Dual Universe

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by =TCR= Big_Red, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Maybe, maybe not, only time will tell, SE had 60 devs at one stage then they divided that to 30 each for ME, dual universe has 21 programmers, but I agree Eleon for there team size has done amazing stuff, and it would be nice to see Eleon make enough cash to expand to a 10 to 20 mn team, would probably speed production up alot but it all comes down to sales and funding for it to happen.

    I will probably give dual universe a run for a while to check it out but long term subscription for a game in alpha development, bit risky and works out to alot of money over a 5 year period.
  2. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    So is the Empyrion dev team a full time team or just evenings and weekends?
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
  3. Sacksquatch

    Sacksquatch Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    We are opinionated gamers that's for sure!

    I think the subscription based MMO is the lesser of two evils. At least it keeps devs more honest because they know a steady revenue is coming in. With F2P (the worst model ever IMO) it's always a constant temptation to add in items for sale with more and more value, which we know what happens in the long run... PASS. Also F2P has the absolute worst treadmills known to gaming. Why would you buy anything if you could get it through normal gameplay within a reasonable time? They literally rely on people giving up and purchasing ez mode. Some start out pure enough, until they realize they can't keep the servers running by hair colors and sandals alone..

    Of course with either model, an MMO in it's last days of life will be a no holds barred attempt at a cash grab. WoW is an ugly old hag compared to how it started. Spent too many days whoring itself for dollars.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
    Blimy likes this.
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Eleon has full time workers programming.
    =TCR= Big_Red likes this.
  5. Blimy

    Blimy Commander

    Sep 4, 2015
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    I am no fan of MMOs myself. Having spent around 8 years playing an MMO (funded by a good job), I never liked the pressure to play it because I pay for it. Wasted a lot of my time that way without necessarily feeling the pleasure of playing. I much prefer the current model employed by Eleon -> setup your own server and make your own rules for the playfield. This allows people to MP if they wish so and others to SP whenever they feel like it and have the time. There is no pressure in it. If a person feels like the available MP servers have nasty PK'ers ... by all means start your own, make it a co-op server etc. Me being much more for co-op than competition anyway, this is a much preferable model.

    Either way, there is nothing wrong with looking at the competition and learning from them. :)
    Kasero and Frigidman like this.
  6. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Well from what I've read you don't need to a subscription to play . The Dual Universe will come with a two week trial then you have the option to subscribe or grind and gather enough materials with in that two week period to sell for in game currency to buy more gaming time but I believe its going to take a lot resource to even buy more gaming time. so i guess its going to be easier to just pay the subscription fee.
    In opinion with subscription model and plus the devs said in a interview and a in message on a forum I posted that the combat is going to be like Eve. With the lock on targeting type of thing . That has made me less interested in the game but I'm pretty sure it;s going to be a pretty game. The only two things I really like about DU is they're going out of their way to make Builders have all the tools they need to build whatever they would like and from what the devs claim size doesn't matter. LOl You can build as big as you would like and also they will have massive scale battles BUT again it will be almost like Eve which is boring to me. I know Empyrion has a great but very small Dev team so I don't want to ask for so much but I hope one day Empyrion will take a pro builder attitude like Dual Universe seems to be taking. DU has even created it's own forum section just for builders only to go over building tools and will give builders the option to modify shapes and blocks in ways I've never seen in any voxel base game. DU's attitude when it comes to size is build a 12km ship or base if you can , we don't care. I just hope one day when Empyrion gets time they will revisit the building part of the game and give builders more options because in my opinion Empyrion game play will still end up better than DU.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
    REZ likes this.
  7. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    True. Im not a MMO fan myself. I like the Empyroin, Space Engineers and Starmade model. I like to sit back and build and play with my creations. I donot want to feel pushed into a certain part of the game
    Blimy likes this.
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yea I dont know if we can ever see 10klm builds in Empyyrion and that is what draws me to DU.

    It sure would be nice to have that capability in this game, its probably capable , Unity 5, but it would likely take months and months of coding on Eleons behalf to get it working like that.

    In Empyrion I would be happy if they at least opened the creative build grid up to 2000m but the first thing they have to do before they can do that is eliminate the lag glitch issue on large creative builds, so the problem is 2 fold for them.
    Eleon need to get on top of this issue in creative sooner rather than later, its been left to long as it is and with DU releasing soon, it will cost Empyrion solid builders if they dont pay some attention to it soon.
  9. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    That's how I feel as well because Builders are the backbones of these type of games and I know the survival multiplayer part brings in money but the multiplayer groups will always go from game to game while your builders and single players will play a game like this forever. 2000m will be enough for anybody in my opinion too. My question is , Is the large CV lag issues really that hard to fix or is not on their to do list right now ? Space Engineers deals with heavy lag on bigger ships as well but they still allow you to build as big as your system can handle.

