Alpha 7.6 - FEEDBACK: Food rebalancing and template changes

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Food rebalancing and template changes:

    • Adjusted Food/Health/Stamina/Perish data of all food items and meals.
    • Reduced parameters of most raw food and other direct-consumable collectible food items.
    • Changed templates for all meals. They are now CALCULATED based on their ingredients values. (using a few parameters that refer to how the meals are created, like cooked, grilled, baked, raw, alcohol, durability etc - please see examples below)
    • Most of the complex meals now hold much more health (2x up to 12x) and food points (up to 3x the amount for complex meals).The perish timers have been increased as well (1.5-3x). In exchange some of them need ingredients that you cannot grow, but need to collect.
    • Pickup food items that are used in meals do not have negative values anymore.
    • The following food items can now be directly consumed: SeaWeed, KavaeBeans, Pumpkin, Wheat
    • More meals now have an effect on body temperature and body radiation (inherited by their ingredients)
    • Emergency Rations have a completely new, more complex template and does not add that many Stamina points, BUT in exchange adds 250 health points ( before: 0)

    Examples for internal multiplicators:

    • Grilled stuff is a little bit healthier and contributes more food points than cooked meals. (As 25th century “gills” are able to avoid unhealthy elements ;-)
    • Cooked meals have a slightly higher perish timer compared to grilled meals, but a lower multiplicator for health, food and stamina.
    • Canned/Durable stuff is less healthier and contributes lesser food points than the summary of their ingredients, but the perish timer is very high.
    • Baked meals add more food points than cooked and strongly increase the perish time compared to the summary of their ingredients, but have strongly reduced health (like all sweets :D ). In exchange to their complexity, the perish time is quite high (>100)
    • Cold foods ( f.ex. sandwich) have no multiplicator
    • Beverages and Alcohol have special multiplicators

    Note: The recipe changes are a first step in direction of an improvement and more meaningful food system. Although some of the templates have become more complex now (for the higher-yield item you need to collect some more items), the rewards are significantly increased than before, so you will need to eat less often, compared to items consumed before 7.6. We’ll also add some of the now often-used collectible ingredients for farming. We are looking forward to your feedback!
    Ephoie and xenjay like this.
  2. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Ok, didnt even started game to see new things - but I LIKE IT, same can be said for medicine changes ;)
    ... and with 'real traders' that we now have in game no matter what you change - if someone dont want to 'make stuff' he can buy, sell or trade :)

    There is one 'major' little thing that (I think) should be implemented with some basic recipes - we DO need to have little more 'corn-centred' food production. We use corn for plastic so we need to grow it very early, so why don't we have it to actually be our FIRST CROP!. For food we only have 'popcorn' (that's like cheap T1 food) - why we don't have also 'cornbread' (with water as T2, and it can be medium lasting food, more than bread) and it can be used in some more complex meal else also... That will make Corn very usable and practical (as it is in real life). So, it's just one simple & cheap idea from me ;)
    Crewsk8200 and AnemoiThuellai like this.
  3. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Love it love it. New mechanics like grilling, baking, boiling (?). 7 Days had a few things like this, really made you think how you wanted to use your resources to survive.
  4. njord8472

    njord8472 Ensign

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Will have to wait until the new plant can be farmed, because as of now, 6 major food items are impossible to get in starter temperate planets, due to the lack of ingredients.
    Should probably have implemented the farming changes at the same time.
    AnemoiThuellai likes this.
  5. Clockwork Orange

    Clockwork Orange Ensign

    Jan 30, 2018
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    There are few things that I would like to say in regards to food / survival.

    Personally I feel that food should not restore health in any way, that is what medical consumables are for.

    In conjunction with food thirst should also be a factor, water / juices from fruits for eg.

    Make everything have its purpose, and focus on survival aspects since those are so simple to implement and its important to create a solid foundation to work off of.
    Ephoie and AnemoiThuellai like this.
  6. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    For now this is only an internal reference. ;-)
    Jᴧgᴧ likes this.
  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    The additional health is a result of the medical items are now a bit harder to create.
    Ephoie likes this.
  8. Clockwork Orange

    Clockwork Orange Ensign

    Jan 30, 2018
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    That is why having a small simple medical consumable that is easy to craft and easily available from the beginning, like to original small med kit that we had is important to give medical supplies importance. It was slow healing and did not heal you to full. The med bay would then have even more purpose later in the game as well.

    Also you should not be able to consume food if you are already full.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
    Ephoie and AnemoiThuellai like this.
  9. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Imho any "medical item" should be an advancement, not a default. The "defaults" are food items that are easy to create and offer small chunks of food, hp and stamina. The medicals then kick in as a non-perishable item with more possibilities. But they cannot fit into any progression as long as they are easier to create than the most basic food item offering a similar effect, no?

