Dual Universe

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by =TCR= Big_Red, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I have to admit that was impressive. Building looks good in that game. I really hope Elon spends sometime on the building part of the game because there are simple things they can do to make it a lot easier.
    =TCR= Big_Red and Frigidman like this.
  2. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I find the notion of 'varried block size' kind of intriguing on the DU setup. They still have canned blocks of certain sizes, and a 'core' to begin with.

    I also like that idea of "ship faces THIS WAY" with a little block deco item.
    banksman45 and =TCR= Big_Red like this.
  3. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I like how some of these games have devs that will explain in good detail how something works without just throughing it out there and you have to figure it out.
    banksman45 likes this.
  4. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    As much as I love Empyrion . I do like the idea of the Dual Universe devs saying there are no SIZE LIMITS and build as big as you want One of their devs said if you want to build a 2 km ship then go ahead. He acts like it's no big deal.
    I doubt I will play this game because you will be forced to play multi player but I wished that Empyrion could gives us at least a 4 km limit even if they wait til beta.
  5. Novalizer

    Novalizer Lieutenant

    Aug 31, 2016
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    For me the game is totally different to Empyrion, it has some good ideas. But really i already can play Empyrion now and don't have to wait for an alpha in the distant future. And like some pre-writers stated, maybe i don't want to play in a mmorpg, maybe i like to play with 1 - 100 people.

    I think they are very optimistic. The awesome stuff is build by a small amount of people, the most others will start building a battle cube (yeah i saw dozens of them in steamworkshop), there will be a large number of functional designs which follows no design guidelines. This is no critism it is just another thing as they present people would build just beautiful scifi things :D.

    Another thing to care about would be preventing people of creating a "penis"-empire, with a lot of penis-ships and stations. In an MMORP people could not just change the server if the lore, or building style doesn't match their own expectations.

    Anyway there would be no problem for me to test it when its out, which doesn't mean i would leave empyrion back.
    banksman45 likes this.
  6. H.P. Strangelove

    H.P. Strangelove Captain

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I like most everything I've heard about this game - other than the monthly subscription fee.
    Frigidman likes this.
  7. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Yep, the monthly subscription does make this game for me a total "NO WAY".
    Esüecial when we have Empyrion what delivers mainly exact the same content than Dual Universe.
    Only not so super detailed (Yes our Objects need more look and a "use")
    but ignoring this part, Empyrion delivers all what Dual Universe promises us too (When out Galaxy is working)
    So why the hell should I rent a game, when I get all of it here for once buy it and than free.
    banksman45 likes this.
  8. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Hmmm I think nearly noone will build several miles large ships.
    I work at the moment on a 1 Mile ship. And what now? I have no idea with what to fill it "reasonfull".
    It is not only to build a moloch ship, you must to find a usefull way to use this volume.
    Ok to bad you will never see this ship, due it is double the class the developers will add in this game.
  9. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    LOL Yea the Dick Empire is always likely to happen with games like that. The monthly subscription and the combat system they're using are a deal breaker for me but I will have to admit their building system and not having a size limit is impressive to me. I will more than likley watch people stream DU but I can't see myself paying a monthly fee to play it. I have to agree that most of this is concept right now anyway but I do hope one day Empyrion devs takes another look at the building system because there are some improvements that could be made. Even the concept of Dual Universe is still not better than what Empyrion has now because sooner orlater people will get tired of DU and leave. MMO depends more on large numbers of people to play there game than a game like Empyrion .
  10. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I totally agree and plus you do not need a group of people to play Empyrion with you to have fun. Dual Universe pretty much depends on massive amounts of people playing for it to be fun. DU will not have any enemey NPCs and they will not add any Animal NPCs unless they get enough money to fund it. Everything in DU will be player vs player. Empyrion is still the better game overall in my opinion.
  11. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I don't think having a 2 km limit once the devs add bigger planets and more star systems will be too much to ask.
    For DU they're expecting large ships with like a 100 people on some of these ships. So they're trying to do the real life Star trek thing but
    It's still not better than Empyrion in my opinion but it would be nice if Empyrion could let us have at least 1 km in size.

