INFO & FEEDBACK [Alpha 11] CPU Points and Tiers - How does it work?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 26, 2019.


Did you understand the EXPLANATION on how the CPU and CPU Tier system works?

  1. Got it!

  2. Not really

  3. Do not care / do not see why we need CPU

  1. [RCF]Grodark

    [RCF]Grodark Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I do not think so there are way to many things I see that they could do instead but chose not to lets tarta list
    1 why Multiple extenders they could just use 1 per stage
    2 why are they not all 1x1x1 they is t2 1x1x1 and th others 1x2x1
    3 why do they weight so much
    4 why do they have an energy cost
    5 why do hull blocks have a CPU cost
    6 why are they making bases feel left out when CVs get 10mill cpu and a base 1.3mill cpu
    7 why do they need parts we have to hunt down and not on starter planets
    8 and the cost on the market

    all of these are choices no mechanical reason or programming reason just a developer choice
    all of these things could be changed they refuse to change them cause they already invested to much time and energy into programming them this way the number changing is all they can do with out scrapping the stuff they did already all the graphics and set up and parts
    they dedicated way to much time on this way of doing things maybe if they had discussions with players and took the player ideas before programming this it might have been better so they have 2 choices be stubborn and keep what they have or some how scrap the CPU system and try again latter with a better informed ideas from the player base odds are from the dev with the biggest mouth they are going to be stubborn

    Like i have said before the concept is good this execution is bad take time take players ideas stir them up and come out with something better

    maybe 1 1x1x1 per tier remove the need for hunting down parts, have them just like the core same mass and volume and energy cost ,have them not have to touch the core maybe so they can be put other places so the 1 shot dose not kill everything in 1 lucky shot
    Arkudo and Raswayare like this.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I'm not getting in the hardware elitist fight here. People playing with higher-tier GPU and CPU experiencing hiccups and lag suffice to show that some optimisation can be done. Not going to repeat the same all over again.

    I am the one who gave you these numbers, my dear friend, but don't forget this : a total or average doesn't show if these are the same players at all time. It is most probable that there are thousands of players each day, but only so many log in at a same time. Players A, B, C, D and E can play a few hours each in their turn, while the "server count" may not show more than 2 players at any given time.

    Second thought : how many players just play, experience good or bad performance, and just don't participate in forums or polls and stay out of the count ? That we don't know, but I am sure this is the great majority, comparing how few players are here on the forum at any time, with the number of players that bought the game. That means that what happens here that can influence the developers can have an impact on thousands of players, and I don't think of that as a simple detail or just "brush it off" because "I don't have other's problems".

    In the 2016 survey we had clear numbers of single/ multi player repartition :


    Here we see the "minority" is "pure singleplayer", and in multiplayer it is PvP that is the smallest part. In 2018 the portrait was almost the same :


    Here, it is "network play" that dominated - but majority was "PvE" if you include singleplayer. Clearly the people who answered these polls are not the "silent ones" I mentioned previously.

    It is "PvE" that has the majority, not "singleplayer" if we look at these numbers. But we also have to keep in mind that out of the hundreds of thousands of sales Empyrion has made, not a lot of players play with Steam online, else the numbers shown would be much higher on Steam Spy, for example. So they are mostly playing offline, and not voicing their issues here or even in the polls which had a total around ~ 9000 players.

    Survey results 2016:

    Survey results 2018:


    What are you doing on game forums at your age ? Get out and go clean the yard ! Fix the kitchen sink ! Stop arguing with kids !

    Oh... they're not kids ? Well I'll be damned... :D
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Must have something to do with living on an "Island" in the North Sea;):D.
    Ephoie, Kassonnade and StyleBBQ like this.
  4. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Hahahaha!! Yes! Abso-frickin-lootly :D:D I seriously think EGS should have them. Really. Late game, hard settings of course, but hells yeah!

    Now if only we could get Neebs Gaming to play EGS with 'Jihad Attack Dogs in Space' enabled ... I think I'd hurt myself laughing at that :p
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I've said it before & i'll say it again... Empyrion is like a Game World being built using Legos AND K'Nex at the same time... The Ambition is real...