    Agreed. Imho this should create a "filled" effect with some up and downsides. You also should not be able to eat the same item in a row over and over again...
    Ephoie likes this.
  10. Clockwork Orange

    Clockwork Orange Ensign

    Jan 30, 2018
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    I have had extensive experience with survival aspects of games and modding is something I have done for quite some time to improve the survival aspects of games. I feel I could be of help to improve the survival experience greatly.

    The main thing is to give everything its purpose. Food itself should only restore hunger unless you decide to add a sort of wellness system which you can combine with natural healing very slowly over time eating different foods give you a better state of health and thus can improve your natural recovery time. Pills should cure effects like radiation / food poisoning etc. Medical supplies should heal your wounds.

    Creating different wounds and different effects that need to be cured is the variety that adds to considering what you need to prepare for.

    For eg. a good addition would be to add different wounds that require different treatment.

    Bandages for bleeding for eg would not heal you directly but would stop health loss.

    Antibiotics for infection, infection based on how long wounds have gone untreated.

    Those are just the basic concepts.
    AnemoiThuellai likes this.
  11. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Hmmm... It would put a damper on farming if you had limited space, and tried to stock up early game on stuff to eat that used the same few ingredients you produced.

    Perhaps a very small possibility of getting "nauseous" from eating the same food 3 or more times in a row, which would cause you to puke up what you ate, and negatively impact your fullness level along with losing the food. People frequently binge on the same food in a single day without bad effects, but extended binging is known to have bad results.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
  12. Stomach pills are impossible to craft early game and you don't start with any at all. Seaweed is not always available or guaranteed.
    No way for a new player to cure food poisoning. Since food poisoning is only an early game issue, I don't really understand some of these changes. Stomach pills should be much simpler to craft and should be available in a survival constructor. Once you advance past this point you are unlikely to ever need them.

    I don't understand what this means, but why are they not visible in game? Having to search out some patch notes to learn this info is a terrible idea. How do players locate this information after the patch notes are buried behind newer patch notes?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2018
    AnemoiThuellai likes this.
  13. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Know what I'd really like with food? That my plants won't die without oxygen on a planet where I picked them from.
    Ex. I pick corn then add it to my plot. Next if I don't encase the thing in glass, it dies. :mad:

    Please bring back the outside gardens like in earlier builds.:(
    AnemoiThuellai likes this.
  14. Lack of oxygen doesn't kill plants, they just stop growing until the oxygen returns. Oxygen is still necessary, yes, but they won't die without it.

    Plants only die from temperature or radiation.

    - Growing if temperature is between 20°C and 30°C and RAD is 0 and Oxygen is available
    - Dying if temperature is lower than 0°C or higher than 50°C or RAD is higher than 3
  15. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Yaay! I wouldn't mind for some of the more exotic plants needing more of them to craft a sprout, that could be one way to 'balance' them.

    Sadly it's quite easy for the temperature to reach plant-lethal figures - even on docile planets such as Akua. And the blistering speed temperature kill the crop, it's nigh impossible to grow crops outdoors currently.

    But maybe one day we will get biome specific plants so that they thrive outdoors if they're in their preferred biome :)
    Jᴧgᴧ and Space Beagle like this.
  16. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Devs just need to select where will be best (for them & for us players) and to make it work. Is it low-grounds & beaches around lakes, or on some altitude, or some other biome, etc. - but It can/must be added as a 'standard rule' with new bigger planets/biomes.

    Also if they don't want outside gardens to make food 'free' for us, they can just add some bugs or animals or something that will attack & eat crops from time to time - so that we need to protect it and make some fences or to add few sentry guns around farms (I would like that :))
    marko0280 and Jᴧgᴧ like this.
  17. Yep. Was simply setting the facts straight on WHY the plants were dying.
    rainyday likes this.
  18. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    With that new biome-elevation map from the teaser, it should be much easier to control where they appear, if they freeze (even wild ones), and so on.

    It might even contribute to spontaneous wild plant growth on a planet, where plants could spread out on their own with enough time. Clear an area of all plants, and some could spread back into the area (rather than just re-spawning exactly where they were). Dynamic plant/tree growth, migrating animals, breeding animals.. lots of possibilities once the biome variables are all in place.
  19. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I'm sure going to go spend a bunch of pentaxid to fly to a planet to collect ingredients by hand so I can get a few extra food points... NOT.

    It's not even close to worth the effort. Food points are not a buff.

    I guess pumpkins and fries will be the only foods worth crafting in the game anymore.
    krazzykid2006, rucky and Arrclyde like this.
  20. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Yeah. They are a necessity that fills a meter - same as medkits. Im not gonna go out of my way to find the best item to replenish those meters. I'm gonna use the one that gives me the most benefit in compared how much (little) effort it needs in order to obtain it. That's why gating the best food/meds behind really expensive recipes doesn't really work. Not unless they give me permanent boost or some other longer term bonus - much like a better wepon or better devices would do.

    But I'm glad to see that atleast some of the gatherables are to be growable too later on. And different biomes in Alpha 8.0 should add more diversity to planet flora and crafting possibilites too :)
    rucky and Jᴧgᴧ like this.

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