INFO & FEEDBACK [Alpha 11] CPU Points and Tiers - How does it work?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 26, 2019.


Did you understand the EXPLANATION on how the CPU and CPU Tier system works?

  1. Got it!

  2. Not really

  3. Do not care / do not see why we need CPU

  1. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    If so, I haven't noticed yet.
    Ephoie likes this.
  2. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I am on the same page of that story book. I was building a bit in 8.x and said i will wait before all my time is being wasted on builds i need to change. Been doing this for patch 9.x and 10.x i almost skipped completely.

    Bow i am dipping my toes into another space game that has flaws and bugs and crashes. But strangely that doesn't matter as much as here. Also there are people saying that particular game will never get finished. But it plays really well and flying in space and on a planet is still fun. Having friends playing that game as well helps too, i guess while i never got anyone start EGS for many reasons. And believe me i tried.

    I finally vote: don't want THAT CPU system. Its ok to have a system some people do not like. But if most people do not like the system even though some of them have been sold on the idea of it, your system is just wrong.

    Signing out till patch alpha 12.
  3. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Have you tried this with more than one sv?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    This EXACTLY proves that you dont understand what SPECIALIZATION is and how is badly implemented.

    This is:
    A bit of wood cutter
    A bit of Disassambler
    A bit of a miner
    A bit of a medic vessel
    A bit probably of cargo because i bet it has more boxes
    And maybe oxigen stations.

    Sorry but i am at 4.000hrs sunk in this game and this low standards basic ship (that need 30 seconds to be built) exactly proves my point. I have higher standards for ships and IF we need SPECIALIZATIONS it need to be SPECIALIZED and need to excel in his role. So you need to choose if you want a woodcutter, a disassembler, a miner, a medic hover, a cargo hover or a combat vessel.

    And how you want to prove that t4 ship that jump to t3 still move with this thing? Are you sure that you have understood my video? Because i think not.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
  5. Yes I have. Did you test it at all?
    I mean, this isn't hard to reproduce.

    Take any SV or CV that is not able to reach max speed on planet and take it to space and observe the max speed. Now calculate that based off the max technical speed for the vessel class. Do the same for on the planet. Observe the huge discrepancy.

    And it's not a bug. They are literally telling the game to do this type of stuff on purpose. They aren't responding to it at all either. For all we know this is here to stay forever.
  6. thedevilfrog

    thedevilfrog Ensign

    Mar 27, 2019
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    ye gods ! It's Like it's Like TOTALLY different to any 20 min HV builds i've ever made. So, so specilized it jumped right out of the page at me and i thought deep inside "i'm a failure"

    CPU build fail ftw.

    paxxo1985 and stanley bourdon like this.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Part of the problem is from flaws and unbalance in the CPU system itself.

    Part of the problem is trying to cram master-of-all ships into T1 CPU.

    We went 4 years without shields. 2.5 years without SV warp drives. You don't need to cram every single thing into one ship. You don't need medical equipment on your hovertank, just like you don't need a shield on your mining HV, or a warp drive on your SV scout.

    However what we do need is better balance for the CPU values.
  8. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    I need a medical component on my combat HV or when I die, I'm half a continent away. I die a lot.

    I have never built a "big" all-in-one vessel; I never want to risk everything I have on a single failure . That seems to be a common strawman argument. I typically have a mobile base with limited defensive armament with lots of storage and living arrangements, a combat CV, combat SV, combat HV, scavenge HV, mining HV, and wood collection HV, and a couple construction/deconstruction/farming solar-powered bases.

    CPU was stopping even my specialized constructions mainly because I die a lot. I tend to want to build them out of hardened steel except I couldn't fit a scavenge vehicle under tier-1 with regular steel and it got destroyed when it took fire I wasn't expecting AFTER clearing the area with a combat HV, returning to base, changing HVs and going back. The thing turned like a truck, had trouble accelerating and low max speed when laden, had a decent though not large carrying capacity, wifi, a couple of minigun turrets for defence, and a front spotlight. It proved it was useless when I found a small group of enemy where I wasn't expecting them and had a hole blown in the middle with me suddenly shifted half a continent away. It was already 10% over tier-1. Adding armor or upgrading armor was a non-starter as an idea as that would push the CPU load higher -- much higher once I added thrusters to actually move it with the extra mass.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Keep in mind all you need for T2 is one flux coil which you can find on every starter planet or starter moon. I don't think a combat HV is supposed to be T1. Really needs T2 at least.

