Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. Grandirus

    Grandirus Commander

    Jan 24, 2017
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    One thing the dev must implement is an automatic switch when solar power and fuel power are presents in the BA, to not consume battery at same time the generator are on.
    It maybe percent based, time based, programed by the user.
  2. LeVentNoir

    LeVentNoir Captain

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Now with even mirroring of base building, a much wider range of hanger doors are required. Given the configurablity of things like motion sensors, a configurable sized hanger door would be most appreciated. This would allow making designs of whatever size suits.
    ion_storm likes this.
  3. EstebanLB01

    EstebanLB01 Lieutenant

    Jul 9, 2016
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  4. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    +1 Airtight glass doors.
    Siege Inc. and dichebach like this.
  5. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Cannot understand how no one on these boards ever asked for crossbeams...really hate the idea of needing a column every 8-9 squares for upper floors when crossbeams is an old building technique. Both types, horizontal and angled.

    Also, really need a descending elevator platform for some CV and base a SV or HV on one, then descend into the base/CV!
    Siege Inc., dichebach and Ian Einman like this.
  6. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Support beams were suggested above, in my post and probably others. They should come in several different sizes and grant 100% SI to everything on top or adjacent to them, as though they were touching the ground. Should be made out of a "tougher" material, like sathium or zascosium.

    I am definitely a fan of the "elevator platform" idea. Not just for SV and HV, but even for transporting people. The automatic elevator blocks aren't very satisfying to me, I really wish I could stand on a platform, push a button and it would take me to the floor I want. Consider some of the really tall elevators in the space trading stations, and how much easier they'd be to navigate with a manual elevator. It would also make sense for those stations to have something like a "freight elevator" which was 2x2 or 3x3 instead of just a 1x1 elevator.
    dichebach, Kassonnade and WolfEyes like this.
  7. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Targeting Computer/Primary Targets

    I always liked the option to select subsystems as target, but same like in Empire at War it felt like something is missing.

    In Empire at War i simply added a hull hardpoint and set its hitpoints to 0 so the total ship hp went down when it was the selected target. Thats not directly to compare with Empyrion, but brought up an idea.

    How about using the whole hull of a structure as default target. I could also imagine it might reduce the time a turret needs to lock on a target. Knowing that the turret settings are important to most players (and me too) the ability to aim for subsystems could be added by a targeting computer.

    And another thing that would make cv combat a bit more dinamicly, would be the option to select the structure that the turrets are supposed to attack. Also it would make it easier on multiplayer games to handle another faction as neutral, but having the option to quickly attack without loosing mobility for turning on weapons.
    dichebach likes this.
  8. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Well and since i just started why not let it all out...

    -Almost sure someone has brought up tractor beams before, but they would be awesome. Maybe if they handle the fuel comsumption like engines depending on the weight of the ship they are moving.

    -More than sure thats already and still a topic, but shields!

    -Sensor arrays/probes to control a sector or get some basic data from others. An ai sensor array in could lead ai ships and drones to players in range.

    -Commstation wich can be connected to signals of other structures to construct ingame alarm systems for example (could also be required for interplanetary ingame chat or private ingame channels to players that are not using same external chats.

    -Security cameras that can be accessed from commstation.

    -Spawn block for ai ship traders to spawn a ship from the prefab folder into the game. Would be great for creating sp and mp scenarios.

    -Acustic signal blocks. For alarm or ambient sounds for player structures.

    -Something like a gravity well projector could bring a dynamic limit to the warp drive. Actually this would be more for pvp, but i m hoping to get chased by ai one day. It could have a range and require the ship it is mounted on to stop.

    -Player 'drone core' to bump in on a sv or hv and add ai behavior packages & spawn block to safely spawn drone sv's/hv's outside a ship
  9. Sir Winston

    Sir Winston Lieutenant

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Pistons and rotors/motors. I think I ( as well as a bunch of other folks) mentioned these awhile back, but the conversation died off for another, more pressing, issue.
    dichebach likes this.
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reversed Windows
    At present, windows are more heavily tinted on one side that the other; which doesn't work out when you change their orientation. You end up with angled windows that alternate between tint out and tint in. The same goes for flat windows that are attached flush to the exterior vs flush with the interior. You end up looking at a blacked-out window from inside your ship in that situation.

