Completing objectives before the mission starts means subsequent objectives don't work as intended

Discussion in 'Backlog' started by teammate, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. teammate

    teammate Ensign

    Jul 19, 2023
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    For more information see here Bug Report Template

    Build: 1.10.4 4243
    Mode: Single Player


    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Happened on at least 2 different mission objectives
    Severity: Forced to manually skip several objectives

    Type: Mission objective

    Summary: Deserted powers part 5 on Skillon sequence break issues

    Description: If you have already destroyed the core at "abandoned base" before the mission starts, then you have to manually skip the objective, but then the drones in the following objective don't spawn, so you have to manually skip that objective too.

    Then as part of the same mission, if you have already destroyed the core at "abandoned vessel yard" before the mission starts, then you have to manually skip that objective, but then the escape vessel in the following objective doesn't spawn, so you have to manually skip that objective too.

    I think a similar thing happened on Clear Skies part 2 on Akua, where I had already shut down the Com Array before the mission started.

    This seems to be related to this bug:
    But I thought I should highlight the further issue of subsequent objectives not triggering properly when the prior objective has been manually skipped.

    It seems natural to assume players will want to explore a POI if they discover it outside of a mission, ideally doing so should not then break the related mission if they start it later on. Better behavior would be if the mission sends you to the POI, then on arrival it should automatically check if the next objective has already been completed so that the mission can continue gracefully.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Destroy the core at Abandoned Base and/or Abandoned Vessel Yard before starting the mission Deserted powers part 5 on Skillon
    2) Start Deserted powers part 5 on Skillon
    3) Manually skip the destroy core objectives in the PDA when they come up

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    Save file after the Abandoned Vessel Yard objective has been manually skipped, I'm supposed to "destroy the downwards facing thrusters" but there's no vessel to shoot:
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  2. teammate

    teammate Ensign

    Jul 19, 2023
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    Okay so I finally went back to Clear Skies part 2 on Akua and tried manually completing this as I had already flipped the switch, it said the com array was going to self destruct which I didn't notice, but maybe I escaped too quickly or it had already happened, not sure about this one.

    After that I realised that I had basically completed almost every single objective in the Clear Skies sequence already and had to skip through all of it. This mostly worked okay up until part 5 when I went to report back to the archery captain after clearing the abandoned base. The "return to archery range" objective completed, but talking to the captain doesn't do anything, he just says some stuff beginning "Why would the Zirax secretly try to activate the drones? [...]" and it doesn't complete the mission. Restarting the game doesn't help. Here's an upload of the save at that point, in case it helps:

    I realise that dealing with sequence breaks is messy and can cause a lot of problems, and you don't necessarily want to hard block players from interacting with POIs if they're not interested in the story, but maybe at least if a player approaches a story relevant POI prematurely, you could get a generic message from IDA suggesting "I can't gather any data about this area, we should come back later once we have more information" or something to that effect, to at least dissuade players who don't want to inadvertently cause a sequence break.
    quyxkh and stanley bourdon like this.

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