I finally finished my new PvP CV 'The Genide' after 3 weeks of building off and on. It is a vertical ship weighing in at 85 kt, 19k blocks, and 170k iron of pure chaos ready to roll for patch 5.0 (sorry can't show the inside for obvious reasons)
Building my new HV Mining ship.. Building a underground base is soo much easier now. Had to take some pics with my Character in them. The new armor is really cool. It reminds me of Star citizen a little. Empyrion version of a Selfie pic .lol I was trying to show off my character's pony tail in this picture but didn't get it. lol
What are you going to do with all that new loot and ore that you mined from the spectacular new HV excavation rig? Build, Dark Valley. Is a house of multi-tiered plating complete with king-sized bed, TV, toilet, couch, and resting chair to contemplate the universe. Just watch your step.... It is hard to tell from the images but the plates are at different heights. Is designed for Ningues and the Moon. Can easily convert to a regular base with constructors and such, just be a smidge careful - depending on the terrain it is spawned, the various plates can have more or less structural integrity. I included the last image(s) which are the same as the file I loaded to the workshop so that you can see the house in it's entirety - depending on the terrain, the plating can sometimes be hidden. Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=819639027 Enjoy!
That's what happens when ya ask for advice from people like me who are totally devoid of Sense. This is epic! You sir need to give us a Workshop Link for us to Click to go to this dude on the Workshop to Like! *Snickers* Looks like a cool creepy place that a Hover War Tank of mine mighta blew to hell before ya got it BPed, & ready to Spawn In Pre-Destroyed.
Silly question, but is this new armour a craftable option, with actual beneficial stats, or simply a visual character customisation at player creation? I was hoping for some actual functioning body armour to help me against those crack-shot, super reaction time Zirax in POI's.... Scoob.
I found a neat capital ship: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=819699362&searchtext=
I got some work done on my base. Still a work in progress so I could change a dozen things or, more likely, abandon it before I'm done. I envision a series of "rooms with a view" running up the mountain on the right, we'll see how it turns out. I don't have near the skill at making it look good that many in this forum do but I will tweak a lot of this once it's finished so it's not so brick like and dull (hopefully).
good start. just keep on building btw, you can built other buildings next to your base without making a physical connecting. take a block, point at your base, press "n" and select 'connect to' in the pop up screen.
I tried to make a loop for the motorbike only to discover the motorbike doesn't wont to go upside down it just goes through the block. Thought I'd share anyway.
Nicely done start. The more you build, the better you become at building. I look forward to seeing your progress.
So I am still building my vtol mobile base. Far from done. The whole thing is designed while being built. Just added a glass cockpit at the bottom. I hoped to invert it but that's not possible. Planning to perform re-entries from first person
The new Patch Note limiting Mining HVs to max 6 Manual Fire Drills Invalidated my Mining HV in-progress & broke my heart...
Hey man, you will get there! It takes practice. I like the way you have the "L" in your base. Also the way it connects to or disappears into the hillside is very well thought-out.