    What I'm planning on doing is using a HV, SV, or CV to carry my other vessels, so my specialized ships don't need extra equipment.

    My combat HV will only have turrets and a shield. No clone chamber, no constructor, no salvage equipment or cargo space.
    It will be docked to a carrier HV, SV, or CV, that will have that other equipment. The carrier will be parked nearby while I raid POIs so if I die then I can respawn in a safe place nearby.
    It will be important to clear the area of NPC patrols and drones so they don't destroy my carrier vessel while I'm raiding a POI, but the turrets of my combat HV can protect my carrier while I go in on foot.
    If I need to perform in the field repairs to my combat HV, I can use the constructor in my carrier.
    If I need to make a quick getaway, I can escape in my carrier, leaving the combat HV behind.

    *edit* we'll have to see how my plan works in practice though... I might find all my ships turned into smoking wrecks. :D
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Fun fact: you can build a CV after you find your first wrecked capital vessel and salvage a single thruster and a single RCS from it. This CV can then carry pretty much as many HV/SV and loot as you want anywhere on the planet with minimal fuel consumption. :D

    However, I do think the CPU values of the first 3 tiers should be bumped up a bit.
  11. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Hauling any significant mass in HVs results in getting squeezed by _every_new_mechanic_

    CPU being the worst since everything costs CPU, but especially RCS. Leading to;

    New Flight Model torque means you have to build a pizza box (ok a flat T) for Yaw/turning, which is not a sphere, or a dart, tagging in;

    Drag Model. Yet another thing to try and overpower since that's cheaper than 'slimming down' & using RCSs.

    And finally the completely nuts 'Top Speed severely limited when ship has less than ~2 -gravitys- worth of acceleration'.

    Meaning a heck of a lot more forward thrust than I'd ever considered necessary for a hauler; 7 m/s^2 only allows 20 m/s top speed.

    Btw, I'm only talking around 40~60 tons here; 2 or 3 stacks of Ore or 10 to 15 large Combat armor blocks (4 tons each).

    Result being I was starting to abuse the Factory again. Which I personally don't like to do. Everyone do what works for you of course.
    For me I found a balance where if I haul it home I can dump stuff into the factory. Otherwise it's just too easy to make a bike & a core, start the titan mission and have a CV as soon as you're lvl 7. {heh, basically what Ravien just said :) )

    (as an example of this I posted an HV in the 11.1 thread; top speeds at various loads just below post #88 & a lengthy why it was built that way post, #94)
  12. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    My computer is near the minimum specs for the game. Sometimes I'll have a small lag spike at the beginning of combat as all my turrets start tracking targets.

    Every time I got over 2 million CPU, without fail, my computer gets major framerate spikes & starts overheating. It got so bad that I stopped building late-game CVs. Since most of what I do in the game is build CVs, this means I've basically stopped playing. Turret lag never made me stop playing.

    Fun thought experiment: does the game continue spending processor power calculating CPU even when the function is turned off?
  13. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Of course you need a tier-1 combat vehicle! you can't start with a tier-2 version. The tier-1 combat vehicle worked, mostly, so long as I went tediously slowly and carefully. It took damage, but the pair of miniguns combined with turret fire was enough to keep small number of enemy under control.

    Please actually read the post. I cleared the site with a combat HV prior to bringing in my scavenger. Guess what? The Zirax reinforced in the meantime.

    It was the non-combat specialist ship that was toast because it couldn't defend against unexpected attack.

    Who's talking shield? This is tier-1 with minimal resources. Where the heck am I getting the resources to have carriers? Have you tried building a carrier at tier-1 to carry a combat machine, let alone multiple vehicles? Good luck with that. Even if it can carry the combat machine, can it carry the scavenger and its cargo and still move?

