Fixed Docked vessels falling though CV...sort of [7784]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Scoob, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I was approaching my main CV, which was docked at a Planetary Base. As I got near it, I saw the CV take off, strafe to it's left, land and fall over - the terrain is very uneven. Thrusters were off.

    I enter the CV and take off, planning to dock it again and notice the three docked vessels - two SV's and an HV - have sunk through the deck, falling out of the bottom. However, they are still "docked" and move with the CV. I'm guessing these docked vessels effectively pushed the CV up and toppled it over.

    Check out the screen shot:

    RE 1.3.3_2021-01-24_18-16-27.png

    I'm hovering over the landing area but cannot touch down due to the protruding vessels.

    Check out this Reforged Eden saved game.

    When you load it, the CV (you'll be piloting it) will shoot up into the air. It's acting as if it's in zero gravity and auto-brake is turned off. Simply cycle auto-brake (i) through each mode and it'll stop. That's a secondary issue, not the main one I'm reporting, but didn't want you to wonder what was going on.

    In this save, the vessels docked to the CV are clearly below it but still docked. I didn't expect it to be reproduced through a save, but it is.

    Hope this is of use.

    Darinth likes this.
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    How do we trigger this again ?

    What I mean is you have linked to a save game where it has already happened what we would need is steps to making it happen again after repositioning the vessels on the CV.
  3. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    What caused this to happen for me was parking on a landing pad. If I park on the ground I have had no problem with docked ships clipping into the CV. If I park on the landing pad the CV falls through the pad, falls over, or does something else weird, and then sometimes the docked SV clips into the CV. The way to stop this for me is to not use my landing pad.
  4. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Is there a way to isolate this & force it to reliably trigger for you or is it randomly triggering ?
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I will attempt to create a backup save regularly, then I can return to that if the issue occurs. It appears to be triggered by travelling a certain distance from the CV in question - I'm assuming to the point at which it is unloaded, so to speak. Upon returning I'll approach the CV and it'll be wobbling about - either on terrain or a BA landing pad - and this appears to be a sign that something has gone wrong. Sadly, I didn't have any saves from just before leaving the CV, plus I'm not sure if I'm doing anything in particular while away from the CV which might contribute to the issue.

    Basically, it's when the CV is loaded back in that things go a bit wrong at times and docked ships are out of position. Some steps describing what I see when this occurs:

    1) Leave CV, all vessels docked just fine.
    2) Travel some distance away, CV not visible, and do "stuff" - I was mining / exploring the planet in this case.
    3) Fly back to CV, see it pop in to draw distance - everything looks fine.
    4) Get closer - I guess under a couple of km, not sure - and I see it wobble / move slightly.
    5) Usually this movement settles down, the CV will have moved slightly or perhaps fallen over if on uneven terrain.
    6) Dock in CV and see already docked vessels sunk into the floor.

    Note: this example in my save above was the most extreme I'd seen, with the "docked" vessel clearly underneath outside the CV. Usually they're just sunk in slightly. Not sure if time / distance away has any impact of the amount of "drift" the vessels suffer. I had been on a longish trip - though not leaving the planet - during this one.

    I will attempt to snag a save this can be recreated from, hopefully over the weekend if I get the chance. Basically, I will fly away from the CV and return, snagging a backup save before the CV becomes visible.

    Darinth likes this.
  6. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    There was nothing consistent about the movement of the parked SV. The only thing that is consistent is the moving of a CV when parked on a landing pad. Is there a fix for that in 1.4, I think I read that somewhere?

    Is the docked ship moving related to the problem that has been declared "fixed" several times. This is an issue that has been waxing and waning as long as I have been playing (I started on A8.3) to include the SV that was docked and ended up still docked but 2 k in front of the ship and buried deep in the planet (the first significant event for me). I have no solutions or even a real understanding of the problem but an observation that this is a consistent reoccurring issue. I would try to find my old posts but search is too tedious on this forum. This has been an issue on both single-player and MP and both private MP and big MP servers.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I'm just setting up to try to re-create the reported issue, however, upon loading this saved game - which is just where I quit last time I played, no specific set-up - things get weird!