    I will admit some of the ships I'm building now aren't over 250m but they are still huge when I go into first person view.
    I think the Devs should add a Carrier Class and make the Carrier Class 1 km at least if not more. .
  12. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Yes but here we come to the difference.
    DU is designed for Multicrew activity (I would love this) but Empyrion....
    Is a "1 does all" game.
    You controll the whole damn Behemothship by the mighty P Menu.
    The only thing you need friends for is to fuel the fueltanks, and perhaps man the turrets.
    If I could ask for a thing in this game, I would love to get rid of concentrate all into the mighty P Menu. I want real usefull controllpanels like we have them in Interstellar Rift.
    And bye the way, we have yet 1 Mile length.
    You can build 250 Blocks in eatch direction from the core.
    1 Capschipblock is 2 Meters large.
    What means 250 + and - from the Core (500 Blocks) means 1 Mile length.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
  13. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    On DU, its the combat system that kills it for me. Same for WOW and EVE. Just don't like the click and watch combat. The subscription wouldn't bother me too bad if the content was good...... Interstellar Rift is a pretty cool game. Played it on and off for a while now and have high hopes for its future.
    banksman45 likes this.
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    DU will have a completely different universe to Empyrion, we are looking at servers with around 100 players when games closer to finished, DU is looking to have THOUSANDS in one universe, the game is very similar yet very different.

    Both games have there advantages and disadvantages over the other.

    I like DU, it looks fantastic, and being able to build babylon 5 at 8.4klm long with no problems is possible in DU is very attracting for builders.

    Xentor is right about one thing though, the monthly subscription works out to hundreds of dollars every year is to much.
    And thats where they lost me too.
    banksman45 likes this.
  15. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Imagine a server event of hundreds of players all building on that B5 station at the same time... secttors and layers at a time, all in a joint project.
  16. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I totally agree but the P menu doesn't bother me as much because I can still get on another players ship and grab a turret or use some of the constructers . Which that is enough for me but it would be cool if each ship had a energy and shield management console like Star citizen has. So we can mange our energy flow or another player could do it. I mile SHIP???? So are you saying we can build a 1.6 km ship in length just as long as we do not go over 500 blocks ??? If that is the case then I am fine with that . that is good enough for me.
  17. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    True and the EVE MMO style combat system lost it for me as well. Honestly having a 100 people on one server is a enough for me. When you're taking about 1000s of people. That is a little much. I mean it sounds good in theory but in reality I think a lot of people who love to build will not enjoy the game. Honestly these space survival building games are everywhere now and DU doesn't do enough to demand a subscription . Even though there are building limits on Empyrion I really believe Emprion with all the features the y are adding will be the better game. I was building a pretty big ship yesterday in single player and i t was relaxing. The point that I have the option to jump in to multiplayer or single player or creative mode just makes this game better to me. I think Empyrion will end up being like Star Citzien while Du ends up being almost like NMS where it sounds liek a good diea but when people paly it ,
    Now DU will have a two week trial if you want to play the game once it's fully release but by that time I believe Empyrion will be so far ahead of most Space building games that I doubt anyone will care.
    Xentor and RobDog like this.
  18. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    No sorry I got a bit puzzles about the difference between miles and km. You cna build a KM Big ship, not a Mile Big ship. My mistake sorry.
    What the thousends of people on a serve rbelongs.
    I doub this will ever happen in DU.
    Take a look at Interstellar Rift. I play this now since it exists (sometimes), but I never ever saw more than 2 - 3 people (In HIGH TIMES) on a server.
    DU will encounter the same after some time. Sure at launch there will be several players, but due DU is not a Merchendised AAA Titel, that gets press from the Gamemagazines, I doub they will ever reatch the layernumbers that are needed for an alive Universe.
    banksman45 likes this.
  19. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    So you can build a 1 KM ship? because there is a 500m ship on the workshop right now. Its the star gate destiny ship and i was able to load it in survival and play around with it.. To be honest as much as I talk about Size in empyrion when ever I build a ship that is over 100m long it looks huge. So if 1 km is possible then I can live with that.
    I was looking at my 128m capital ship I built and it takes a long time for me to walk from one end to another end. It looks like a extremely tall flying building in first person view. lol
  20. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Like said, you can place 250 Blocks from eatch irection away from the core.
    So theoretical you can make a Cube with 1 km sidelength
    One Capitalshipblock is 2 Meters big, what means 500 blocks = 1 Km.
    I work at the moment at a 1 km Long ship. there are yet sure several 1 km big ships (for example there is an enterprise Rebuild that is aorund 1 km big, or I`m sure these Stardestroyers from Star Wars are sure too. Or this SG Atlantis rebuild (the Town) is sure too max gamescale.

    The problem with sutch giantbuilds is (especial when you work alone on them) to fill them with reasonfull rooms. It is a giant volume and we have sadly less real functional stuff to build in. Deco is nice but only..... . Oh and we have none for this scale fitting weaponsystems. Even the "big" Artilleryturrets look on these monsters like the small Minigun turrets.

    Additional it is a bit sad that those ships will never make their way inside the game, because the Devs fear they ruin the performance for the Lowendsystems to mutch. I think it would be epic to fight sutch monsterships with a bunch of friends. And perhaps take them over...... But hey that`s me... *shrucks*.

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