Hi @Colt™ , this error is very strange and I can reproduce it if I try to connect from one special maschine and only from this computer. At this time I can not say why the tool does not work in some cases. Maybe I have to implement the Telnet Protocol by myself bacause the component (Indy 10 Components) wich I'm actually using have some more issues.
well, then i just have to wait i guess. hope i can use it one day. keep up the the good work..tool looks great.
Hey elinox, was using ServerManager before but have to say that your program is much better for me. Good work! I would like to suggest something. In the top output field you can see the player info or playfield info, right? But also the messages from server who comes online or general feedback. Though you can resize the window and have enough place can you please seperate the general server feedback from the player info / playfield messages? So that you always can see who is playing (auto-refresh so you don't have to press the buttons all the time) and always can see what is going on the server. Because now if you click Player Info or Playfield info the info comes up but will be pushed up from the general server messages so you have to scroll or press the buttons again. I have something like this in mind: --------------------- | -------------------- - - | - - - button player info - playerinfo - | - general server - - button playfield info - playfieldinfo - | - info - - (auto refresh) - | - (auto refresh) - -------------------- | ---------------------- ... Thanks for your work. edit: well the format does not work so good. It's just 2 columns
And elinox, can you please make a feature to see the already banned people like on ServerManager? Last thing to know: what available server commands are there?
hall ellinox sorry das ich nerve aber ich will mir admin setzen und kann bei meinem server die befehle nicht aktivieren in der serverconsole wie muss ich diese eingeben damit sie in deinem tool nicht als unknown commands erkannt werden wie muss ich dies in der serverconsole eineben bei deinem tool oder kan ich diese auch im spiel eingeben
Du kannst als Serverbefehl mal "help" eingeben, dann listet Dir der Server alle möglichen Kommandos auf. Mit "help setrole" gibt es genauere Infos zum Befehl "setrole".
Is it possible to get an update that works with the new version of the game? Kannst du ein update raus bringen das mit der aktuellen Spielversion funktioniert?
I'm working on a Update to Version 0.2. It is a complete recode with a better base for the communication via Telnet. You can try it but only the autochat feature and a command prompt is implemented yet. The new Version can use the configfile from version 0.1.x If you want, you can check the new version if there any bug's. - Does it run on the same machine for you? - Does it need Firewall-Rules on your machine? - Longtime test for Autochat needed.
I'm updated the first Page. Version is available now. Some features from the old version 0.1.x are missing but I'm working on it.
Hallo, ich bekomme beim verbinden einen: Statuscode: 10060 Verbindung konnte nicht aufgebaut werden! / Unable to connect to the Server! Telnet ist aktiv. Warum ? Danke für die Hilfe [SOLVED] ... Einstellungen machen und Server neustarten hilft