    Upon loading - for me at least - I'm in my small base looking out at two landed (on the BA, not terrain) CV's. One smaller one and one larger one, and the larger one just floats up into the air, quite high, then falls to the ground. I go over to inspect it and the three docked vessels all look fine, no clipping.

    I'm sharing this as it looks like the ships moving by themselves and docked ships clipping through the bottom of the CV they're docked at look unrelated. Sure, ships poking out the bottom of a CV is gonna interfere with things. However, they were not the cause of this odd behaviour this time.

    I'm going to head away in another vessel - well out of visual range - and return, saving before I get too close, in an attempt to re-create the clipping issue.

  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Update: I'm getting somewhat sporadic results for demonstrating the reported issue, but I am successfully recreating the moving CV issue every single time.

    Please load this Reforged Eden saved game. In it, you're in an SV facing the (marked) CV 9km away. Fly towards it and, when you get just over a km away, the two CV's will load in and immediately float up into the air - quite high - then fall to the ground. I am able to recreate this particular aspect from loading the save.

    However, when I loaded the save in #7 above, flew away and came back, the other docked ships were clipping. So, trying to "short cut" things to save time reproducing this only half worked.

    So, to re-create the issue, please load the save in post #7 above and follow these steps:

    1) Enter the larger CV "Planetary Hauler" - it will likely have fallen over, so you may need to correct this.
    2) Board the docked SV "SV Light Lifter 2(2020)".
    3) Launch and fly WEST for nine kilometres.
    4) Stop and exit the SV
    5) Deploy the Tent and sleep (it was night when I got there, I spent a couple of minutes righting the CV)
    6) Head back East to the CV.
    7) On approach both CV's will float up, then crash down rolling over.
    8) The ships docked to the larger CV will be beneath it, but still technically docked.

    I've been able to re-create this from the save in post #7, though it takes a bit longer to go through the actions.

    I'm going to tag @Vermillion and @ravien_ff (sorry guys) just in case there's a chance their changes might be impacting what I'm seeing.

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
  9. Daimonicon

    Daimonicon Lieutenant

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The bug is not fixed even in the Experimental version. But it doesn't seem to happen quite as often.



    Build: (v1.4 Build: 3243)
    Mode: (Survival)
    Mode: (Singleplayer)
    SEED-ID: global seed=702226, playfield=Lokoure
    Reproducibility: I do not know
    Severity: (Major)
    Type: ( Vehicle )

    So far I could only notice it with CV's. In comparison to the stable version I couldn't find this bug with bases, hangars until this time but with CV's.

    Steps to Reproduce: Just park one or more vehicles in a CV and leave the base for everyday things like collecting ore or whatever - On return the CV is repositioned, the rest is not visible.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    Fenra369 likes this.
  10. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    @Scoob thanks for the info I have managed to find a somewhat reliable use case from your example of the issue that will be looked at asap.
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  11. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi can you attach a copy of the save game & leave your character standing next to the vessel that has sunk in the screenshot ?
    electriclimbo83 and Germanicus like this.
  12. Daimonicon

    Daimonicon Lieutenant

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Fenra369 and Germanicus like this.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Brilliant, thank you. Sorry it's a little more time intensive than is ideal for recreation purposes, but glad you've got some useable results from my save.

    You know, I've not played MP, but it was cool to see my CV "taking off" as I watched upon loading that original save....Programmable "AI Cores" for player ships one day...maybe :)

  14. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    Hello, this has been reported several times by others and by myself (1.3.5 version), now by You.

    I was monitoring the forum and seems this should have been fixed in the current Experimental branch, but if you are running this version and it is happening, it is obvious that it is not completly fixed, seems.

    I do not know if your observations are the same as the mine, but this thay I can see is the CVs being spawned in the wrong position, above the ground in which they were landed. Then the CVs fall to the ground, while the docked ships were spawned in the correct position and do not fall with the CVs, keeping their position. Seems that this provokes the docked ships partialy being inside the CVs geometry as consequence of the CVs falling after being "loaded".

