Condition for Cargo Teleport Scripts etc

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Daimonicon, Nov 24, 2022.

  1. Daimonicon

    Daimonicon Lieutenant

    Nov 4, 2019
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    would it be possible to add a condition to the scripts that has to be must be fulfilled for the script to work ?
    So for example that the teleport requires a special item or optionally a placed block. With an object maybe this would be like fuel and this would be be consumed if necessary.

    I think that would be a useful extension for the scripts. Not only for the Cargo Teleport Script but also for the Auto Farm and Salvage Script. I know Auto Farm consumes money cards but a little more flexibility would be nice.

    I don't know C# to do that myself so it would be more of a it would be more a wish or a request to someone who can do this or the author.
    SacredGlade likes this.
  2. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Just for discussion sake and to clarifiy / specify things.

    IMO, the cargo teleport in "itself" is already a special condition, as the box has to be named in a specific way.
    This applies obvoiusly more to the outgoing cargo.
    This said, another "placed block" does not make sense to me.

    Unlike Harvest, which requires a fridge, where stuff is put it, and not moved out, thus placing credits in it, is more usable.
    And this is configurable because you actualy have to write and adjust a script.

    What I mean is this, I see there could be an issue doing something similar with cargo teleport, as it might be difficult to handle for cargo out.
    For the most part, because it does not rely on an "actual" script, like harvest does^, where the location of a NPC is specified, as well as the fridges name where the items are put in and credits are taken out.

    But lets ignore that for a minute.

    How to calculate how much is subtracted?
    Per item? What about stacks, incomplete stacks?
    So you want to transfer your ore from your miner to your base... 1 credit per ore.
    Now, you've got 16k iron, 4k gold, 7k alu, and 11k ere... thats quickly 38k credits, meanwhile, its not much of resources.

    I'm sure Astic likes such suggestions, but I'm willing to bet that he prefers specific suggestions, as writing/handling/managing such a mod is complex enough of itself.

    I like the decon/recycle idea, and I would most agree on the decon one.
    Deconstruct because you get items you cannot build (yet?).
    Recycle however should remain free because you might want to scrap your starting base before you leave a starter planet on a server, and at point you probably would not have enough money to afford recycling. (if it would cost).

    My 2 cents.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Daimonicon

    Daimonicon Lieutenant

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Yes, I'm sorry it wasn't specific enough, English is not my first language so details are not easy.

    When placing another block I thought of creating my own device like the O2 and hydrogen generators from RE. That was pure theory and maybe too complicated.

    I hadn't thought about exactly what to withdraw. But if you think of a machine that does this decon/recycle then maybe fuel would be the simplest, so the existing one or a separate kind of it.

    I don't understand what scripts can do - but I thought if you stick with fuel then it consumes it over time like the game itself?
    Maybe it would make sense to offer the recycling for free. But I think if you solve it with fuel and you allow all variants, including biofuel, then it may also cost something from the beginning, I think.
  4. ASTIC

    ASTIC Captain

    Dec 11, 2016
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    That would be conceivable, but unfortunately I don't have any resources free for that at the moment.

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