua. Is there a way to change that without having to wipe the planet?
  6. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Here's the updated vexray files. Again, as a warning, these do not include the POIs. You will need to get them from Vexray's server files.

    Attached Files:

    Scuro and ZeroX57 like this.
  7. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Sweet, thank you!!

    (The POI files; there were only 5 that I saw in the zip, hope that's right)

    joemorin73 likes this.
  8. ZeroX57

    ZeroX57 Ensign

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Thx @joemorin73!

    A little guide to adding those POIs that were made by Vexray :-

    1) There are 5 POIs that were made by Vexray which is the LorienWF, Lorien-Comms-Relay, Lorien-Academy, XenuNightmare & TalonClinic

    2) There's a guide on wiki which can be found here. Just follow the guide's step 3 & 4 ( ignore step 1 & 2 as you already have the POI epb)

    3) Now in step 4 (no.5) is where you must properly put the group names to ensure that the POIs will spawn in the playfield of your choice. Below are the group names for each of the POIs that were made by Vexray :-

    - LorienWF -> GroupName: LorienWF
    - Lorien-Comms-Relay -> GroupName: LorienPOI
    - Lorien-Academy -> GroupName: LorienPOI
    XenuNightmare -> GroupName: XenuNightmare
    - TalonClinic -> GroupName: TalonClinic

    You'll notice that the Lorien-Comms-Relay & Lorien-Academy both have the same GroupName and therefore you'll only need to insert 4 groups in total if you were to put all 5 POI in the playfield. This means that both Lorien-Comms-Relay and Lorien-Academy will both spawn randomly as long as you have LorienPOI set as the GroupName (Only insert one GroupName: LorienPOI not two).

    4) Once you're done with assigning the proper GroupName feel free to customize the rest like min & max POI spawn, DronesProb etc.

    Here's an example of what it should look like when you're adding the POIs (Everything else under GroupName is up to your preference)

    - GroupName: LorienWF
    CountMinMax: [ 5, 7 ]
    DroneProb: 1.0
    DronesMinMax: [ 6, 8 ]
    ReserveCount: 3
    TroopTransport: True

    5) Make sure to double check and ensure that the GroupName is set correctly (case-sensitive) or else it wont spawn in the playfield. Save and exit.

    6) Go to the playfield which you've added and have fun destroying it! :)

    NOTE : Do take note that if you're planning to add these POIs to an existing save file you'll have to edit the files under the templates folder of your savegame. Please be aware that the POIs will not spawn if you've already visited the playfield and the only way to make them spawn is by reset/wipe the playfield. If the playfield you've chosen has not been explored yet, you wont have to do a reset/wipe to that respective playfield.
    joemorin73 and oojimaflip like this.
  9. Altays

    Altays Ensign

    Oct 31, 2016
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    Awesome, thanks. I've edited it and ready to reset my server. Just one last question, could you share your Sector file ? Because I don't have NotePad++ and I'm really bad with this kind of stuff.
  10. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    I don't have a sector file to share for adding these planets, but you can use the original sector file provided by Vexray. For my setup, I copied Vexray's definitions from his sector file and placed them in my own. I did this since I wanted to move them to specific locations. (Also recoloured and resymboled locations so I can make a map for users to understand.) I suggest taking Vexray's original sector and copying the definitions from there.
  11. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    You can get it free from

    Always back everything up - I had a spacing issue when I did a Sector file and the server wouldn;t start so they are sensitive.

    I'm not sure on all the syntax but I do know they use Spaces and separators never a <tab> key press, and I think you have to leave a carriage return and space at the end - hopefully someone handy will reply here.

    It might've taken me a couple tries but I got it all working with added planets and POI's and it's pretty cool.

    You can do it!
  12. Kumra

    Kumra Ensign

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Did you rename some of the POI's or add some more? As the POI's in the playfield file dont match the names of the blueprints in the prefab file?
  13. Kumra

    Kumra Ensign

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Also do you need the Map files in the playfields?
  14. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    You might be missing Vexray's additional POIs. Make sure you get them and install them.
  15. Kumra

    Kumra Ensign

    Nov 4, 2016
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    It's alright I was just confused with the different names in the playfield files, compared to the blueprint files.
  16. Kumra

    Kumra Ensign

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Also what isn't really mentioned anywhere is that you need to copy the map files from another original playfield folder into any new planets folder or the server/game will not load. I copied the map files from the existing desert playfield.
  17. joemorin73

    joemorin73 Captain

    Aug 24, 2016
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    The map files are required, but somehow not always required. Wouldn't mind getting more information on generating new map files.
  18. Ganelon

    Ganelon Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
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    Yes. Dunno what the common element is. I have tested using custom starting worlds, with just the playfield file... and it all worked fine. I'm wondering if the issue where they are needed relates to adding world to an existing server.

    For those wondering... I put the playfield folders in the server's content section(not adjusting a save folder). I then have the systems file adjusted with the new planets, designating the new starter worlds. I fire up the server, giving it a few minutes to initialize the save folder for the new game. I log in to the new world and it does its business as usual.

    I'm working to tweak some of these worlds to make them more balanced for starting. I have a couple of favorites for that effect. I want them to have the same POI as Akua and Omicron.
  19. Talk2Rider

    Talk2Rider Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2016
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    When I added the planets a few months ago to SP I had to copy in some map.raw files from other original playfields to get custom planets working at all. I suspect that this might only be necessary for SP? I think there is something about MP server that handles the map files better. In the end the map files were updated by the game (they went from 10MB to about 2.7MB - probably adjusted to match your specific screen resolution. Has anyone opened the map files in photoshop or whatever and seen what they really are? My guess is they are what you see from orbit...right?
  20. Talk2Rider

    Talk2Rider Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Agreed. You can do it, but it takes some patience and trial and error. I hope that Eleon will eventually help us out and make a workshop for planets....or an installer, or something. Fingers crossed!

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