    More "Ramp" Armor Block Variations
    Currently, there's the ramp bottom, top and 4 angled blocks for a long, sloped edge. There's also a couple of ones that don't really fit together. But what's really needed are angled blocks that transition from the ramp at a wider, 45-degree angle. So that builders aren't forced into transitioning into using the Slope Blocks that just don't fit right.
    Here they are in use... in "another game".
    On the right side we have the Ramp blocks; On the left the Ramp Slopes; In the middle transitioning between the two types are the needed Wide Ramp Panels.
  11. Read the description of the change and rotate mode on multitools, they already reverse the tinting on windows. Just point at it and left click.
    Sephrajin, WolfEyes and Vermillion like this.
  12. Roteshertz

    Roteshertz Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Hätte auch noch einen Wunsch Block.Einen Verbinder Block...also einen Block der wie ein Kern zählt,mit dem ich aber zwei teile verbinden kann zu einem.....dauerhaft.
  13. Studios Games HD

    Studios Games HD Ensign

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Telas LCD opção de colocar imagens personalizadas jpg, png. Opção leitura inventários containers ajudaria muito. Mostrar oxigênio, combustível, coordenadas e outros.
  14. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    drinks globe.
    bookshelf with books in it
    WolfEyes and Sephrajin like this.
  15. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Flight Control to add an orbital marker for entering the planet at base location.

    First and foremost the new planets are awesome!

    Unfortunatly they make the game much more time consuming. What isn't a bad thing in general, but makes it more difficult to jump in on a server between rl duties. Sure on some planets you can watch for landmarks or make shortcuts through space to safe time and fuel, but having the option to unlock something like a flight control tower to guide you would be a nice and helpfull addition.
  16. IcyDeadPeople

    IcyDeadPeople Ensign

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Just had a thought while working on a new CV design. I decided not to include growing plots because of the complexity (Solar powered bases make more sense) and all the plant icons were getting in the way of the structural stuff for my CV.

    Growing plots really don't make sense for space. Real world space stations would use hydroponics. Maybe make a constructor sized device that uses nutrient solution, stone dust and or sprouts (replace with seeds?) as resources to produce food. The construction queue would simplify the process while also limiting the yield rate and getting rid of the odd requirement for Oxygen(should be CO2). A serial processing queue (like the current constructor) would work or you could have 4-5 active slots to put sprouts in until they mature into a harvestable plant.

    As to seeds, that would make more sense than carrying around a bunch of sprouts that never expire. Rather than using nutrient solution and a some fruit to produce a sprout you could improve the breakdown process to create spoiled food and the appropriate seed type from food while using nutrient solution, stone dust and seeds to grow food in a hydroponics station.

    Eventually, you could also put in mechanics for CO2 management in space. CO2 scrubbers could use stone dust or other materials to regenerate O2 used by the player. Naturally, hydroponics stations would help with this but I wouldn't make them the only way.

    I hope I'm not the first to mention this sort of thing, but I appreciate the consideration.
  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Plasma Lance (HV, SV and CV)
    As you'd expect, it's a ship-mounted fixed weapon with very short range. Extends a lance of plasma roughly twice the length of the gun itself.
    Effective against living things, wood and metal armors. Largely ineffective against concretes, rock and dirt. Inflicts Dermal Burn effect.
    Deals massive damage, though due to its short range and high power consumption (along with hydrogen bottles as (250) ammo) is more suited to mowing down enemies in a hover. Though using it to ram enemy ships opens a new method of combat.
    Functionally, it would behave like an inordinately short-ranged gatling gun with a massive damage boost and better ammo efficiency.
    Dandere and Hummel-o-War like this.
  18. Dandere

    Dandere Commander

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Liquid tanks + fluid handling. Please. I need this.

    Unpurified water tanks distributing water to constructors/water purifiers/grow plots/electrolysis equipment
    Purified water tanks distributing water to food processors/suit filling stations
    Nutrient solution tanks distributing to (advanced?) grow plots
    Liquid oxygen tanks distributing to vents/constructors/bottling machinery/suit filling stations
    Liquid hydrogen tanks distributing to fuel refineries/fusion reactors/suit filling station/plasma lances (I like the idea above, give us a personal version that runs off suit supply)
    Wine/Milk/etc tanks distributing to bottling machinery and food processors

    I actually decided to buy Empyrion when I saw "fuel tanks" were a thing, and anticipated being able to fill them.

    I was disappointed, but the rest of the game was god tier so not even a shadow of regret. Still, make it perfect!
    geostar1024, Myrmidon and Vermillion like this.
  19. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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  20. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Even though a flashing light exists in the game, on the escape pod, we do not have flashing lights as blocks in the game. If it is a matter of performance, there should be a device limit for them as in turrets for example.
    Siege Inc. likes this.

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