Help needed Default Multiplayer

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Murkalael, Mar 25, 2023.

  1. Murkalael

    Murkalael Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    After testing a few scenarios, I've found exactly what I was looking for. The default multiplayer scenario is no story driven, I only need to worry about survival, elements and enemies on my time, but there's one thing that is still needed to be corrected.
    When spawning ships from the factory, it requires me to spawn them on a base. It's a pain to build a huge landing pad to fit the larger CVs, so here's the question, is there a way to make it like the default single player scenario?
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    For MP this option in the gameoptions.yaml for that scenario is disabled by default:

        GroundedStructureSpawn: false               # Enable or disable whether blueprints must be placed on a base or capital vessel when being spawned
    you can simply go to the "Default Random" scenario folder & open the gameoptions.yaml & copy everything from "VliadFor: [SP, Survival]" down to "CustomPlayerTab"

      - ValidFor: [ SP, Survival ]
        DecayTime: 0
        WipeTime: 0
        ProtectTime: 0
        ProtectDelay: 0
        MaxStructures: 255
        AntiGriefDistancePvE: 0
        AntiGriefDistancePvP: 0
        AntiGriefOresDistance: 0   
        AntiGriefOresZone: PvE     
        EnableTrading: Player2System       
        EnableMaxBlockCount: False
        EnableVolumeWeight: False         # default value
        EnableCPUPoints: False            # default value
        AutoMinerDepletion: True          # default value
        GroundedStructureSpawn: False
        TurretUndergroundCheck: False     # default value
        OriginDefault: Neutral            # default value
        OriginAccessOthers: True          # default value
        OriginAutoAlliance: True          # default value
        FriendlyFireInPvP: True           # default value
        MaxSpawnedEnemies: 60             # default value
        DespawnEscapePod: False           # default value
        RegeneratePOIs: False             # default value
        FOWTransparency: 0                # default value
        DSLUnloadSecs: 30                 # default value
        DSLDistancePlanet: 1200           # default value
        DSLDistanceSpace: 3000            # default value
        ForcePvP: False                   # default value
        OriginFactionStart: False         # default value
        ThrustersNeedOpenSpace: False     # default value
        UndergroundBpSpawn: Always        # Permission for spawning Blueprints below terrain [Always (default), PvE, Never]
        CustomPlayerTab: Report Bug;
    & paste it in to the gameoptions.yaml for the "Default Multiplayer" scenario. I have attached a copy of the gameoptions.yaml with the above mentioned changes.

    Attached Files:

    Murkalael likes this.
  3. Murkalael

    Murkalael Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    It's weird. I checked 3 gameoptions.yaml
    1 -Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\Default Random\gameoptions.yaml
    2-Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\Default Multiplayer\gameoptions.yaml
    3-Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Games\001\gameoptions.yaml

    all 3 had the same parameter by default
    GroundedStructureSpawn: False

    In any case I tried to change all of them, one at the time and all at once, form False to True and back to false with lowercase, but I still can't spawn the ship outside the base. Would be the case that I need to do it before I start the scenario or am I doing something wrong?
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Are you trying to change it in a current save game that you are playing ?
    Try adding it to the gameoptions.yaml inside the save game & make sure it's under "- ValidFor: [SP, Survival]".
    It would probably be easier to just link to a copy of the save so it can be seen.
  5. Murkalael

    Murkalael Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    Thanks, got the info I needed from discord and was able to make it work. Will try to make a simplified tutorial for this, is a bit complicated for people that are not used to this.

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