    As for Minecraft... yep, I lag even in Vanilla in Jungles during heavy Rain/Thunderstorms. If I remember right my Chunk Distance is set to 20 or so.
    Kassonnade, StyleBBQ and ravien_ff like this.
  6. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Minecraft chunk distance of 20 is crazy. When playing modded, I usually keep it limited to 12 or so.

    Also, I love the weather and rain and storm effects in Empyrion. Gives me tingles all up and down my head and back. I think people call it frisson / ASMR.
  7. [RCF]Grodark

    [RCF]Grodark Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2018
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    sector scout 2.jpg
    oh shields have to drop from 16k and 45.5k to something reasonable
    SV HV drop to 6.5k cpu
    CV BA drop to about 25k cpu
    then you have shields at tier2
    that's just level 10 and pushing builds near T3 but not forcing people into t3 before they can get t3 extenders

    Attached Files:

    Ephoie, StyleBBQ and Kassonnade like this.
  8. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    I remember when shields were a pipe dream. Even now, they seem to be a luxury; I have yet to use one on anything. We also have save template and repair to template, so they're not as 'needed' as they once were.

    I think shields should have some downsides.
  9. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    The main problem is that the shield system isn't modular, so the choice in shielding level is very limited. In order to make the decision to install shields at all consequential, the devs had to make them very expensive CPU-wise. Energy usage and internal volume could have borne some of the balancing load, but instead we have the same size device drawing the same amount of power and providing the same HP no matter how large your ship is.
    Ephoie, ravien_ff, zztong and 2 others like this.
  10. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Comedy idea: make the forcefield block work as a miniature shield. Basically, a high HP, transparent block that regenerates itself over time.

    You could have a generator device that restores x hp per minute to forcefield shields, stack em to regen more, then forcefield blocks around the ship to cover vital areas or as a wall in front, etc.

    If a forcefield shield is 'destroyed', have damage pass through to blocks behind as if the forcefield wasn't there. The generator will regen it normally once damage stops.

    Edit: @casta_03 exactly
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning and casta_03 like this.
  11. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    Are you just saying that because you thought that's what forcefields would do the first time you saw them, & you've just kinda wanted to see it happen ever since you learned you were wrong?

    Because that's exactly why I agree with you, & I'm just wondering.
    Ephoie, Tyrax Lightning and Ambaire like this.
  12. [RCF]Grodark

    [RCF]Grodark Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Down side to shields are as follows
    1 HUGE power sink when charging and while on they are a drain s well
    2 large area taken up by them
    3 good amount of mass

    but for SV&HV you are supposed to get them at level 10 not level 12 t3 you can not get till level 12 so no shields for 2 levels just cause the CPU cost is 16k is dumb lowering it to 6.5k will make it push CPU limits (you will have to give up something maybe 2 rockets and 2 gats instead of 4 and 4) not sure it's so bad on CVs and bases but if your going to lower the small ya should give a break to the large as well
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    If SV/HV shields were changed so that you couldn't get them until level 12, how would you respond? Similar critique, or let the change speak for itself?
    Ephoie and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. [RCF]Grodark

    [RCF]Grodark Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Casta_03 to tell ya the truth I would say they are doing that simply so they did not have to a just numbers properly and that the devs have a hard time knowing what is fair and balanced considering they seem to have no concept of W&V with 1 thing that's 1x1x1 at 17 volume and another 1x1x1 at 100 volume in the same size categories this might seem like a little thing but when your building on the small frame and it's also weak the whole thing falls apart lowering the CPU is the smart simple and fair play it's far less programming to do that than it is to move the unlock value
    and fair to the player base more than making it move to 12th level and screwing up a lot of blue prints with it at level 10
    Tyrax Lightning and casta_03 like this.
  15. TrashMan

    TrashMan Commander

    Jan 10, 2018
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    The problem isn't in limitations. The problem is when those limitations don't feel natural at all, but rather very forced.
    Tyrax Lightning and Arrclyde like this.
  16. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I'm not convinced of that, though. I don't see why the current implementation of the CPU system would be chosen over other simpler, more flexible alternatives, as have been outlined by various members all over the forum. We've yet to hear anything at all about the benefits of the present architecture over a more modular/incremental system. It's clearly not an issue of programming complexity, as the current implementation definitely required more coding than just letting each CPU extender give out a certain amount of CPU. Someone on the dev team thought it was a good idea, but no one has explained why!