    I am seeing this each time I return to the landed CV, and I have to relocate all docked ships each time. I am still in the production release version so, this is not fixed there, but I really hope this will be fixed in next 1.4 version, hoppefully.
  15. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Now things have changed. CV parked on the ground, I log in to find my 2 SV docked several meters above where they were when parked, "floating" in the air. A public server and 2 of us use this base near where the CV is parked. Probably not helpful but this is new to me in the last 4 weeks.
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    For me it's a bit more weird than something simply popping in above the ground. Rather I can save the game with me looking at my landed (on a BA, not just terrain) CV, with it's Thrusters turned off. I reload and I can watch my CV slowly take off as if under control, except the thrusters remain dark. It then stops its ascent and proceeds to tumble to the ground and regularly topples over. There is a degree of horizontal movement too, but that varies, though it's usually at least 4-5 Large blocks - my landing pads are narrow, with just blocks for the CV's landing gears to rest on.

    I don't know how closely related this and docked vessel being out of position are, but the two often appear together.

    stanley bourdon likes this.
  17. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    Would you say that the CV is docked too? I mean, when you land over the landing pad, do you hear the sound corresponding to a effective dock for your CV?

    What happens if you go to the devices section in the CV control menu ('P' key) and deactivate all thrusters one by one on your CV prior to saving the game? Is the CV being moved up when loading this save game?

    What happens when you land on the ground instead in the landing pad? Are there any difference in your observations?

    I think that the docked ships being misplaced inside the CV is direct consequence of the CV movement. In fact I think that the docked ships are in their proper and correct positions and this that is misplaced is the CV.

    This seems is very difficult to debug / fix.
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    CV's don't make the docking noise when landing on a planetary BA. However, when I dock my smaller CV to the larger one it does confirm the dock and I never have an issue with a CV docked to a CV.

    I always turn off the all the Thrusters, not one by one though.

    I've had the issue occur a number of times while the CV is just resting on terrain - it's part of the reason I started building little landing pads for them, but it didn't help.

    I did suspect they might be linked, hopefully the devs can answer that. Interestingly, it's only ever been the docked HV's and SV's that sink through the CV, the smaller CV also docked never had an issue - though I park that separately too now.

    My smaller CV has nothing docked to it yet, upon loading the game, BOTH CV's take off slowly, fall and roll over. So, that suggests the glitching docked ships don't cause the take off, but the take off causes the docked ship issue.

  19. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    This issue is not fixed for me. My custom scenario still has this problem and it's pervasive (even on SP). Things appear to work correctly initially when you first go in somewhere, but when you leave and come back the problem repeats itself. It happens when I shfit move in GM. Talk to Taelyn for the scenario, occurs on the following playfields:
    Yavin XIII
    Gus Talon
    Gaglesh 20210201155541_1.jpg 20210201155559_1.jpg
  20. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    Yes, I think the same, in fact the bug is affecting to not docked ships only, by "the bug" I mean the ship being instantiated (or moved) in a different position in which it was left.

    Not a developer, nor somebody with ideas about how the game works, but by observation I have some ideas:

    - The docked ships are keeping the position when instantiated.
    - The not docked ships are instantiated "near" the position in which were left, but not in the exact position, it is as if you spawn the ship from the template in an approximate position. Then the ship falls to the ground following the gravity vector, hits the terrain and the relative position of the docked ships do not match anymore (this is why you see docked ships floating or clipping the CV geometry)
    - Crazy theory: Would be that the position of the not docked ships is being affected by planet rotation / translation (or gravity), if such thing is implemented? May be the not docked ships do not follow the planet during the game ticks that takes loading them? If this were the case, the misplacement would be proportional to your CPU performance and the CV geometry complexity.

    Anyway, why ships, that are not docked, are being created / loaded in the wrong position, instead being positioned exactly in the (x, y, z), and with the exact rotations in x, y and z in which were left? or... if the not docked ships are being loaded in a "default" / different position, why the docked ones are being loaded keeping the position and not in a relative position to the parent? It is something that I am seeing in every game session, and I am smashing my head on the wall trying to understand why this is happening.

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