Fixed Blocks change into other blocks [7432] [A12.3]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by The_Holo, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Dedicated Server

    SERVER NAME: Private Server, 3 players

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Rare
    Severity: Minor-Major

    Type: Blocks

    Summary:Blocks turn into other blocks

    Description: This bug is still here, can't find the old threads about it, they seem deleted? this has been reported for since Version 9 or 10 i think. Blocks changes into other blocks seemingly random when entering/leaving a playfield after warping.
    My friends SV suddenly has a CV teleporter in it. (it's working too!)
    This SV ship has not been docked to any CV and has not warped itself, we only used another SV and a CV for warping so now this issue can happen to any ship it seems.
    We have been playing for a while (two weeks maybe) I'm lvl 25 so it takes a while to 'trigger' just like in literally every game we have played during the last few alphas. (I think the issue was introduced with SV warp, not sure)

    There seems to be more then just starting to warp to start this happening, I admined in equippment on a brand new server last alpha for testing, and warped around like crazy but then no blocks changed.

    Steps to Reproduce: Unable to accurate reproduce other then just play the game until warpstage
  2. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Just happened again to a newlybuilt SV, the cockpit changed into a CV teleport (also working and scaled to SV size)
    It seems that just like previous alphas, as soon as whateveer triggers this to happen, makes it occur more often as time goes by.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Can you provide me the save game that this has happened in & leave you character left standing next to the vessel or vessels it has happened on ?
    Pach likes this.
  4. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Absolutely. It's a dedicated server so dropboxing the whole savefolder from it,
    Our starter planet is Sudrystelerit, faction 'Rymdfisarna' and the two SV ships it has occured in so far are at location -1461,37,843
    The vessels are named 'JA 92 Sköldpaddan' and 'RFS Plus'
    In RFS Plus the teleportblock is still attached next to the pilot seat,
    on JA 92 Sköldpaddan the teleportblock has been removed and replaced with a cockpit.
    I'm using Empyrion Admin Helper to setup and launch the server, so not entirely sure where the config files are if they'd be needed.
    Can EAH be setup to log anything useful? Since I have a feeling this will just continue and escalate just like in the past :/
    Germanicus and Pach like this.
  5. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    It happened again, a CV teleporter appeared on a SV that hasn't been moved.
    It seems to have happened when I used a teleport out from the basearea (where it was docked) into an orbit CV. When I was gonna warp back I noticed the ship had appeared in the teleport list.
    This time it doesn't seem like a cockpit block has been altered, but it might be a spotlight.

    And another one appeared while I was writing this, as my buddy used the teleporter a teleporterblock appeared on another SV, again the cockpit is intact but could been a spotlight block here too.
    It seems we can't use the SV teleporters, and teleporting to them is ...unreliable. sometimes it's worked fine, other times I get dropped at 0,0 on the map, and othertimes gets stuck in the teleport screen.
  6. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks for all the info I have triggered it 1 time so far I'll try some more then it will be logged & examined

    this might be the same issue as this
    Germanicus and Pach like this.
  7. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Oh sweet news!
    It's never been reproducable in all my earlier reports so finally getting it verified feels good.

    And it could very well be something related to this issue, although so far I don't think I have ever seen anything other then CV's and SV's blocks being changed and transplanted. And it's always been when warping (and now teleporting), don't think it ever occured just from exiting/entering playfields.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Can give some more info.
    It's gotten to the point now where other blocks gets added to a SV, twice yesterday while playing one of my SV's got a teleporter block attached to the cockpit (they always appear in the same spot, up to the left when facing the cockpit's front), aswell as an extra core floating a few blocks over the normal one.
    The first time I could remove the extra core and still use my SV, the second time, removing the extra core made the SV into another factions vessel, so it was unusable.
    I could still use the Multitool to pickup blocks and reach the normal core to replace it with a newly made core to regain control of the vessel.

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