    EDIT: sorry, all of this has me very frustrated. . . .
  17. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I am feeling your pain. Its all good until everything goes wrong and sh!t hits the fan. And thennyou are the bad guy for pointing out flaws before that happening and people blame you for saying "i told you before this would happen".
    I am all for a more logical, natural feeling system that is way more intuitive than the current one. And if not.... oh well, i can turn that whole system off. And when mods are available, will try to find some kind of rebalance mod/total conversion mod. Or make one myself. :-D
    We'll just have to wait and see.
    xelthor, Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  18. [RCF]Grodark

    [RCF]Grodark Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I thought the point of this forum was to show them how good or bad this ssytem is befor they take it to the next step
    but they ahve some thigns they have set in stone cause they for some reason like it even though 90% of this forum has said that it's bad
    and have suggested changes, or other ways this could be done better but nope they just want to play with the numbers and the numbers are the least of the problem.
    1 time it taks to find the parts bad
    2 the cost of them realy 81k and 108k or so for 1 small bridge or matrix (is that supposed to e maytrix)
    3 the size of them they take up a ton of relastate that could be used for other things in the HV CV and SV(not so important on a base)
    4 it fails to do the job it was ment to do and thats to make specilistions of CVs for the msot part
    5 it makes bases less appealing
    6 power in bases and CVs it's draining 660PU thats way to much
    7 they are realy heavy 100kg for t2 1 MT for t3 and close to 2.5MT (mt= metric tons) for t4 sets
    8 0.8% drop rate ( from what I understand not on starter planets) for any 1 of the parts to drop needing 4 parts for t3 means way to much
    Grinding for such needed parts and needing 8 for T4 is way to much grinding and might not even get the ones ya need

    I am sure others have more they could add to this list
    now can devs answer these things

    How dose this improve the experiance for new player and not drive them off with the difficulty?
    How dose this change the way things are played now at 10million cpu on CVs I think it just takes away some of the size class ships over 8?
    How dose this make the game more fun?
    How dose this force specilization ? it dosen't seem to realy do that it just seems to be a HUGE TAX
    Why do you think Hull Blocks need to use CPU at all? your computers chassie dose not drain your computers processing power
    Ambaire likes this.
  19. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    You know so far. I don't mind the changes to the flight system. Ok yes they have tone down the engines so my CV doesn't spin on a dime. I'm enjoying the new hud. But this CPU naw. I have tried to love it too. Sorry I just can't. It just has no logic to it in my mind. It's like the game is now fighting itself. You have Class vs CPU both seem to be trying to do the same job. Only the CPU system seems like an unwanted tax levied on your home.
    I gave weight and volume a good try and like it. So I have added it to my game play for when I want a game like that.
    But this CPU, unless it drastically changes will never be turned on in my game. That's the real sad part too. The Dev's spending all this time on a feature that I won't use. I won't speak for others here but for me the CPU system as it stands is an epic fail.:(
    Good in theory but poorly executed.
    xelthor, Raswayare, Arrclyde and 2 others like this.
  20. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Right now, it really seems that way.
    Actually i would like some friends of mine to try this game. Would like to make a server for a few friends, maybe a few more. There are some rules i would like to have to allow for every weapon working everywhere and there are no block limits. But i would like there to be a tool to balance that naturally so that people don't build zipping blocks covered in armor and plastered with turrets/guns. CPU could fill in this role.... in theory. But as it stands right now, not in the way it is. So i will probably wait a bit longer with this plan until there is a proper fix to the system, either by editing files or mods, or something. The system is far from finish so it's probably best to wait a while.
    Ambaire and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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