    I will say this about Empyrion, the way DU is making all this possible is kind of like cutting corners . The game play will not be as interesting as it would be if a Space Engineers or a Empyrion was able to pull this off. So in reality they're not solving the issues that Space Engineers or Empyrion's have , they are just down grading certain things like ship combat and other things that they believe players won't miss. I believe a majority of players won't care but I know me personally I won't be able to over look the Eve combat style DU will use.
    Blimy and CrazyEd like this.
  10. Kalonji

    Kalonji Lieutenant

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Makes me think about it. Didn't know that they have no true Combat which makes me think different about this game. As you said they sucrifies a good deal of what makes empyrion is about for just sonething Else.

    But man, see your big ass mothership from the planet while it looks Good in its beauty. How is this Even possible? No borders at all , seeing from space down too ground is mindbusting. Build big and all the other players can see your house from Space.

    Also, in elite dangerous yu can See how cool a single big universe server can be. Just interact with your very own creations. To be honest I rather Play empyrion in sp because 20 Player Max in an universe Game? No, dont work for me
  11. Kalonji

    Kalonji Lieutenant

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Thinking: empyrions real Time Battle isn't really fun either. How ridiculous the physics are. From what I heard about eve it seems to be actually a good and smooth exprience cruising in your vessel. In empyrion I always feel the controls are more of a shame. E.g. The movement stutter when you accelerate your ship first after entering. Feels disturbing, dont know if only I have this issue
  12. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I think currently the ships are not at all recalculated for any sort of optimization. So for example if you made a 100 x 100 x 100 block cube, it would have 60,000 faces instead of just 6.

    IMO the trick is having multiple LOD models (both for rendering and behavior) for the same ship. Just because a ship is made out of 100,000 blocks doesn't mean every block needs to be handled separately/individually for all operations. That would be something they'd work on later when they're doing optimization though.
  13. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I agree with seeing a giant mother ship or base above your planet will be pretty epic. After I read some of the DU blogs posts the game will not be that much different than Space Engineers but it seems like they hope large scale battles and larger ships will make players forget about the game missing some of the functionality of a game like SE or Empyrion. I am going to be interested in seeing what Space Engineers and Empyrion add to their game before DU comes out. I know Space Engineers is focused on fixing bugs and adding visual effects and Empyrion gets better every week. I am so hooked on Empyrion that i can't see myself playing another game anyway. Maybe Empyrion might surprise everybody and drop the planet generator I keep reading about on the forums.
  14. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    You can't even "cruise" in your vessel in EVE. There is no direct control whatsoever. All you can do is line up on objects through menus and move towards them. There's no manual input of any kind in terms of movement or aiming.

    Personally, I found EVE to be a wonderful idea but, perhaps, the worst gameplay I have ever experienced.
    CrazyEd and banksman45 like this.
  15. Kalonji

    Kalonji Lieutenant

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Oh man then I raised the bullshit level.
  16. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Honestly the more I keep reading about DU the more I believe after people that are used to playing Space Engineers play it they will run back to SE and i think t he same with Empyrion. The game seems like it's going to be a game for MMO players that never played a voxel base game in their life. The one thing I can say about Space Engineers and Starmade they care about builders and single players. i think Empyrion cares about all their builders and single players but I think they are trying to keep everybody happy at the same time and I hope they succeed.
  17. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Lots of players just arent interested in building. They just want to shoot and blow stuff up. Even if i never play DU I can still enjoy the game for its visual and Sci-Fi theme. Sorta my way of looking wayyyyy to the future that I will never live to see. Everything is sorta interconnected with all these different games. From game engines to deco to tricks and tips. Programers will pickup these indeas and move forward with them. Im hopping many more of these games will come available. Game developers are probably hopping differently. Lol
  18. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I noticed a lot of players just want to survive and shoot stuff too but when I see a game try to marry the two types game play I am always positive about the idea until I see devs try to limit players that traditional play Voxel base games to please the MMO fans. I believe you have to keep the single players and builders happy because awesome multiplayer and survival games are everywhere now of days. There really isn't one game that can corner that market . If you keep your single player and builders happy they will play this one game for years.
    I believe pretty soon games like Empyrion will be the standard because it covers every aspect of a game. I do love DU's visuals the game is really awesome visually. I kind of wished there was a Road map for Empyrion because I am really interested to know what they're planning for the rest of the year. I read on the forums that Empyrion is suppose to add some type of system generated planets? I hope that is the case . I would love to see the Empyrion universe expand.
  19. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Planet Nomads is another game like SE and Empyrion. Which i hold out great hopes for. It to will have all the elements of Empyrion with a few extras like wheels. There version of MP will be alot different and more refined because thats what they did before Planet Nomads. Online gaming has been there backbone.
  20. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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