    Your carrier sounds closer to a massive 'all-in-one' vehicle than I build ever since it has its own defences, medical devices, carry capacity, thrusters to move it all, constructors, and enough armor to survive coming under fire even if only for a minute or so.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
  14. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Fun fact: downed CVs often have enemies present.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    A CV with 1 thruster and 1 RCS should be able to carry a few smaller SVs and HVs in an atmosphere.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    And how, pray tell, other than scavenging in a tier-1 HV am I to acquire that?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sometimes it's really easy, sometimes it's hard. If you can find any of the crashed CVs, you can snipe the drones with a sniper rifle and then place your core on it. Pick up a thruster and an RCS with a multi-tool and stick them in the factory to spawn the CV.
    zztong and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  18. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Sadly, there is a large player base that wants this...
    I have players come on to my server all the time and complain about the fact that they actually have to play the game and not get everything in the first five minutes. #cb:givemefreestuffnow
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    i am still not seeing a good reason for implementing the cpu metric at all. adding more calculations for the game engine to process is hardly a help to performance in any way. specialization argument has no bearing at all when configuration files can do that much easier. adding 4 new crafting materials and 12 more building blocks does not seem like a step in the right direction at all.

    the side that is anti cpu has very valid points as to why this is a huge mistake. the side that is pro cpu seems to mainly have the defense of "u can still work around its limitations" this is not helping to show how it is a good feature. its defending a bad idea with a workaround.

    to me these are not reasons why it is a positive feature. they are bandages to deal with it. the game is bleeding and a bandage won't save it. i am not finding very many posts cheering this "feature" on. why has it not been pulled yet? do the developers really want to make a game that is too frustrating to play?

    it seems more and more that they are trying to kill their own creation by imposing more limitations and adding more complications to discourage those wanting to enjoy it. is it the goal to squash popularity so it dies and they no longer have to work on it? if that is the case, im im sure there are other coders out there that would live to take this wonderful project over and actually improve the gaming experience. im stepping of what seems to be a pointless discussion at this time, hoping something better will come from this...
  20. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    @Bob [OG]

    It would appear that you are frustrated...... I can relate.
    I really want a crouch function.... And that has been a promise since Alpha 3.1.....
    I am sure the devs are not purposely sabotaging their game.
    Patience is key.

    Now, correct me if I am wrong; I think that you are interpreting the changes in a way that is contrary to what is actually happening.
    The devs have not ADDED calculations. Its not a pile of code that the devs keep throwing on more like logs to a fire, only causing it to burn hotter and hotter. Nope... it doesn't work like that. They have adjusted the calculations, and changed the way the game mechanics are, all in an effort to better optimize them, and the game as a whole. Ideally, this will increase performance and reduce lag or stutters.
    Right now, we are in a phase of adjustments. Report bugs, and share your thoughts on the forums.

    The reason for the CPU system is to gate progression, restrict sizes and complexity, limit load on server side.

    One recent example is the galactic map. The new system replaces the old one, and is more efficient at loading than the old sector map system. I was very pleased with it, as it tidied up wy 255+ playfield server, and placed all the galaxies nicely in their own respective areas.
    BUT, there was an issue with how the navigation and appearance was, so they reverted it to the old one..... I wasted a few days of reformatting my sector files to the new format..... and now we are back to the laggy old sector map that at least works the way it should..... But in the next few weeks, I am hoping (fingers crossed) that they roll it back out. Fixed and ready to be used with ease.

    Now this should really go without saying, but I will say it:
    This is not a finalized version.
    The game we are playing today is not the same as five years ago, and will continue to change, for the better.
    The core concept is there, but we have gone through so many iterations, and will continue for a while more.
    This is ALPHA...... as we all know, right?
    So expecting this to be a polished perfect product is unrealistic.
    This is the road to that ideal version of the game.

    And really, at the end of the day with the CPU system, IT IS AN OPTION, not mandatory.
    It was only forced on the EXP version to gt feedback and tweak the system to be better balanced.
    But we already know all this, right?

    Personally, I love the CPU system. My builds perform way better with it.
    I love the Mass and volume system. It adds realism to my missions. Instead of being able too pack the empire state building ito my bag, I got to do multiple runs, or be more critical of what I want to scavenge from POI's or missions. This all adds to the game dynamic. Sadly, the challenge that this adds to the game is only seen by many as a hindrance to their play-style, as they want an easy game without challenge, imo.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
    Sofianinho and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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